
Marvel and MCU news including Deadpool & Wolverine, Avengers: Secret Wars, Spider-Man, Wolverine, X-Men, comic books, video games, TV, Disney plus, and more.

Comic Book News Marvel

Marvel Captain America Weights Set Coming This Summer

Is there a better way to get motivated to hit the gym than working out with Captain America barbells?! Onnit has released an image of their Captain America Barbells with news they are launching a Marvel fitness equipment line this Summer. You can sign up for Onnit Marvel updates at

Marvel Movie News

Captain America Fan Hopes James Gunn’s Cat Gets Thrown Into Wood Chipper

Yesterday saw Stephen Amell respond to an overzealous(!) fan, and now James Gunn does as well.

Long story short, James Gunn blasted the rabid Captain America fans for their response to Marvel Comics changing up the character’s origins.

Well, one fan in particular wasn’t happy with what Gunn had to say, so he let Gunn have it, making a comment about throwing Gunn’s cat in a wood chipper (Gunn is a big animal lover) among other things.

Gunn wasn’t too thrilled with that and followed up with additional comments of his own.

As I tweeted out, I think with Memorial Day weekend here, everybody needs to relax a bit.

Fan comment:

Gunn responding further on Facebook:

Yesterday I was called an anti-Semite, a Nazi supporter, blamed for Johnny Depp beating his wife (really), and wished chopped-meatness upon my cat Emily. All of this because I said that blaming a ruined childhood on a plot twist in a comic book was unreasonable.

It’s important to note that I never even argued FOR the plot twist. I can see someone being upset or angered by the twist. I can see not liking it and posting negative thoughts about it on the Internet. But balance is an important part of life, and blaming it for ruining our lives, or wishing harm to someone because of it, is not rational. If people said all of those things to me after an idle FB post, can you imagine what they’re saying to the WRITER?

Sometimes the pop culture figures we love are going to do different things than what we want them to do. Sometimes it will be because of bad storytelling and sometimes it will be because the creators simply have different ideas than we do. We can complain about it, but being hyperbolic about it isn’t healthy and attacking folks for it isn’t kind. And if you’re doing those things, I suggest you have bigger issues in your life that need examining.

It’s Memorial Day weekend. In memory of all those who sacrificed themselves for freedom, let’s use it wisely (i.e. not throwing my pet in a wood chipper).

Captain America Hydra
Marvel Movie News

Captain America Chris Evans Hydra Fan Art

This week saw Marvel Comics make a desperation move by changing Captain America’s origins to be that of a Hydra Agent.

Yeah, rather lame, and one that eventually will be reversed.

Chris Evans doesn’t seem to be a big fan, but check out “what if” images below if it happened in the MCU.

Boss Logic put together the following showing off a possible Chris Evans Captain America Hydra costume.

We agree with Chris Evans: Say it ain’t so!

Comic Book News Marvel

Chris Evans Thinks What Marvel Comics Did To Captain America Is Dumb, Too

In Marvel Comics desperate attempt to sell copies amid DC Comics releasing their Rebirth issue, they changed up Captain America’s story so he is and always has been a member of Hydra.

Marvel Comics even released the spoiler pic officially.

Well, news has reached Chris Evans, the Captain America from the Marvel movies, who tweeted out his thoughts.

Yeah, it’s pretty dumb.

The good news is Kevin Feige booted Marvel Comics from having anything more to do with the movies.

And a fan on Twitter sums things up rather nicely as well:


Marvel Movie News

Chris Evans Wants To Appear In Spider-Man: Homecoming (Video)

Check out video below featuring Chris Evans talking about potentially appearing in other Marvel movies.

Evans says Guardians of the Galaxy will be interesting, but doesn’t really fit Cap who is an earthbound hero.

Spider-Man: Homecoming would work or any more of the Spider-Man movies, says Evans.

Chris Evans also offers he would be up to cameo or appear in other movies as Marvel sees fit.

Spider-Man: Homecoming has a July 7, 2017 release starring Tom Holland, Robert Downey Jr., Marisa Tomeia and Michael Keaton.

Marvel Movie News

Shane Black Talks Predator, Marvel, Doc Savage & Dwayne Johnson

Iron Man 3 helmer Shane Black is directing a new Predator movie, the Doc Savage movie and has The Nice Guys debuting today.

Black participated in a Reddit AMA where he offered the following about the films, Marvel and Robert Downey Jr.

On the new Predator (due out March 2, 2018):

This new reimagining of |The Predator will be set in |Present Day — which is to say, 2018; and so the futuristic events of Predators have not yet occurred. |We’re on earth, the time is now…

On a potential Alien Vs. Predator movie:

Ridley (the best man for the job) has taken the helm of the Alien franchise, and I’m frankly more interested in watching his work as an awed observer; watching Ridley to me is like going to school.

