Cosmic Book News

Comic Book News Marvel

Marvel Comics Review: Mystery Men #1 (of 5)

When Marvel announced the formation of their “Architects” to steer the company into the future, I was impressed with the virtual cornucopia of talent from all aspects of the Marvel U. These were the best of the best, creators at the pinnacle of their careers, but I always thought there was room for more, maybe […]

Comic Book News

Review: Flashpoint: Citizen Cold #1

The crowd sends up a resounding cheer of, “Cold Snap, Cold Snap!” as Central City’s preeminent hero slides his way onto the scene. It seems Mr. Freeze has tread too far from Gotham this time, and will be taken down, once and for all, by one of the nation’s most beloved heroes – Citizen Cold!

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Moon Knight #2 (Bendis & Maleev)

Wow! That pretty much sums up the second installment of Bendis’ and Maleev’s re-launch of Moon Knight. Just plain-WOW! Marc Spector is back in action on the mean streets of Los Angeles. Someone has been smuggling in Ultron parts and he needs to get to the bottom the situation before it gets any worse. It’s

Comic Book News

Review: Flashpoint #2 (of 5)

Thomas Wayne tells Barry Allen,” They say lightning never strikes the same place twice.” For once I would have to say the mighty Batman is wrong! Lightning most definitely has struck again, but it’s within the pages of Geoff Johns Flashpoint that you will see this phenomenon! Though there is A LOT going on in

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Uncanny X-Force #11

Thirteen years after he was brought to the Marvel 616, Dark Beast finally returns to The Age Of Apocalypse — and he is not alone! Wolverine, Psylocke, Deadpool and Fantomex, reluctantly follow the vile Beast into the heart of darkness. There, they search for the one thing that will stop Angel from ascending as the heir

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Fear Itself #3

In war, there is always the first to fall. Whether king or peasant, righteous or rogue — there must always be a first. And on this day the Worthy have claimed first blood as their own.  Issue three of the Marvel Universe changing Fear Itself, hits the stands with a devastating blow. Though not as

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Uncanny X-Men #537

In the dead of night, dreams dance through slumbering heads while vengeance teems at the fingertips of a silent stalker. Room by room, a shadow descends across the visages of our weary heroes, turning dreams to nightmares with a twist of the wrist. Kruun, the former leader of Breakworld, has set his trap perfectly; those

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: The Mighty Thor #2 (Fraction and Coipel)

The skies over Broxton, Oklahoma are filled with a rumbling in the distance, one that will result in a deafening crescendo. As windows shatter and residents hug the floors in fear, an ominous voice echoes through their ears. Three words bring dread to all who hear –“Galactus is coming”– is a death knell to all!

Comic Book News

Review: Green Lantern Corps #60

Bedard and Kirkham hold nothing back, this is THE quintessential Lantern book! You have read the first seven issues of War Of The Green Lanterns — now read the best!  A duo of Earth Lanterns, Kyle Rayner and John Stewart, are steadfast on their mission to break Mogo free from the clutches of the fearsome

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: X-Men: Prelude To Schism #2

Issue one gave us a tale of Xavier reminiscing about how much Scott Summers has grown over the years. From naive Boy Scout to stoic leader of the entire mutant race, Cyclops stands as the quintessential savior of the X-Men. So what looms in the distance that has him so indecisive? What has his “family”

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Uncanny X-Force #10

*Warning: Spoilers*   I’m not going to pull any punches — this was a set-up issue, plain and simple! And it was damn good! Remender brings us along for the ascension of Archangel, not as just the raging side of Warren Worthington III’s persona — but as the heir of Apocalypse! That’s right, with Apocalypse’s blood

Comic Book News

Review: New Mutants #25

In the past two weeks DnA have not only revitalized their Heroes For Hire run, they have begun a whole new era of comic goodness on New Mutants! Who says lightening doesn’t strike twice?! An all new direction is just what this book needed and there is no better team to spin a book for

Comic Book News

Review: Flashpoint #1 (of 5)

*Warning: Spoilers*   Barry Allen is startled awake from a slumber that will be the last thing that seems normal. The world he opens his weary eyes upon, is similar but distinctly not his own. In this world, everything he had previously lost has been returned — but in true fairness, he is now without

Comic Book News

Review: Heroes For Hire #6

"This week on Redemption Island we have two winners — Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning!"  Finally, after the last few issues of sub-par writing and even worse visuals, Heroes For Hire fans can rejoice that the dynamic duo are back in full swing again! Not since issue three has this book felt as fun and

