Cosmic Book News

Comic Book News Marvel

Timelord Reviews Point One #1: Nova: “Harbinger”

This take on Nova made my teeth hurt from all the grinding I did of them.

Where do I start?
Characterization:  Hated it.  After Annihilation, we had a Nova who had finally broken away from the teenage Peter Parker-ish personality, acquired an Alpha-Plus power set, and through his wartime experiences had evolved into a respected leader of men.  Now, Loeb and Brevoort hand us something more akin to the silly side-kicky teen Nova most recently seen in the alternate universe Marvel Adventures Superheroes “all ages” book.  This new and not very powerful Nova easily gets his ass handed to him by Terrax while shouting “Nooo!” like a little girl.  He then flies away from the battle crying — that’s right, I said crying — he’s drawn with tears flowing from his eyes as he whines about what an “Epic Fail” he was in his mission.  Seriously Mr. Loeb?  Seriously Mr. Brevoort?  This is your understanding of Nova and of Cosmic? Epic fail indeed on the part of both of you.  This weak characterization will not attract new fans, will alienate old fans, and will only reinforce the disrespect of the character by those who never bothered to learn about the true renaissance of the character in Annihilation.  Maybe Nova’s tears were triggered by the disrespect of this characterization. If Marv Wolfman bothered to read “Harbinger” — I’m sure he was as saddened as all the rest of us long term fans by this concept rape.
New Uniform:  Hated it.  This uniform looks like a bad combination of Mega-Man, Tron, and Power Rangers.  It’s sure to turn off every non-fan of manga-influenced art.  To add to the disrespect — the ranking system of the uniform is incorrect.  This Nova wears a Denarian star on his helmet and Centurion stars on his chest.  What’s his rank? I don’t know.
Storyline:  Hated it.  The writers of the Superhero Squad cartoon appear to understand Nova and Cosmic well enough to identify all the old cliches and skewer them.  Sadly, “Harbinger” trots out all the old cliches with a straight face.  Weak teenage Nova faces a vastly superior foe, makes bad or impulsive decisions, gets beaten up, fails his mission and has self-esteem problems, etc.  Let me guess what’s next.  The Phoenix Force destroys Xandar leaving the entire Nova Corps and all of Xandar dead except for this new Nova who then journeys to 616 Earth to warn the Avengers the Phoenix is coming and ask for their help.  He takes up residence on Earth and becomes a teen sidekick for The Avengers.  The “Lone Ranger”  teen Nova rides again! (Playing second fiddle to Cap, Thor, and Iron Man of course).
When I first saw the solicits for “Harbinger” I was afraid we were in for a Kyle Rayner treatment of Nova.  Now I’m desparately hoping this is a Kyle Rayner treatment.  I really hope this is an alternate universe version of Nova (who is not named Rich Rider) and not some brutal retcon of 616 continuity ignoring everything that happened between Annihilation and Thanos Imperative.  Why? Because we can then forget about this version and work to bring our 616 Rich back from being marooned in the Cancerverse.
There was never any reason for a new Nova to be created.  Rich could’ve easily been brought back from the Cancerverse to play a big role in this Phoenix storyline.  This reboot of Nova stems from a mistaken belief by editorial that a teen rookie Lone Ranger Nova will attract more fans than a powerful more mature young adult military commander Nova.
I’m glad Marvel Editorial finally wants to make Nova a star by promoting him and involving him in the major upcoming storylines.  I just wish they’d shown that kind of love to Nova right after Annihilation.  If they had, maybe Volume IV would still be being published.
Comic Book News Marvel

Review: The New Avengers #18

Bendis is up to his old tricks again, dipping into the well of past ideas and spinning them in a new way. But this time, it was done precisely, with a keen eye for detail and made perfect sense! I am overjoyed at the return of The Dark Avengers, and felt pure excitement by the

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Uncanny X-Force #17

The Dark Angel Saga continues here, and our heroes finally get some help from some A.O.A. friends of their own!  Hands down, Rick Remender out does himself each and every issue! His mind churns out some of the most insane, and yet the most enjoyable, books on the shelves today. If you want to know

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: Suicide Squad #3

I have read every incarnation of Suicide Squad and Adam Glass' take is hands down — the best version ever! Some may say that this is just an action junkie book, filled with third tier characters that no one even cares about. But it is so much more than that! It is an intriguing espionage book,

Comic Book News

Review: Invincible #84

As Invincible closes in on the final stretch to issue #100 it looks like many interesting changes for the character are in store.  Issue #84 finds Mark soul searching in earnest about all the decisions he has made and how these decisions have ultimately affected humankind for better or worse.  He makes a touch decision

Comic Book News

Review: Batman: Detective Comics #3

The Dollmaker has torn the streets of Gotham asunder — literally! Jim Gordon has been taken captive, Batman has been poisoned, and the little girl that everyone has been looking for –just might be linked to numerous deaths. This will take all of Bruce Wayne's detective skills just to live through the night!  Tony Daniel

Comic Book News Marvel

Advanced Review: Uncanny X-Men #1

As one man surrounds himself with friends and students, the other brings criminals and tyrants into his inner sanctum. This is no longer a game, too many have died in the years of gene wars to warrant anything less than utter deviance. One man will save them all, but to what ends must he go

Comic Book News Marvel

Advanced Review: Wolverine and the X-Men #1

Long ago, a man made a decision to teach those who were more than mere children how to harness their inner strength. His dream for a peaceful coexistence between human and mutant gathered thousands to stand beside one another in a singular voice of harmony. But all dreams must end when we awake to the

Comic Book News

Wolverine and the X-Men #1: School Starts Tomorrow! Don’t Forget Your Class List!

