Indiana Jones

Movie News

Indiana Jones Gets July 2019 Release Date

Disney has officially announced that the untitled Indiana Jones 5 will be released on July 19, 2019. In the official announcement below, it’s confirmed that Steven Spielberg and Harrison Ford will reunited for the fifth Indiana Jones movie. Update: Disney first announced this on March 15, 2016.   Spielberg and Ford Reunite as Indiana Jones Returns […]

Movie News

Watch: The Adventures of Indiana Jones Animated (Fan-Made)

Check out the animated Indiana Jones fan project below from artist Patrick Schoenmaker who was at one time commissioned to do Indiana Jones “Escaping The Tomb” animated art by LucasFilm. While only a little over a minute in length, just watching the animated version of Indiana Jones definitely leaves you wanting more. Who knows? Maybe Disney will

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Animated Indiana Jones Fan Project Hits Later This Month

Check out the poster and art below for an animated Indiana Jones fan project created by artist Patrick Schoenmaker. “There you have it, September 29th is the official release date for my animated Indiana Jones project, so whip out your calenders and mark the date!” Schoenmaker posted on his blog, which contains a ton of

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Harrison Ford Survives Indiana Jones 5 Says Steven Spielberg

Steven Spielberg is returning to direct the fifth Indiana Jones movie for Disney and drops a tidbit regarding Harrison Ford whose Han Solo was killed off in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

No worries, though, as Spielberg says the same thing isn’t happening to Indy.

Spielberg told THR he’s “super excited” about Indiana Jones 5 and offered, “I think this one is straight down the pike for the fans. The one thing I will tell you is I’m not killing off Harrison [Ford] at the end of it.” 

We can even speculate that news of not killing off Harrison Ford may even mean Ford may be brought back for more Indiana Jones movies.

The untitled Indiana Jones 5 has a July 19, 2019 release. 

Movie News Star Wars

John Williams To Score Star Wars: Episode VIII, Indiana Jones 5 & Ready Player One

At 84 years young, legendary composer John Williams is keeping busy as it has been announced Williams will be composing the music for Star Wars: Episode VIII, Indiana Jones 5 and Ready Player One.

Williams composed all the music for the Star Wars films to date.

“If I can do it, I certainly will. I told Kathy Kennedy I’m happy to do it, but the real reason is, I didn’t want anybody else writing music for Daisy Ridley,” Williams quipped.

Steven Spielberg confirmed John Williams will be returning to score Indiana Jones 5 at the recent American Film Tribute, which also sees Spielberg and Harrison Ford returning.

“John Williams will come back and score [the film], absolutely,” Spielberg said, reports Yahoo.

Spielberg is also directing Ready Player One, based on the novel of the same name, which will once again reunite Spielberg and John Williams.

“This man’s gifts echo, quite literally, through all of us, around the world and across generations,” AFI president-CEO Bob Gazzale said, reports Variety. “There’s not one person who hasn’t heard this man’s work, who hasn’t felt alive because of it. That’s the ultimate impact of an artist.”

Star Wars: Episode VIII has a December 15, 2017 release; Indiana Jones 5 is due out July 19, 2019, and Ready Player One has a March 30, 2018 release.

Movie News

Indiana Jones 5 A Continuation of Crystal Skull?

A fifth Indiana Jones movie is in the works which will see Harrison Ford return as well as the writer behind Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull, David Koepp.

Now it’s said the new movie will be a “continuation” of Crystal Skull.

Variety attended CinemaCon where they note producer Frank Marshall stated Indiana Jones 5 will not be a prequel, but a continuation of the story from where it left off with Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull in 2008.

They didn’t directly quote Marshall, so before everybody flips their lid, more than likely Frank Marshall means not a direct continuation, just that the events that happened in Crystal Skull will still be relevant or referenced in the new movie.

The end of Crystal Skull saw Indiana Jones marry Marion and get reinstated at Marshall College and made an associate dean; so more than likely that may play a part in Indiana Jones 5, than say any of the goofy alien stuff.

Marshall also said there are no plans to replace Harrison Ford on Indiana Jones like the actors are with the James Bond (or Batman) movies. Ditto with Matt Damon and Jason Bourne.

“It’s all about the story. I think both in the ‘Jason Bourne’ series and on ‘Indiana Jones,’ we are not going to do the Bond thing,” Marshall said. “We think those characters are iconic, and those are the only actors who can play that.”

