Cosmic Book News

Comic Book News

Will The Walking Dead #107 See The Death Of Carl?


Update: For the recent Carl TV scene, head on over here.


(Editor’s Note: For more: The Doc also presents 10 facts why Lori is not dead on “The Walking Dead” TV show!)

The Rise And Fall(?) Of Carl Grimes

By:Chris “DOC” Bushley


Although AMC’s The Walking Dead has just recently evolved the character of Carl Grimes past the sniveling, under foot brat that is consistently never “in the house,” the comic book character of the same name has been a fan favorite since the beginning. A touch of exuberant youth that kept the group reminded of just how precious their lives truly were, Carl was also the reader’s segue into the ever devolving vestiges of innocence in that world. This is a snapshot of Carl’s life, from “birth” to badass and even his possible death!

(Warning: Spoilers Ahoy!)


[[wysiwyg_imageupload:4166:]]From the moment of his introduction, Carl Grimes has been one of my favorite comic characters. The unbridled innocence that exudes from the character in the earlier books kept you believing that no matter how horrible things are in Robert Kirkman’s world of zombies and human depravity, there would always be a spark of something good. The first meeting of Carl and his father Rick, after believing he was dead, is still one of my favorite moments from The Walking Dead comic book series. It is symbolically touching and the first step in Carl’s long walk into darkness. 

In The Walking Dead #5 five Carl receives his first gun, it is also revealed that he is SEVEN years old! Imagine yourself at seven years old with an actual gun, yeah I don’t think I would be here either — at least with all working parts! But, it is that father son bonding moment that will solidify Carl’s turn from innocent child of the group into one of the most fearless killers in their ranks. For we all know what happens to those bullies that pick on Carl’s daddy! Sorry, Shane!

[[wysiwyg_imageupload:4171:]]From that moment, the sweet and naive Carl begins his transformation into a key character of the group. He sees himself as an equal to the adults, a “protector” and provider, someone that can steel himself against the horrors of their world and press on no matter what may occur. His fear and, most importantly, his need to be protected by others is alleviated in his eyes. He can do what his father can do, and eventually, even things Rick cannot!

But, to take a man’s life is no easy feat, Carl breaks down in front of Rick and tells him that it wasn’t like killing the dead ones, it wasn’t easy. Rick responds, “It should never be easy.” 

[[wysiwyg_imageupload:4173:]]Then, in issue nine, Carl has his first touch with his own mortality. While being overrun with a mass of Roamers (called Walkers on the show!), Carl is unexpectedly shot from behind by Otis! Rick and Tyrese run to him while Otis emerges looking bewildered at what has just transpired. When Carl eventually awakens from his wounds he is a far different character than the smiling boy we met in issue one. He has felt what it means to be on the brink of death and he will never let it happen to anyone he loves ever again. He has become hardened to the world, his moral compass has begun to swing out of control and after The Walking Dead 48, which sees the death of his mother Lori and newborn sister Judith, Carl is a shell of the boy he once was!

Cut off from the rest of the group, Carl must now take care of his physically and emotionally damaged father, and we begin to see the disdain that he now harbors for Rick. He feels that Rick has become weak, letting their family die at the hands of outsiders. The boy who once killed his father’s best friend is now pondering if he needs to “deal’ with his own father. As others join the group, Carl descends into the background again until The Walking Dead issue #57. While on the road, Abraham, Rick and Carl are attacked by bandits. Abraham is held at gun point and Rick is beaten and restrained. Rick tries to fight back and is told that for is defiance, Carl will be raped in front of him! As a bandit pins down Carl, Rick snaps and tears out his captor’s throat with his teeth. Shocked at what has happened, the bandit holding Abraham at bay freezes long enough for Abraham to shoot him while Rick continually stabs the third. These horrific events change the dynamic of Rick and Carl’s relationship again. Father and son begin to talk about all that has transpired between them, and Carl tells Rick that if he knew the thoughts he had in his head, Rick wouldn’t love him anymore. They hug, the innocence may be lost, but their love for each other will always be strong.

Issue #61 is where we see how emotionally devoid Carl truly is and just how far he is willing to go to protect the group. In The Walking Dead #60, Ben, a boy around eight years old, kills his twin brother Billy. Ben is so mentally disturbed by the world they live in that he thinks it is all okay since his brother will just “return” to life anyway. As the group locks Ben in a van and ponders what to do with the youthful serial killer to be, Carl has his own ideas. In issue #61, Carl pretends to be sleeping while Rick lays down next to him. Carl then sneaks out to the van and carefully opens the door. He is greeted by Ben who says, “Aren’t you afraid of me?” Carl responds “No” and shoots Ben in the head! 

[[wysiwyg_imageupload:4195:]]But the wheels of fate are always turning, as we see Carl and his “family” grow bigger and move on, we also see the threats heighten as well. Just as issue #83 shows us, when you think all is well — fate comes knocking! The Walking Dead #83 is one of the few comics that I actually had to stop and catch my breath after reading, it is so jarring that it couldn’t be helped! Although many characters die in this issue, it is Carl being accidentally shot in the head that, literally, took my breath away! No – almost – character death has ever moved me like that single moment. That young boy turned badass, Carl, becomes so frail in that moment — that it is actually hard to read. It is one of Robert Kirkman’s best skills to make readers care so much for these characters and at that moment, he truly moved us all!

As Carl recovered over the next twenty issues, the group dynamic swelled and changed. Another era of peace and prosperity began to develop, and with it a sense of safety. But we all know how Kirkman love to lure us into a sense of comfort before dropping a hammer into our skulls. This time the hammer is named Neegan, and the storyline was called “Something To Fear.”

The Walking Dead #100, one of the most brutal books I have ever read, introduces Neegan to Rick, Carl, Glenn, Maggie, Sofia, Michonne and Heath. As this new tyrant plays “eenie, meenie, miinie mo” with the group, Neegan takes a look at Carl and the boy’s world will never be the same again! As Neegan chooses Glenn and repeatedly bashes in his skull with his baseball bat “Lucille,” everyone looks on in horror. After Neegan and his men declare their deal with Rick’s group, they depart, leaving Rick crying over his fallen friend, while Carl steadies himself for what must come next!

[[wysiwyg_imageupload:4178:]]After Rick tells the community that they will have to comply with Neegan’s demands, Carl decides to confront Neegan himself. When Neegan’s group comes to collect half of all the community’s supplies, Carl greets them in a not so hospitable manner. Neegan asks Carl if he just threatened him, because he wants to be really sure when someone does! This is the point that may decide Carl’s fate in the next few issues! A line has been drawn between these two characters and Carl decides to pole vault it in issue #104!

[[wysiwyg_imageupload:4180:]]Seeing his father as making the wrong decision about how to handle Neegan, Carl stows away in the back of one of Neegan’s trucks as they head back to their camp. When they eventually stop, Carl takes the group by surprise, laying waste to a bevy of Saviors before vacating the truck with his machine gun! As he slowly steps out of the truck, Carl announces that Neegan killed his friend and he only wants to kill him if the others back away. Neegan tells Carl that he is genuinely scared of him and comments about the gun he chose to bring with him. Carl fires again but the sheer weight and kick back of the gun knocks him to the ground and he loses his grip of the gun. Dwight (a Savior that was held captive by Andrea) quickly begins to beat Carl before Neegan asks him if he would kill a defenseless boy. Neegan then announces that they should welcome their new arrival as the issue ends!

Now, we may not know the fate of Carl just yet, but the next few covers suggest our little “badass” is in for some harrowing times! The Walking Dead #106 is Charlie Adlard’s 100th issue on the book as artist, and he has promised something “big” is going to happen. Let it be known that the issue is also called “Revenge” which doesn’t bode well for the lifespan of our hero.

And we also see the big reveal of the cover for The Walking Dead #107!

Check them out below and let your own thoughts “roam!”

“The Walking Dead” #107 goes on sale in February!


The Walking Dead #107:



As gut wrenching as the cover of issue #107 may be, I may just have an inside scoop about Carl’s fate!

I met Robert Kirkman at last year’s NYCC 2011 and chatted about Carl a little bit. After we spoke, he wrote this in my copy of The Walking Dead: The Rise of the Governor (right)! Then he slowly looked up and said, “You know I’m lying, right?” 

So, I cannot say for sure whether Carl will make it to see issue #108 or not, but I can safely say that Robert Kirkman has suddenly filled my head with one word regarding Carl — Fear!


TV News

10 Facts Why Lori Is Still Alive In The Walking Dead TV Show (AMC)

One Bloated Zombie, Does Not A Body Make!

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


Three graves have been dug on the outskirts of the prison walls, but only one contains an actual corpse. The others remain bare, filled more with the grieving tears of the survivors than with the decomposing flesh of the dead. The crosses above them are etched with the names of those that cannot be found, but is it premature to give such finality to just the mere thought of death? Some think so!

In one of the most controversial seasons yet, Season 3 of Robert Kirkman’s opus to the undead, shows the band of survivors split into groups while being pursued by Walkers. Things happen, horrible things that leave at least on of the group dead, one in labor and one missing. The most memorable, yet tragic, scenes plays out as Carl has to seemingly shoot his mother after she gives birth to his sister so she will not become a Walker. It is unnerving to watch but also completely captivating and shocking! That is, until Episode 5 begins to shine new light to that particular scene! As much as we will all miss T-Dog, it is the legitimacy of Lori and Carol’s deaths that are in question!

As I spoke with my intern, DRox, quite feverishly about Episodes 4 and 5, we began to think that maybe – just maybe – everyone’s favorite candidate for mother of the year did NOT die after giving birth to little baby “Ass Kicker!”

Here are some facts and speculations for you to ponder:

FACT: T-Dog saves Carol by tackling two attacking zombies and pays the ultimate price for his heroism.

FACT: Rick and the “Hit-Squad” find T-Dog’s corpse in a hallway along with Carol’s head wrap. They NEVER find another trace of Carol, nor look to find her, just assume she is dead!

FACT: Lori goes into labor and Maggie must perform an emergency C-section on her in order to save the baby. Carl stays behind as Maggie takes the newborn to find the others. As she approaches the group in the courtyard, a single gunshot rings out. Carl emerges from the prison and Rick breaks down.

FACT: Rick goes all “Here’s Johnny” with an axe and destroys any Walker that stands between him and his discovery of Lori’s body.

FACT: Rick finds a bloated Walker with, what Greg Nicotero told The Talking Dead, “were strands of Lori’s hair by his mouth,” shoots it and proceeds to stab its belly numerous times. NO BODY PARTS ARE PULLED OUT OF ITS STOMACH!

FACT: In Episode 2, Carol kills a female Walker in order to perform a practice C-section on it because Hershell may not be able to deliver Lori’s baby!

FACT: When Rick discovers the room where Lori went into labor, he also discovers a bullet fragment on the floor. There is NO BLOOD surrounding the area where the bullet was pulled from!

FACT: There are no bones, nor anything else, from Lori found where she went into labor! T-Dog was attacked by TWO Walkers and his body was still found! Yes, he was larger than Lori, but her entire body – bones and all – fit into a Walker’s belly?!

FACT: We know that Carol’s knife is found By Daryl in the upcoming Episode 6!

FACT: We know there is a well stocked Infirmary and it is close to cell block C from Carl’s comments in Episode 2!

This is what we believe MAY have occurred:  Carl, as bad-ass as he has become in Season 3, still does not have the heart to shoot his own mother in the face. He shoots wide and leaves Lori, who has passed out due to the pain and blood loss, to “rest in peace.” Carol, who is still running through the prison, stumbles upon Lori just as a Walker is approaching her. She fends off the Walker, stabbing it between the shoulder blades and knocking it into the wall. She then grabs a semi-conscious Lori and escapes the room. With Lori as “dead” weight, Carol cannot keep up the pace for long. Panicked, she scours the hallways for a room she had seen before – the Infirmary! Though not “professionally’ trained, Carol does her best to patch-up Lori to the best of her abilities as she hears a gunshot ring out from the room she saved Lori from. Help could be on the way.

Though these ideas are pure speculation, given the facts above, nothing adds up to either Carol or Lori definitively being dead. There is enough wiggle room there to imagine numerous possibilities rather than the one given to us. But, if I’m right, and Lori is not “dead,” there are even more ideas that can be brought into this amazing season! Who knows, maybe the next time we see Lori she could look like this (below)!