On Marvel:

I love the Marvel folk. They’re making the best superhero movies around, largely because they’re not elaboately calculated products; they’re labors of love for these guys. They grew up on the shit.

Marvel was an education and a half. I remember I was a bit headspun, early on, trying to find out how exactly I fit in, when Joss Whedon approached me. Sensing my distress, he said, “You don’t have to keep ahold of every moving part. Trust the machine.” And so I took the cotton out of my ears, put it in my mouth, and proceeded to LEARN from the most efficient, well-oiled superhero delivery system in history. Everyone should be so lucky.

On Doc Savage and Dwayne Johnson:

Now, you’re talking. Doc Savage was — and is — as much a part of my creative life as any other influence (with the possible exception of The Cricket in Times Square, oddly). With 182 stories in the original canon to choose from (I confess to having only read 107) it becomes nigh impossible to pick any one book, so we have to synthesize the elements — the protypical TYPE of tale — that best sums up the entire bloody mess; not just an episode wiuthin the genre. It’s really daunting, frankly. As for Duane — Google “James Bama – Doc Savage” and look at the images which assailed me from the book rack at Shop-Rite whn I was young. The Rock seems very insertable, doesn’t he?

On casting Robert Downey Jr. in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang:

Downey was the man. Period. Down-at-his-heels, previously uninsurable, the whole deal — fuck it. I trusted him. I was so right. That said, the movie tanked; but I’m still intensely proud of it, and so SO grateful for what Downey and Kilmer brought. Lightning in a bottle.

Note: Here is a James Bama Doc Savage cover:

Marvel TV News

Dear Chloe Bennet: Ask Ike Perlmutter Why Marvel Isn’t Connected

Agents of SHIELD‘s Chloe Bennet recently attended the Wizard World Des Moines Comic Con, where, like a lot of fans, she wondered why there wasn’t a connection between the Marvel movies and the Marvel TV shows.

Obviously, as the Marvel movies are uber popular, a nod to the television shows might be rather helpful.

Bennet has this to say (via io9) when asked if Hive was such a big threat, why wouldn’t the Avengers get involved:

I don’t know. People who make movies for Marvel, why don’t you acknowledge what happens on our show? Why don’t you guys go ask them that? Cause they don’t seem to care!

It’s also mentioned to Bennet that SHIELD doesn’t cross over into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but would she want to:

I would love that. The Marvel Cinematic Universe loves to pretend that everything is connected, but then they don’t acknowledge our show at all. So, I would love to do that, but they don’t seem to keen on that idea.

We see Bennet seems to be laying blame with the movie side of things, but maybe she should go ask her boss, Marvel CEO Ike Perlmutter, what’s up.

Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige recently parted ways with both Ike Perlmutter and his cronies that run TV and the comics, which includes Brian Michael Bendis, the creator or Bennet’s SHIELD character.  Head of Marvel TV,  Jeph Loeb, is also known to be chums with the group.

Here are a few things Perlmutter is said to have been responsible for (off the top of my head):

No female Marvel movies

No female Iron Man 3 villain

Cancellation of X-Men and Fantastic Four comics due to feud with Fox Studios

Cancellation of X-Men and Fantastic Four merchandise over feud with Fox Studios

Reason why Joss Whedon left Marvel following Avengers 2 (and now with Perlmutter out out of the picture, Whedon has renewed interest with Marvel)

Reason for Avengers 2 not doing as well as hoped (Perlmutter’s creative committee also blamed)

Reason why no Iron Man 4 (and now with Perlmutter out of the picture, there is renewed talk of Iron Man 4)

With Perlmutter now gone, Joe Russo has said Marvel Studios is a much healthier and better place to work at

Perlmutter’s TV and creative committee cancelled the Guardians of the Galaxy comic book knowing full well a movie was getting made and placed themselves on new comics and animated shows

Perlmutter forced an Inhumans movie

Problems with Robert Downey Jr. and paying the rest of the Avengers cast (RDJ backed up his fellow actors)

Suggested further reading for Chloe Bennet:

‘Captain America’ Filming Tensions “Caused the Civil War Within Marvel”

Marvel’s Civil War: Why Kevin Feige Demanded Emancipation From CEO Ike Perlmutter

Marvel Shake-Up: Film Chief Kevin Feige Breaks Free of CEO Ike Perlmutter

How Marvel Became the Envy (and Scourge) of Hollywood

Perlmutter/Feige Inhumans and Captain Marvel movie details

Kevin Feige Almost Quit Civil War Over Feud With Perlmutter

When it comes down to it, the reason for the divide seems pretty obvious as one side seems to have rather suspect business practices and a lack of respect for people involved. Who would want to team up with that?

Marvel Movie News

Kevin Feige Says Inhumans Movie Is Still A Go

Last month Disney took the Inhumans movie off its release schedule, leading to speculation that rumors surrounding the cancellation of the film were true.