The fifth untitled Indiana Jones movie has a July 19, 2019 release date.

Movie News

Inhumans Movie Gets Delayed: Unknown Release Date

Following rumors stating Marvel Studios was cancelling the Inhumans movie over a rift with Marvel TV, now it’s learned the Inhumans movie has been pushed back and presently has no release date.

Inhumans was originally supposed to hit July 12, 2019, but now Marvel Studios president and producer Kevin Feige says due to adding Spider-Man, Ant-Man and Wasp and Indiana Jones, that Inhumans gets placed on the back-burner (via Collider).

Since we made our initial phase three announcement, we added Spider-Man, which was a big joyous coup for us. We added Ant-Man and the Wasp, which was a big fun continuation of that story for us. Walt Disney Company has announced an Indiana Jones film for right around that same time. So I think it will shuffle off the current date that it’s on right now. How far down it shuffles, I’m not sure yet.

Feige does offer Inhumans is still happening.

It’s a question of when.

Marvel TV has currently been exploring the world of the Inhumans on Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD. With Inhumans looking like a possible 2020 or beyond release date, that may give Marvel Studios enough time to separate their story from the TV version.

Charlie Cox also recently said Daredevil won’t be appearing in any Marvel movies.

Movie News

Indiana Jones 5 Gets Jurassic Park & Spider-Man Writer

A couple of days ago Disney officially announced Indiana Jones 5 is in the works with Steven Spielberg and Harrison Ford returning.

Now it’s learned the co-writer behind the previous Indiana Jones movie, Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull, is also returning, with David Koepp.

THR reports the longtime Spielberg writer is back, but as of now, no plot details for Indiana Jones 5 are known.

While it may sounds like a red flag with the writer behind the disastrous Kingdom of The Crystal Skull being brought back, bear in mind David Koepp worked off of George Lucas’ original story idea as well as Jeff Nathanson’s several drafts (more than likely Koepp was brought on to try and salvage whatever he could from Lucas’ ideas).

The report also notes it’s unclear if Lucas will be involved with Indiana Jones 5. It’s possible, similar to Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Lucas may be on the sideline again.

The good news is that David Koepp also wrote Jurassic Park and the first Sam Raimi Spider-Man film as well as Mission Impossible, The Lost World: Jurassic Park and Toy Soldiers, so we shouldn’t worry too much. Koepp is also behind Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit and the adaptation of Dan Brown novel that stars Tom Hanks, Inferno.

The fifth untitled Indiana Jones movie has a July 19, 2019 release date.

Movie News

Harrison Ford & Steven Spielberg Returning For Indiana Jones 5

Disney has announced Harrison Ford will be back for the fifth Indiana Jones movie re-teaming with Steven Spielberg who will direct the film.

The untitled Indiana Jones 5 has a July 19, 2019 release date with Kathleen Kennedy and Frank Marshall back as producers as well.


Indiana Jones will return to the big screen on July 19, 2019, for a fifth epic adventure in the blockbuster series. Steven Spielberg, who directed all four previous films, will helm the as-yet-untitled project with star Harrison Ford reprising his iconic role. Franchise veterans Kathleen Kennedy and Frank Marshall will produce.

“Indiana Jones is one of the greatest heroes in cinematic history, and we can’t wait to bring him back to the screen in 2019,” said Alan Horn, Chairman, The Walt Disney Studios. “It’s rare to have such a perfect combination of director, producers, actor and role, and we couldn’t be more excited to embark on this adventure with Harrison and Steven.”

Famed archaeologist and explorer Indiana Jones was introduced in 1981’s Raiders of the Lost Ark – one of AFI’s 100 Greatest American Films of All Time – and later thrilled audiences in 1984’s Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, 1989’s Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, and 2008’s Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. The four films have brought in nearly $2 billion at the global box office.

Movie News

New Indiana Jones Movie Rumored For 2018


Could it be mere coincidence that following the colossal hall Jurassic World took at the box office, that rumors are now flying that a new Indiana Jones movie may be released in 2018?

It’s certainly possible that Disney took notice of Jurassic World’s success as the film stars Chris Pratt, who is/was rumored for the new Indy role, and Jurassic World is executive produced by Steven Spielberg, director on all four Indiana Jones movies.

