Joe Manganiello Back As Deathstroke For Snyder Cut
Joe Manganiello will be back as Deathstroke for the Snyder Cut of the Justice League movie, which follows Zack…
Joe Manganiello will be back as Deathstroke for the Snyder Cut of the Justice League movie, which follows Zack…
Ben Affleck and Matt Damon team up for charity and joke about the new Batman, Robert Pattinson. The video sees…
As expected, Zack Snyder will be filming new Justice League scenes for the “Snyder Cut” of his mov…
The official Twitter account for the Snyder Cut tweets out a cool pic of Ben Affleck as the DCEU Dark Knight t…
Happy Batman Day from Zack Snyder as the director of Man of Steel, Batman vs. Superman, and Justice League sha…
Similar to the fake Jason Momoa Frosty the Snowman announcement, Ray Fisher is also claiming the recent news a…
The Flash producer and sister to the director, Barbara Muschietti, seemingly teases a soft DCEU reboot with me…
Justice League actors and characters are confirmed for the upcoming The Flash movie, including Cyborg, which f…
More details are learned about The Flash movie, which again moves it in a different direction than the Flashpo…
Zack Snyder is hopeful that Ben Affleck will be back as Batman for any potential sequels to his Snyder Cut of …
It is again rumored that Ben Affleck may return as Batman on the HBO Max streaming service, which follows the …
It turns out the rumors were right as Ben Affleck has indeed signed a new contract to return as Batman, with i…
Zack Snyder wishes Ben Affleck a happy birthday by sharing a look at Batman and the Batmobile. “Happy bi…
Zack Snyder talks about how in his set of DC movies that Bruce Wayne is more the focus than Batman. Snyder spo…
With rumors surrounding the return of Ben Affleck as Batman on HBO Max, check out cool fan art depicting the p…
A storyboard from the Justice League Snyder Cut version has leaked online which is said to be by DC Comics art…
It’s claimed that Ben Affleck is still back as Batman as the original DC scooper is sticking to his guns…
Lots of DC rumors have hit the net as of late including that Ben Affleck will be back as Batman, that Ryan Rey…
Leave it up to James Gunn to spoil the party, as the director of The Suicide Squad shoots down some super cool…
Zack Snyder confirms that his Batman vs. Superman Ultimate Edition is now on HBO Max with the release of the f…