Fantastic Four

Movie News

First Look At Michael B. Jordan In Fantastic Four


Check out some first look images at Fantastic Four below as Fox has officially released set images featuring Michael B. Jordan, Simon Kinberg (screenwriter/producer) and director Josh Trank.

The Collider spoke with Trank and Kinberg who offered some details:

Fantastic Four looks to be about 2 hours to 2 hours and twenty minutes in length.

Regarding why the movie hasn’t been promoted just yet, Tranks defends the reasoning as he would rather have everyone see the finished product: “I’d rather show people what it looks like when it’s done.”

Trank compares FF to a David Cronberg movie and offers it’s more of a hard science-fiction reboot than a straight superhero movie.

Regarding a black Johnny Storm and a white Sue Storm, Trank offers: “I have mixed family in my own family and it’s something that isn’t out of the ordinary anymore but we don’t really see it portrayed in the casual reality of the movies.  That’s something I felt that would be interesting and challenging, to have mixed siblings.”

Kinberg says the Ultimate comics were the biggest influence from Marvel:  “Yeah, I think The Ultimates is probably our biggest influence because it’s the younger Fantastic Four.  And a lot of the science specifics are there.  And a lot of the means of transformation we took from those books. As you’ll see a little bit in the trailer and a lot in the movie, there are influences really from the beginning of what Kirby and Stan were doing in the 60’s all the way up into the present day. This is an origin story in many regards and it is inspired by The Ultimate Fantastic Four as much as anything else.”

Tranks says the Negative Zone “could be there in the movie.”

Kinberg says there are lot of Easter Eggs in the movie and one in the trailer.

Simon Kinberg confirms there are talks about a potential Fantastic Four and X-Men shared movie universe, as leaked e-mails as a result of the Sony hack stated a planned Fantastic Four and X-Men movie is underway:  “The extra challenge is that the X-Men films so far don’t acknowledge the Fantastic Four and the Fantastic Four takes place essentially in the same time period as the X-Men movies, the modern day.  So they have challenges.  But there are certainly conversations.”

“Fantastic Four” has an August 7, 2015 release directed by Josh Trank starring Miles Teller as Reed Richards, Michael B. Jordan as Johnny Storm, Jamie Bell as Ben Grimm,  Kate Mara as Sue Storm and Toby Kebbell as Victor von Doom.



Fantastic Four trailer:

Movie News

Possible Fantastic Four Reboot Costumes


Above you can check out the possible look at the costumes from the Fantastic Four reboot.

According to Chris Hardwick’s the Nerdist website, an “anonymous” source has given them a description of the Fantastic Four costumes, so they went out an hired an artist to draw what the Fantastic Four costumes may look like.

“Fantastic Four” has an August 7, 2015 release directed by Josh Trank starring Miles Teller as Reed Richards, Michael B. Jordan as Johnny Storm, Jamie Bell as Ben Grimm,  Kate Mara as Sue Storm and Toby Kebbell as Victor von Doom.

Fantastic Four trailer:

Movie News Star Wars

Tons Of Star Wars, Avengers 2, Batman Vs. Superman, Fantastic Four and more SCOOPS


We get some insider information from Twitter user GBRIELGRY about Star Wars, The Avengers 2, Batman Vs. Superman, Fantastic Four and more.

The Twitter user previously posted leaked images from the Terminator: Genisys trailer that Paramount filed copyright notices for and had taken down.

Obviously we don’t know if all the following info is legit, but the Terminator pics definitely were.

I suppose I should throw out a SPOILER warning just in case as the possible Avengers 2 post-credit scene is stated below.

Details also include when the Batman Vs. Superman trailer might hit and thoughts on the Fantastic Four trailer, Crimson Peak trailer and Terminator: Genisys.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens:

Avengers 2:

Batman Vs. Superman:

Fantastic Four:

Terminator: Genisys:

Crimson Peak:

Movie News

Fantastic Four Reboot Said To Be A Mess


Following yesterday’s report where producer Matthew Vaughn stated the Fantastic Four is a good movie – if you liked Chronicle – a new report is stating the Fantastic Four reboot is a mess.