While Pratt did deny the Indiana Jones rumor and said he and Spielberg never mentioned it, with Jurassic World having the best opening ever for a movie, Disney and Spielberg have to be at least thinking about using Pratt in some capacity (either as the new Indy or to star along side Harrison Ford).

Consider it all speculation right now, but according to AICN, Disney may be releasing a new Indiana Jones movie late 2018.

Last we heard about a potential new Indiana Jones movie was from Disney LucasFilm president Kathleen Kennedy who confirmed six weeks ago a new Indiana Jones movie will be made and is in development.

Chris Pratt as the new Indy is probably looking better than ever as of right now.

Movie News

Disney Developing New Indiana Jones Movie


While there has been rumor and talk of a new Indiana Jones movie for some time, now LucasFilm president Kathleen Kennedy finally confirms it will happen.

While talking Star Wars with Vanity Fair, Kennedy states a new Indiana Jones movie will be made.

In buying the company, Disney also got rights, for better or worse, to less-storied Lucasfilm properties, among them Willow and Radioland Murders. A bigger prize is the Indiana Jones franchise. Kennedy confirmed rumors that another Indy movie ‘will one day be made inside this company. When it will happen, I’m not quite sure. We haven’t started working on a script yet, but we are talking about it.

Various rumors mentioned that Harrison Ford would be returning for new Indiana Jones movies as part of his Star Wars contract, and the latest rumor had it that Disney was rebooting Indiana Jones with Chris Pratt, which Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn stated wasnt true.

We’ll have to wait for more news from Disney to see if the new Indiana Jones is a sequel featuring Harrison Ford or a reboot using another actor, but at least we know now that one is definitely being developed.

Movie News

James Gunn Says Chris Pratt Indiana Jones Rumor Seems Like BS


James Gunn recently participated in a QnA where he discussed Guardians of the Galaxy 2, Spider-Man, X-Men and more.

Gunn also commented on the rumor that Chris Pratt will be the new Indiana Jones.

According to Variety, Gunn said that Chris Pratt playing Indiana Jones would be cool, but the report mentions Gunn goes on to say that the rumor “seemed like complete bullshit.”

The report goes on to speculate that since James Gunn had been hanging out with Chris Pratt recently, it’s possible Gunn got the information straight from Pratt.

So from that info, we can gather either Pratt never was in the running for the new Indiana Jones or that Pratt didn’t get the job.

Of course, it could also just be Gunn’s opinion on the rumor as well.

The latest rumor stated Steven Spielberg wanted Chris Pratt for Indiana Jones.

Movie News

Steven Spielberg Wants To Direct Indiana Jones Reboot Starring Chris Pratt


In an update on a story from about a month ago, it’s now being said that Steven Spielberg wants to direct the Indiana Jones reboot, and also that Spielberg wants to direct Chris Pratt in the role formerly played by Harrison Ford.

Deadline reports that Spielberg is hoping to direct the fifth Indiana Jones movie as long as the script is good enough.

It’s also again stated that Chris Pratt is Spielberg’s choice to play Indiana Jones, with Spielberg also said to have hand-picked Pratt for Jurassic World.

Pratt was recently asked about potentially playing Indiana Jones where the actor so of denied it, but did offer he might be in talks.

Pratt, who also stars in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, has Jurassic World coming out June 12th.

Jurassic World Super Bowl trailer:

Movie News

Watch: Chris Pratt Asked About Indiana Jones

Chris Pratt is currently said to be up for the role of Indiana Jones in a new franchise.

TMZ caught up with Pratt at the airport where they had the actor sign a piece of Indiana Jones memorabilia and asked Pratt about the rumor.

Pratt seems to be taken back by the attention, but he does state he might be in talks, though doesn’t confirm and says no at the same time.

Chris Pratt stars in this Summer’s Jurassic World and will reprise as Star-Lord for Guardians of the Galaxy 2.


Movie News

Chris Pratt Eyed For Indiana Jones Reboot


With Disney having success with Marvel and continuing to move forward with Star Wars, it’s now learned that Indiana Jones might be next on their agenda.

According to Deadline, Disney is eyeing Chris Pratt for the Indiana Jones role.

It’s noted the talks that are underway are “very early,” but it’s said Chris Pratt is eyed to be the one to build a new Indiana Jones franchise around.

Pratt recently starred in Disney/Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy and is also starring in the upcoming Jurassic World film for Universal Studios.

Jurassic World trailer:

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