Now Kevin Feige addresses the future of Inhumans while appearing on the Captain America: Civil War podcast with Empire Online.

“The only situation right now is that it’s not going to be part of Phase Three, because Phase Three increased in a very good way since we originally announced it.

When and where and how it pops up remains to be seen, but it’s characters we love, it’s a storyline we love and we just didn’t want to cram it into an already quite full Phase Three.”

Regarding Kevin Feige stating Phase 3 increased in a good way, he is referring to the addition of Spider-Man: Homecoming as well as the Ant-Man & Wasp movie.

It should be noted the original rumor about the cancellation of Inhumans basically said Marvel would see it removed from its release date followed by its cancelleation with the reason being they couldn’t find the right director for the film. It’s been said the real reason for Inhumans getting the boot is due to Feige’s feud with Marvel CEO Ike Perlmutter.

If the Inhumans movie is ever a go, it looks to be released later in 2019 or beyond.

Marvel Movie News

Michael B. Jordan Cast In Black Panther

It’s learned Michael B. Jordan has been cast in the upcoming Black Panther movie.

THR reports Michael B. Jordan may actually play a villain in the film, opposite Chadwick Boseman.

Jordan recently starred as the Human Torch in Fox’s Fantastic Four flop, which is not connected to the Marvel Studios movies.

Jordan also starred in Ryan Coogler’s Creed who is helming Black Panther as well.

Potential villains Jordan could play in Black Panther include: Man-Ape, Erik Killmonger, Achebe, Damon Dran, Death Tiger, Morgan, Solomon Prey, Sombre, T’shan, or how about Blade?

Star Wars’ Lupita Nyong’o is also said to be in negotiations to star in Black Panther.

Chris Evans also jumped ship from playing the Human Torch to Captain America; that worked out well, so should Michael B. Jordan.

Black Panther has a Feb. 2, 2018 release date.

Marvel TV News

ABC Passes On Marvel’s Most Wanted Agents of SHIELD Spinoff

Today sees a second Marvel TV series get the axe, with this one cancelled before it even got a chance to get out of the gate.

Following ABC cancelling Agent Carter, now it’s learned ABC has passed on the Agents of SHIELD spinoff series, Marvel’s Most Wanted, which was to star Adrianne Palicki and Nick Blood.

THR posted the news:

Marvel’s Most Wanted* — PASSED OVER
Logline: A second spinoff from Agents of SHIELD, the drama follows the adventures of Bobbi Morse (aka Mockingbird) and Lance Hunter.
Cast: Adrianne Palicki, Nick Blood, Delroy Lindo, Oded Fehr, Fernana Andrade
Team: W/EP Paul Zbyszewski; EP Jeffrey Bell, Jeph Loeb
Studio: ABC Studios, Marvel Television
Location: Los Angeles

Marvel Movie News

Marvel Almost Sold Rights To Captain America & Thor

It’s learned back in the Marvel bankruptcy days, that the licenses for Captain America and Thor were almost sold off to other studios.

THR has an article taking a look inside Marvel from the perspective of former Marvel president and chief operating officer David Maisel, who, like a lot of people, you probably haven’t heard of. Maisel is behind the upcoming Angry Birds movie.

Among some of the highlights:

Maisel was in part responsible for selling Marvel to Disney at a value of $4 billion.

It’s said Maisel was responsible for the Marvel-method of movies, which he borrowed the idea from George Lucas and Star Wars.

Maisel put the stop on selling Captain America to Warner Bros. and Thor to Sony, noting: “If I had gotten there three months, six months later, those deals would have been done,” he says. “And there would be no chance to bring all these characters together.”

Maisel was behind releasing the direct to DVD Avengers and Iron Man movies as a way of showing people there was a value to the products:  “It allowed me to say to people: ‘Look at the value of our IP. Here’s someone paying all the money, and we have creative control and get half the profits,’ ” says Maisel.

Ike Perlmutter (who Kevin Feige recently had booted from being involved with the movies) gave Maisel the go ahead for Iron Man as long as Marvel didn’t have to put up a dime.

Maisel is said to have had tensions with Spider-Man producer and former Marvel Studios CEO Avi Arad (Feige also booted Arad from any involvement in the new Tom Holland Spider-Man movies). Arad is said to have left Marvel and sold his stock for around $20 a share (Disney ended up purchasing Marvel for $51 a share).

Regarding the 2008 Iron Man movie, the board of Marvel is said to have been just happy enough to break even on the movie, but more excited for toy sales: “Don’t worry. We’ll be very happy if this breaks even and we can sell more toys.” Iron Man went on to gross $585 million worldwide.

Maisel made a deal with Universal Studios where Marvel would get the rights to the Hulk back, but Universal would be able to distribute any Hulk solo movie (which is why there is no new Hulk movie since). Universal would have no rights and receive nothing if Hulk appeared in other films (i.e. The Avengers happened).