The Walking Dead airs Sundays at 9pm ET on AMC.

Comic Book News

Review: Green Lantern Corps #14

The green light that emits from the heavens used to be so blinding that only the most vile of criminals would dare to oppose the will of the Green Lantern Corps. Now, the light has begun to fade ever so slowly, creating shadows for every form of evil to take solace in. But what if the center of all evil was standing directly in the light? A stance that made it seem that the light was coming from directly inside them the entire time, but in actuality, they were truly there to negate it!

Peter J. Tomasi has been toying with the notion that there is something astoundingly wrong with the Guardians of Oa from this series opening salvo. But this issue takes that notion and turns it into a cold hard fact as EVERYTHING the Corps holds dear is thrown asunder!

This tale, of a broken Corps, solidifies itself as one of the best in this series. It makes characters question the very reasons behind their decisions and puts them at odds, not against an enemy, but with themselves. Part mystery play, part internal character piece, Tomasi has out done himself in the deconstruction of the Green Lantern Corps! There is dissension, slight of hand and, most importantly, fear that is creeping through this book. And by the final page, one Corps members decisions will have him severed from the rest of the Corps!

Outstandingly paced and beautifully – yet horrifically- rendered by Fernando Pasarin, Green Lantern Corps #14 is a must read for all Lantern fans! The future is will not be as bright as the moment it was before you turned the first page — I guarantee!

Comic Book News

Review: All-New X-Men #1

A stepping stone between the past and the future of the X-Men has been cast by Brain Michael Bendis in this weeks batch of books to hit your local shop. But it is not the tried and true, “I am here to warn you about the future”story, it is beyond that. This one has heart, originality and a tone that will have you remembering just why you became a fan of the X-Men all those years ago!

Even though we all know this will become a “time travel” tale that will have the old and current X-Men meet, it is also the first issue to see a completely divided host of X-Men and their fundamentals. Yes, Schism divided them, but not like this! Never before has there been a complete break between Cyclops’ band and the rest of the “family.” There were always those who had trouble deciding just which path to follow, but no more, Bendis has set a hard line in the sand and there is no turning back!

Focusing on the arrival of new mutants to the Marvel U., Bendis has taken the X-Men back to the days of excitement and suspense that, unfortunately, has been missing in the last few years. He has taken a character that has been labeled as a murderer and evolved him into a revolutionary for the future of the mutant race. He has created something that will compel you to read X-Men books for the sake of reading X-Men stories — not X-Avengers ones! It is suspenseful and full of heart, glancing at the early days of the X-Men while giving the current timeline an exhilarating scope and refocus!

As compelling as the tale may be, it is Stuart Immonen’s art that makes this book transcend to a different level. The thin, crisp lines bring a heightened sense of detail to everything! Foreground, background — every miniscule detail has been painstakingly rendered with a degree of professionalism that is truly rare. Immonen is the perfect choice to mimic the rousing new tale from Bendis! Don’t believe me? Just check out this amazing sketch page of Beast!


Some may say that Bendis isn’t right for the X-Men, that he is “the Avengers” guy. Hopefully this outstanding first issue will draw fans to a new conclusion, one where we can be fans of X books again without having to worry about learning an entire Avengers roster to do so! 

It is an exciting time to be an X fan again, let’s hope it can stay that way!

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: Batman #14

Far too often in the comics world, we see villains repeat past deeds over and over again with exactly the same results. Plan + Crime = the hero thwarting every move and taking the villain down with minimal effort. It is a cycle that is so predictable, fans have become numb to the very thought of the villain getting the upper hand at all. 

Finally, that cliche‘ can be disposed of thanks to Scott Snyder and crew! Not only does this wickedly evil new version of The Joker get the upper hand, he squeezes so tight — he actually breaks some bones!

Batman #14 delves deeper into the twisted world that The Joker is creating, not only for Batman, but for his entire “family” as well. It is a decent into depravity, one that will scar every aspect of our hero’s world and in some cases — make it unrecognizable! There have only been a handful of writers that have ever unnerved me so much while reading a comic book story, that I’ve actually had to catch my breath. Scott Snyder is now one of them!

I will not divulge any spoilers – where’s the fun in that! – but I will tell you that there are scenes in this issue that will hit you hard. There are moments when things will transcend the scope of a mere “funny book” and make you feel uneasy with what is happening. You will feel panic and nervousness for these characters like you never have before, and you will relish just how damn good this story is through all the horrific deeds happening to them. You will smile at how devilishly clever this Joker is and you will ponder why it took so long for him to get there. But above all the pain, torture and maniacally well thought out plans of an amazing villain, you will enjoy ever single page of this stunning work by Snyder and Capullo — and you will crave more!

Nothing is more precious than the private moments we share with the ones we love. The moments when we can let our guard down and truly show who we are. No secrets, no bravado, just a person exposed for the people we hold most dear. But what if, somewhere in the dark corners of our home there were eyes that didn’t belong there? Eyes that leered at our exposed selves and snickered at our weaknesses. Eyes that calculated our faults to use against us, then slowly slinks back into the shadows and made plans of their own. That is The Joker of Snyder’s world and things will never be the same again!

Pick up Batman #14 in stores tomorrow!

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: The Walking Dead #104

Wow! That’s truly all I can say.

Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard are continually making their fanbase into emotional wrecks and it’s the compelling stories found in issues like The Walking Dead #104 that are doing it to them!

I don’t know what I can say without spoiling the feeling of utter dread you receive when reading this issue. It is an emotional rollercoaster and you will find yourself screaming, “STOP,” at the top of your lungs because you are at the precipice of something completely horrific! 

Normally, when Kirkman delivers a devastating blow to the audience, i.e.. the death of Glenn, there is a lull in the story afterward. A “grieving” time if you will, a few issues where the reader can collect themselves, refocus on the storyline and brace themselves for whatever may come next. This time however, Kirkman is pulling no punches and has been berating us with emotional haymakers with every issue! There is no chance to breathe, let alone ready yourself for new horrors — the hits just keep coming! And I wouldn’t want it any other way!

The Walking Dead #104 is a tale with a lightening pace, page after page of action, drama and suspense that culminates in an ending that will make you hate the next thirty days until issue #105! There is no time for more build up or characterization, that time has passed, and it is now a “fight or die” scenario that our characters are in. The tides of change are upon us and there is no turning back!

I can’t give you spoilers without ruining the entire book, but I will give you a taste! Rick gets mad, Jesus fights and Carl carries one big @$$ gun! Hopefully that will satiate your curiosity until tomorrow!

Hold on tight, kids! This is one scary ride we are about to go on!

Comic Book News

The Best of The Best: DOC’s Top Five Comic Books For November 14th!


“The Best of The Best”

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley

If you thought October 10th was a HUGE release date with Batman #13 and the debut of Uncanny Avengers #1, just wait until next Wednesday when we see the pinnacle of comic book hype explode! EVERY company in the industry is offering up some of their best books for you to add to your pull list, but with so many choices, what are the books you just can’t live without? This list is here to help you narrow down just which ones are worthy of the title “The Best of The Best!”


(Click for preview)

1.  Batman #14(DC) Scott Snyder’s unnerving tale of the return of the “Clown Prince” to the streets of Gotham continues here! Harley tries to turn Bats into her own version of the Joker and the “family” is in disarray with the disappearance of Alfred. This series continues to be some of the best modern day Bat tales ever created and this one — is sure to keep you up at night! With a bunch of “Bat” books coming out on Wednesday, this one is the MUST have!


(Click for preview)

2.  All New X-Men #1(Marvel):  The most controversial of the group, Bends’ take on the X-Men is sure to be a sure hit or miss with fans across the board! But let’s face facts folks, he is still a great writer that can bring about some amazing stories! Truthfully, bringing some fresh ideas to the “Merry Mutants” is desperately needed! Plus, we get to see the original X-Men return in this tale without the bickering and animosity that has been strune throughout the X books in the past two years. As they travel to the present, will these bright eyed versions of their former selves be enough to change the outlook of the modern X-Men? I will be first to find out! 


3.  The Walking Dead #104(Image):  The biggest independent comic book franchise of all time continues to churn out some of the best comics on the shelves month after month! Rick’s secret agenda has put him at odds with the others of the community, but none more so than the person he loves most, his son — Carl. Will his plan lead to Carl trying to step up and be more of a leader? And if it does, can a little boy with a big gun handle the wickedness of Neegan all on his own? By far, this book is Image’s front runner for best book!


(Click for preview)

4.  Archer & Armstrong #4 (Valiant):  This dynamically different duo have to stop the Secret Sect from forming all of the pieces of the Boon before they destroy the world. But it is no easy path! On the way they must overcome ninja nuns, Nazi priests, former friends and, evidently, themselves in order to survive! Fred Van Lente has made this THE best “buddy” book on the shelves today, full of characterization, brutal action sequences and overall — fun! This is the best book you are not reading!


5.  The Boys #72(Dynamite):  Garth Ennis has finished The Boys with issue #72. And when I say “finished” I don’t mean just wrapping up his insane book about those who keep superheroes in check, I mean the Boys themselves as well! #72 stars the only remaining team member, Wee Hughie, and we see just what he will do after both his personal world and professional one — are completely destroyed! I will sorely miss this crazy ride of a book, but there is still hope for the movie from Paramount to hold on to! This was the best anti-superhero book you will ever read, so get the trades and hold on for dear life!

So, that’s the best the myriad of companies have to offer — at least in my humble opinion! What books are you eager to see this week? Let us know in the comment section below and start saving your pennies — it’s going to be one massive week for comics fans!

Movie News Reviews

Movie Review: Skyfall (2012)

Not the Best Bond, But Pretty Darn Close

A Film Review of Skyfall

By: Lawrence Napoli


Daniel Craig is certainly on the short list of actors worthy of playing 007.  He is easily the most physically fit and frequently shirtless of any actor that played James Bond before, but there are some eccentricities that he brings to the character that I still do not particularly care for.  First, the “Blue Steel” stoic look that Daniel Craig completely owns happens to put Derek Zoolander to shame.  I understand that Craig’s Bond is meant as a constant bad*ss, but he really does come off like he’s “posing” in every scene and it downgrades the character’s humanity.  Second, is that Craig isn’t very much of a ladies’ man on screen as his ability to generate chemistry with any of his female costars has a tendency to fizzle.  Every woman he’s been blessed to be cast with is extremely gorgeous, but his most intimate relationship shouldn’t be with Dame Judi Dench as M.  Third, is that Daniel needs to attend “The Tom Cruise school of Running Like You Mean It!” because the way he “runs” seems like an extremely stylized mimicry of running.  It’s also far too hoppy and you all know what I mean once you see it.


“Blue Steel” in full effect.

Skyfall, however, is a film that sees Daniel Craig do much more with the James Bond character than he has during his incumbency with the franchise.  Although we’ve all seen this before in previous Bond films, James is again being portrayed as an antiquated tool for maintaining global law and order via black ops.  Thus, Craig portrays more weakness and vulnerability than he was ever accustomed to before and although he’s still no “Mr. Sensitivity,” there is a moment where he sheds tears and it is quite poignant, moving and the most humane portrayal of the character since George Lazenby in On Her Majesty’s Secret Service.  Daniel is still solid with the less frequent verbal barbs and always hits his mark for action.  He still can’t convince me with women, but his evolved relationship with M allows for him to discard the aura of Mr. Roboto


More art yields better performance.

This entry in the 007 films was written by Neal Purvis, Robert Wade and John Logan whose combined experience on Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace demonstrates maturity in producing a meaningful and somewhat relevant manifestation of the current James Bond.  We are still living in a world with dangerous terrorists, but Skyfall makes no secret about “cyber-terrorism” being the newest, most dangerous and most prominent threat to stability.  This is the main engine behind the portrayal of MI6 and its employees as “behind the times.”  I wonder if this perspective on terrorism in the 21st Century is somewhat of a backhanded compliment to the American approach in handling it.  Throughout every conflict in the Middle East, the Pentagon has been consistent about needing more human assets on the ground infiltrating terror networks to provide the best intelligence, but British sentiments acknowledge terror threats as more than AK-47’s in the sand.  Skyfall is all about the youth movement from the handlers that deal with agents to the quartermasters that outfit and strategize approach.  The irony is that in order to survive this shift, James Bond must reconnect with his heartrending past in an attempt to level the playing field.  When you cap all this with an exceptional Bond villain in Javier Bardem’s Silva, Skyfall is easily the best Daniel Craig James Bond story thus far.


