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  • Review: Flashpoint #5 (of 5)

    Review: Flashpoint #5 (of 5)

    The end is here and the CBN offices are blown away by the shocking, yet some say — confusing, end to an era of DC comics! Me? I say bring it on! Geoff Johns continual love affair with Barry Allen has turned the DC Universe on it's ear, creating one of the most creative stories…

  • Advanced Review: Ultimate Comics Hawkeye #1

    Advanced Review: Ultimate Comics Hawkeye #1

    Once again, our good friends at Marvel have slid an advanced copy of a book across my desk. This time it's the debut issue of Ultimate Comics Hawkeye, written by fan favorite — Jonathan Hickman!  With all the hype DC is getting with their relaunch, people seem to forget that the Ultimate Universe is breathing…

  • Review:  Justice Society of America #54

    Review: Justice Society of America #54

    This is it, the last hurrah, the nail in the coffin for the JSA. And I have to admit, I wish my favorite DC team book would have gone out with a bang instead of limping off into that goodnight! In no way do I blame Marc Guggenheim for the way this storyline wraps up.…

  • The Cosmic Triune: OPED: Re-Launching Marvel Cosmic

    The Cosmic Triune: OPED: Re-Launching Marvel Cosmic

    (Editor’s Note: “The Cosmic Triune” is a series of opinionated articles focusing on Marvel Cosmic.)   The Cosmic Triune An Opinion-Editorial Article Re-Launching Marvel Cosmic    

  • Review: Uncanny X-Men #542

    Review: Uncanny X-Men #542

    Kuurth, Breaker of Stone, walks towards Utopia, slowly, steadily and unstoppable. Nothing can slow his march, plan after plan crafted to hinder the Serpent's Worthy has failed. Man's fear of mutants has escalated to heights never seen before, and everything Scott Summers has worked so hard for — may be destroyed before his very eyes.…

  • Review: Daredevil #2 (2011)

    Review: Daredevil #2 (2011)

    Waid and Rivera hold no punches in their opening salvo of issue two, making this "Big Shots" book number one on my pull list! Yes, I have a biased opinion in regards to Daredevil – it is the first book I truly collected after all – but even that doesn't overshadow how good this book…

  • The State of Hollywood 4: Remakes and Reboots

    The State of Hollywood 4: Remakes and Reboots

    The State of Hollywood 4 Remakes and Reboots: The Reason for Hollywood Sucking? By: Lawrence Napoli   (Editor’s Note: CBN’s movie reviewer, Lawrence Napoli, offers his views and opinions on the movie biz in his column, “The State Of Hollywood.”)  

  • Movie Review: Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011)

    Movie Review: Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011)

    Heston Would Be Proud, Despite That Iconic Line of His A Film Review of Rise of the Planet of the Apes By: Lawrence Napoli  

  • Review: Invincible #81

    Review: Invincible #81

    Everybody does a little soul searching in this issue except for Mark – who does a lot of soul searching this issue.  In fact, he almost does too much soul searching as it looks like the dark places he's going in his soul searching are going to lead him down the wrong path. It's rumored…

  • Advanced Review: The Punisher #1 (2011)

    Advanced Review: The Punisher #1 (2011)

    Our good friends at Marvel found it in their hearts to send us an advance copy of Greg Rucka's Punisher! So, of course, I just can't sit idly by and not share my thoughts on Marvel's latest "Big Shots" book! As some comic fans have asked me," What's the big deal? It's just another Punisher…

  • Movie Review: Cowboys & Aliens (2011)

    Movie Review: Cowboys & Aliens (2011)

    Not Exactly Spaghetti & Meatballs A Film Review of Cowboys & Aliens By: Lawrence Napoli    

  • Review of The Tree of Life

    Review of The Tree of Life

    When the Art House Stretches Beyond Its Reach A Film Review of The Tree of Life By: Lawrence Napoli    

  • Movie Review: Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)

    Movie Review: Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)

    Thumbs Up, Soldier! A Film Review of Captain America: The First Avenger By: Lawrence Napoli    

  • Review: Daredevil #1 (2011)

    Review: Daredevil #1 (2011)

    This is the book that I have been waiting for and cringing over since Matt Murdock left the mean streets of Hell's Kitchen. After the cataclysmic events of Shadowland, Matt traveled to find himself and prove he was more than just the hero known as Daredevil. Andy Diggle led him down the path of reflection,…

  • Box Office Weekly Roundup For 7/17/11

    Box Office Weekly Roundup For 7/17/11

    Weekly Roundup Ending 7/17/11  

  • Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 (2011)

    Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 (2011)

    This is the End, Beautiful Friend A Film Review of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 By: Lawrence Napoli    

  • Review: Mystery Men #3 (Marvel Comics)

    Review: Mystery Men #3 (Marvel Comics)

    David Liss’ third installment, of the superb Mystery Men, continues to astound readers with a cacophony of action and intrigue! Our troupe of normal players, the Operative, the Revenant and the newly dubbed Aviatrix, have been dropped into the backdrop in order to make way for two new Mystery Men to take center stage. But…

  • Review: Ghost Rider #1 (2011)

    Review: Ghost Rider #1 (2011)

    Johnny Blaze has finally shed his burden as the Spirit of Vengeance, but that doesn’t mean the Marvel U. is free from it, as well. The mantle has been picked up by another, someone we have never seen and she, yes she, is ready to set her own trail ablaze! When it was first announced…

  • Review: X-Men: Schism #1

    Review: X-Men: Schism #1

    The X event of 2011 has arrived and nothing will prepare you for the division that will rock the mutant world! Jason Aaron and team forge a slow burn intro into this summers next blockbuster event, one that will eventually divide foe, friend and family into two separate factions. But this is not a thunderous…

  • Review: Flashpoint: Batman: Knight of Vengeance #2 (of 3)

    Review: Flashpoint: Batman: Knight of Vengeance #2 (of 3)

    I have not read a Batman book for many a year now. There are just too many books, too many convoluted stories, too many contradictions – just too much! So I lept at the chance to read a story that gave me one Batman, one finite story and one creative team that has written some…

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