Bleeding Cool is reporting that Fox is not happy with Fantastic Four, and that they didn’t want it to be “Chronicle 2.”

It’s said one “well-connected senior executive” described the Fantastic Four movie as “a mess,” and multiple sources are saying Fox is worried about the film. 

It’s also said reshoots for the Fantastic Four reboot are being demanded, and that millions of dollars are being freed up for that purpose as well as sets are being rebuilt in Louisiana where FF filmed.

It was also said at one time that Fox was considering getting a new director, but Fox denied the notion.

“Fantastic Four” has an August 7, 2015 release directed by Josh Trank starring Miles Teller as Reed Richards, Michael B. Jordan as Johnny Storm, Jamie Bell as Ben Grimm, Kate Mara as Sue Storm and Toby Kebbell as Victor von Doom.


THE FANTASTIC FOUR, a contemporary re-imagining of Marvel’s original and longest-running superhero team, centers on four young outsiders who teleport to an alternate and dangerous universe, which alters their physical form in shocking ways. Their lives irrevocably upended, the team must learn to harness their daunting new abilities and work together to save Earth from a former friend turned enemy. 

Movie News

Matthew Vaughn Says Fantastic Four Is A Good Movie


The Fantastic Four reboot has been taking a lot of heat.

There is the obvious in that Johnny Storm, ak The Human Torch, is being played by Michael B. Jordan.

There is mention of the new Doctor Doom being a computer hacker.

In addition, there has been talk that Marvel Comics has cancelled their Fantastic Four comic book because the CEO of Marvel, Ike Perlmutter, is at odds with Fox Studios over the film rights and ordered the cancellation. Marvel Comics even killed off the Fantastic Four movie cast.

The latest saw a possible logo image of the Fantastic Four movie leaked, which included details about the movie.

There is also the fact that Fantastic Four opens in about seven months, and Fox has yet to release a trailer or promote the film.

While all that might sound like a recipe for a disaster, some good news comes in the form of comments from Matthew Vaughn, producer on Fantastic Four.

Vaughn, known for Kick-Ass and the upcoming Kingsman: The Secret Service, has seen the Fantastic Four movie and says it’s good; however, there is one catch – if you liked Chronicle.

“I’ve seen the movie, it’s good,” Vaughn told Flickering Myth.“I thought Chronicle was a fantastic movie and [Josh] Trank has gone off and done his version of Fantastic Four. If you like Chronicle, then you’ll like this.”

Chronicle was Trank’s 2012 hit found-footage movie, written by Max Landis, that starred Jordan. The movie saw high-schoolers gain superpowers and followed their experiences and discoveries in real-world fashion. Josh Trank is also Disney’s choice to helm a Star Wars spinoff.

“We’re all backing Josh Trank’s vision,” Vaughn added. “And hopefully the world will like Josh Trank’s vision.”

Leaked e-mails as a result of the Sony hack also revealed Fox has plans for a Fantastic Four and X-Men crossover movie.

The latest regarding the Fantastic Four trailer is that it might be attached to Vaughn’s Secret Service, which gets released February 13th.

“Fantastic Four” has an August 7, 2015 release directed by Josh Trank starring Miles Teller as Reed Richards, Michael B. Jordan as Johnny Storm, Jamie Bell as Ben Grimm, Kate Mara as Sue Storm and Toby Kebbell as Victor von Doom.


THE FANTASTIC FOUR, a contemporary re-imagining of Marvel’s original and longest-running superhero team, centers on four young outsiders who teleport to an alternate and dangerous universe, which alters their physical form in shocking ways. Their lives irrevocably upended, the team must learn to harness their daunting new abilities and work together to save Earth from a former friend turned enemy. 

Movie News

Fantastic Four Logo and Details Leak Online


We may have a first look at the logo for the Fantastic Four movie as well as a few details.

The info comes from a user on Reddit who claims to do work for Fox and also posted the following.

The relevant posts have since been deleted, but someone posted them on IMDB.