How many terrorists will you find in this scene?

Director Sam Mendes and cinematographer Roger Deakins made Skyfall an exquisite visual cacophony of technology, light, angles cityscapes and landscapes.  In short, this film is easily the most beautifully shot work of art we’ve ever seen in a James Bond film.  Certainly, this film is still about the action (which is top notch, by the way), but I feel camera placement, movement and its interaction with some of the most beautifully configured set designs in this franchise’s history gives Skyfall notable advantages.  Thankfully, the audience will not be jostled by the frantic, handheld camera work we’ve all become accustomed to thanks to the Bourne franchise.  This film shows that great action can still be captured with more traditional techniques and increased synergy among the various production departments of a film production.  Exotic locations are typical of James Bond films, but they’ve never before looked so good.


Cityscapes.  ‘Nuff said!

You already know what I feel about Daniel Craig’s performance, but what about the rest of the cast?  Judi Dench as M is once again flawless in giving this character more significance than any previous portrayal.  M is no mere task master, but also very maternal (despite her best efforts) and her chemistry with Daniel Craig is impossible to ignore.  Ralph Fiennes is a welcome newcomer to the franchise and although the former Lord Voldemort is not exactly featured, he is certainly set up for a thriving future by this film’s end.  The last thing I remember Naomie Harris in was 28 Days Later and she is still lovely as ever, but brings some much needed playful sex appeal which is severely lacking in Skyfall.  Ben Wishaw as the new Q produces a fine performance and reminds me of a British version of Dr. Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory if one strips away all manner of personality while retaining the ego and elitism.  On top of it all Albert Finney is in this film and it’s an instant win for this cinematic adventurer whenever Daddy Warbucks comes out of the woodwork.


Q who?

Make no mistake; as much as this film is about a revitalized performance by Daniel Craig as James Bond, the other 50% is met by an excellent Bond villain in Silva, masterfully played by Javier Bardem.  The man’s heroic roles don’t hold a candle to his villains (his limited role as the menace in No Country for Old Men was practically the only reason it won best picture).  I absolutely love Silva’s personal eccentricity which I will describe as not exactly being “straight up,” and certainly “with a twist.”  Interpret that as you may, but no spoilers.  Silva is creepy, he is charismatic and he even has an understandable motivation for his evil dealings that isn’t rooted in psychosis or delusions of taking over the world.  He is one of the best Bond baddies because he adheres to the first rule of villainy by making it personal (in a roundabout way) against Bond himself.  Bardem steals EVERY scene with his maniacally fun dialogue and brilliant delivery.  My only regret is that the story limits his fear inducing factor by making him too captivating.  The audience may not fear Silva, but they’ll never get enough of him.


Is this too close for comfort Mr. Bond, James Bond?

This is not the best James Bond film of all time.  Suggesting such a thing is far too silly and a byproduct of “new film awe” that we all experience when we leave the theatre having seen a genuinely good film.  At the same time, I never would have thought that a Daniel Craig Bond film would ever crack my top 5, but it officially holds strong in fifth place with Octopussy (4), The Spy Who Loved Me (3), Goldfinger (2) and GoldenEye (1) standing in front of it.  Skyfall is an excellent piece of filmmaking as both art and entertainment and is more than worth a general admission, but I wouldn’t necessarily shell out for IMAX tickets unless you are an extreme Bond fanatic.  I see this film as redemption for Daniel Craig, but with all this effort to make him look “old,” “human” and “out of date,” I wonder if the search for “the next Bond” isn’t already under way.

Movie News Reviews

Movie Review: Cloud Atlas (2012)

The Universal Human Experience

A Film Review of Cloud Atlas

By: Lawrence Napoli


What does it mean to be human?  Every person in history has struggled with this question in some way shape or form.  What links us all is the human experience: we eat, sleep, see, feel, hear – we are aware of ourselves and our environments and culminate everything our bodies take in via thought and from that the individual exudes behavior.  However, people are not the same and individuals change as constantly as time, but it still makes one wonder.  With this fundamental truth that binds us together, why do human beings do terrible things to each other?  This rumination may be a tad heady for a common film review, but Cloud Atlas is a film that attempts to comment on the (ever-evolving?) state of humanity and being aware of this philosophical perspective is the key to appreciating and understanding this movie. 


We’re all in this together!

Cloud Atlas is not a film for everyone as there are three aspects of this production that may turn off the average member of the audience: 1) there are 6 separate plots occurring simultaneously, 2) the action is very light and 3) attentiveness and intellectual engagement is a must.  Having said that, this film succeeds in accomplishing some of what it sets out to do while coming up short in presenting cohesiveness in a 3 hour film adapted from a 544 page novel by David Mitchell.  The screenplay was written by Tom Tykwer and Lana and Andy Wachowski and it attempts to translate the 6 stories in a synchronous, narrative format.  This film is not like Pulp Fiction where the beginning, middle and end are completely out of order.  The confusion in the script may come from the viewer’s ability to retain progression in each story up to a point and then repeat 5 other times before it picks up again in the first story.  This happens for the duration of the film until each plot resolves in a well balanced and timed progression.


Tom Hanks, the villain.

The fact that each story is very different can be a bit of a double edged sword in that it provides wonderful variety, but some stories will be much more compelling than others.  Character development comes up fairly weak as well because every actor plays different roles in each story, so be prepared to see Tom Hanks as both the hero and villain with differing levels of intensity.  Being a dialogue driven film, this script maximizes creativity in its exposition to get right into the drama of each plot immediately, but this leaves the burden of generating spectacle on the shifting set design and scenery due to the aforementioned lack of action.  No single plot can be identified as the marquee tale of Cloud Atlas as they all have completely different agendas and political/philosophical undertones to them, but they equally involve the struggle of people, circumstance and the time in which they live.  The true strength of this story is showing that despite the ever shifting perspective of good and evil as a result of time and circumstance (thank you Obi-Wan Kenobi), individuals will always take sides as a result of their unique thoughts and interpretations of the human experience.  It is perhaps this observation which explains humanity’s affinity for conflict.


Neo-Seoul Korea in the year 2144 accounts for the majority of the action.

Cloud Atlasis a film that has no major film studio affiliation and despite that, it still garnered a budget of just over $100 million dollars through various independent finances.  As such, this budget afforded Cloud Atlas a very impressive, professional and hi-fidelity look to compliment its equally high browed themes.  The production design of each respective story is wrought with unique color palates, background detail, interesting costume choices and efficient use of visual effects that makes this overall film seem like it was budgeted for far more than originally allocated.  When one factors in the excellent performances from every featured actor: Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Jim Broadbent, Hugo Weaving, Jim Sturgess, Doona Bae, Ben Wishaw, Keith David and James D’Arcy, this film ceases to amaze when it comes to raw production value.  This is the first film I have ever seen that truly combines the period piece genre with sci-fi in a way that was completely serious, dramatic and complimentary to the script. 


Moments of drama, moments of wonder.

Every actor’s performance is respectable throughout Cloud Atlas.  Since character status, role and relevance is constantly shifting, it is impossible for me to evaluate performance the way I normally do.  Hanks and Berry provide anchor performances for every character they play which allows the audience to connect with their characters most easily since they are the two biggest names attached to this cast.  My standout performances had to be Ben Wishaw’s Robert Frobisher (the true composer of The Cloud Atlas Sextet), Hugo Weaving’s Nurse Noakes (who channels Nurse Ratched from One Flew Over the Cukoo’s Nest perfectly) and Ketih David’s Joe Napier (whose demonstrative voice and stature makes Shaft look like a baby in comparison).  The two names that are most easily forgotten in this film are that of Susan Sarandon and Hugh Grant who, like the rest, provide fractal roles in several of the individual stories, but whose performances could have been easily replaced by any other actor.    


Keith David’s a bad mother … SHUT YOUR MOUTH!

Cloud Atlas is a very good film for the viewer that is up for some intellectual stimulation.  It is an entertaining film, but nowhere near the popcorn blockbusters of the summer.  It features several moments of high drama (like Sonmi-451’s final speech to the world) and moments of levity (Timothy Cavendish’s escape from a nursing home).  This film is a serious contender for all the production design categories of the Academy Awards, but is a pretender to the crown of best film overall.  Its tagline of “Everything is connected,” may be thematically correct, but does not execute as seamlessly on the big screen due to the time restrictions for each tale.  More time would have allowed for more parallels, but then this film is already 3 hours long.  Before this rather exceptional fall season of must-see films truly commences, Cloud Atlas is a great appetizer to the upcoming visual feast.


Oh Hugo, why do you have a perfect villain’s face?

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: Shadowman #1

The most anticipated book since the initial rebirth of the Valiant Universe hits stands this week! But is all the hype surrounding the return of Shadowman truly worth it? 

While other companies may rely on movie marketing to propel their fanbase, Valiant has dedicated itself to acquiring the best creative talents in the business and teaming them with the hottest characters of the nineties. These precise pairings have created some of the best “new” comics on the shelves, and in turn, established a whirlwind of excitement throughout the comics industry!

Now, Valiant has brought back one of the most popular characters they have ever created — Shadowman! 

This debut issue is not only as enigmatic and outstanding as the originals, it is also a very heart felt homage by both Patrick Zircher and Justin Jordan. Taking the base roots of the original character and mixing them with their own creative seed, this superb duo has crafted a tale that pays tribute to what Jim Shooter, Steve Englehart and David Lapham did and in the same breath — surpasses it!

Jack Boniface is still the main character for this “new and improved” version, but he is slightly different from what fans will remember. Gone is the long flowing mane of tangled hair and the saxophone is nowhere to be seen, but this younger version doesn’t require the iconic look, he has something far better at his disposal — the creative team!

Jordan and Zircher have created an engrossing look at the world of magic and mayhem in the Valiant Universe. This is an aspect that has been missing from the “Summer of Valiant” and it is a welcome change. Fans of the original series will no doubt recognize some of the old haunts and especially the diabolical Master Darque, but it is the changes that truly make this book an instant fan favorite. From the explosive opening sequence where demons swirl around every corner to the eventual rise of the new Shadowman, you are enthralled by every aspect of this book! The intrigue of Jack’s parents past and the creation of the sadistic Mr. Twist alone are enough to have you on the edge of your seat. But, it is the character of Jack himself that will hold sway over you throughout the book! Jack is a “lost soul” who has filled his life acquiring skills in order to make himself useful in a world that he was left alone in. He is vulnerable and yet, strong willed enough to survive on his own, never knowing the truth about his parents nor the talisman he wears around his neck. And when something horrific befalls him, is it his attackers that are the the true threat or is it the voice calling to him from the shadows that will bring his downfall?

This book will draw you in and ensnare you in the horrifically brutal world that Jordan and Zircher have created. It is fresh and rich in characterization, a book that is easy to get into and extremely hard to put down! Nothing outshines the pure talent that drives this book!

On a personal note, I must thank both Justin Jordan and Patrick Zircher for handling this book with such reverence and scope. Shadowman was always my favorite Valiant character and I am proud to say that he is once again! Thank you both for an amazing book and especially for putting the original mask in the museum scene — classy!

So, to answer the original question — is Shadowman worth all the hype? Most definitely! Add this one to your collection and hold on tight, the Valiant Universe is about to get the doors blown off! 

Be bold, be daring, be — Valiant!

Movie Review: Wreck-It Ralph (2012)
Movie News Reviews

Movie Review: Wreck-It Ralph (2012)

The Art of Video Games

A Film Review of: Wreck-It Ralph

By: Lawrence Napoli


I believe that the video game is the leading entertainment art form of today.  Purists that represent older art forms had best accept this trend (if not outright truth) and get over the sour grapes of the ever increasing popularity that games and gaming represent.  Simply put, video games place the viewer on an unprecedented plane of interaction with the art itself.  Only now, in the year 2012, do we find games finally exiting their infant steps of childish frivolity and counter-culture fascination.  Contemporary games can and have pushed the envelope in spinning tales of drama, suspense, action and adventure that rival some of the best moving pictures of the past.  Yet, video games weren’t birthed from the love parents of Hollywood and the computer with this level of acumen.  Wreck-It Ralph is a throwback reminder that games were clearly not about social commentary in the beginning, but the fact that this film exists is proof of gaming’s expansive influence and a mile-marker for the ground this medium has gained over the years. 


