Nebula Is True Villain of Infinity War!


While Thanos was the obvious villain in The Avengers: Infinity War, now that the movie is on Netflix it gave me the opportunity to view the film for the third time where a second possible villain may have been revealed, or at the least, someone else to blame other than Star-Lord.

Fans will recall that following the movie’s theatrical release, there were complaints online how Star-Lord was handled in the movie, particularly with the way he reacted to the death of Gamora, which saw the Great Titan awaken and go on to devastate the universe and kill off half of the Avengers.

As I stated at the time, I had no problem with the scene because James Gunn wrote Star-Lord and the Guardians of the Galaxy as “morons” (their description, not mine), and in addition, hearing the death of a loved one could cause any of us to act that way. If you happen to be standing in front of the person responsible for killing a loved one upon hearing the news, how would you react?

While Star-Lord indirectly led to Thanos killing half the universe, Infinity War actually saw someone else seemingly behind-the-scenes that not only led to the Great Titan acquiring the six Infinity Stones, but this person also happened to “save” Thanos in the above-mentioned scene with Star-Lord, Drax, Mantis, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange and Iron Man.

If you recall, the scene on Titan was supposed to be a trap for Thanos, with the plan either thought up by Tony Stark or Peter Quill (Star-Lord took credit for it in the flick). The scene saw the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Avengers attack Thanos from all sides with the plan to have Mantis drop on top of Thanos and put him to sleep. The plan did succeed — except for one unforeseen addition: Nebula!

Nebula Infinity War villain

That’s right! Karen Gillan’s Nebula is actually to blame for freeing the Great Titan Thanos from the clutches of Mantis, the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Avengers! What’s that you say? How could that be?! It was Nebula who let it be known that Gamora had died! Mantis says that Thanos is in anguish and mourning when Nebula says Thanos came back with the Soul Stone, but Gamora didn’t! Nebula is the one who says Gamora died while Thanos received the Soul Stone! This caused the reaction from Star-Lord that freed Thanos! Nebula was also an unforeseen factor that the Avengers didn’t count on to come into play during their plan, and she just happened to “interfere” right when the fight was going on.

We’re not done there as there is more evidence to blame Nebula for Infinity War.

She is the one who actually told Thanos about the Soul Stone, which led not only to Thanos acquiring the Soul Stone, but the death of Gamora, freeing him from the Avengers, and to the deaths of half the universe. Nebula is actually the reason for Thanos going to Knowhere and setting a trap of his own to capture Gamora — because he already knows Gamora has the location of the Soul Stone. Thanos brings Gamora to where he has Nebula captured where footage from Nebula’s memory is played revealing Gamora knows the location of the Soul Stone, as the footage reveals Gamora burned the map. Thanos then continues torturing Nebula so Gamora will give up the location. Thanos and Gamora then travel to the planet and she gets sacrificed. Nebula escapes her torture and follows Thanos…

All the events of Infinity War happen because of one person — Nebula.

Without Nebula, Thanos wouldn’t have been able to acquire the six Infinity Stones, wouldn’t know the location of the Soul Stone, wouldn’t have captured Gamora, wouldn’t have killed Gamora, wouldn’t have been able to get the Soul Stone, wouldn’t have escaped from The Avengers on Titan, wouldn’t have gotten the Time Stone, and wouldn’t have gone on to get the Mind Stone on Earth and kill half the Avengers and the universe.

Nebula is the true villain of Infinity War!

And now we see that in The Avengers: Endgame, Gamora has seemingly allied herself with the remaining Avengers!

Nebula Infinity Gauntlet

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