Jeffrey Dean Morgan Teases ‘Masked Comeback’


Jeffrey Dean Morgan rings in the New Year by teasing a masked comeback on social media, with fans hoping Batman.

The actor who is known for playing The Comedian in Zack Snyder’s Watchmen posted a pic of himself with the mask on Twitter.

“Gus found the comedian mask. Still fits like a glove. And looks extra extra with my badass bifocals. Here’s to a masked comeback in 2020,” the 53-year-old actor tweeted.

It’s unknown if Jeffrey Dean Morgan is simply having fun, but fans immediately replied with the hope that he will be playing the Flashpoint Batman.

Snyder also cast Morgan as Thomas Wayne in Batman vs. Superman, who in the Flashpoint comics goes on to become Batman. 

Fans want Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Flashpoint Batman

“Thomas Wayne baby!! Flashpoint Batman,” tweeted a fan.

“Oh my god!!!! I love this. I rewatched Watchmen recently!! Would love to see you as Eddie again. Or… can we finally have you as Flashpoint Batman? Thanks,” tweeted another fan.

“As awesome as it would be to see you as the Comedian again, I and no doubt many more would love to see you as Thomas Wayne/Batman in 2020. Either way, happy new year dude,” said another.

“Thomas Wayne, the Comedian, or both. 2020 needs this to happen!” tweeted a fan.

“Hope you comeback to play Thomas Wayne, someday,” tweeted another fan using the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut hashtag.

Again, in the comics, Barry Allen goes back in time to stop his mother’s death which causes changes to the timeline, known as Flashpoint. The altered timeline sees Bruce Wayne killed as a kid with his father, Thomas Wayne, becoming The Batman and his mother, Martha Wayne, becoming none other than the Joker.

Warner Bros. recently announced the release date for The Flash movie, which at one time was supposed to adapt the Flashpoint comic book story, but it remains to be seen if they are still going that route.

Check out fan art of Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Flashpoint Batman:

Jeffrey Dean Morgan Batman

Jeffrey Dean Morgan Batman

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