8-Bit graphics are well represented in Ralph.

However, to suggest that Wreck-It Ralph is some kind of necessary viewing for being the definitive alliance between games and film would be a gross overstatement.  This movie is a fun little narrative that attempts to bring the extended family of video game characters together in an entertaining, child friendly and somewhat thought provoking way that has an important (and incredibly cliché) moral to it all.  The story was conceived by screenwriters Phil Johnston and Jennifer Lee (with additional contributions by John C. Reilly) which is interesting considering none of them have any professional experience with any aspect of gaming, but clearly a decent proficiency with comedy amongst them.  Ralph is a Donkey Kong inspired villain who is simply fed up with the thankless job of being “the bad guy” for his particular videogame.  Ralph’s no dummy.  He sees his counter-part, Fix-It Felix, soaking up the praise and admiration for doing his hero’s duty and in hopes of changing his stars, Ralph goes on his own quest to improve his status.  The most charming aspect of this film is all the other iconic videogame characters that make cameos throughout which could only have been made possible with (once again) Mickey Mouse’s bottomless pockets paying out to various licenses like Nintendo and Capcom.  It would have been nice to see even more crossover with these other characters, but that would have diverted the importance of Ralph’s journey.  Overall, the script isn’t exactly Shakespeare, but it sends a good message to young people about how to treat your neighbor and discovering a positive sense of self worth, while not boring adults to tears and being quite amusing to gamers.


In no way is this rivalry meant to channel DK vs. Mario.

The CG animation style of Wreck-It Ralph may be reminiscent of a Pixar Studios production, but this film is straight out of Walt Disney’s regular Animation Studios.  You won’t see Monster’s Inc. attention to the 3D rendering.  You won’t see the graphic depth of any Toy Story film.  But, you will see some sharp, vibrant renditions of some of the most iconic characters in video games and it sure is an absolute joy seeing them all come together on the big screen.  They do some really interesting things with perspective in this film: for instance, the perspective of people in the “real” world playing these games vs. the characters inside each arcade box trying to play out their respective parts like a theatrical production for their audience of players.  How the camera shifts through the screen produces an excellent effect for getting the audience to suspend their disbelief in regards to the fiction of video game characters being “alive” inside their games.


Perhaps the best scene in the movie, but everyone’s already seen it in every trailer.

Another area where Wreck-It Ralph diverts from the Pixar formula is in the voice-over department; specifically how A-List names aren’t exactly rounding out the roster.  Sure, John C. Reilly is a comic genius and other people really love what Jane Lynch does on Glee, but I don’t particularly care for anything Sarah Silverman does and how many people know that guy from 30 Rock and Will Ferrell comedies is an actor by the name of Jack McBrayer?  I don’t mean to diminish the performance of any member of the cast, but I couldn’t quite justify shelling out the greenbacks for all of these names strictly for name recognition.  The exceptions have to be Reilly and Lynch because their voices embody strict character types for Ralph and Calhoun respectively that represent the exact characters both actors became popular depicting for live action in the first place.  I truly felt the vocal performances for every other character were acceptable, but not particularly remarkable which was especially disappointing for the proper video game characters represented in this film.


Jane Lynch takes no prisoners as Calhoun.

Wreck-It Ralphis clearly a “videogame” movie designed for kids and its very successful opening weekend at just under $50 million dollars is a step in the right direction.  But did all of you know that this film’s budget was a whopping $165 million bucks!?  The actual production comes off as professional and clean, but also seems on somewhat of a shoestring because the fact remains that all of these software companies weren’t handing over their IP likenesses for peanuts.  Licensing must have been the lion’s share of this production and I completely understand that, but this film doesn’t feel like a $200 million type of blockbuster.  As such, I seriously doubt that Wreck-It Ralph will turn into a franchise, but will be viewed like a litmus test for how to combine IP licenses for adaptation purposes.  This movie was a cool experiment fueled by nostalgia and laughs and held together by simplicity and relatability.  Only gamers will get ALL of the Easter egg references throughout, but it is more than charming enough to hold the audience’s interest both young and old.

Movie News

Movie Review: The Man With the Iron Fists

Riding The Line

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley



As the cold winds batter the east coast and the promise of winter creeps in your bones, a break from reality is sorely needed. What better way to stave off the impending flakes of snow than gathering the boys for a martial arts matinee? The Man With The Iron Fists would fit the bill nicely!

This love letter to martial arts movie – written, directed and “somewhat” starring Rza of The Wu Tang Clan fame – is a nice escape movie that leaves you gawking at the fight sequences while not entirely scratching your head over the weak story. Not entirely, but you will still find your hand wandering to your scalp in a unconscious effort to do it anyway! Let’s face facts, no one is going to see this movie because of the award winning plot anyway. It is a cornucopia of all the great martial arts movies you saw as a kid, with a few anime threads thrown in for good measure. You will see nothing new here, but at the end of the day — will you really care? You will still leave with plenty of action, blood and solid acting from Lucy Liu, Rick Yune and Byron Mann to satiate your hunger, but it is Russell Crowe’s performance that will stand out after the credits have run.

The character of Jack Knife (Crowe) is the iconic rogue character that everyone wants to be. A cool weapon a six shooter dagger that spins- a gliding swagger, sexually deviant and an overall aura of genuine “coolness,” Jack Knife is what carries this movie at points over the line of mediocrity. He is the character that is at the epicenter of all the plot threads, and for me, the highlight of the film.


Not that the martial arts sequences are anything to laugh at! Intense and utterly brutal, they are the fluidity of the movie, making the 96 minute film seem to fly by even quicker than intended. All the sequences are extremely well done, giving a few new tricks to the old status quo, but it is the Gemini battle that is especially harrowing and gets the adrenaline flowing. Unfortunately, the action sequences and Mr.Crowe’s suave role are the only driving force to keep you in your seat instead of heading for a bathroom break or dozing off from the patchwork underlying story. 

The story is nothing special. The typical betrayal, revenge, good vs. evil plot that sets the characters in motion, but has no true significance at all. Even when the Blacksmith’s (Rza) origin is told, there is no better connection to the character than the first time you see him on screen. He is so generic that the viewer has no real empathy for him even when terrible things occur. For the “star” character to be overshadowed by every other character, even the children, is a travesty to the script. But then again, did you think this was going to win an Oscar?

Overall, this is a kung fu homage that was well executed for its purpose. Weak story aside, the overall performances were solid and the action was insane! It rides the line of mediocrity but never falls too far down the rabbit hole nor ascends far above it! See it with a group of friends but don’t expect too much. I suggest you use a coupon to get your full moneys worth!

Comic Book News

“The Governor” Returns In This Week’s CBLDF Liberty Annual 2012!


This Halloween, amidst the ghosts and ghouls, we see one of the most vile comic book villains return in an attempt to fight censorship!

Image Comics has developed their fifth anthology benefiting the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund (CBLDF) this week, and it is full to the brim with some of the best talents in comics today! From Howard Chaykin and Sina Grace to Andy Diggle and Ben Templesmith, fifteen creative teams and solo acts have emerged from every corner of the industry in order to fight censorship!

Consisting of short stories, splash pages and some of the most eclectic images in the comics world, this $4.99 anthology will donate all proceeds to to the First Amendment legal work of the CBLDF, a non-profit group dedicated to protecting the free speech of the comics community. 

Who better to stand up for free speech? Why, The Governor of course! Robert Kirkman’s most horrific creation to date, The Governor stars in his own short story in the anthology — and is sure to be a fan favorite! If you liked the ending from Season Three: Episode Three, you will be pleasantly surprised by Kirkman and Charlie Adlard’s look into the mind of The Governor in this tale. At least we get a better insight into just how and why he created his “special” room! Creepy!

So, be sure to pick up the CBLDF Liberty Annual 2012 this week and become a super hero yourself by helping fight censorship!


Comic Book Legal Defense Fund is a non-profit organization dedicated to the protection of the First Amendment rights of the comics art form and its community of retailers, creators, publishers, librarians, and readers. The CBLDF provides legal referrals, representation, advice, assistance, and education in furtherance of these goals. For more information, visit

Movie News Reviews

Movie Review: Paranormal Activity 4

Been There, SAW That: Is Paranormal a Fatigued Franchise?

A Film Review of Paranormal Activity 4

By: Lawrence Napoli


I used to be a big believer in the Paranormal Activity franchise because the first film presented a unique take on the haunting genre by melding it with the visual style of “found footage.”  The second film really expanded on this story’s mythos in its attempts to dig up the family history of the Katie and Kristi sisters.  Then the third film came along and took a step back to revisit the literal past of the sisters as pre-teens that basically confirmed everything that the second film postulated.  This brings us to the present day and Paranormal Activity 4 which certainly delivers some new tricks to the trade of visual effects and “authentic” surveillance footage, but grinds the progression of the overall story to a screeching halt.  Evil sister Katie is still up to no good with a child we presume is Hunter who both happen to be set up in a brand new neighborhood and the audience will never be told or shown how or why.  It is clear that the Paranormal franchise has resolved itself to max profits by saturating its sequels with fluff; not entirely unlike a certain Saw franchise that deployed 6 sequels that declined in quality yet were dirt-cheap to produce.


So mom, we totally got weird things happening around here.

Writer Chad Feehan joins PA veteran Christopher Landon in scribing a tale that makes no real attempt to connect to the narrative established in any of the previous films.  Simply carrying over the primary antagonist and dropping her in a completely new environment with no explanation how she got there is confusing to anyone who is familiar with the saga.  Sure enough, series mainstays like authentic and believable dialogue in addition to unassuming yet ever-threatening environments play to this film’s strengths, but none of it stands on its own as we’ve all seen this before.  It is so easy for horror franchises to fall into the whole auto-tuned, remix trap because to a large extent, the audience secretly covets the predictability as well as the same old gags that got people hooked in the first place (although the allure of mailing-it-in on the creativity front is perhaps more seductive).  The franchise fatigue of been-there/SAW-that shows at the box office as PA4’s money total is way behind its predecessor’s sales.  Needless to say, the much coveted word of mouth praise for these types of thrifty horror films isn’t there primarily because the story just isn’t there. 


I’m used to appearing in other people’s houses.

I don’t mean to take anything away from the neat ideas the writers and directors came up with to keep the presentation of this film somewhat fresh.  Instead of camcorders, the protagonists rely on cell phones and laptop webcams to provide the handheld and static perspectives of the twisted events surrounding yet another seemingly innocent suburban family.  Once again the visual effects of ghostly apparitions and surprise scares are integrated seamlessly by effects supervisor Eddie Pasquarello.  Without question, the highlight of this film (effect-wise) is any scene that features the night vision exposed motion tracking dots of the Xbox Kinect in the family room.  Even scenes where nothing actually happens are creepy enough to heighten the suspense of the moment which primes the audience for very decent chills when something does.


I guess demons can enjoy Just Dance 4 like the rest of us. 

Horror films traditionally do not feature award winning performances and guess what?  Paranormal Activity 4 isn’t breaking that trend any time soon.  Of course, the very format of this film doesn’t exactly give any actor the opportunity to succeed.  Seldom is the case that anyone is in front of the camera long enough for the audience to read into the character’s expressions or emotions.  Often is the case where the actors are asked to do absolutely nothing during a scene in order to build suspense.  The entire cast does its job by presenting a well off, suburban family that isn’t entirely close, but not coming apart at the seams either.  The one standout has to be the young actress Kathryn Newton’s performance as the older sister, Alex because she happens to be featured more often than any other member of the cast.  Clearly, she is a very attractive girl that maintains the burden of making any kind of connection to the audience by conveying sheer terror and/or concern in what her character experiences.  Yes, PA4 continues to promote the significance of female characters over males (once again, a jerk of a boyfriend is featured in Matt Shively’s rendition of Ben).


Why are all children creepy and evil in these movies!?