Potential spoilers follow.

Hello all! 

My name is…well, you can refer to me as Mr. Blue if you wish. 

I’m an employee at 20th Century Fox, and I usually specialize in editing. I help make rough cuts of movies before they get sent off for finalization. Anyway, a few months ago I was contacted to work on the 2nd rough cut for Fox’s Fantastic Four movie. I was pretty excited because I’m a big fan of the characters, and even though the movie didn’t sound great… I was still looking forward to seeing it. 

The movie itself wasn’t all bad – it feels like Chronicle 2, which isn’t a bad thing. It manages to keep the basis of the characters despite the race change for Johnny and the uh… original love story between two of the characters (I won’t mention who). Since I’m a fan, I decided to take a picture of the logo shown during the end credits for the fans. If this were any other scenario, I would have used a screenshot… however they trace our computers at work, so I had to be sneaky and use my cell phone. 

I hope you like this small glimpse of the movie, and I will try to leak more info for y’all in the future. 🙂 

Thanks for posting this.
The love story’s between Johnny and Ben, isn’t it?

No problem! I hate how Fox have been keeping you guys in the dark about the reboot, it’s wrong. They have no reason to be so secretive, seriously. 

LoL! No, it is not. 

Any info you can share on Domaschev? 

He’s an internet blogger and a programmer who works for Dr. Storm at the Baxter Institute. However, after he gets his powers he becomes closer to the classic 616 Doom in personality. There are many hints towards him becoming ruler of Latveria in the future. 

Is his look from the leaked set photos basically what he looks like in the movie? 
There are many hints towards him becoming ruler of Latveria in the future. 
Like what? 

Pretty much. There’s gonna be some CG enhancements, obviously. But it’s more or less the same. 

Towards the end of the movie, he tells the Four that he can do “good” with his power and help his homeland. 

How’s the CGI of The Thing? How much of the movie takes place in the Negative Zone? 

The CGI wasn’t finished yet, given that it’s a rough cut… but design wise, he looks fine. Very Thing-like. 

The first half of the second act and the final battle. I’d guess around 30 minutes in total is spent in the Negative Zone (referred to as Dimension N in the movie itself). 

Cool, thanks for answering. I have one last question if you don’t mind… 
Why do you think Fox is being so secretive about this movie? Is there anything completely terrible about the film that would make Fox be hesitant about marketing it? 

I really have no idea! In my personal opinion, the movie isn’t a complete trainwreck – it’s a genuinely good movie. 

I guess they don’t want to piss off the die-hard fans, but I really don’t know. 

“Fantastic Four” has an August 7, 2015 release directed by Josh Trank starring Miles Teller as Reed Richards, Michael B. Jordan as Johnny Storm, Jamie Bell as Ben Grimm,  Kate Mara as Sue Storm and Toby Kebbell as Victor von Doom.

Movie News

Channing Tatum Gambit Movie Set For 2016


The Channing Tatum Gambit movie is now official as Fox Studios has announced it will have an October 7, 2016 release date.

Tatum will star as the mutant with the power to manipulate kinetic energy and is first expected to appear in Bryan Singer’s X-Men: Apocalypse, which hits four months earlier on May 27, 2016.

Channing Tatum has been involved with the role for quite a while and most recently said Gambit would be “something different” suggesting it would be more of an anti-hero movie than a superhero film.

The writer on Gambit is Joshua Zetumern who recently wrote the 2014 RoboCop movie.

Channing Tatum has Jupiter Ascending coming out next month as well and is involved in the sequels to Jump Street and Magic Mike.

Tatum’s name also surfaced with the Sony leaks where it was stated the actor is interested in a Ghosbusters spinoff with fellow actor Chris Pratt.

Fox also announced the third Planet of the Apes movie will be delayed a year to July 14, 2017.

Fox’s Fantastic Four 2 previously held the July 14, 2017 release, which will now be moved up six weeks to June 2, 2017.

Fox also gave the Assassin’s Creed movie a December 21, 2016 release which will star Michael Fassbender, with Justin Kurzel directing.