February of 2009 saw Maisel meet with Disney’s Bob Iger. Maisel set up a meeting between Iger and Ike Perlmutter. Six month later Marvel was sold to Disney for $4 billion, ten times what Marvel was worth when Maisel started at Marvel.

Marvel TV News

Punisher TV Series Announced For Netflix

Following rumors, it’s now confirmed a Punisher TV series is coming to Netflix.

Jon Bernthal recently debuted as Frank Castle in Daredevil Season 2 and will star in the new Punisher series.

Writer and executive producer Steve Lightfoot (Hanniba, Casualty) will serve as showrunner. 

Check out the first Punisher teaser image below.

Punisher marks the sixth Marvel Netflix series following Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist and Defenders.

Luke Cage, starring Mike Colter, premiers in September; Iron Fist, starring Finn Jones, is currently filming, and Defenders films later this year. notes Marvel is expected to make a full announcement about the new Punisher series later today.

Updated: with teaser video below.

Update #2: Marvel officially announces Punisher. See below.


Netflix has ordered a full first season of “Marvel’s The Punisher,” continuing their unprecedented collaboration with Marvel Television.

Jon Bernthal will reprise his role as Frank Castle, introduced to fans earlier this year in the second season of the Netflix original series “Marvel’s Daredevil,” with Steve Lightfoot (“Hannibal”) serving as Executive Producer and Showrunner in addition to writing the series’ first two episodes.

“We want to thank the fans who are clamoring for more of Jon’s stunning and powerful performance as Frank Castle from ‘Marvel’s Daredevil,’” said Executive Producer/Head of Marvel Television, Jeph Loeb, “Now combined with Showrunner Steve Lightfoot’s compelling writing, we’re thrilled to bring ‘Marvel’s The Punisher’ to Netflix.”

“Jon hooked our global audience with his performance as Frank Castle from the moment he stepped on screen in ‘Marvel’s Daredevil,’ and we are looking forward to seeing more of him in this role under the vision of Steve Lightfoot,” said Cindy Holland, Netflix Vice President of Original Content.

“For me, the complexity and unpredictability of Frank Castle make him an incredibly compelling character and I couldn’t be more excited to dive into his world,” said Executive Producer and Showrunner, Steve Lightfoot. “After watching Jon’s performance in ‘Marvel’s Daredevil’ I could not be more excited to be working with him to further develop and progress the story of this anti-hero in a show of his own.”

“Marvel’s The Punisher” marks the sixth series ordered thus far as part of the groundbreaking collaboration between Marvel Television and Netflix including the upcoming “Marvel’s Luke Cage,” “Marvel’s Iron Fist,” “Marvel’s The Defenders” and the Peabody Award-winning “Marvel’s Jessica Jones.”

“Marvel’s The Punisher” is produced by Marvel Television in association with ABC Studios for Netflix.

Comic Book News Marvel

Today Is National Superhero Day

Today happens to be National Superhero Day, which was created by employees of Marvel back in 1995.

Why not stop in at your local comic book shop and pick up a few items!

Or you an always head to Amazon.

Check out some social media posts celebrating the occasion:

Marvel Movie News

Kevin Feige Updates Thor, Hulk, Spider-Man: Homecoming & More (Video)

At the UK premiere of Captain America: Civil War, Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige offers updates on Thor, Hulk, Nick Fury, Spider-Man: Homecoming and explains the Tom Holland and Robert Downey Jr. scene from the movie.

Worry not, there are no spoilers in the video below.

Regarding Thor and Hulk, Feige says they are not in Civil War, but we’ll learn what happened to them when Thor: Ragnarok hits in November 2017. Feige also said they begin filming in a couple of months.

Feige lets it be known we’ll see Nick Fury in an upcoming movie, but it’s not Thor: Ragnarok.

Feige also says the Tom Holland and Robert Downey Jr. scene in Captain America: Civil War was actually used for auditions. Robert Downey Jr. auditioned with various young actors using that scene, with Tom Holland being the best choice for the role.

For Spider-Man: Homecoming, Feige reiterates that Marvel has creative control of Spider-Man and says they have a great relationship with Sony.

via HeyUGuys:

“Captain America: Civil War” has  a May 6, 2016 release date directed by Anthony and Joe Russo starring Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Elizabeth Olsen, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Frank Grillo, Paul Bettany, Don Cheadle, Emily VanCamp, William Hurt, Martin Freeman and Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther.


Captain America: Civil War picks up where Avengers: Age of Ultron left off, as Steve Rogers leads the new team of Avengers in their continued efforts to safeguard humanity. After another international incident involving the Avengers results in collateral damage, political pressure mounts to install a system of accountability and a governing body to determine when to enlist the services of the team. The new status quo fractures the Avengers while they try to protect the world from a new and nefarious villain.