Let’s not mince words: Paranormal Activity 4 is another fun little “found footage” horror flick, but clearly a step in the wrong direction of franchise fatigue.  The audience is clamoring for a new perspective on this tiring formula.  For instance: who is collecting all this footage to designate the respective nights where “incidents” occur?  Where are the police amidst all these unexplained murders all these years?  If the K&K sisterly coven is real, is there no entity of holy and/or paranormal police to deal with these malevolent groups?  There is so much potential to warp the Paranormal formula to truly do the unexpected and feature a brand new perspective on these events which would revitalize the narrative and actually justify another sequel.  A fifth Paranormal Activity has been confirmed for next year in addition to a spinoff that will feature a Latin flavor to it.  Expanding the brand name is good so long as the fundamentals of fiction are being adhered to.  However, if remixing, retooling and rebooting is the engine of expansion, the audience will be sure to send a clear and expedient message that the “same old” isn’t worth anyone’s time or money.

Movie News Reviews

Review: Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale Beta (PS3)

Sony’s Latest Nintendo Rip Off

A video game preview of Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale

By: Lawrence Napoli


I am a Sony kind of guy despite this current generation’s dominance by the Nintendo Wii and its signature motion control.  Sony never really believed in motion control as its own Six Axis system at launch was a mechanic quickly scrapped by software developers because it was just plain bad.  Yet Sony could not take its eyes off Nintendo’s sales.  Thus, Sony went the shameless route and made an all but exact copy of the Wii’s nunchuck controller in the Playstation Move.  The Move may work better than Motion Control Plus, but there are 2 reasons why Sony’s copy/paste failed: 1) It was released way too late in the PS3’s life cycle and 2) It was not implemented extensively into Sony’s first part titles like God of War and Uncharted.  Decisions like this explain why the Sony brand has fallen behind both Nintendo and Microsoft and I can’t help but think that had a more dedicated and focused effort in R&D as well as in the board room would have disallowed any corporate strategy that only focused on low-jacking the competition. 


This looks good in theory, but haven’t we seen this before?

And here we are, once again, Sony copying one of Nintendo’s unique innovations in a 4 player simultaneous fighting game that features some of the most recognizable characters in games.  Of course, I’m referring to Nintendo’s Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Sony’s clone job in Playstation All-Stars.  Without question, Smash Bros. has infused much needed vitality in the fighting genre over the years by incorporating a multi-player party environment that no other fighter has been able to reproduce.  Playstation All-Stars is, for all intents and purposes, a verbatim reiteration that swaps Mario for Metal Gear and Pikachu for Parappa.  No amount of classy yet cryptic commercials from Sony indicating 10/23/12 as some sort of “game-changing” date is going to convince me that the release of Playstation All-Stars should be noteworthy because an impressive ad campaign doesn’t change what the product is: a simple game that comes off as a quickie money-grab for the Sony brand at the tail end of it’s current system’s life.

Story and Setup

There’s no real story to speak of in All-Stars, but then fighting games never seem to make ANY effort to push the concept of “story.”  (*Note: this is a not so subtle hint to software developers to maybe try this in future projects)  All the player knows upon loading the Beta demo is that 6 Sony brand characters are selectable and it’s time to punch people in the face once the game starts.


The roster lineup seems quite diverse.

The player gets to choose from Kratos, the God of War, the Twisted Metal psycho Sweet Tooth, a formerly skinny Fat Princess, the stealthy Sly Cooper, Killzone’s Colonel Radec and Parappa the Rappa who hasn’t made a relevant cameo in anything since PS1.  It’s nice to see some kind of visible scale between the selectable characters because it would just be ridiculous to see Parappa as large as Kratos, but I was somewhat surprised to see Sweet Tooth as the largest of them all (even bigger than Fat Princess).  Although there were only a couple of stages available in the Beta, every stage will be interactive and ever evolving, thus requiring the player to not only keep his or her eyes on the 3 other players looking to pulverize them, but also the very real dangers from the level itself that can also knock you for a loop.


Sony will be the first to inform the gamer that the shear difference in graphic fidelity between All-Stars and Smash Bros. basically places these games on different planets all together.  It is true that the background stages and interactive elements look very crisp and bright, but the fact remains that being able to see the whole stage at the same time in addition to every other players’ characters requires a wide angle perspective that minimizes any appreciation for the character models themselves.  Sure, there’s no difficulty in telling the difference between characters (unless everyone chooses the SAME character), but the only time the player will be able to get a good look at the avatar they chose is in the opening seconds before the match begins.  Once the fighting starts the visual chaos of vibrant, fluorescent explosions dominate the screen.  This makes it quite easy for the player to completely lose track of the character they were controlling. 


Stages and explosions are quite pretty.


The sound effects are pretty standard fare for a cartoonish style brawler so there really isn’t much to talk about with the exception of voice over work.  It does seem that Sony got the original VO actors to produce sound bites for their respective characters (which is great), but in game taunts between fighters are very minimal and often drowned out by the aforementioned “explosions” (which isn’t so great).  It remains to be seen if All-Stars will incorporate a fully functional single player story campaign to take full advantage of some of the most iconic voices in video game characters.  This would certainly be a great opportunity for the sound elements of this game to truly shine.


It’s always, always, ALWAYS about play and control and when it comes to the precision that most dedicated fighting genre players demand of tournament style 2D and 3D games; All-Stars will simply give those gamers headaches.  Combos are easily broken by other players butting in on a 1-on-1 situation but cannot be affected by the player that is being juggled.  Launching an attack after evading (hold block button plus directional) always seems to fail against rapid button mashing and the block button seems like an overall waste of time.


Button mashing is the ONLY order of the day!

The main reason for the uselessness of the block button is the lack of auto orientation towards the opposition that all 2D fighters enjoy.  There will always be opposition on either side of the player in All-Stars, therefore blocking cannot be relied upon by holding directional control away from any threat.  So yes, holding the block button will nullify attacks from the front, but there’s a million things happening on the screen that can hit you from behind, break the block stance and serve the player up on a combo platter for anyone else to enjoy.  Staying mobile and mashing buttons is the best way to go in this game, regardless of the player’s choice in avatar.

Pulling off a special move or super combo is nothing like Street Fighter style directional swipes.  They are as easy as pressing one button.  Alterations in attacks can be achieved by holding directional control while hitting X, square, O, or triangle.  Just like in any other fighting game, attack range and effectiveness is limited to the move set for each character and it is in this one aspect of gameplay where All-Stars deserves some recognition.


It either takes excessive skill or blind luck to consistently place first.

All the characters play with completely different styles.  Certainly, the player can select any character and button mash his or her way to success, but Kratos is meant to be played as a juggling combo specialist, Sweet Tooth is a slower tank using explosives to set up combos, Fat Princess is a different kind of tank that does better on the ground than jumping all around, Sly Cooper is all about stealth (his block button turns him invisible!), Radec is THE long range combatant and Parappa is only for the most skilled players wanting a challenge because his attacks have the shortest range and is pretty useless in general.

Final Judgment

I understand that this Beta was only a fraction of what the end game will involve, but it’s my understanding that expansions to this software will involve additional characters and having more options to do the same thing doesn’t seem too appealing.  Sony is relying on nostalgia to drive this game’s sales which also explains the effectiveness of its ad campaign that follows right in line with the very popular “Michael Ad.”  This game is not on the same level of greatness as its commercial and it would be downright highway robbery if Sony charges $59.99 for this frivolous attempt at originality. 

Playstation All-Stars is a game that appeals to a much younger crowd that doesn’t have the same desire for story, control and overall relevance.  It’s a pick-up-and-play experience that’s high on action, but low on sustainability (much like most of Nintendo’s Wii games today).  The most reliable strategy to win in this game is to build your combo meter to level 3, use it to accumulate multiple KO’s and then play it safe until the match ends.  It’s all very repetitive and bores me to tears.  Although 2012 hasn’t quite delivered the hype that preceded some of the most anticipated games for this year, there are still some big hopefuls on the horizon in Hitman: Absolution and Assassin’s Creed III.  Save you hard earned bucks for something like them and let Playstation All-Stars fade to black.

Comic Book News Marvel

The Triumphant Return Of An Avenger! Avengers #32 Spoilers

(Editor’s Note: Avengers #32 Spoiler Alert!)


We all know that the “death span” of a hero in modern comics is quite short, but for this hero, Bendis took his sweet time returning her to the land of the living. 

First seen in the pages of Avengers #31, our returned hero seems to have gotten herself into quite a jam with some alien races and is on the run for her life. Again! Trapped in inner space, she holds her own in a fighting frenzy against those who threaten her. But, eventually, the ever constant horde of combatants proves to be too much and the last we see of her wrapped visage is her pulling out an Avengers comm-card and sends out a distress signal.

Since that issue, the rumors have been flying as to who this “mystery” Avenger is and exactly what has happened to her. Most fans agree upon who this stunning character could be and with the release of Avengers #32 this week — it looks as though they have been right!

So, without further ado let’s welcome back…Janet Van Dyne a.k.a.. The Wasp! 


But, with her return comes some controversy and intrigue. Not only is Janet alive, but it seems she may have never actually “died” in the first place! It seems she somehow was diminished in size and sent into inner space this entire time! How? Why? Who knows? (Editor’s note: Seeissues “Avengers Academy” possibly for more!) But Bendis wouldn’t bring back such a fan favorite character just on whimsy!


We all know how deep rooted Marvel Comics has been as of late with the Marvel movie and television franchises. Will it really be that long before they incorporate one of the founding Avengers somewhere into their fold? We know that the Ant-Man movie is being formulated, even though the focus is on Scott Lang, could there be a spot for Janet Van Dyne in there as well? Personally, I am wondering if Joss Whedon might use her in his S.H.I.E.L.D. television show. Janet Van Dyne, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. — sounds pretty good to me!

Regardless of the speculation, it is great to have such a great female character back again!

Comic Book News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Comic Book Pile for October 24th, 2012


The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


( A weekly quick pick of the five titles that should reside at the top of your pull list. IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER! )


I do the research, you reap the reward! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, be sure to add these five titles to your list of goodies! Forget that “apple a day” nonsense, this “DOC’s” prescription to good health starts with these top five books of the week!


1.  Tharg’s Creepy Chronicles (GN):  A collaboration by some of the greatest British creators from the outstanding 2000 A.D. series of books, Tharg’s, has some of the most outrageous, terrifying and spellbinding tales you will read this Halloween season! From hilarity to nauseousness, this graphic novel has it all — including a tale from my personal fave – Mark Millar!






2.  Lady Death #19:  The character that started the “bad girl” craze back in the nineties, Brian Pulido’s Lady Death has been churning out ghastly and gorgeous tales for over two decades! As the blood begins to congeal on the ground around her, Lady Death is left pondering just exactly where she belongs after the war in Hell has ceased. Do you stay with the evil you know or find out how evil you can be yourself?








3.  Revival #4:  This awesome take on the modern “zombie” tale has become a fan favorite and doesn’t look to be slowing down anytime soon! As the “revived” begin to lose control of what little sanity they still have left, can the world survive a group of undead that just won’t die? What could be creepier on Halloween than an undead grandma that pulls out her own teeth and feeds them to cats? I’ll tell ya — NOTHING!








4.  Ghost #1: She’s back again! But, can you really keep a good ghost down? Another nineties female lead character, but there is nothing “bad” about this one — just badass! A gun toting apparition that seeks vengeance, this limited series is all about possession and what it means to disappear into someone else. Plus, what better villain to have in your book than the Devil himself! Awesome!








5.  Hack/Slash #19:  This perverse book about a girl that must destroy all forms of evil in the world, including her own mother, is the perfect Halloween B horror flick that you can peruse anywhere! Sultry and sadistic, it is the epitome of the modern slasher film about the sexy lead character that has to fight her way through all odds to survive!

Comic Book News TV News

Advanced Review: The Walking Dead: The Official Magazine


What better way to keep yourself up to date with all things The Walking Dead than with — The Walking Dead: The Official Magazine!

Hitting newsstands October 23rd, this 100 page behemoth, from Titan Magazines and Skybound, is bloated with more tasty tidbits than a “Well Walker!” From the forward, by the creator of it all, Robert Kirkman, to the “Secret Diary of a Walker” article, no page is wasted to fully immerse you in every nook and cranny of Kirkman’s award winning world!

From cover to cover, every nuance is touched upon. There are in depth interviews with Robert Kirkman, Danai Gurira (Michonne), Talking Dead host Chris Hardwick, artist extraordinaire Charlie Adlard and AMC’s The Walking Dead‘s executive producer Glen Mazzara.