The P.T Barnum movie starring Hugh Jackman opens on December 25, 2016, and The Mountain Between Us starring Charlie Hunnam and Rosamund Pike will open February 10, 2017.

Movie News Reviews

Op-Ed: Thoughts On A Michael B. Jordan As A Black Johnny Storm

Josh Trank’s Got A ‘Fantastic’ Curveball For Ya!

More Casting Shenanigans from the Hollywood Machine

By Lawrence Napoli



All right, so we all know by now that 20th Century Fox is bankrolling a reboot of the Fantastic Flops from ’05 and ’07.  Josh Trank, director of Chronicle (2012), will be in command of this reboot starring a bunch of semi-known white actors in the principal roles … and … a black Johnny Storm?  Oh yes, Michael B. Jordan (which is I’m sure a stage name that totally and is in no way attempting to siphon off any mojo from ‘His Airness’) has been cast as the Human Torch.  Questions? 

First, let’s state the obvious.  Jordan is Josh Trank’s boy from his break out film Chronicle.  Jordan did a great job in that role, but he still happened to be the token black guy in a super-hero-y type of movie so that means [SPOILER ALERT!] he wasn’t the main character and was the first one with powers to be killed.  Surprise, surprise.  What truly isn’t a surprise, however, is the fact that this kind of Hollywood nepotism or reciprocation or familiarity or whatever you want to label it as is pretty gosh darn common.  Just look at anything produced or directed by Chris Nolan and you may notice the carbon copying of entire cast lists.  Be that as it may, I have no problem with any director recasting actors with whom he or she developed good, professional relationships with – provided it’s not just about throwing someone a bone and the decision will be mutually beneficial. 

Second, nobody knows where exactly this “reboot” is going to go with the story, but examining the sparse details on (assuming them to be accurate) allows us to deduce a few things: The Fantastic Four will be Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic, Sue Storm/Invisible Woman, Ben Grimm/The Thing and Johnny Storm/The Human Torch.  Each character would not have been given their pseudonym on the cast page if this reboot was going to be doing something way off formula by changing the origin story from “these people get blasted with cosmic rays in space that turns them into the super-humans we’ve come to know them as.”  So it seems that everyone is going to have the same or similar range of status and relationships they share with each other from the comics and the previous films.  The issue at bar is that the characters of Sue and Johnny Storm share a biological heritage that is clearly going to be broken based on this most recent casting news.  I can only presume that Trank will go for some alternative/adoptive family structure to “plot-device” that little detail away because both introducing themselves as “I’m Sue Storm.  I’m Johnny Storm.  No relation,” is just plain dumb even for a (non-spoof) comic book adaptation.


I could care less about whatever taboo may result from reorienting the ethnicities of fictional characters.  If anything, Hollywood needs as many truckloads of actual, progressive thought patterns to do anything to kick the white/male hero to the curb and deliver stories whose main characters are women, Asians, Africans, Hispanics, homosexuals – basically anyone who isn’t the stereotypical white, hetero, leading man.  I like the idea of casting Michael B. Jordan in this role because of the potential it gives to refreshing a whole lot of super hero been there/done that.  My problem with this casting reveal is not that Johnny Storm is black, but that his sister, Sue Storm (Kate Mara, pictured left), isn’t. 

There was a real opportunity to do something unique with a fairly popular (though certainly not a flagship) license amidst this tidal wave of comic book films we’ll be digesting for the next 10 years.  Seeing interracial couples in films and TV today reflect trends in western society that have been happening for a while, and Hollywood is still catching up.  Seeing this in a super hero family for a big budget blockbuster would not only have brought the proverbial spice, but also a whole new angle to reflect on the first family of super-heroes not to mention an added level of depth this potential film’s predecessors could never have addressed.  If Trank wants Jordan as Johnny, then that’s fine, but it makes no sense to make his (traditionally) biological sister a different race, regardless of whatever complex family dynamic you’ll only address with these two characters by themselves.  Finding the screen time to explain whatever this brother-sister relationship will eventually be defined as will diminish the capacity of the most important relationship in this family: between Reed and Sue (and their future child Franklin who is arguably the most powerful, non-abstract, character in the Marvel Universe).  An interracial couple would have raised the stakes, delivered something new and sweetened the drama for the entire cast.