Marvel Movie News

Marvel Explains Ancient One Doctor Strange Casting: Not Of Asian Origin

Long story short: Marvel Studios has been receiving online flak due to the casting of Tilda Swinton as the Ancient One in Doctor Strange. Things seemed to get even more heated when Scarlett Johansson was cast in Ghost In the Shell (a non-Marvel movie), leading to accussations of the whitewashing of Asian characters all around.

Now Marvel Studios has issued a statement defending the casting of Tilda Swinton as the Ancient One in Doctor Strange. We see they changed up the origin to give the character a Celtic background (similar to the change of Ben Kingsley getting cast as Mandarin in Iron Man 3).

The writer of Doctor Strange also offered the reason for the change is due to not wanting to upset the Chinese (who don’t get along with Tibet). China is obviously becoming a huge cash cow for movies; if the Chinese Communist govt. was to ban Doctor Strange, obviously that would hurt Marvel and Disney’s pocketbook.

Marvel’s statement (via Mashable):

Marvel has a very strong record of diversity in its casting of films and regularly departs from stereotypes and source material to bring its MCU to life. The Ancient One is a title that is not exclusively held by any one character, but rather a moniker passed down through time, and in this particular film the embodiment is Celtic. We are very proud to have the enormously talented Tilda Swinton portray this unique and complex character alongside our richly diverse cast.

Doctor Strange writer C. Robert Cargill comments:

“[The Ancient One] originates from Tibet, so if you acknowledge that Tibet is a place and that he’s Tibetan, you risk alienating one billion people who think that that’s bullsh*t and risk the Chinese government going, ‘Hey, you know one of the biggest film-watching countries in the world? We’re not going to show your movie because you decided to get political,” Cargill explained.

If we decide to go the other way and cater to China in particular,” he continued, ” — if you think it’s a good idea to cast a Chinese actress as a Tibetan character, you are out of your damn fool mind and have no idea what the f*ck you’re talking about.”

“Doctor Strange” has a November 4, 2016 release also starring Chiwetel Ejiofor, Rachel McAdams, Tilda Swinton, Benedict Wong and Mads Mikkelsen.

“Doctor Strange” follows the story of neurosurgeon Doctor Stephen Strange who, after a horrific car accident, discovers the hidden world of magic and alternate dimensions.

“Doctor Strange” is the latest film in Phase 3 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Phase 3’s goal—over the course of four years and nine films—is to introduce audiences to new heroes and continue the adventures of fan favorites.

Doctor Strange Trailer:

Comic Book News Marvel

Marvel Teases The Return Of A Hero; Quasar? Genis-Vell?

Marvel sent out a “Hero Teaser” image which included the text “A Long Awaited Return…”

We see the image also reads: “I knew this was my chance to be a hero.”

The image looks a lot like Quasar’s star chest symbol, and we also see the “A” in “Standoff Assault On Pleasant Hill” is the symbol of the Avengers.

Quasar was a member of the Avengers.

However, there is another chance it’s for Genis-Vell, but his star symbol is eight-pointed.

“Standoff” also has to do with the Thunderbolts, of which Genis-Vell/Photon was a member. It’s possible Marvel may have simply mixed up the symbols (lol) or tried to act coy.

I’m also not sure if the teaser text fits with Quasar, unless it means his return to the Avengers.

Anyway, it looks like we’ll find out who it is next week with the release of Avengers Standoff: Assault on Pleasant Hill Omega #1. Here’s the solicit description. Maybe Cap called his old buddy Wendell for some help?

S.H.I.E.L.D.’s clandestine secret prison Pleasant Hill lies in ruins. The villainous Baron Zemo and the super villain inmates of Pleasant Hill stand upon the verge of victory. Should S.H.I.E.L.D.’s reality-warping technology KOBIK fall into their hands, the Marvel Universe will bend to their will.

All that stands between them and total annihilation are a small band of Avengers. But who is that leading them? None other than the restored Steve Rogers! With the original Captain America at the helm, they just may stand a chance. And seeds sown here will set the stage for major things to come in the Marvel Universe.

The return of Steve Rogers, the formation of the all-new Thunderbolts and more! The can’t-miss ending to Avengers: Standoff



Marvel Movie News

Disney Officially Pulls Inhumans From Release Schedule

Following Kevin Feige letting it be known the Marvel Studios Inhumans movie has been delayed, now Disney has officially pulled Inhumans from its release schedule.

Deadline does point out Inhumans is still supposed to be made at some point. The original release date was July 12, 2019, and no other Marvel movie has seen a delay.

While Kevin Feige previously cited the new Spider-Man: Homecoming and Indiana Jones 5 movies as reason for Inhumans being taken off the schedule, I wouldn’t doubt if Marvel TV and Agents of SHIELD‘s use of the Inhumans had something to do with it.

Marvel Studios and Marvel TV are said to not get along, with Kevin Feige having booted them from involvement in the movies. It’s also been said prior to the breakup, that Marvel CEO Ike Perlmutter wanted the Inhumans movie to get made, which would be an obvious tie in to Agents of SHIELD.

