‘The Flash’ Adapting Different ‘Flashpoint’ Version


The Flash movie will feature some sort of “Flashpoint” connection to the DC Comics story, as confirmed by director Andy Muschietti.

However, Muschietti was quick to not reveal too much only offering his The Flash movie will be a “different version of Flashpoint than you’re expecting.”

In the comics, “Flashpoint” is a rather dark story which sees Barry Allen go back in time to alter the timeline by stopping the murder of his mother, which causes all sorts of changes to the universe including that Bruce Wayne gets killed as a kid leading to his father, Thomas Wayne, becoming Batman and his mother, Martha Wayne, becoming the Joker; Aquaman and Wonder Woman are at war with one another, and baby Kal El is taken prior to being allowed to become Superman and is experimented upon.

Muschietti previously revealed that his take on The Flash wouldn’t be a horror film, so this new take on “Flashpoint” – whatever it is – seems to corroborate that it may be more lighter than the comic book story:

“An element of horror? I don’t think so,” Muschietti said.” What captivated me about the Flash is the human drama in it. The human feelings and emotions that play in the drama [of it]. It’s going to be fun, too. I can’t promise that there will be any horror [elements in it], really, but it’s a beautiful human story.”

The Flash Ezra Miller

“Flashpoint” coming to The Flash, but in what form?

Interestingly enough, Batman vs. Superman‘s Jeffrey Dean Morgan teased a masked comeback, leading to speculation Morgan could be playing Batman.

Joe Manganiello, who was also supposed to play Deathstroke in the Ben Affleck The Batman movie also seemingly teased “Flashpoint” when he used the #Flashpoint hashtag on Instagram while attending a Slayer concert.

“Flashpoint” has also been rumored for Wonder Woman 1984 in that WW84 was going to soft reboot the DCEU, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.

Perhaps with Robert Pattinson playing the new Batman and with J.J. Abrams supposed to be taking on both Superman and Green Lantern, the Andy Muschietti The Flash movie will use a version of “Flashpoint” to reboot the DCEU and connect all the characters and movies.

Still, another possibility, is that following in the footsteps of the recent DC films, the Andy Muschietti The Flash movie will be a self-contained “Flashpoint” story.

At one time, Zack Snyder was also developing a “Flashpoint” storyline, which he teased was going to be “better.”

The Flash gets released on July 1, 2022.

(via Hashtag Show)

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