Cosmic Book News

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Mystery Men #3 (Marvel Comics)

David Liss’ third installment, of the superb Mystery Men, continues to astound readers with a cacophony of action and intrigue! Our troupe of normal players, the Operative, the Revenant and the newly dubbed Aviatrix, have been dropped into the backdrop in order to make way for two new Mystery Men to take center stage. But

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Ghost Rider #1 (2011)

Johnny Blaze has finally shed his burden as the Spirit of Vengeance, but that doesn’t mean the Marvel U. is free from it, as well. The mantle has been picked up by another, someone we have never seen and she, yes she, is ready to set her own trail ablaze! When it was first announced

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: X-Men: Schism #1

The X event of 2011 has arrived and nothing will prepare you for the division that will rock the mutant world! Jason Aaron and team forge a slow burn intro into this summers next blockbuster event, one that will eventually divide foe, friend and family into two separate factions. But this is not a thunderous

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Fear Itself #4 (of 7)

*Warning: Spoilers*   The first hero has fallen; Bucky Barnes gave his all to strike a blow at the heart of fear, only to be struck down himself. Now they must rise together, Marvel’s holy trinity – Iron Man, Thor and Steve Rogers. They have not stood united like this before, never with so many

Comic Book News

Review: Flashpoint #3 (of 5)

*Warning: Spoilers*   The hair on your arms stand up as the crackle of ion fills the air. There is a storm emerging from the heavens, one that can change the fate of a world with a single bolt of lightning. But the man that awaits this miraculous gift lays broken and dying, his body

Movie News

Just What The “DOC” Ordered: Drawing The Line At Constantine!

Just What The Doc Ordered

DC Relaunch: Drawing The Line At Constantine

(Editor’s Note: Our latest column to hit Cosmic Book News comes from Chris “DOC” Bushley who will be taking a look at the less “cosmic” characters in comic books with his “Just What The Doc Ordered”  OPED column!)

By Chris “DOC” Bushley


(That’s right, no matter what they called Keanu Reeves horrible movie, it’s pronounced “kon-stuhn-tahyn!” Not teen!)


The DOC draws the line with Constantine!

So, how many of you out there knew who that cigarette smoking, blonde haired fellow was at the end of Brightest Day? Not many I am assuming, considering the CBN offices were at a fifty-fifty split! Everyone was either so caught up with the fact Swamp Thing was the White Lantern (is he still?–who knows!) or the horrible conclusion of a mediocre storyline to even notice that Vertigo’s longest running book was sending over their star – John Constantine! But who can blame fans for not immediately recognizing Mr. Hellblazer himself, it’s not as if everyone is a huge Alan Moore Swamp Thing fan nor was there any real hype about what was going on. It was supposed to be shocking, and it was to Hellblazer fans like myself, but it was shocking for all the wrong reasons! It was shocking because John Constantine doesn’t belong in the normal DCU and especially not on some magic super team, Justice League Dark – really?! The only “team” John Constantine was ever on was in 1999, as a member of the “Trenchcoat Brigade,” which consisted of Phantom Stranger, Mister E and Dr. Occult. It was a Vertigo mini series that made sense for the characters to all be thrown together, and at the end – they all went their separate ways! No secret team handshake, snazzy logos or magical headquarters to hang out in. Just four guys, that never trusted each other, thrust together for a single goal.

But a better reason as to why good ol’ Johnny doesn’t belong in the world of super teams, is at the core of the character, he is a genuine bastard! At the end of the day, when the doors of Hell have been shut and the dust has settled, only one thing matters to Mr. Constantine – his own survival. Though he has had plenty of friends and family over the years that have cared for him, and he in return, no one is as important to John Constantine as himself. Not that I’m saying he purposely goes out of his way to undermine those that have asked for his help, it just always seems to go that way. And each time it does, it further enriches the character, perfecting the art of self loathing to a honed edge while doing everything he can to live one more day. If he fails at saving his friends and family, what chance do a bunch of magic welding freaks stand against his skills of self preservation?

But the change that will hurt Constantine the most is the neutering of the character and his tales to fit into the DC proper. No other book at DC delves into such an array of poignant yet controversial issues the way Hellblazer does! From the very beginning, it has been a book not only revolving around such a thought provoking character, but one that pushed the limits on current political, social and economic issues. It has tackled everything from the affects of nuclear and chemical warfare, civil unrest in South Africa, the hell and splendor of America’s prison system, racism in the U.K., the hatred between both young and old, poor and wealthy, abortion, murder, gang violence, alcoholism, rape, bestiality, black magic and the bastardization of the Royal family! And let’s not forget challenging every nuance of the Catholic religion so much, that it makes Dan Brown look like the thirteenth apostle! From the Devil himself being the main villain to a conversation with a homeless man that turns out to be a de-winged Michael, Hellblazer has always challenged itself to be unique and controversial. And a lot of that controversy occurred during Garth Ennis’ amazing run, where we find out exactly how The Virgin Mary conceived a child; it wasn’t quite as immaculate as I remember from Catholic school! 

