The Flash: Reverse Flash Not Villain


More details are learned about The Flash movie, which again moves it in a different direction than the Flashpoint comic book story, as it’s said the main villain of the flick will not be Reverse Flash.

No further details are known, and it is not known who will be the villain, but the news isn’t all that surprising considering director Andy Muschietti has stated his version of The Flash movie will be different than the comics.

“[The Flash will be a] different version of Flashpoint than you’re expecting,” confirmed Muschietti back in January.

It’s also been said the flick won’t feature the Aquaman and Wonder Woman war that was featured in the comics as well as Thomas Wayne who was featured as Batman in the comics.

With both Michael Keaton and Ben Affleck also set to appear as Batman in the movie, obviously that is another indication the film will be much different than the comics.

Batman Michael Keaton The Flash

The Flash movie different than Flashpoint comics

What The Flash movie appears to be is a “Flashpoint” version of the DC film universe.

With the confirmation of Ben Affleck back as Batman, in an interview with Muschietti, recently also saw The Flash movie described as following Barry Allen “breaking the bonds of physics to crash into various parallel dimensions, where he’ll encounter slightly different versions of DC’s classic heroes.”

It has also been said that when Barry goes back in time to save his mother which causes changes to the timeline, The Flash connects to a new universe — the Michael Keaton Batman ’89 universe.

The Flash has a June 3, 2022 release date.

(via HH)

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