Indiana Jones 5: Harrison Ford Questioned About Chris Pratt (Video)


Disney is currently developing an Indiana Jones 5 movie with rumors offering that Chris Pratt might be signed on for the new franchise, and now Harrison Ford is questioned about it.

Variety caught up with Harrison Ford and asked when filming starts and if Chris Pratt is involved.

“I’m not sure yet, but we’ve got a script in production we are all very excited about,” Harrison Ford responded when asked about Indiana Jones 5 filming.

Regarding Chris Pratt, Harrison Ford laughed and walked away stating, “It’s him or me.”

Indiana Jones

Director Stephen Spielberg previously revealed back in 2015 that only one actor would be playing Indy and that it would be Harrison Ford, so it remains to be seen if Chris Pratt is actually involved and getting the torch passed to.

Back in January did see Chris Pratt tease something about snakes, and we know Indy is afraid of snakes, so maybe something is there.

Indiana Jones 5 has a July 9, 2021 release. 

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