For me, the Danai Gurira interview was something rare, giving an inside look at an extremely strong woman that portrays one of the biggest badasses on television. After reading the interview, there is no other woman that could possibly portray such a character as Michonne than Danai Gurira!

Fans of the show do need to be wary though, story spoilers abound in this issue as the entire comic book series is laid before you in the article, “The Story So Far.” Covering all major aspects of issues 1-100, there is a potential to learn things about Michonne and the Governor that may occur in Season 3! Even though the headlines blatantly state, “Spoilers Alert,” you know you will read on anyway — you just can’t help yourself!

You will see all thirteen covers to the horrifically amazing The Walking Dead #100, a preview of Todd McFarlane Toys second series of figures, an in depth look at the zombie zaniness at Comic-Con and a bevy of on location photos and articles from the set of The Walking Dead television series. You will gaze at previews of Telltale Games The Walking Dead episodic video game and even get a cool pic of the official The Walking Dead Plug ‘N Play game! Who doesn’t love that!


As amazing as all that sounds, it is the impressive articles that truly make the magazine shine. From the quirky, “The Secret Diary of a Walker” to “Choice Cuts,” – a look at the best and worst moments of different characters – there is no end to the range of quality to this magazine! My personal favorite is “Anatomy of a Story,” a dissection of a different story arc from the comic series. Each issue will take a deeper look into the creation of a tale and the evolution of the characters therein. It is something unique, catapulting this magazine above all others in its genre.

Everything – and I mean EVERYTHING – from everyone’s favorite zombie universe is featured in some way in this debut issue! Fans of the comic series, the television series, toys, video games and novels will be overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of information bestowed upon you. Not an inch of this issue is wasted! It is 100 pages of pure The Walking Dead excitement from cover to cover! I am overwhelmingly impressed by both the quality and the overall execution of the entire issue!

So, if you need something to sink your teeth into until Sunday night, get to your closest magazine outlet and pick up the most outstanding premiere issue I have ever read! The Walking Dead: The Official Magazine — on stands now!

“This magazine will be your one stop destination for all the news pertaining to the comic, TV show, video game, toys, games, and whatever else exists in the ever-expanding Walking Dead universe! If it’s happening, you’ll find out all about it right here!” – Robert Kirkman.

“The Walking Dead Official Magazine” goes on sale October 23rd in the U.S., November 8th in the U.K. and December 18th in Australia and New Zealand. Digital editions will be available globally on the iPad, Nook and Kindle Fire from October 23rd.

Subscription Offer:
The magazine is currently offering fans an exclusive FREE The Walking Dead T-Shirt (not available in stores) with new print subscriptions. For more information on this subscription offer and other offers in your territory, visit the magazine website:

Social Networking:
Readers can join the magazine on Twitter and Facebook to keep up to date with news and special offers:


Comic Book News Marvel

Op-Ed: Marvel Pseudo-Cosmic: The Decline of Marvel Cosmic under Alonso, Brevoort, Quesada, Whacker, Bendis, and Loeb

(Editor’s Note: “The Cosmic Triune” is a series of opinionated articles focusing on Marvel Cosmic.)


The Cosmic Triune

An Opinion-Editorial

By Timelord


Marvel Pseudo-Cosmic: 

The Decline of Marvel Cosmic under Alonso, Brevoort, Quesada, Whacker, Bendis, and Loeb



In preparation for this article I re-read the very first Marvel Cosmic comic I ever purchased – The Mighty Thor #227.  It was published in 1974 with a cover price of 25 cents and I remember seeing it on the wire spinner rack in my home town’s mom and pop drug store.  I was fascinated by the cover art of Thor, Hercules, and Firelord, and the blurb promising me an epic adventure with our heroes and Galactus fighting Ego The Living Planet.  If you’ve never read it, it’s a top notch Cosmic story that holds up well to the present day.  It’s the story that made me a Marvel Cosmic fan – and – I would point out that the story takes place in deep space, has absolutely nothing to do with Earth, respects the space-based characters, and talks up to the readers as if they’re adults.  I also reviewed Nova Volume I, Nova Volume IV, DnA’s Guardians of the Galaxy series, Starlin’s Infinity Gauntlet, Giffen’s Annihilation mini-series, Englehart’s Star-Lord origin story, and DnA’s Thanos Imperative mini-series as I consider these to be some of the best representations of Marvel Cosmic done right.

In February of 2011 I wrote an Opinion-Editorial called “Marvel Editorial to Cosmic Fans: We’re Just Not That Into You” and in August of 2011 I wrote a follow-up Op-Ed called Re-lauching Marvel Cosmic.  In “We’re Just Not That Into You” I described how latter day Marvel Editorial has disrespected and disappointed Cosmic Fans with their decisions about handling Nova and Guardians of the Galaxy; prompting a Twitter response from Marvel’s Tom Brevoort objecting to points I made in the article and prompting Mr. Bendis to block CBN from his Twitter feed.  In “Re-launching Marvel Cosmic,” which was published in response to Nova and Guardians of the Galaxy being put on “hiatus” with a promised quick return, I made suggestions about how Cosmic could be re-launched to better appeal to today’s Cosmic fans.  In response, Mr. Brevoort tweeted that I should just start reading Green Lantern.

After reading Loeb’s two Point One “Nova” (in name only) stories, watching Loeb’s treatment of “Nova” (in name only) on his Ultimate Spiderman cartoon, reading Bendis’ treatment of Guardians of the Galaxy (in name only) over the last three issues of Avengers Assemble as well as Bendis’ re-telling of Englehart’s Star-Lord origin story in the latest Point One – and comparing these efforts to the best of true Marvel Cosmic as identified above, I have some reactions to share.

If you take a look at the August 2011 “Re-launching Marvel Cosmic” Op-Ed – which basically identifies the most appealing elements of true Marvel Cosmic – and you compare it to what Marvel Editorial, Bendis, and Loeb are currently doing, you’ll see that they’re basically doing the opposite of everything that in the past made Marvel Cosmic great.

First, let’s consider Loeb’s juvenile treatment of – and I can barely write it without feeling sick – Nova.  In fact, to minimize the pain, I’ll hereinafter refer to Loeb’s treatment as “Nova In Name Only” or “NINO” for short.  As all true Cosmic fans know, Wolfman’s 1976 conception of Nova was street-level Spiderman-ish at first and toward the end of the run, he was moving Rich Rider toward more maturity and toward being more of a space-based character true to his origin story.  That’s not just my opinion or my analysis of The Man Called Nova series; Mr. Wolfman confirmed to me in a personal communication last year that he was going to move Nova to more mature space-based storylines had the series not been cancelled.  Later, Nova became the stand-out character in the New Warriors series and had two follow-up series where his earlier street-level Spiderman-ish characterization was retained by the writers of those series.  Then, Keith Giffen gave us Annihilation and everything changed for the better.


Giffen is quoted as saying that at first he didn’t understand Nova’s appeal.  Then he read through all the previous material and he understood what all us Nova fans – including Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning – had known all along.  The appeal was never the teenage Spiderman-ish routine.  The appeal was the potential – glimpsed in several Nova storylines and realized in a few – for a space-based para-military character that capitalized on the themes from popular science-fiction franchises of the past several decades such as Star Wars, Star Trek, and various video games.  Giffen’s re-characterization of Nova gave us a mature, confident, space-based, powerful para-military leader that the Nova fans wholeheartedly embraced as the realization of the potential we always knew the character possessed.  DnA retained this penultimate Nova characterization for most of their Nova Volume IV tenure which has been embraced by Nova fans as the best Nova series since Volume I.  So, for any bloggers and any Editors who condescendingly dismiss the complaints of true Nova fans in response to Loeb’s NINO as typical fanboy outrage about re-booting or re-characterization; I say in response that Nova fans have a history of embracing re-booting/re-characterization when it’s for the better; and only complaining when it’s for the worse.  NINO is for the worse.

Sad thing is – Loeb’s NINO is worse than re-booting or re-characterization.  It’s basically a hi-jacking of the character.  He takes some of the more interesting concepts from the true Nova’s history, modifies them in a manner disrespectful to the character’s continuity, waters them down to Earth-based street level, dumbs them down to juvenile level, and transplants them into an immature, obnoxious, un-likeable teenager named Sam Alexander.  I’m feeling sick again.  Gone is our powerful, mature, confident, para-military leader.  He’s been shoe-horned out of the way by bad Editorial decision making and replaced with a teenage Peter Parker-ish, powered down, ineffective teen twit that even the USM cartoon’s Spiderman doesn’t like.  Sam wouldn’t make a good sidekick much less a true leader. 

Truth is, Loeb doesn’t understand Nova.  He’s just trying once again to re-create Spiderman. It won’t work.  In this latest foray with Diamondhead, for the first time in 36 years of Nova fandom I was rooting for Diamondhead to win.  And it’s basically the same story as when NINO faced Terrax.  He basically gets his ass kicked, accidentally “wins” the fight, then runs off to find The Avengers.  Pathetic.  Mr. Loeb – you don’t understand Nova and Nova fans.  Your NINO is several orders of magnitude inferior to the original 1976 characterization.  Your NINO is un-necessary as Giffen gave Nova fans the Nova we had always wanted.  Your NINO is the “Nova” that no true Nova fan EVER wanted.  Your NINO is extremely disrespectful to the 36 year history of the character and to all long term Nova fans.  I used to buy two or more issues of every Nova comic to do my part in keeping sales high and the series going.  I won’t buy a single issue of NINO, and I hope it dies a quick cruel death and is quickly forgotten.  No Nova is better than NINO.

Now let’s consider Bendis’ take on Guardians of the Galaxy.  Or shouldn’t it be re-named Guardians of the Earth since Bendis has now made them Earth-based?  Or maybe he should just re-name his take Guardians of the Caribbean since he refers to Ship as a “pirate ship.”  Disney would probably love the conflation of two of its properties and see it as a way to make sure the Guardians of the Galaxy movie is a success.  I’m being sarcastic so don’t jump me about that last comment in the forums.


Don’t go pointing at the Point One Star-Lord origin story and telling me how good Bendis’ take is.  I agree that that story was well done.  But that’s a re-telling of a good Englehart story from the 70’s.  Bendis’ original take is exemplified in the last three issues of Avengers Assemble where the Guardians of the Galaxy play second fiddle to The Avengers in taking down Thanos who puts in his most bumbling performance as a Cosmic Cube seeking villain since the dreadful and infamous story where he fought Spiderman and Hellcat for a Cosmic Cube while flying in the “Thanos Copter” and ended up being led away in handcuffs by the NYPD.  So Tony Stark is smarter than Thanos and The Elders of the Universe? Really? So, Star-Lord, Drax, and Rocket Racoon deliver lines reminiscent of bad 1980’s cop movies/TV shows?  Also, stilted dialog, poor characterization, and complete disrespect for the concepts introduced by DnA that made their take on GotG good enough to attract the attention of Hollywood.  Did I miss anything?  Oh yes – I did.  What the hell is Tony Stark doing as part of the team?  Stealing the show if I guess right.  And again, to bloggers and Editors who would accuse me of DnA fanboy-ism; I invite you to read any of my reviews of their work on Nova and GotG.  I think they did the best take on Nova and GotG ever, but I was by no means easy on them.  I also did not follow their work on Heroes for Hire, Villains for Hire, or New Mutants, and I flat out didn’t like Annihilators.

Mr. Bendis – you don’t understand Guardians of the Galaxy or Science-Fiction.  Your take on GotG would have been average for popular science-fiction in 1955, but it’s not even close to good popular SF now.  And by the way sir, science-fiction fans prefer the shorthand “SF” and not the condescending term, “sci-fi.” Keep that in mind for your future interviews with your fanboys at Newsarama who should know better.  The galaxy/universe are big places and Earth is an insignificant part of the galaxy/universe.  Your reduction of concepts epic in scope dealing with the awe and wonder of the universe to parochial, Earthcentric, street-level tripe is disrespectful of the concepts that made DnA’s GotG take great.  There was no need to do this.  We already had a version of GotG very different from the original and embraced by the fans.  We didn’t want your “Cosmic Avengers.”  We wanted “The Cosmic Dirty Dozen.”  I won’t be buying your take.

