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  • Transformers: Dark Of The Moon: Director Michael Bay Copy-Gate!

    Transformers: Dark Of The Moon: Director Michael Bay Copy-Gate!

    So Transformers: Dark of the Moon was lucky enough to secure July 4th’s weekend.  This was a complete travesty for Captain America: The First Avenger for obvious reasons.  If Buena Vista/Disney owns Marvel now, where were all those bucks to sec

  • Review: Fear Itself #4 (of 7)

    Review: Fear Itself #4 (of 7)

    *Warning: Spoilers*   The first hero has fallen; Bucky Barnes gave his all to strike a blow at the heart of fear, only to be struck down himself. Now they must rise together, Marvel’s holy trinity – Iron Man, Thor and Steve Rogers. They have not stood united like this before, never with so many…

  • Review: Flashpoint #3 (of 5)

    Review: Flashpoint #3 (of 5)

    *Warning: Spoilers*   The hair on your arms stand up as the crackle of ion fills the air. There is a storm emerging from the heavens, one that can change the fate of a world with a single bolt of lightning. But the man that awaits this miraculous gift lays broken and dying, his body…

  • Just What The “DOC” Ordered: Drawing The Line At Constantine!

    Just What The “DOC” Ordered: Drawing The Line At Constantine!

    DC Relaunch: Drawing The Line At Constantine(Editor’s Note: Our latest column to hit Cosmic Book News comes from Chris “DOC” Bushley who will be taking a look at the less “cosmic” characters in comic books with his “Just What The Doc Ordered”  OPED column!)By Chris “DOC” Bushley (That’s right, no matter what they called Keanu Reeves…

  • Movie Review: Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)

    Movie Review: Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)

    Hulk Hate Michael Bay. . . A Film Review of Transformers: Dark of the Moon By: Lawrence Napoli  

  • Review: Avengers: The Children’s Crusade #6 (of 9)

    Review: Avengers: The Children’s Crusade #6 (of 9)

    It has taken, quite literally, FOREVER for this issue to come out! A normal book would not be able to survive the fickle market and a readership that demands constant monthly gratification. But this is no normal book, and the talent that drives it – the best of the best! Plus, this issue will be…

  • Movie Review: Bridesmaids (2011)

    Movie Review: Bridesmaids (2011)

    When the “Chick Flick” Induces Suicidal Depression A Film Review of Bridesmaids By: Lawrence Napoli   

  • Review: Marvel Comics: Mystery Men #2 (of 5)

    Review: Marvel Comics: Mystery Men #2 (of 5)

    David Liss’ enthralling tale of masked vigilantes in the economically depressed 1930’s continues, giving readers slight revelations amidst even deeper depths of intrigue. Thoroughly engrossing, one finds themselves speculating as to what is truly going on, while Liss changes the game before your very eyes. New players emerge from the shadows, some to lend a…

  • Review: The Mighty Thor #3

    Review: The Mighty Thor #3

    The die has been cast, the Mighty Volstagg has waged war on the residents of Broxton, and nothing will ever be the same! They should have just let him show them how to make deer omelets and blood sausage! But as he tries to recruit his fellow Asgardians into his childish folly, the true battle…

  • Movie Review: Green Lantern (2011)

    Movie Review: Green Lantern (2011)

    “X-Trap”ulating Expectations A Film Review of Green Lantern By: Lawrence Napoli  

  • Review: Invincible #80

    Review: Invincible #80

    Invincible has reached the 80 issue mark and it’s still going strong as it closes in on #100.  Kirkman has promised some major changes and surprises in the new arcs leading up to #100, and I have a feeling that some of the seeds are being planted in the current issue. This issue marks the…

  • Review: X-Men: Prelude To Schism #3

    Review: X-Men: Prelude To Schism #3

    Already, he has listened to the seasoned words of both Professor Charles Xavier and Magneto. Already, he has felt the prying eyes on his back and the hushed murmurs of doubt from those he leads. Now, it is his turn to reflect inward, to find the resolve to either forge ahead against the unknown, or…

  • Review: Avengers #14

    Review: Avengers #14

    (Note: I know I’m not your regularly scheduled “Avengers” reviewer but Managing Editor Byron Brewer, is getting his own version of The Odin Sleep right now. When the Fates see fit, he will emerge once more to reclaim his rightful domain. Until then, hang in there big guy, we’re all rooting for you!)   Let…

  • Movie Review: Super 8 (2011)

    Movie Review: Super 8 (2011)

    If E.T. Had Balls, It’d be Named Super 8 A Film Review of Super 8 By: Lawrence Napoli  

  • CBN Casting Call: David Slade’s Daredevil Movie

    CBN Casting Call: David Slade’s Daredevil Movie

     Daredevil Movie Casting Call by: Chris “DOC” Bushley  

  • Marvel Comics Review: Mystery Men #1 (of 5)

    Marvel Comics Review: Mystery Men #1 (of 5)

    When Marvel announced the formation of their “Architects” to steer the company into the future, I was impressed with the virtual cornucopia of talent from all aspects of the Marvel U. These were the best of the best, creators at the pinnacle of their careers, but I always thought there was room for more, maybe…

  • Review:  Flashpoint: Citizen Cold #1

    Review: Flashpoint: Citizen Cold #1

    The crowd sends up a resounding cheer of, “Cold Snap, Cold Snap!” as Central City’s preeminent hero slides his way onto the scene. It seems Mr. Freeze has tread too far from Gotham this time, and will be taken down, once and for all, by one of the nation’s most beloved heroes – Citizen Cold!…

  • Movie Review: X-Men: First Class (2011)

    Movie Review: X-Men: First Class (2011)

    Reboot Off the Port Bow! A Film Review of X-Men: First Class By: Lawrence Napoli  

  • Movie Review: The Hangover Part II (2011)

    Movie Review: The Hangover Part II (2011)

    The Quandary of Comedy Sequels A Film Review of The Hangover Part II By: Lawrence Napoli  

  • Review: Moon Knight #2 (Bendis & Maleev)

    Review: Moon Knight #2 (Bendis & Maleev)

    Wow! That pretty much sums up the second installment of Bendis’ and Maleev’s re-launch of Moon Knight. Just plain-WOW! Marc Spector is back in action on the mean streets of Los Angeles. Someone has been smuggling in Ultron parts and he needs to get to the bottom the situation before it gets any worse. It’s…

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