We now see Kevin Feige has put the brakes on any sort of connection between the Marvel movies and Marvel TV as – if Inhumans even gets made – it will be at least four or five (or more) years following Agents of SHIELD‘s Inhumans storyline. You can also bet if the Inhumans movie does get made, it won’t have anything to do with what happened in Agents of SHIELD as well.

Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if Marvel Studios scraps the Inhumans movie in its entirety.

Marvel TV Trailers

Watch: Marvel’s Avengers: Ultron Revolution Season 3, Ep. 7 – Clip 1

Watch a clip below for the next episode of Avengers: Ultron Revolution featuring Dormammu.

The Avengers come to Doctor Strange’s aid against Dormammu in a clip from “Marvel’s Avengers: Ultron Revolution,” airing Sunday at 8:30 AM ET on Disney XD! 


After defeating world-shattering threats like Ultron and Thanos, the Avengers have less reason to come back together to fight smaller villains as a team. However, the unexpected return of Ultron reunites the Avengers and they must learn what it is to function as a unit again. New challenges include the unpredictable Ultimate Ultron, but also Baron Zemo, the Masters of Evil, the Inhumans, and the futuristic Kang the Conquerer. Through these events, the Avengers prove once again that they are more than a powerhouse team–they are also a family and their combined strength is what allows them to be Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. 

With an all-star roster consisting of Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Hawkeye, Falcon and, occasionally–when she feels like it and only when she feels like it–Black Widow, the Avengers are a team in the truest sense. The Avengers save the world from the biggest threats imaginable–threats no single super hero could withstand.

Comic Book News Marvel

Richard Rider Nova Selling Over 200 Percent Better Than NINO

Marvel Comics seems to be less in the money-making business than it is in the PC BS business these days.

Updating my previous article from a couple of weeks ago, the numbers for the relauch of NINO (Nova In Name Only) are in, and they’re even further down the gutter than last time.

Following February’s disastrous drop of over 5000, March sees another drop of 1300 to 16,886 units for NINO #5.

Looking back at the more popular and fan-favorite Abnett and Lanning Nova from 2007, Richard Rider sold a whopping 39,540 copies (234% better) with its own fifth issue — and that’s when Marvel could give a hoot about Marvel Cosmic.

Just imagine if Richard Rider had a smidgen of the promotion that Marvel Comics gave NINO, it’s possible Richard Rider Nova could be a consistent top seller.

However, guys like Joe Quesada, Axel Alonso, Dan Buckley, Tom Brevoort, Jeph Loeb, Brian Bendis and Stephen Wacker made sure that didn’t happen. It’s obviously a good thing they’re not involved with the movies.

We still don’t know why Richard Rider got the axe, or Abnett and Lanning for that matter.

You an offer your thoughts on the subject in our Marvel Cosmic forums.

Marvel TV News

Watch: Clark Gregg vs. Hayley Atwell Lip Sync Battle

Check out Agents Of SHIELD taking on Agent Carter in Spike TV’s Lic Sync Battle.

Pardon the pun, but you may want to shield your eyes as Clark Gregg performs Britney Spears’ “Toxic.”

Hayley Atwell answers with her own version of Lada Gaga’s “Bad Romance.”

We may never look at Agent Coulson the same after this…

Clark Gregg (“Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”) and Hayley Atwell (“Marvel’s Agent Carter”) settle their Comic-Con rivalry on Lip Sync Battle! Clark enlists wife Jennifer Grey’s help for Britney Spears’ “Toxic” while Hayley goes full Lady Gaga with “Bad Romance”!  

Comic Book News Marvel

Marvel Comics Civil War II Trailer

Marvel released a “Choose Your Side” trailer for their Civil War II event.

Check it out below.

The drums of war beat for the Marvel Universe this June, as the Earth-shattering CIVIL WAR II #1 comes to comic shops and digital devices with a jam-packed double-size issue! Blockbuster creators Brian Michael Bendis, David Marquez and Justin Ponsor bring you a tale of hero against hero – and a Marvel Universe divided. A new power has emerged, one that can predict the future – for good or for ill. Standing on opposite sides, will the heroes use this new power to prevent danger before it happens? Or will they fight to allow tomorrow to unfold unaltered. Battle lines will be drawn. Lives will be changed. Heroes will fall. Do you stand with Captain Marvel? Or will you side with Iron Man? Choose your side! 

Marvel Movie News

Joss Whedon Wants To Return To Marvel

A few months ago saw Joss Whedon make mention he was done working with Marvel, but now it’s learned the Avengers director may have just needed some time off.

While participating at the SVA Theatre in Manhattan’s Chelsea neighborhood as part of the Tribeca Film Festival’s Talk series along with Hulk actor Mark Rufffalo, Joss Whedon mentioned that he isn’t close minded about taking on other Marvel projects down the road, and he hopes Marvel hasn’t quit on him either.