In the end, Josh Trank is going to be directing a comic book adaptation that is going to feature plenty of action and special effects and typically, those kinds of films aren’t primarily interested in commenting on anything too heavy.  As much as people may be making a big deal about Michael B. Jordan now, I have a feeling that Trank is going to sweep his ethnicity under the rug in the due course of the film’s progression by making these “however related” siblings as matter-as-fact as possible.  One or both of them will be adopted or have different fathers and yada, yada, yada, as long as two white people are hooking up as husband and wife of this super hero team then everything’s fine.  Diving any deeper into this subplot turns this film into the Fantastic Two.  Denying that depth forces the elephant in the room to get completely ignored and, as a director, you’ve made your actor (in this case, Jordan) completely inconsequential to the character.  I suppose it’s a good thing to get to the point in society where things like race and everything else that makes us different from each other doesn’t impact behavior in any way, but maintaining the unique sibling nature of Sue and Johnny with the ethnicity swap would have brought a whole new level of complexity to this film that I can only assume was simply (ahem) too hot to handle for this particular production staff.

I’m sure when more information and promotions regarding this film become available, we’ll hear Trank and perhaps every producer at the top talk about “we just picked the best cast with the best chemistry,” as an explanation for it all.  Yeah, ok.  This isn’t casting for a high school musical where it would be novel to cast an African American male for Peter Pan, an Asian American female for Jean Valjean, a Latino American male for Sky Masterson and so on and so forth.  Picking whomever for whatever shouldn’t enter the equation unless the production is going to make those kinds of choices more meaningful to the overall production than “just ‘cause.”  Hollywood films can ill afford to be flippant in regards to any decision made for the production unless that choice fully serves the story; anything less needs to be reconsidered if not instantly retracted.  Of course, that kind of idealism doesn’t fuel even your average Hollywood blockbuster and the “just ‘cause” rationale is actually something that pops up quite frequently.  It’s one of the main reasons we continue to see some awful filmmaking and the audience notices those choices with every awkward moment we bear witness to.


All I care about is seeing a really good movie, and I feel this one could be great if the Storm family was an African American family, but let’s dial it back and keep it real with the Fantastic Four.  That franchise isn’t anything close to the grandeur of The Avengers, X-Men, Spider-Man, Batman, Superman or the Justice League.  Infinitely less people are going to care if this movie actually gets made, let alone this one little detail.  So who gives a damn, right?  Well, I would think a filmmaker would want as many people as possible to give a damn by trying to show people a story and give them an experience they haven’t had before.  The brother-sister no relation situation seems foolish to push in any film where the story isn’t fully focused on that major plot point.  But who am I kidding?  It’s just another reboot.  Why should anyone expect more from something less?

Movie News

Hail To The King!: A Father’s Day List Of Comicdom’s Most Famous And Infamous Fathers!

“You Need A License To Catch A Fish …”

By Chris “DOC” Bushley


With Father’s Day just a few days away, and my daughter snuggly sleeping in her bed, I began to ponder all the fathers and father figures brought to us each month in the pages of comics. The parallels between our favorite art form and real life are staggering, a true mirror of the vast facets of fatherdom we see everyday! From the fathers that would give everything for their children, to the delinquent dad that never taught his child right from wrong, the media darlings that have no time to gaze upon the angelic faces they have sired, to the ones that have chosen to be a “father” to those who need it the most.

Comics are at their best when they make us feel a connection, whether good or bad! The following list of fathers is not a group of the worst or best, but rather, a myriad of both. They are fathers that have made us reflect on how we raise our children, ones we can strive to be more like or those we never wish to become. Whether you agree or disagree, all of these characters have definitively made a connection to the readers — if not their children!