The upshot is that Marvel Cosmic is no longer truly cosmic.  It has been reduced to hackneyed Earthcentric, small scope, street level, trite super-hero concepts with the characters just happening to have some connection to space. This is “pseudo-cosmic” at best.  So, until Marvel re-embraces the concepts that once made Cosmic great, I suggest that we refer to Bendis’ and Loeb’s efforts as “Marvel Pseudo-Cosmic,” and I urge the 40,000 or so loyal and true Cosmic fans to join me in boycotting Marvel Pseudo-Cosmic.  Pseudo-Cosmic is not better than no Cosmic at all.  It taints true Cosmic.  It corrupts good and true Cosmic concepts. It needs to go away quickly and be forgotten lest it become as much an object of derision as the “Thanos Copter.”

Comment on this article in the Cosmic Book News Forums

Comic Book News

Review: Harbinger #5

The Harada Foundation has been built to train and enhance the psychic potential of humanity. To help them become the best at their own abilities, to evolve them further than they would have been able to on their own. All this for the betterment of the world at large. Or so they are told!

Issue five of this amazing series, will wrap up the initial storyarc and eviscerate a path into the next one! Toyo Harada and Peter Stancheck, the Alpha and Omega, will tear this world asunder in order to defy one another. But will the boy who rose from streets, an addict with nothing to lose, be able to stop the monster that is Toyo Harada? Not on his own! Thus begins the expansion of the Valiant Universe and the arrival of — The Renegades!

Fast paced and hard hitting, Harbinger has consistently been a top-notch book every month! Filled with emotional duress and outstanding action sequences, Joshua Dysart has taken a concept and characters from the past and evolved them to a level that outshines everything that came before! The character of Peter Stancheck, is such a sorrowful icon – a character that is broken emotionally and is continually left to suffer. He literally has nothing left after this issue and that makes him a very dangerous character. One that we, as readers, can identify and empathize with. He is the everyman bestowed with a power that others seek to exploit with a chesire grin on their lips and a knife behind their back. 

This is the defiance issue, where some background characters make a decision to push themselves to the forefront and finally do something about the tyranny of Harada. It is a fundamental need to preserve oneself, but at what cost. Is it worth the lives of others in order to do so? That is the core of this book. What does it take in order for someone to do the right thing for someone else? It is a question well thought out and executed in this series, making it as effective emotionally as it is visually stunning!

This is where the battle lines have been drawn! The Valiant Universe is about to become a very different, very dangerous place and your have a front row seat!

Be bold, be daring, be — Valiant!

Movie News

TV Review: The Walking Dead Season 3: Episode One – ‘Seed’


The Robert Kirkman machine continues to carve its’ way through the entertainment world, creating the high water mark for television dramas as well as the comic book industry. Never before have we seen such high numbers (14.2 million!) for a television drama, and certainly not for a “comic book show!” Why has The Walking Dead garnered such a high level of fan appreciation and followers — because it’s that damn good! 

Breaking the shackles of just another “cult classic”, TWD has worked it’s way into the hearts of more than just the fans of the original source material. Though the comic fans are ravenous about the show (especially me!), it is the drama/horror fans that have really added to the extremely high viewership. And for those fans, I give you a comparison between the comic and the premiere episode of Season 3.

(Editorial Warning: Spoilers “Dead” Ahead!)

Episode One deemed, ‘Seed’, begins after the harsh months of winter have come and gone. Our group seems to have fallen in line with Rick’s, “This is not a democracy” speech from the season two finale and they look hardened, weary and Lori is more than a little pregnant! Foraging from house to house has become the status quo, but Rick will not allow this group to degrade themselves any lower and knocks a can of dog food from Carl’s hands before he can taste it. As walkers begin to become more present around the house, the group leaves silently – more reminiscent of a military outfit than a family.

This is where we see the first separation from the comic and show. Even though the worlds and situations are the same, there isn’t that emotional detachment between the group as there is here. There is still the “family” feel to the group, even as they become used to the killing and actually excel at it, it has never become so militaristic. It is fantastic that the writers have incorporated this edgier feel to the show, and for finally making Carl the complete badass he is in the comic!

Next, Rick and his right hand man, Daryl (a character that I so wish was in the book!), stumble upon the prison while hunting for food. This originally takes place in issue 13 of the book. But, as The Walking Dead: The Official Magazine (to be released Oct.23) states,” Season three will be, at least in part, covering issues 13 through 48,” so, we are bound to see amalgams of storylines throughout the season. 

As the group hacks and slashes their way through the labyrinth of fences surrounding the prison, we can see that their prowess with weaponry has improved exponentially. Wielding pipes, hammers, hatchets as well as guns, they are conserving their bullets for the most of dire times and relying on “wetwork” instead to dispel the undead. They seem ready and relatively healthy to take on whatever may come their way. Something that is not present when first we see Andrea! 

The fan favorite, Michonne, has helped Andrea stay alive through the winter, but it seems all her work is for not. Michonne rumages through a drug store to find anything. She silently decapitates two walkers with her katanna before grabbing some packages of asprin off the floor and heads back to a small building near by. As she walks through a discheveled hallway we get a first glance at a weakened Andrea.  Andrea is extremely sick and tells Michonne to leave her here to die, she doesn’t want to be a burden any longer. The stoic Michonne tells Andrea that they will have to move on in a few days, and last we see of them, they have loaded Michonne’s zombie companions with their gear and are headed out into the world. This is a great dynamic for these two characters to be in. This meeting never happens in the book. Michonne was always a loner, besides her boyfriend and his best friend — her pet walkers! She was introduced to the group in issue 19, where she saves Otis from some walkers and follows him back to the prison. Since Otis is already dead in the show, this “Thelma and Louise” style story is a great way to build up both of these characters that are two of comicdom’s favorites.

Back to the prison! Rick’s “hit squad” enters the perimeter of the prison and slaughter walkers by the dozen. Just as they are feeling confident about clearing the section, riot gear wearing walkers emerge from around the corner! This is some of the most gruesome make-up effects I have ever seen on network television! The peeling off of the gas mask on the riot walker was so visceral, so disgusting that it only made me crave more! After feeble attempts to stab through the riot gear, Maggie plunges her machete up through the bottom of a walkers jaw to stop him. Her jubilant reaction to her handiwork was outstanding! After they clear the riot walkers, the group enters the prison.

Rick’s squad clears a cell block, finds keys to the inner areas of the prison and bring the rest of the group into their new home. Exhausted, they find cells to bunk in and settle in. Their is a great “Padme/Anakin” moment between Beth and Carl that reveals how far the Carl character has come since the last season. He is confident and deadly, making him project himself more as a protector than a child. In the book he is as lethal as any of the adults, but he also has Sofia to keep him grounded. Without Sofia on the show, maybe Beth will become his center, although the age difference is a little creepy!

Also, this is where we see the great divide between Rick and Lori. Rick is deeply removed from anything Lori has to say about the baby. He is the leader of this group, but no longer the loving husband. Does he blame Lori for the duel between himself and Shane? It is more than likely that he is afraid of losing her in childbirth and needs to distance himself from her to focus on the survival of the group. We also see a great conversation between Lori and Hershel. She confides in him that she hasn’t felt the baby move in a while and is concerned it is dead. She wallows to him about her fears of labor and the likelihood of she or the baby becoming walkers. She finally pleads with Hershel that if she or the baby turn, that he would kill them. This was an truly troubling scene and was a fantastic addition of emotion to the show.

Finally, the next morning, Rick, Maggie, Hershel, T-Dog, Glenn and Daryl all enter the bowels of the prison. During their search, walkers emerge from everywhere and the group gets separated! Maggie and Glenn hide in a room until the walkers have passed but they are lost from the rest of the group. Franticly, Herschel calls out for his daughter and is bitten in the leg by a walker that has been sitting on the floor! Panicked, the groups reconnect over the screaming Hershel and drag him down the hall as walkers emerge from everywhere. They bust a lock off a door, stumble inside and barricade the door. Rick looks at Hershel’s leg and decides that it must be removed in order to save him! Grisly effects abound as Rick hacks off the bitten area, and Hershel passes out. But, all is not over! Besides the walkers outside, there is a new issue to contend with. Daryl tells Rick to get down as he draws his crossbow upward. It seems they have entered the prison’s cafeteria and there are still prisoners here. Alive!

Outstanding first episode, that ampted the action up to eleven and the emotional duress through the roof! I was very surprised about Hershel being bit, especially since it was Dale that had his leg amputated in the book! More amalgam storylines abound and I couldn’t be happier! This show has become the pinnacle of drama television, forget the courtrooms and special crime units, life in a zombie filled world is where all the best stories can come from! 

As the season progresses and the Governor makes his presence known, the emotional aspect of the show will become heightened. There are things that happen in the book that I do not know how they will be allowed on network television. The Governor is an extremely twisted man and fans of the book are worried about how he will be used in the show. Well, from what Robert Kirkman has said, the fans need not worry. He has this to say about one of the most vicious characters in comics today,” … the threat of violence posed by the Governor, has not been diluted for TV!” With that said, hang on folks, it’s going to be one intense season!

Movie News Reviews

Movie Review: Sinister (2012)

This Film is Just Plain Evil

A Film Review of Sinister

By: Lawrence Napoli


“Found footage” films have all but oversaturated the horror genre in Hollywood recently and while this review acknowledges the fact that its intermittent use throughout Sinister is an absolute strength, “found footage” is not to be considered an instant win for any film.  Let’s also not split hairs about the rationale behind its rise in popularity.  From the production perspective, “found footage” continues to spread like wildfire because the reported budgets for some of the most successful films in this category continue to shrink exponentially.  Economic efficiency, more so than quality, aesthetics, relevance and social commentary, is what Hollywood’s about these days and despite the allure of the blockbuster film, “found footage” continues to self promote as a reliable cog in the assembly line mind set of studios.


Oh God, I hope this isn’t Cloverfield!

Sinister is a terrifyingly morbid exploration into the fascination with the depraved, vile and graphic imagery of live murder caught on film.  It’s one of those human nature situations where we are all stunned and disgusted by the train wreck, but are somehow compelled to continue watching.  This film, however, is quite clear about taking this phenomena and turning it into a morality tale (ooo, big shock there!) where those who behave irresponsibly get punished by otherworldly circumstance.  Writer/director Scott Derrickson is not reinventing the wheel with Sinister, but uses the narrative horror structure to highlight the “found footage” in order to maximize the terror on screen.  For the most part, this film will look and feel like your average horror flick, but then the audience is introduced to the first (of many) super 8mm murders and the intensity of the story shoots through the roof.  Sinister also attempts to be a paranormal investigation film, but I found the main character’s efforts in this regard to be moot.  The scares and suspense do not come from the investigation, but from the psychological torture and metaphysical danger the protagonist subjects himself to as a direct result of less than honorable ambitions.  Sinister is a story that successfully blends realism with fantasy by taking great pains to not abuse visual effects to reveal the supernatural until the last possible moment.   Despite the presence of several conventions (children, possession, isolation, morality tale), this film strikes a chord and is far more terrifying than most contemporary (American) horror films.


Invesitgative journalists get into this for the money, right?

This film claims to be budgeted at around $3 million dollars which is interesting if one observes the star studded cast of what would otherwise be described as a small, indie-horror flick.  Names like Fred Thompson, Vincent D’Onofrio and Ethan Hawke are all film and TV vets from various genres and none have ever been identified with horror.  At the same time none of these men are exactly monopolizing the limelight in LaLa Land either.  Still, these actors would all demand significant salaries for big studio or network television projects and it is surprising to find this many interested in working for scale (a.k.a. for free) on the same production.  Of the three, only Ethan Hawke is truly featured as he plays the protagonist Ellison Oswalt, a non-fiction writer who is desperate to research a new murder case to get his writing career back on track.  I was extremely impressed with Hawke’s performance because the man sold sincerity in every scene.  This is the kind of film that is the furthest from a “paycheck” for an A-Lister, but Hawke has always had a strong footing in the realm of indie productions.  He obviously had a genuine interest in this story and it reflects in his presence on screen.  Who knew Ethan Hawke could do horror? 


He’s scared.  The audience is scared.  Mission accomplished.