“It was just five years of my life,” Whedon told Deadline about working on both Avengers movies. “I took a two-week vacation for the first time in 25 years, except for the four month vacation where I wrote the Buffy musical. I set out to accomplish nothing.”

Ruffalo welcomed Whedon back into the fold.

“I begged him to do Avengers 3 and 4, Hulk 3, Thor 3 and Quasimodo, and he said, ‘I’ll never do it again,’” Ruffalo joked to the audience. “I was getting worried about you, but you’re back.”

“Yeah, I’m back,” Whedon said.

It’s noted Whedon’s next project (not Marvel) is currently being kept under wraps, but Whedon offered it’s “super good” and “a definite departure.” 

Marvel TV News

First Look At Finn Jones In Iron Fist

Marvel officially began filming Iron Fist earlier today in NYC and set pics have hit the net featuring Finn Jones as Danny Rand, aka Iron Fist.

Finn Jones will also be a part of the Defenders which films later this year starring Charlie Cox as Daredevil, Mike Colter as Luke Cage and Krysten Ritter as Jessica Jones.

“I’ve always dreamed of a role that bridged spiritual discipline and badass superhero,” Jones said in a previous interview. “There’s a contradiction in those elements that’s going to be very fun to play.”

It’s noted the working title for Iron Fist is aptly title “Kick.”


In “Marvel’s Iron Fist,” Daniel Rand returns to New York City after being missing for years. He fights against the criminal element corrupting New York City with his incredible kung-fu mastery and ability to summon the awesome power of the fiery Iron Fist.

Marvel TV News

Marvel Netflix Defenders Showrunners Announced

Charlie Cox recently let it be known the Marvel Defenders Netflix series films later his year, and now the showrunners have been announced for the series that unites Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Iron Fist.


Douglas Petrie (“Marvel’s Daredevil,” “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”) and Marco Ramirez (“Marvel’s Daredevil,” “Orange is the New Black”) are set to return as showrunners to the Marvel Universe for the Netflix Original Series “Marvel’s The Defenders”!

Another alum from “Marvel’s Daredevil,” Oscar-nominee Drew Goddard (“The Martian,” “Lost,” “Alias”), will also join the team as an Executive Producer.

The Executive Producers and showrunners of “Marvel’s Daredevil” Season 2 will unite the Man Without Fear with Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist for the mini-series event bringing our heroes together to face their biggest threat yet.

“Doug and Marco captivated our members around the world with their continuation of the story of Matt Murdock in ‘Marvel’s Daredevil,’ and we can’t wait to see how they and Drew will introduce the full Defenders team to our global audience,” said Cindy Holland, Netflix Vice President of Original Content.

“We’re incredibly excited to be able to bring our four street level heroes together in an epic tale woven by Doug and Marco whose work on ‘Marvel’s Daredevil’ speaks for itself,” said Executive Producer/Head of Marvel Television, Jeph Loeb. “They write and produce not only great action and adventure, but also the heart and touch of humor that’s makes us Marvel. With the inclusion of Drew Goddard, we’ve got a team that’s as formidable as the Defenders themselves.”

“This is the big one. Four amazing casts, four amazing series, now all in one amazing story,” said showrunners and Executive Producers Douglas Petrie and Marco Ramirez. “We are thrilled at the opportunity to deliver the show that both we and the fans have been waiting for.”

“Marvel’s The Defenders” will star Charlie Cox, Krysten Ritter, Mike Colter, and Finn Jones, all reprising their roles as Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist, respectively.

Douglas Petrie, Marco Ramirez, Drew Goddard, and Jeph Loeb will serve as Executive Producers on “Marvel’s The Defenders.” The series is produced by Marvel Television in association with ABC Studios for Netflix.

Marvel Movie News

Spider-Man: Homecoming Announced By Sony & Marvel

Sony and Marvel have revealed the title of the Spider-Man reboot as well as the logo at CinemaCon with Spider-Man: Homecoming.

Tom Holland appeared on stage in Las Vegas.

“I’m Tom Holland and I’m your new Spider-Man,” Holland said, who promised the new Spider-Man: Homecoming film would find the Spidey and his alter ego Peter Parker searching for his identity. 

“I hope it takes about three movies,” added Sony Pictures chief Tom Rothman, which hints at a new trilogy.

Rothman offered Spider-Man: Homecoming will focus on Peter Parker’s struggle to balance his high school life with his vigilantism: “…saving the world and getting your algebra homework done at the same time.” 

The Spider-man: Homecoming announcement was capped off with a scene from Captain America: Civil War featuring Tom Holland and Robert Downey Jr.

Update: A scene from the Spider-Man: Homecoming movie was shown featuring Peter Paker entering his home where Aunt May (Marisa Tomei) is with Tony Stark, who tells Peter the special grant he applied for has been accepted, which is news to the young Parker. Another scene was then shown from Civil War featuring Spidey making his cameo.