Batman/Damien:  The father that never knew he was one! DC finally recognized the great Son of The Demon story as cannon, and we got to see Bruce Wayne deal with his true heir! Though a father figure to all the previous Robins, it was the son that hated him that finally made him question what kind of person he was. A great dynamic of a frustrated father and the son who loves to do the frustrating!




Wally West/Iris and Jai West:  The dad who broke time to save his children! When his wife, Linda Park, was attacked by Professor Zoom, her pregnancy was terminated. Distraught by the loss of his twins, the Flash asked the Spectre to erase Wally West and Linda Park from the minds of the world. Too bad he and Linda forgot, too! Eventually, they both remembered and Wally fought Zoom again. This time the battle created a fissure in time and saved Linda’s pregnancy! He is the man that would turn back time for his children!



Alan Scott/Jade and Obsidian: The father figure to all, the dad to none! Alan Scott may have been one of the most patriarchal figures to young heroes, but his own children were always second best. Though Jade and Obsidian finally worked on a strained relationship with their father, the early years of abandonment took its toll on Obsidian. He became a villain on more than one occasion, fighting against the very team his father beloved so much — the JSA! You can be loved by the public all you want, but it’s the love you receive at home that will sustain you forever!




Rick Grimes/Carl: The dad who will never give up! Not a coma, dismemberment, torture, loss of a wife and baby, nor hordes of zombies can ever keep Rick from doing all he can to save his only son! He is the primal rage inside all fathers that will make us protect our children no matter what the circumstance! He is driven, almost to a fault, and when the dust settles — you will be damn sure he and his son emerge together!



Scott Summers/Cable: The dad that wasn’t there! Literally! The only way to save his newborn from certain death, was to send him into the future! Eventually, Scott and Jean Grey got the chance to travel to the future and help a young Cable under the guise of “Slim and Red.” But, no matter how that time spent with his son may have helped Scott feel better about abandoning him, Cable never truly forgave his dad. To this day, their relationship is more as teammates than family!


Magneto/Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver and Polaris: Thrice the sire, never the father! Wow, talk about daddy issues! When all of your children start out abandoned, turn to a life of crime and eventually all turn against you — you know you did something wrong! Even now, as an X-Man, his children fight on the side of his enemies. Manipulating your children to get what you want, will only give you manipulative children!


James Gordon/Batgirl, James Gordon Jr.: The everyman! Different continuity will give you different scenarios about who his children are or are not. But, whether he sired Barbara Gordon or not, he always tried to do right by his family! A single dad and the Commissioner to the most crime filled city in all of DC, “Jimmy” does all he can to be there for his children and teach them the difference between right and wrong. But even the best intentions can not stop pure evil as James Jr. has become a maniacal murderer! You try your best, but sometimes you fail!




Wolverine/Dakken: Like father, like son! Wolverine never knew that his son was born after his wife Itsu was slain. If he had, would it have changed the horrible events of his son’s life? Or are we only made to pay for the sins of our father? Either way, Dakken swore to destroy his father’s life at every turn! He would do anything to antagonize his father, including becoming “Wolverine” on Norman Osborn’s Dark Avengers. In the end, Dakken left his father with nothing but scars as a memory of his son. A father fueled by rage will only burn his own future!




Professor Bruttenholm/Hellboy: The father that didn’t have to be! When Nazi’s called a demon to earth, they never expected it to be an infant! Abandoned, Hellboy was “adopted” by Professor Bruttenholm and treated like a son. He was taught compassion, an appreciation for the arts and acquired a love of pancakes! Not even of the same species, the Professor should more compassion for Hellboy than most biological fathers on this list! It just goes to show that good men can help mold great “sons,” even if they are not their own!


Reed Richards/Franklin and Valeria Richards: Father fantastic! The scientist, the adventurer, the hero — the father! Say what you will about Mr. Fantastic, there is no question that he can balance it all! A hero to the universe, doting husband and loving father — he is the epitome of what a father can be. Through it all, at the end of the day, his children can look upon their father and be proud to know how much they are loved. And to all of us fathers out there — that’s all that really matters!

Happy Father’s Day!

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