Awesome Avengers: Endgame Annihilus Fan Art


Following Richard Rider Nova and Super-Skrull, now awesome The Avengers: Endgame fan art images of Annihilus have been created and posted online.

Boss Logic teamed with the art director of the God of War video games, Raf Grassett, who was responsible for the stellar Nova and Kl’rt art, to create some fan concept designs of Annihilus, the bad bug from the Negative Zone.

While I exclusively revealed the title for Avengers 4 back in April before Infinity War (I’m working on getting the Episode IX title now), it was claimed the real title was “Annihilation,” which led to the Nova and Super-Skrull fan art, as the two characters were a part of the Marvel Comics Annihilation comic book event from 2005/6.

Marvel Studios has since confirmed the Endgame title I first revealed back in April with the release of the new trailer. I’ve also been told from my source that they knew the Avengers 4 title was Endgame for months prior to informing me. To boot, the first Infinity War teaser from back in 2014 name-drops “endgame” as well. So any talk of “Annihilation” being the title was all lies and complete BS — just like those Deadpool 2 being “baaad” rumors and the Endgame and Spider-Man: Far From Home trailer release dates.

I’ve also tweeted Boss Logic and the God of War game director my thoughts on Avengers 4 incorporating Annihilation, as I think it shouldn’t happen.

Nova vs Iron Man

Annihilation didn’t feature any of the Avengers and had nothing to do with the main Marvel Comics line of characters. Then-Marvel Comics EIC Joe Quesada didn’t care about the project other than if it would sell, which it did, and it led to another main Annihilation event comic, a 2007 Nova series, the 2008 Guardians of the Galaxy series that inspired the James Gunn movies, Realm of Kings, Thanos Imperative, the resurgence of Darkawk, and more. This site was actually created because of Annihilation, Nova, Quasar, and Guardians of the Galaxy, and my logo is based on the colors of Richard Rider Nova (blue) and Wendell Vaughn Quasar (yellow). My Marvel COSMIC forum from back in the day has over half-a-million views, us fans were responsible for the return of Wendell Vaughn as Quasar, and Marvel Comics Editor Bill Rosemann credited us cosmic fans as the reason the MCU Guardians of the Galaxy movies got made in the first place.

It’s my opinion that Annihilus would be better served as being the big bad of an MCU Cosmic main event movie — the COSMIC equivalent of The Avengers. Release a few movies that build up to Annihulus in an Annihilation movie, much the same way the MCU had Iron Man, Captain America and Thor build up to the release of The Avengers. Annihilation was a HUGE event that saw billions die in the Marvel Comics universe (the Omnibus is going for almost $400). To relegate Annihilus as being the second villain in The Avengers: Endgame would be a total waste of character and storyline. Sure it would be cool to introduce characters such as Nova or Super-Skrull in the MCU, but I would rather have them shine on their own than relying on “The Avengers.”

That said, while I am on the defense about Marvel COSMIC (which is probably because of how Quesada and Marvel Comics handled the comics – who are no longer a part of the MCU, thank you Kevin Feige!), worth a mention is that The Avengers: Endgame could actually be an Annihilation Prologue. With my reveal of the Avengers 4 title in April, I did tease that Marvel’s true endgame is what comes next. Maybe we won’t get a full-blown Annihilus appearance in Avengers 4, but it will set up the solo MCU Cosmic movies leading to the Annihilus event flick? Fans that have read the comics might know where I am going with the thought…

While us Marvel COSMIC comic book fans don’t have too much faith in the comic book side of things, I should note that Kevin Feige has come through with Thanos and The Avengers: Infinity War, and while I do have reservations about Captain Marvel (and I really disliked the goofy approach of Guardians and Ragarok), a recent bit of information has eased my worry about potential cosmic characters coming to the MCU. Perhaps Kevin Feige can do what Marvel Comics has never been able to do: marry the “popular” Marvel characters with the cosmic line and fans?

I’ll say if the following Annihilus, Nova and Super-Skrull fan art is anything like they do in the MCU movies, we should all be pretty happy:

 Avengers: Endgame Annihilus

 Avengers: Endgame Annihilus

Avengers: Endgame Annihilus

Awesome Nova MCU Concept Art

Awesome Nova MCU Concept Art

MCU Concept art Super-Skrull

MCU Concept art Super-Skrull

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