The Spider-Man: Homecoming title was previously speculated due to Sony registering the web domain, and the title is a reference to Amazing Spider-Man #252 (as well as Spidey returning to Marvel Studios) featuring member of the Avengers. Interestingly enough, the issue also featured the black-costumed Spider-Man, which the logo above seemingly features as well (which may be just a nod to the comics).

Earlier also saw word that the Vulture may be the villain, and also that Marvel Studios has full control.

Tom Holland also spoke about Spider-Man and Captain America: Civil War at the Red Carpet World Premiere for Civil War prior to being flown out for CinemaCon.

Spider-Man: Homecoming has a July 7, 2017 release directed by Jon Watts also starring Zendaya as Michelle. 

Watch: Tom Holland talks Spider-Man at CinemanCon (images can be found here w/Chris Pratt):

Marvel Movie News

Watch: Captain America: Civil War Red Carpet World Premiere

Watch the Captain America: Civil War Red Carpret World Premiere above — live.

Marvel proudly invites one and all to experience the World Premiere of Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War, LIVE from Hollywood! On April 12, 2016 at 8:30 p.m. ET/5:30 p.m. PT as your favorite stars arrive at the legendary Dolby Theatre!

Sponsored by Comicave Studios, this LIVE event will get you up close and personal with the cast of Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War like no one else can!

While you’re watching you can also tweet using the hashtags #CaptainAmericaPremiere, follow @CaptainAmerica on Twitter and like Marvel’s Captain America on Facebook at 

“Captain America: Civil War” has  a May 6, 2016 release date directed by Anthony and Joe Russo starring Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Elizabeth Olsen, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Frank Grillo, Paul Bettany, Don Cheadle, Emily VanCamp, William Hurt, Martin Freeman and Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther.


Captain America: Civil War picks up where Avengers: Age of Ultron left off, as Steve Rogers leads the new team of Avengers in their continued efforts to safeguard humanity. After another international incident involving the Avengers results in collateral damage, political pressure mounts to install a system of accountability and a governing body to determine when to enlist the services of the team. The new status quo fractures the Avengers while they try to protect the world from a new and nefarious villain.

Comic Book News Marvel

Marvel’s Civil War 2 FCBD Issue Leaks Online

I just went over how bad Marvel Cosmic has become, and now we get this.

Is it ever going to end?

Marvel’s FCBD issue of their Civil War II event has leaked online over at 4Chan revealing the earlier batch of rumors to be true.

Bendis penned the issue, and honestly it’s some of the worst dialogue I’ve ever read. 

I sure do miss the DnA days.

Nice of Marvel Comics to fire Abnett and Lanning off their books that inspired a billion dollar franchise, eh? The good news is the cronies that run Marvel Comics are no longer involved with Marvel Studios and the movies. 

Now I’ll get back to reading some actual quality Marvel Cosmic…

Marvel TV News

Marvel’s Netflix Defenders Films This Year

While it was just learned Daredevil won’t be appearing in any Marvel movies, who needs them when you have the Defenders?

The Defenders is Marvel TV’s version of The Avengers featuring Daredevil, Luke Cage, Iron Fist and Jessica Jones.

Now it’s learned Marvel will start filming the Defenders later this year.

Charlie Cox offered the news at a Netflix presentation in Paris.

“What we do know is at the end of this year we’re going to be making The Defenders and, of course, Daredevil is very much a part of that foursome,” Cox said, reports the UK’s Independent. “I have no idea what the storyline is going to be for that show. I’m very excited to see how those world’s combine… and interested to see tonally how those shows become one.”

Cox also offered Daredevil Season 3 is presently up in the air: “We don’t know if there’s going to be a season three. I certainly don’t know. In terms of wrapping up any storylines, maybe they’ll do some of that in The Defenders. Or maybe they won’t.”

In addition to Charlie Cox as Daredevil, The Defenders will feature Krysten Ritter as Jessica Jones, Mike Colter as Luke Cage and newly announced Finn Jones as Iron Fist.

Marvel TV News

Marvel Cloak & Dagger TV Series Logo Revealed

A few days ago saw word hit about the young adult Cloak and Dagger TV series that will air on Disney’s teen Freeform network.

Now an image from the Freeform presentation has surfaced offering a look at the logo (see above).

Previously released details for the Cloak and Dagger series include:

“Marvel’s Cloak & Dagger” follows Tandy Bowen and Tyronne Johnson, two teenagers from very different backgrounds, who find themselves burdened by and awakened to newly acquired super powers while falling in love. Tandy can emit light daggers and Tyrone has the ability to engulf others in darkness. They quickly learn that they are better together than apart–but their feelings for each other make their already complicated world even more challenging.

No actors or premiere date has been announced as of yet.

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