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  • Movie Review: The Adjustment Bureau (2011)

    Movie Review: The Adjustment Bureau (2011)

    No Fate But What We Make? A Film Review of The Adjustment Bureau By: Lawrence Napoli  

  • Review:  Uncanny X-Force #5

    Review: Uncanny X-Force #5

    UNCANNY X-FORCE #5 PREVIEW WRITER:  Rick Remender PENCILS:  Esad Ribic INKER:  John Lucas COLORS:  Matt Wilson

  • Review:  Daredevil: Reborn #2 (of 4)

    Review: Daredevil: Reborn #2 (of 4)

    DAREDEVIL: REBORN #2 PREVIEW WRITER:  Andy Diggle ARTIST:  Davide Gianfelice COLORS:  Matt Hollingsworth

  • Op-Ed: Marvel Editorial to Cosmic Fans: ‘We’re just not that into you’

    Op-Ed: Marvel Editorial to Cosmic Fans: ‘We’re just not that into you’

    Timelord is back offering his two cents.

  • Review: Invincible  #77

    Review: Invincible #77

    INVINCIBLE #77 PREVIEW   Writer:  Robert Kirkman Artist:  Ryan Ottley

  • Movie Review: The Fighter

    Movie Review: The Fighter

    Beyond a Knockout, It’s an Alpha Strike

  • Movie Review: Black Swan

    Movie Review: Black Swan

    Once upon a time, yours truly had an insatiable crush on one Natalie Portman.  I found the tempered violence crafted by Luc Besson in The Professional (1994) to be utterly ridiculous without the extremely sincere performances of Jean Reno, Gary Oldman and this 13 year old little girl who had an on-camera presence well beyond…

  • Movie Review: Unstoppable

    Movie Review: Unstoppable

    Oh yes my friends, Denzel Washington maintains his status as “reliably immoveable” from my top ten contemporary male thespians that can produce the kinds of performances that turn good films into timeless classics and somewhat questionable flicks into solid, cinematic adventures.  Unstoppable happens to side on the latter as the concept of “chasing down a…

  • Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

    Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 is a very proper first half of a singular, six hour film.  By “proper” I mean that this film is inescapably incomplete.  The last film production that pulled this two-part-film-gag was Quinton Tarantino’s Kill Bill Parts 1 and 2.  The main difference between Bill and Harry is…

  • Movie Review: Skyline

    Movie Review: Skyline

    Please, Don’t Look UpA Film Review of SkylineBy: Lawrence Napoli [[wysiwyg_imageupload:98:]]When I first saw the trailer for Skyline I assumed it represented the remnants of an impromptu ID4 (1996) sequel which Will Smith subsequently jettisoned for lacking vision, thus terminating all hope for that franchise to develop into at least a trilogy.  Alien attack films are…

  • Movie Review: Due Date

    Movie Review: Due Date

    [[wysiwyg_imageupload:96:]]I am a sucker for sexy young women.  Not that Due Date is a film that is riddled with them, but it was highly recommended to me by a very attractive female for whom I have a significant crush on.  I often hear recommendations for films from several different outlets such as the TV, newspapers,…

  • Movie Review: Hereafter

    Movie Review: Hereafter

    Clint Eastwood is a Hollywood icon.  Americans know this mostly due to his acting contributions to the western and cop film genres.  Age catches up with every actor and limits what one can do in front of the camera mostly because of aesthetic reasons.  I always felt that Clint’s move to the director’s chair was…

  • Review: The Thanos Imperative #6

    Review: The Thanos Imperative #6

  • Movie Review: Saw 3D

    Movie Review: Saw 3D

    The Halloween weekend continued to present us with a healthy, caffeine free, dose of horror films.  The supposed final installment of the Saw franchise continues the trendy move to 3D and after having seen the very cheesy trailers featuring arms reaching out of the screen to grab someone in the audience, I could tell the…

  • Movie Review: Paranormal Activity 2

    Movie Review: Paranormal Activity 2

    The true test of all horror sequels is how well it connects to the previous films.  Loose and contrived connections result in a rapid de-saturation of the original story (see the Saw series).  Strong connections build and expand the story’s mythos (see The Ring films).  Traditionally, the horror genre has not been particularly successful at…

  • Movie Review: Red

    Movie Review: Red

    So you’ve been going to the movies recently in a crude attempt to keep your girlfriend or boyfriend interested in you and you’ve been noticing that the movies selected by the man have been getting a little cheesier than you’ve been accustomed to.  You say to yourself, “an action film is an action film,” right? …

  • Movie Review: The Social Network

    Movie Review: The Social Network

    . . . to those who screw other people over.  Wait a minute!  That’s not how that expression goes.  However, in these times of highly dubious corporate dealings, stock swapping and market meltdowns, one could easily make the case that this is how the expression ought to read from now on.  The Social Network is…

  • Movie Review: The Town

    Movie Review: The Town

    Our boy Ben places himself back in the director’s chair for The Town, yet another film in the long list of bank heist crime dramas with the added twist of the Irish mob perspective that only Bean Town can deliver.  Did you know that Ben has three other directing credits to his name?  Gone Baby…

  • Movie Review: Resident Evil: Afterlife

    Movie Review: Resident Evil: Afterlife

    When the fetus is born, its placenta begins a physiological separation for spontaneous expulsion afterwards and for this reason is also called afterbirth.  The Resident Evil movie franchise (in relation to the video game mythos) can be described as such.  The one person responsible for all this is Paul W.S. Anderson and he has committed…

  • Movie Review: The American

    Movie Review: The American

    Ever wonder what the life of a professional assassin would be like in real life?  My guess is it would be a little less romantic, prolific and lucrative than it has been made out to be in popular culture.  If less is what you are looking for, then Anton Corbijn’s The American certainly delivers in…

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