It’s not just the smoking, drinking, sex, and vulgarity that makes up John Constantine; it is the aspect of making the reader actually think about issues in the real world – things that matter and view points that may have never been perceived before. This above all else is what will have to be lost in order to conform to the regulations of a “proper” DC book. So let’s call Justice League Dark Johnny, the now defunct moniker of Johnny DC and the original Vertigo badass by his proper name – Constantine! I have drawn a line as well, and I choose to stay on the side where the shadows hide secrets we don’t want to know. A place where wives make deals with succubi to take care of cheating husbands, where technology sometimes eats your soul and where an Englishman just might be able to save you if you don’t get in his way! 

Choose Vertigo, I know Alan Moore’s head is spinning over this announcement – so yours should, too!

Comic Book News

Review: Avengers: The Children’s Crusade #6 (of 9)

It has taken, quite literally, FOREVER for this issue to come out! A normal book would not be able to survive the fickle market and a readership that demands constant monthly gratification. But this is no normal book, and the talent that drives it – the best of the best! Plus, this issue will be

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Marvel Comics: Mystery Men #2 (of 5)

David Liss’ enthralling tale of masked vigilantes in the economically depressed 1930’s continues, giving readers slight revelations amidst even deeper depths of intrigue. Thoroughly engrossing, one finds themselves speculating as to what is truly going on, while Liss changes the game before your very eyes. New players emerge from the shadows, some to lend a

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: The Mighty Thor #3

The die has been cast, the Mighty Volstagg has waged war on the residents of Broxton, and nothing will ever be the same! They should have just let him show them how to make deer omelets and blood sausage! But as he tries to recruit his fellow Asgardians into his childish folly, the true battle

Comic Book News

Review: Invincible #80

Invincible has reached the 80 issue mark and it’s still going strong as it closes in on #100.  Kirkman has promised some major changes and surprises in the new arcs leading up to #100, and I have a feeling that some of the seeds are being planted in the current issue. This issue marks the

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: X-Men: Prelude To Schism #3

Already, he has listened to the seasoned words of both Professor Charles Xavier and Magneto. Already, he has felt the prying eyes on his back and the hushed murmurs of doubt from those he leads. Now, it is his turn to reflect inward, to find the resolve to either forge ahead against the unknown, or

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Avengers #14

(Note: I know I’m not your regularly scheduled “Avengers” reviewer but Managing Editor Byron Brewer, is getting his own version of The Odin Sleep right now. When the Fates see fit, he will emerge once more to reclaim his rightful domain. Until then, hang in there big guy, we’re all rooting for you!)   Let

Comic Book News Marvel

Marvel Comics Review: Mystery Men #1 (of 5)

When Marvel announced the formation of their “Architects” to steer the company into the future, I was impressed with the virtual cornucopia of talent from all aspects of the Marvel U. These were the best of the best, creators at the pinnacle of their careers, but I always thought there was room for more, maybe

Comic Book News

Review: Flashpoint: Citizen Cold #1

The crowd sends up a resounding cheer of, “Cold Snap, Cold Snap!” as Central City’s preeminent hero slides his way onto the scene. It seems Mr. Freeze has tread too far from Gotham this time, and will be taken down, once and for all, by one of the nation’s most beloved heroes – Citizen Cold!

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Moon Knight #2 (Bendis & Maleev)

Wow! That pretty much sums up the second installment of Bendis’ and Maleev’s re-launch of Moon Knight. Just plain-WOW! Marc Spector is back in action on the mean streets of Los Angeles. Someone has been smuggling in Ultron parts and he needs to get to the bottom the situation before it gets any worse. It’s

Comic Book News

Review: Flashpoint #2 (of 5)

Thomas Wayne tells Barry Allen,” They say lightning never strikes the same place twice.” For once I would have to say the mighty Batman is wrong! Lightning most definitely has struck again, but it’s within the pages of Geoff Johns Flashpoint that you will see this phenomenon! Though there is A LOT going on in

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Uncanny X-Force #11

Thirteen years after he was brought to the Marvel 616, Dark Beast finally returns to The Age Of Apocalypse — and he is not alone! Wolverine, Psylocke, Deadpool and Fantomex, reluctantly follow the vile Beast into the heart of darkness. There, they search for the one thing that will stop Angel from ascending as the heir

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Fear Itself #3

In war, there is always the first to fall. Whether king or peasant, righteous or rogue — there must always be a first. And on this day the Worthy have claimed first blood as their own.  Issue three of the Marvel Universe changing Fear Itself, hits the stands with a devastating blow. Though not as

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Uncanny X-Men #537

In the dead of night, dreams dance through slumbering heads while vengeance teems at the fingertips of a silent stalker. Room by room, a shadow descends across the visages of our weary heroes, turning dreams to nightmares with a twist of the wrist. Kruun, the former leader of Breakworld, has set his trap perfectly; those

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: The Mighty Thor #2 (Fraction and Coipel)

The skies over Broxton, Oklahoma are filled with a rumbling in the distance, one that will result in a deafening crescendo. As windows shatter and residents hug the floors in fear, an ominous voice echoes through their ears. Three words bring dread to all who hear –“Galactus is coming”– is a death knell to all!

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