Marvel Phase 5 Rumored To Have Guardians of the Galaxy 3, Black Panther 2


With fans not too happy with the recent Phase 4 announcements, they are already looking at Phase 5, which hopefully will be a lot better, and now rumored release dates become known, which include Guardians of the Galaxy 3 and Black Panther 2.

It’s claimed that the Marvel Phase 5 release dates will in part include Black Panther 2 on February 18, 2022 and Guardians of the Galaxy 3 on May 6, 2022.

It’s further claimed that something big will be released on May 3 or 10, 2024, which could be something related to Fantastic Four, Silver Surfer or even Secret Wars.

While not mentioned, it is also known that the new Blade reboot starring Mahershala Ali will be a part of Phase 5, and we can also probably add Captain Marvel 2 starring Brie Larson somewhere in the mix.

Disney previously announced untitled Marvel release dates for the following, which are now known to be a part of Phase 5:

  • Untitled Disney Marvel movie: Feb. 18, 2022
  • Untitled Disney Marvel movie: May 6, 202
  • Untitled Disney Marvel movie: July 29, 2022

Marvel Phase 5

Marvel Phase 5 Details and Rumors

Rumors have already started surrounding Black Panther 2 offering that the villain will be none other than Namor the Sub-Mariner, who in the comics is known as the first mutant. Disney recently purchased Fox Studios which includes the X-Men, mutants and Fantastic Four related characters.

Regarding Guardians of the Galaxy 3, James Gunn will start on the film when he finishes The Suicide Squad for DC. Gunn has said Guardians of the Galaxy 3 will feature the last iteration of the team as we know them and that it will come after the release of Thor 4. Rumors have it that Guardians of the Galaxy 3 may feature Chris Hemsworth as Thor, and also High Evolutionary, Beta Ray Bill, Adam Warlock (possibly played by Zac Effron), Phyla, Moondragon, Mark Hamill voicing a character (maybe Annihilus) and more. I’ve also been told that following Guardians of the Galaxy 3, James Gunn will return to the DCEU.

For the “big” May 3 or 10, 2024 Marvel Phase 5 movie, recently saw it said that a New Avengers flick will be released. Kevin Feige did recently confirm the next Avengers 5 movie will feature a very different team, so that could be a possibility.

Captain Marvel 2 and Avengers 5 is also rumored to have Michael Korvac as the villain, with Norman Osborn also rumored to be a part of Phase 5, perhaps in a Dark Avengers movie.

Marvel Studios has been confirmed for the upcoming Disney D23 Expo on Saturday, August 24; so perhaps further announcements will be made known.

(rumored Marvel Phase 5 movie release dates via Twitter)

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