Comic Book News

Review: X-Men: Prelude To Schism #1

Stoic stands the leader of the mutant race. Unwavering, as a yet unrevealed threat creeps ever forward. There will be a reckoning that will divide this newly re-formed family and Paul Jenkins brings us front and center for the "Schism." This is the best Cyclops-centric story I have ever read; he has finally become the

Comic Book News

Review: Uncanny X-Force #9

Issue nine of Remender's outstanding run, takes a break from the high octane, banter filled stories to give most of the team a well deserved breather – as I said – most of the team! With great trepidation, the team stays behind as Wolverine takes the spotlight and does a favor for none other than

Comic Book News

Review: Moon Knight #1 (Bendis & Maleev)

The band of Bendis and Maleev is once again together to bring us a character that has had more re-launches than schizophrenic identities over the years. And I have to tell you, all my trepidation regarding this character was put to ease by this talented duo. The first of Marvel's "Big Shots" sets the bar

Comic Book News

Review: Fear Itself #2 (of 7)

The Serpent has chosen those he has deemed "Worthy" — and the world will pay the price for knowing fear! Book two of Fear Itself, though not as stunning as issue one, does exactly what a second chapter should — set up an insurmountable challenge laced with a cacophony of chaos! Devastation reigns supreme as

Comic Book News

Review: Echoes #5 (of 5)

Brian Cohn has been arrested for the murder of a child, a murder he didn’t commit. His life has always been a struggle, fraught with mental abuse and later — full blown schizophrenia. So it is difficult for him to fathom just how he got into this mess, let alone why the detective assigned to the case just slid him a razor blade from across the police precinct interrogation table. Maybe it has something to do with the fact Detective Robert Neville enjoys making stitch work dolls out of little girls bodies.

Chapter five of Echoes is as disturbing and prolific as the first four issues were. It entices you to follow along as a man is slowly dragged into a situation he has literally no control over, and we as readers, get to sit back and enjoy every grotesque moment.  Joshua Hale Fiakov has created a world that makes you question preconceptions of the genre. “Of course the schizo did it, he was off his meds man!” But within the pages of Echoes, the flaws of a disturbed man do not make him the typical deranged killer, on the contrary, he becomes the perfect scapegoat for someone far more cunning than he would ever be. The notion that those with mental instabilities are to be feared while people of authority are to be revered as heroes in the eyes of a community are thrown away — leaving a feeling of paranoia that subtly settles into your psyche. Those that are to protect us from villainy just have better skills on how to get away with the very things they are trained to stop. It is a notion that has been done many times before, but in such an intimate medium as comics — it becomes far more disheartening and realistic.

I have said it before during my review for issue three, but Rahsan Ekedal is an artistic genius that sets up a page layout like no other! The splash page that encompass pages two and three, tells the entire sadistic story of Det. Neville without a single word. Each individual box shows an aspect seen somewhere within the past four issues but reveals just how malicious and diabolical Det. Neville has been “behind the scenes” of this twisted tale. It is a rare artistic concept concocted by an artist that is grossly under appreciated. 

Marvel keeps telling us at the CBN offices to vote with our dollars — well I have! My four bucks goes to a book that is not written by a conglomerate at a weekend retreat. It goes to a book that has minimal press, a smaller print line and a far better product than anything I have seen in awhile from the big two! So I am taking this time to implore you to pick up this book! If you can’t find the first couple of issues, it’s okay, the trade will be out soon and I beg you to pick one up. Fialkov has said he has ideas for an Echoes Vol. 2, but it is up to us to help that come to fruition. So, second guess that sixteenth Wolverine book and pick up something that will shock your perceptions of what a comic should be.

This is not just Horror at it’s best — it’s comics at it’s best!

Comic Book News

Review: Green Lantern Emerald Warriors #9

Tomasi continues the breakneck pace that the War of The Green Lanterns is known for — but he also brings some thunderous surprises of his own, pushing Part Six as the forerunner for best issue yet! The four earth Lanterns, now a collection of uncontrollable colors, must overcome their ever growing distaste for one another

Comic Book News

Review: Invincible #79

This issue is heavy on drama and character development – but light on action.  In short, long-term Invincible fans will appreciate it – but any new reader will be confused and disappointed.  This is not the issue to begin reading Invincible if you've not been reading it up to now. I must say that I'm not

Movie News Reviews

Movie Review: Source Code (2011)

Beyond Binary, But All Too Familiar A Film Review of Source Code By: Lawrence Napoli   Films that attempt to explore theories concerning physical reality as human beings perceive it must be well written and equally well thought out to make such grandiose thoughts translate to a person of average intelligence and attention span.  These

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