That’s right kiddies, tomorrow begins the first day of classes at the newly renovated — The Jean Grey School For Higher Learning! But are you prepared for class?

What’s that? You have no idea who your teachers are and you didn’t think you’d need books? Well, thankfully Quinten Quire thinks he’s “too cool for school” and left his syllabus behind in tomorrow’s issue of Wolverine and the X-Men #1.

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Fear Itself #7 (of 7)

The stage has been set, the players are in position and the end is nigh. The Serpent's "Worthy" are about to meet Odin's "Mighty," and the world will never be the same!  Fraction and the entire Marvel staff have created a high water mark for "event books" with Fear Itself. From an overall great story,

TV News

NYCC 2011: The Walking Dead: Robert Kirkman Won’t Kill Carl

By now we have all seen the season two premiere of The Walking Dead, and for those who didn’t — SHAME ON YOU! For all of those who haven’t seen it, I won’t spoil any of it, but for those of you who have — I have on the highest authority a little inside information.

Mr. Robert Kirkman gave me a promise on the inside of my copy of The Walking Dead: Rise of The Governor. And here it is:

Comic Book News

NYCC 2011: In Kirkman We Trust!

Robert Kirkman not only showed CBN’s EIC Matt McGloin and the “DOC” some fun zombie lovin’ but he was a real man of the people. Arriving late due to some car trouble, Kirkman not only told the fans that the seven o’clock cut off would no longer be in effect for tonight, but he also signed everything fans brought. And I mean everything! Fans had stacks and stacks of books that Kirkman joyously signed with his patented silly grin. And he stayed after the lights began to dim on the convention in order to make every fans dream come true.

Comic Book News Reviews

Review: Deathstroke #2

It looks like Slade is continuing his all out war on his perceived diminished capacity as an all purpose, always getting the job done, merc with an attitude by DCU’s seedy underbelly, always looking to hire the best at top dollar.  This issue opens up with a little carry over from issue #1, namely, the

Comic Book News

Review: Suicide Squad #2

Glass and Dallocchio unleash their second installment of Suicide Squad on the masses, blasting your senses across the page like a hollow point to the head! Amanda Waller drops her band of misfits into their first mission, retrieve the "package" and kill eighty thousand people in the process! As you can probably guess, nothing is

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: X-Men: Regenesis #1 (One-Shot)

Two friends and teammates, men who have been through everything together over countless years, have decided to go their separate ways. And in doing so, they have not only dissolved their friendship, but they have also torn the entire mutant race asunder. Who will stay a fighter and who will become a student? This book

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: X-Men: Schism #5

Jason Aaron's opus to divide the X-Men has come to an end. The line in the sand has been drawn, and when all the dust has settled, we will have ourselves yet another X book to purchase on the racks of the local comic shop. But has all the hype regarding this seemingly grand tale

Comic Book News

Review: Detective Comics #2 (Daniel)

Someone has broken the nefarious Joker out of Arkham, but not all of him has left the building. Joker's face has been pinned to the wall of his cell, and not even the Batman knows why – or even if the Joker is still alive. By the time James Gordon, Harvey Bullock and Batman can

Comic Book News Reviews

Review: The Fury Of Firestorm: Nuclear Men #1

Firestorm was always an odd sort of hero for me because as powerful as his abilities were, what made the character interesting was the fact he was a physical manifestation of dichotomy.  The first Firestorm was a fusion of the young Ronnie Raymond and the old Dr. Martin Stein.  Youthful creativity combined with experienced wisdom

Comic Book News

Review: Justice League Dark #1 (Milligan & Janin)

After writing my article, Drawing the Line At Constantine, on why John Constantine would not work in a team book, I couldn't wait to trash the new Justice League Dark book. But now I stand in front of the world, proclaiming that Peter Milligan is a genius – and I apologize for ever doubting his

Comic Book News

Review: Batman: The Dark Knight #1 (Jenkins & Finch)

Well, the third and final Bat book has hit the stands, but the punch has been pulled back a little. The art is outstanding, the story good, but there is really nothing that grabs you and makes you say "wow" when you close the book.  Last week we saw a breakout at Arkham in the

Comic Book News

Review: The Savage Hawkman #1 (Daniel & Tan)

Carter Hal may still technically be Hawkman, but this is far from the Hawkman that I remember! Besides the Nth metal and ties to archeology, nothing is the same, and normally I would be ecstatic about all the possibilities. But this book really did nothing for me. Not that it was a bad read or

Comic Book News

Review: Teen Titans #1 (Lobdell & Booth)

I have never read Teen Titans before, I just want to put that out there. So, going into this I had no preconceptions regarding the book. Yes, I knew all the characters that had been on all the different variations of the team, but I didn't really KNOW them. But I have to say, Lobdell

Comic Book News Reviews

Review: Blackhawks #1 (Costa & Lashley)

The New 52 delivers another team book in Blackhawks #1, DC’s answer to S.H.I.E.L.D.; well kind of.  What’s most interesting about this covert operation is the fact that it was commissioned by the United Nations, an organization notorious for not having a practical means of enforcing mandates and treaties because it has no threatening military

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