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  • COVER SHOOT: The Top 5 Comic Covers for November 20th, 2013

    COVER SHOOT: The Top 5 Comic Covers for November 20th, 2013

    COVER SHOOTBy: Chris “DOC” Bushley This weekly feature will take a look at THE most visually compelling comic book covers on the market today. Whether they be rare variant editions or just your standard fare, these are the top 5 covers that stand out amidst the bevy of books released each week. They say, “A picture is worth a thousand words”  but these covers are worth more than that! No matter the storylines behind them, these covers compel you…

  • Review: Harley Quinn #0

    Review: Harley Quinn #0

    It only took 16 artists and 2 over the top writers to tell the tale of Harley Quinn in a way that it deserves to be done! Bruce Timm, Jim Lee, Charlie Adlard, Amanda Conner, Art Baltazar, Sam Keith, Adam Hughes, Walter Simonson, Jeremy Roberts, Dave Johnson, Chad Hardin, Tradd Moore, Stephane Roux, Becky Cloonan,…

  • Op-Ed: The Loeb-otomization of Nova

    Op-Ed: The Loeb-otomization of Nova

    The Cosmic TriuneAn Opinion-Editorial”The Lo(e)botomization of Nova” Lobotomization:  to deprive of intelligence, vitality, or sensitivity.                                                     -Definition courtesy of Merriam-Webster Dictionary [[wysiwyg_imageupload:12352:]]According to Marvel Editorial, Issue #10 of NINO is the 100-issue mark of “Nova” comic books published.  I dis-respectfully disagree.  I count 90 issues of true Nova comic books and 10 issues of Nova In Name Only…

  • COVER SHOOT: The Top 5 Comic Book Covers for November 13th, 2013

    COVER SHOOT: The Top 5 Comic Book Covers for November 13th, 2013

    COVER SHOOTBy: Chris “DOC” Bushley This weekly feature will take a look at THE most visually compelling comic book covers on the market today. Whether they be rare variant editions or just your standard fare, these are the top 5 covers that stand out amidst the bevy of books released each week. They say, “A picture is worth a thousand words”  but these covers are worth more than that! No matter the storylines behind them, these covers compel you…

  • Review: Unity #1

    Review: Unity #1

    When it comes to company crossovers, fans are generally more excited by the hype of a product then the final execution of it. There is always something lacking. Weak story, exclusions of characters or just plain horrible endings make the “big event” seem minimal and contrived by the time it wraps up. But here, with…

  • Review: Batman #25

    Review: Batman #25

    Scott Snyder continues to show us all that there are still plenty of amazing stories left to be told to broaden the mythos of the Caped Crusader, whether he dons the costume or not!Though “the Bat” makes a minimal appearance this issue, Snyder weaves layer after layer of intrigue throughout his tale, building the richness…

  • Review: The Walking Dead #116

    Review: The Walking Dead #116

    After a lackluster 10th Anniversary issue last month, Robert Kirkman redeems himself with an explosion of action and an ending that leaves the reader with both unease and excitement!This issue, part 2 of the 12 part storyline “All Out War,” gives the reader exactly what they should expect as a swathe of chaos rocks the…

  • Movie Review: Thor: The Dark World

    Movie Review: Thor: The Dark World

    A Supreme Victory!A Film Review of Thor: The Dark WorldBy: Lawrence Napoli [[wysiwyg_imageupload:12206:]]Let’s not beat around the bush on this one.  Thor: The Dark World is a great sci-fi, action adventure film that has all the trappings of an excellent summer blockbuster that reaffirms its roots, acknowledges the events of The Avengers in a meaningful way…

  • COVER SHOOT: The Top 5 Comic Book Covers For 11/6/2013

    COVER SHOOT: The Top 5 Comic Book Covers For 11/6/2013

    COVER SHOOTBy: Chris “DOC” Bushley This weekly feature will take a look at THE most visually compelling comic book covers on the market today. Whether they be rare variant editions or just your standard fare, these are the top 5 covers that stand out amidst the bevy of books released each week. They say, “A picture is worth a thousand words”  but these covers are worth more than that! No matter the storylines behind them, these covers compel…

  • Review: Guardians of the Galaxy #8 (Bendis)

    Review: Guardians of the Galaxy #8 (Bendis)

