‘Venom’ 2 Back In Theaters


Likely trying to capitalize on the success of Spider-Man: No Way Home, Sony has announced Venom 2 is back in theaters.

Sony sent out an e-mail with the news that links to the flick’s official website where fans can search for tickets at nearby movie theater locations.

“VENOM: LET THERE BE CARNAGE is back on the big screen!” states the e-mail.

Venom 2 back in theaters

Sony also announced the news on its social networks.

Venom: Let There Be Carnage is back in select theaters for a limited time, also on Blu-ray, 4K Ultra HD, and Digital,” states the film’s official Facebook page, adding in previous posts: “Don’t miss your chance to see Venom: Let There Be Carnage back on the big screen in select theaters! Hungry for another bite? Venom: Let There Be Carnage is back in select theaters January 14, also on Blu-ray, 4K Ultra HD, and Digital!”

Venom 2 returns to select theaters

Venom 2 back in theaters

Venom 2 ties into Spider-Man: No Way Home

Note: Spoilers follow.

Regarding Sony trying to capitalize on the success of Spider-Man: No Way Home, which is now over $1.5 billion worldwide at the box office, the Venom 2 post-credit scene directly ties into the Spider-Man: No Way Home mid-credit scene.

The Venom 2 post-credit scene shows Venom and Eddie together in Mexico, but then they disappear and reappear five years later, leading to speculation they might have been Snapped – which would mean Venom is in the MCU – but the Spider-Man: No Way Home mid-credit scene shows Venom was actually brought into the MCU via Doctor Strange’s spell and then returned to their own universe, so that means Tom Hardy is not a part of the MCU.

The Spider-Man: No Way Home writers actually touched upon the two scenes and confirmed discussions took place involving Venom in that big finale scene in No Way Home, but for whatever reason, they changed things, and Eddie and Venom only got the No Way Home mid-credit scene.

It’s my guess plans were in place to make Venom a part of the MCU but something happened and they changed their minds.

Sony also pushed back the Jared Leto Morbius release date to make more room for Spider-Man: No Way Home

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