Joe Manganiello Back As Deathstroke For Snyder Cut


Joe Manganiello will be back as Deathstroke for the Snyder Cut of the Justice League movie, which follows Zack also bringing back Jared Leto as Joker.

The actor was first revealed in the theatrical release of the Justice League movie in a “Legion of Doom” post-credit scene involving Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor.

Manganiello previously teased that the end credit scene was not by Zack Snyder, but from Joss Whedon, so it will be interesting to see what Zack has in store for the DC assassin.

Joe Manganiello Deathstroke

More from Joe Manganiello as Deathstroke could be possible

It could be possible that with Joe Manganiello back as Deathstroke that it could lead to additional projects, as Ben Affleck is rumored to be involved in his version of The Batman in an HBO Max series, which originally featured Manganiello as the villain. Rumors offered Deathstroke went on a Batman villain killing spree which led to Manganiello’s Deathstroke colliding with Affleck’s Dark Knight. 

Joe Manganiello was also attacked to a solo Deathstroke movie, said to have bold ideas, so perhaps that will make its way to HBO Max as well.

It seems that if the Snyder Cut is a big success, that the “Snyder Verse” will continue on in various HBO Max projects, such as Ben Affleck as Batman, Joe Manganiello as Deathstroke, and even Jared Leto as Joker, as well as additional Justice League movies.

Recently saw Joe Manganiello spotted with what looks to be his Deathstroke look, so as Zack is now filming additional scenes for the Snyder Cut, Manganiello is probably filming soon.

The Snyder Cut, released next year, will be an epic event series on HBO Max consisting of four one-hour episodes. The event series will feature a lot more footage than what the Snyder Cut used to be as HBO Max has given Zack a much larger budget. At this point, I actually wouldn’t doubt if it goes longer than four hours. 

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