Fred Thompson is featured to a lesser extent playing a sheriff who interprets Oswalt’s novels as throwing decent police work under the bus.  Honestly, any elder thespian could have produced the grizzled, don’t-mess-with-this-town attitude that Thompson masterfully produced in limited opportunities, but his presence added legitimacy to this film.  Vincent D’Onofrio is criminally underused as his only appearances are limited to a few web-cam dialogue sessions with Ethan Hawke.  D’Onofrio is one of those unique actors who can deliver great, charismatic performances without the benefit of Brad Pitt-like looks.  His contributions to this film seem like a last minute favor that got cashed in by Scott Derrickson, but it paid off because D’Onofrio can make reading the phonebook look like compelling footage.  I wasn’t as impressed with the rest of the cast as Juliet Rylance’s chemistry with Ethan Hawke was spotty at best and the performances of the children: Clare Foley and Michael Hall D’Addario were easily the most forgettable in any horror film using children as a focal point for supernatural phenomena.  


Without question, the dumbest moment in this film.  Thankfully, it’s the only one.

Sinister is a well made, suspense/horror film that was legitimately creepy.  There were points closer to the end of the film where I felt the need to simply close my eyes not out of fear, but out of disgust for the volume of executions the audience is subjected to.  The super 8mm murders are not particularly gory, but the fact that each execution is preceded by brief surveillance footage of each family enjoying each other’s company adds a level of perversion that I was not prepared for and never got used to.  I would not qualify this film as a hard “visual” R, but certainly as a no holds barred R for content.  This is not the horror film you sneak the kids in for and depending on the individual’s sensitivities, may be one to avoid entirely for adults if you find the concept of families being executed on screen as too much to handle.  Sinister pushes the boundaries and this is normally something I call for in filmmaking, but I’d be lying if I denied that part of me would have rather skipped this film all together.

Comic Book News Marvel

Advanced Review: Marvel Now!: Point One #1

The future of Marvel comics is bestowed upon us in Marvel Now! Point One. This is not the full scope, but rather, glimpses of some of the biggest and brightest new creations for 2013! A bevy of Marvel top talent has put their best foot forward to lay the foundation for the future, but, is it really worth the six dollar price tag?

Point One is an amalgam of intriguing tales and notable flops. Ranging from new characters like Miss America, revamping fan favorites such as Nova and even returning characters that have not been seen in a very long time — Forge! This book will leave fans in a “love/hate” scenario. Regardless of whom your favorite characters are, it is the quality of the tales that separate the good from the bad — not the character.

I do not pretend to know Marvel Cosmic — I am the “street” guy in the CBN offices. The last time I read a Nova tale, he was running with the New Warriors! But I enjoyed this slight glimpse into the “new” Nova. It was intriguing, referencing Rich Rider and his exploits a few times, and yet somehow winning me over with the “kid.” I cannot tell you if new or old fans will enjoy it, I can only tell you that I did!

But, the best story is that of Peter Quill. A jarring piece that grabbed me instantly! Not knowing a thing about Starlord, Bendis‘ tale made me want to! Fast paced, it’s placement in the book was perfectly balanced to excite the reader into the rest of the book. Unfortunately, the rest of the tales paled in comparison.

For me, the worst tale was the story of Forge and Cable. It was as misshapen as Forge’s leg, giving nothing for the reader to grab onto and feel invested in. I know these are just glimpses, teasers about the future, but, nothing here created excitement for said future. It was a ramble in order to show the mental duress of Forge, but it didn’t resonate well at all.

Nick Spencer’s wrap around tale of Nick Fury and a man proclaiming to be from the future, gave the perfect amount of direction to the overall book. A balance between the zany and profound, Spencer keeps it all in a well wound story that ends open-ended. The perfect stepping stone for the future of Marvel, one that is beginning to look brighter everyday.

But six dollars? Keep out all the advertisements and I would be happy to pay three!

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: The Walking Dead #103

With all the hype AMC is getting with the fantastic television version of The Walking Dead, let’s not forget that this phenomenon began as “the little comic that could!” The heart and soul that exudes from the characters, started in twenty-two pages of black and white perfection! Issue #103 continues to prove that this “zombie” book is one of the best comics ever created!

Rick has a plan, a plan that he cannot let anyone know. A plan that will alienate him from the people he calls friends, and more importantly, from Carl. But he must not let that hinder his decision. If he wants his people to survive, they must truly fear what is to come!

Outstanding is a word that is all too often used to describe Robert Kirkman’s finest book. But, it is the exact word that falls from your lips as you read this issue. The pacing drives you forward into one of the most distressing issues to date. It is completely unnerving as Negan walks the hallowed halls of Rick’s community, with swagger and a venomous grin he changes the entire outlook of the series. Kirkman creates an atmosphere thick with agitation, so much so, that you dare not turn the page in lieu of tempting the fates! 

This series does one thing better than any book out there — makes you fearful for the characters! Not enough praise can be bestowed upon Kirkman for his creation of an emotional tether between reader and character. It truly is astounding!

So, does Negan and his trusty bat,”Lucille,” get to taste blood again? I won’t spoil it for you, but I will say this — Negan’s not the only one who gets to hold good ol’ “Lucille!”

Movie News

Stephen King’s Exclusive Horror Web-Comic Goes Live Today (10/15/12)!




That’s right, folks! Just in time for the Halloween season, has created it’s first ever exclusive horror web comic about Mr. King’s short story, “The Little Green God of Agony.”

First published in Stephen Jones’s 2011 anthology, “A Book of Horrors”, “The Little Green God of Agony” is a tale told from the point of view of a paraplegic millionaire’s nurse. Katherine “Kat” MacDonald is convinced that her patient could overcome his injuries and pain that he sustained in an airplane crash, if he would just try to endure the pain of his physical therapy. But, Andrew Newsome is just looking for the quick fix. Instead of pushing through the excruciating pain, he turns to a less conventional method. He hires a healer named, Reverend Rideout, who has promised to “expel” his pain!

Drawn by comic artist Dennis Calero (Legion of Super-Heroes, X-Factor), this exclusive web-comic will be released every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the next eight weeks — starting today! 

So head on over to and check out Episode 1! It will definitely help get you in the mood for the scariest time of the year. But, don’t take my word for it, this is what the Master of Horror himself had to say about it: “It rocks most righteously!”

Comic Book News

NYCC 2012: Walking Dead Exclusive Merchandise!

Just announced on, the website revolving around everything Robert Kirkman, we get to see the FINAL approved NYCC 2012 Walking Dead Exclusives! These will be in extremely high demand and will only be available at the Skybound Booth #1229! So get there early!

Below is the official press release from


Michonne and Pets PVC Figure Set and The Remains t-shirt
Robert Kirkman, creator and writer of The Walking Dead and Executive Producer/Writer of the hit AMC TV show based upon his bestselling comic book series and graphic novels, saved the best New York Comic-Con Exclusive Merchandise for last. Kirkman and Skybound, his imprint at Image Comics, bring you a limited edition PVC figure of The Walking Dead fan favorite badass, Michonne. That’s right, everyone’s favorite katana-wielding survivor and her “pets” are immortalized as limited edition PVC figures to be devoured by the hordes at New York Comic-Con. Also, a limited-edition black 100% cotton t-shirt, The Walking Dead The Remains shirt, pays homage to the last of the original survivors.
The Walking Dead Michonne and Pets PVC Figure Set is a limited edition set available in three colors:
·         Grey, like the post-apocalyptic world the survivors are living in, is limited to 1000 sets, $15 each
·         Purple, like the stylish and unique Michonne herself, is limited to 250 sets, $20 each
·         Glow in the Dark, well, that’s just cool, is limited to 250 sets, $20 each
The Walking Dead “The Remains” t-shirt is limited to 250 shirts for $20 and if you’ve read the record-breaking 100th issue of The Walking Dead [Spoiler Alert], you know that means Rick and Carl, Michonne and Andrea. Show off your insider cred by sporting this tee and impress all the other aficionados of The Walking Dead comics and graphic novels.



Speaking of graphic novels — While you are waiting in line to meet the incredible Robert Kirkman, you may need something for him to autograph. Well, what could be better than the NYCC Exclusive The Walking Dead Hardcover Compendium (Red Foil Edition)? This beautiful crafted book is limited to only 1500 copies and will set you back $100! But it’s well worth it! 

 Don’t know when your comic gods can sign all your newly acquired goods? I got ya covered! Below is a full list of times and appearances for you so you can factor in all your other events!

So empty your bank account and get out there for the coolest swag from your favorite book! And please, somebody send me a “Remains” t-shirt! I’m beggin’ ya!


Skybound Signings:


Thursday, October 11th:

5:00PM-6:00PM         Robert Kirkman signing, creator/writer of The Walking Dead,                                               InvincibleSuper Dinosaur and Thief of Thieves


Friday, October 12th:

1:00PM-2:00PM         Thief of Thieves signing with artist Shawn Martinbrough, writer                                            James Asmus and colorist Felix Serrano

 4:00PM-5:30PM         Robert Kirkman signing, creator/writer of The Walking Dead,                                               InvincibleSuper Dinosaur and Thief of Thieves


TBD                             Robert Kirkman and Jay Bonansinga sign advance copies of their                 upcoming novel, The Road to Woodbury. For further details, keep checking


Saturday, October 13th:

1:00PM-2:00PM         Witch Doctor signing with creator/writer Brandon Seifert and                                               creator/artist Lukas Ketner

5:00PM-6:00PM         Thief of Thieves signing with artist Shawn Martinbrough, writer                                            James Asmus and colorist Felix Serrano


Sunday, October 14th:

11:00AM-12:00 PM    Jason Howard signing, artist for Super Dinosaur

3:30PM-5:00PM         Robert Kirkman signing, creator/writer of The Walking Dead,                                               InvincibleSuper Dinosaur and Thief of Thieves

Comic Book News

Review: The Walking Dead: Michonne Special #1

We are just days away from the third season of one of the most anticipated television shows in the past decade, and what better way to introduce all those fans to the resident katana wielding bad-ass, than too give her her own special!

Reprinting The Walking Dead #19 — the first appearance of Michonne — in conjunction with the Playboy “origin” story, we finally get a more solid look at what created such a fan favorite character. From using her boyfriend and his best friend as moving camouflage, to the first time Rick and Michonne meet, this was a nice overview of the character that has endured so much at the hands of Robert Kirkman.

Though regular collectors of the series, and the Playboy story, will see nothing new in this book; it is still nice to have both stories together in one place. A singularly hand held origin piece that can be accessed anytime for your perusing pleasure! No digging through back issues needed!

My only qualm with the book is the definitive difference in the quality of the grey tones and line art. The Playboy story is much darker in hue than the original series and Adlard’s pencils used to be much thinner, a crisper style with much more detail. I know Charlie Adlard had to quicken his art style a few years back to keep the pace of a monthly book on track, but there is a clear division between the two tales now. Silly, I know, but the rest is still perfect!

So before you head out to your TWD parties this weekend, I’ve been invited to attend a few, be sure to hone up your knowledge about that mysterious girl from Season Two! Michonne will be the word on everyone’s lips at the water cooler — don’t be left out!

Comic Book News Marvel

Advanced Review: Uncanny Avengers #1

Welcome to the most pre-ordered book of all time! The “Revolution” has begun and Marvel Now! is officially underway! 

Fan favorites, Rick Remender and John Cassady, have laid the groundwork for the future of the Marvel U. with a book that changes the status quo! Former heroes are behind bars, a classic X villain re-emerges with more than a little angst and a mass murderer gives a eulogy! Cyclops’ Extinction team is on the run and the mutant race is more hated than ever! Wait, how is this different? Because “big blue,” Captain America, has a plan to introduce the world to how heroic the X -Men have been over the years.

Everything tastes better when Cap’s got your back!

But seriously, Remender brings a voice to these characters – X-Men especially – that is just not found in their regular books. He brings a depth to them, a richness seldom found and it makes the debut issue of this series that much better. This book will sell no matter what, but it is the pitch perfect characterization by Remender that will keep the fans returning. From Xavier’s eulogy to the completely off-the-wall ending, you will be enthralled by every page. If this is the type of tales we can expect from the rest of the Marvel Now! books, we are in for a resurgence of the Marvel books of old!

Smart and intriguing with just a hint of Remender’s patented craziness — this one’s a solid read that will leave fans wanting more!

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