    Bendis’ “Dark Reign” of Marvel Cosmic continues with the travesty that is GotG #8. The characterization is just bad. That’s all there is to it.  Either Bendis doesn’t understand the characters or he’s hell-bent on creating the perfect antithesis of DnA’s vastly superior characterization. Whatever his motivation may be, he apparently doesn’t understand that what…

  • COVER SHOOT: The Top 5 Comic Book Covers For 10/30/13

    COVER SHOOT: The Top 5 Comic Book Covers For 10/30/13

    COVER SHOOTBy: Chris “DOC” Bushley This weekly feature will take a look at THE most visually compelling comic book covers on the market today. Whether they be rare variant editions or just your standard fare, these are the top 5 covers that stand out amidst the bevy of books released each week. They say, “A picture is worth a thousand words”  but these covers are worth more than that! No matter the storylines behind them, these covers compel…

  • Review: Guardians of the Galaxy #7 (Bendis)

    Review: Guardians of the Galaxy #7 (Bendis)

    And the sad Avenger-ization of Guardians of the Galaxy continues.I guess it all boils down to the hype surrounding the movie, but I honestly don’t know how this book keeps its 60K readership.  It’s been seven issues now and nothing much has happened.  I guess the Avengers-zombies buying this book have been conditioned by years…

  • Review: Nova #9 (Wells)

    Review: Nova #9 (Wells)

    This issue reaches a new low. Bad enough that NINO’s parents criminally allow a 14-year-old boy to keep the “magic helmet” and actually use vast powers which he is not in any way trained to use, but in this issue his mother encourages him to engage in kill-or-be-killed combat.  Even Vance Astrovik points this out in…

  • Review: Peal Jam 10/12/13 – Buffalo, NY

    Review: Peal Jam 10/12/13 – Buffalo, NY

    Pearl Jam Descends on BuffaloStop #2 for the North American Lightning Bolt Tour 2013By: Lawrence Napoli and Cat Carlson [[wysiwyg_imageupload:11755:]]So many have been eagerly anticipating Pearl Jam’s return to the touring circuit that as soon as it was announced, scoring tickets for any of the venues instantly became a hot commodity and awfully complicated if you…

  • Review: The Walking Dead #115

    Review: The Walking Dead #115

    It has been ten years since Robert Kirkman pitched a deceptive idea to the heads of Image comics, one that would eventually make him into a multi-media juggernaut! Ten years of pushing the envelope and evoking feelings in fans that has caused them to have emotional ties to his characters, something that is rarely seen…

  • Cover Shoot: The Top 5 Comic Covers For 10/9/13

    Cover Shoot: The Top 5 Comic Covers For 10/9/13

    COVER SHOOTBy: Chris “DOC” Bushley This weekly feature will take a look at THE most visually compelling comic book covers on the market today. Whether they be rare variant editions or just your standard fare, these are the top 5 covers that stand out amidst the bevy of books released each week. They say, “A picture is worth a thousand words”  but these covers are worth more than that! No matter the storylines behind them, these covers compel…

  • Review: Nova #8 (Wells)

    Review: Nova #8 (Wells)

    Medina and Curiel deliver some eye-catching art and coloring in this issue. Too bad their talents are wasted on such a sub-par concept, storyline, and leading character. If you like puerile comic book clichés, slapsticky silliness, and all the awe and wonder of an episode of “Here Comes Honey Boo-Boo” – then you’ll absolutely love…

  • Review: Guardians of the Galaxy #6 (Bendis)

    Review: Guardians of the Galaxy #6 (Bendis)

    It’s really a shame that this book is called Guardians of the Galaxy when it’s such a pale imitation of all the preceding much better efforts using the same name. I wish Bendis, Brevoort, Wacker, Alonso, et al would just get it over with and re-name this book Space Avengers or, more accurately, Avengers in…

  • Review: Jupiter’s Legacy #3

    Review: Jupiter’s Legacy #3

    Your father is the greatest super hero that ever lived, but you will always be in his shadow. The worst part is that he reminds you of it constantly, you will never be good enough to up hold your legacy no matter what you do! But, what if you are not the only one that…

  • Review: Green Lantern #23.4: Sinestro

    Review: Green Lantern #23.4: Sinestro

    Told from the perspective of ex-Yellow Lantern, Lyssa Drak, Green Lantern #23.4 delves deep into the forbidden history of Sinestro in an attempt to keep the destroyed Book of Parallax preserved for future generations.Matt Kindt writes a mesmerizing tale of one of the most interesting characters in the Green Lantern mythos — Sinestro! Although it…

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