
Batman news including The Batman 2, Robert Pattinson, Matt Reeves, James Gunn, Brave and the Bold, Ben Affleck, Dark Knight, Caped Crusader, DC Comics and more.

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: Batman #14

Far too often in the comics world, we see villains repeat past deeds over and over again with exactly the same results. Plan + Crime = the hero thwarting every move and taking the villain down with minimal effort. It is a cycle that is so predictable, fans have become numb to the very thought of the villain getting the upper hand at all. 

Finally, that cliche‘ can be disposed of thanks to Scott Snyder and crew! Not only does this wickedly evil new version of The Joker get the upper hand, he squeezes so tight — he actually breaks some bones!

Batman #14 delves deeper into the twisted world that The Joker is creating, not only for Batman, but for his entire “family” as well. It is a decent into depravity, one that will scar every aspect of our hero’s world and in some cases — make it unrecognizable! There have only been a handful of writers that have ever unnerved me so much while reading a comic book story, that I’ve actually had to catch my breath. Scott Snyder is now one of them!

I will not divulge any spoilers – where’s the fun in that! – but I will tell you that there are scenes in this issue that will hit you hard. There are moments when things will transcend the scope of a mere “funny book” and make you feel uneasy with what is happening. You will feel panic and nervousness for these characters like you never have before, and you will relish just how damn good this story is through all the horrific deeds happening to them. You will smile at how devilishly clever this Joker is and you will ponder why it took so long for him to get there. But above all the pain, torture and maniacally well thought out plans of an amazing villain, you will enjoy ever single page of this stunning work by Snyder and Capullo — and you will crave more!

Nothing is more precious than the private moments we share with the ones we love. The moments when we can let our guard down and truly show who we are. No secrets, no bravado, just a person exposed for the people we hold most dear. But what if, somewhere in the dark corners of our home there were eyes that didn’t belong there? Eyes that leered at our exposed selves and snickered at our weaknesses. Eyes that calculated our faults to use against us, then slowly slinks back into the shadows and made plans of their own. That is The Joker of Snyder’s world and things will never be the same again!

Pick up Batman #14 in stores tomorrow!

Comic Book News

The Best of The Best: DOC’s Top Five Comic Books For November 14th!


“The Best of The Best”

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley

If you thought October 10th was a HUGE release date with Batman #13 and the debut of Uncanny Avengers #1, just wait until next Wednesday when we see the pinnacle of comic book hype explode! EVERY company in the industry is offering up some of their best books for you to add to your pull list, but with so many choices, what are the books you just can’t live without? This list is here to help you narrow down just which ones are worthy of the title “The Best of The Best!”


(Click for preview)

1.  Batman #14(DC) Scott Snyder’s unnerving tale of the return of the “Clown Prince” to the streets of Gotham continues here! Harley tries to turn Bats into her own version of the Joker and the “family” is in disarray with the disappearance of Alfred. This series continues to be some of the best modern day Bat tales ever created and this one — is sure to keep you up at night! With a bunch of “Bat” books coming out on Wednesday, this one is the MUST have!


(Click for preview)

2.  All New X-Men #1(Marvel):  The most controversial of the group, Bends’ take on the X-Men is sure to be a sure hit or miss with fans across the board! But let’s face facts folks, he is still a great writer that can bring about some amazing stories! Truthfully, bringing some fresh ideas to the “Merry Mutants” is desperately needed! Plus, we get to see the original X-Men return in this tale without the bickering and animosity that has been strune throughout the X books in the past two years. As they travel to the present, will these bright eyed versions of their former selves be enough to change the outlook of the modern X-Men? I will be first to find out! 


3.  The Walking Dead #104(Image):  The biggest independent comic book franchise of all time continues to churn out some of the best comics on the shelves month after month! Rick’s secret agenda has put him at odds with the others of the community, but none more so than the person he loves most, his son — Carl. Will his plan lead to Carl trying to step up and be more of a leader? And if it does, can a little boy with a big gun handle the wickedness of Neegan all on his own? By far, this book is Image’s front runner for best book!


(Click for preview)

4.  Archer & Armstrong #4 (Valiant):  This dynamically different duo have to stop the Secret Sect from forming all of the pieces of the Boon before they destroy the world. But it is no easy path! On the way they must overcome ninja nuns, Nazi priests, former friends and, evidently, themselves in order to survive! Fred Van Lente has made this THE best “buddy” book on the shelves today, full of characterization, brutal action sequences and overall — fun! This is the best book you are not reading!


5.  The Boys #72(Dynamite):  Garth Ennis has finished The Boys with issue #72. And when I say “finished” I don’t mean just wrapping up his insane book about those who keep superheroes in check, I mean the Boys themselves as well! #72 stars the only remaining team member, Wee Hughie, and we see just what he will do after both his personal world and professional one — are completely destroyed! I will sorely miss this crazy ride of a book, but there is still hope for the movie from Paramount to hold on to! This was the best anti-superhero book you will ever read, so get the trades and hold on for dear life!

So, that’s the best the myriad of companies have to offer — at least in my humble opinion! What books are you eager to see this week? Let us know in the comment section below and start saving your pennies — it’s going to be one massive week for comics fans!

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: Batman #13

Scott Snyder has done something that has not been done in an extremely long time. He has taken a book, with one of the most recognizable characters in the entire world, and perfected it! This issue is completely devoid of banality, it is the pinnacle of great story making and no one should go without sampling it.

Everyone knows that issue #13 is the “return of the Joker”, we have all heard the hype for months, and it is well deserved! Everything about this book exudes fear. The art, the pacing, the reveal — virtually EVERYTHING — is unnerving! Your heart rate will quicken, palms will sweat and anxiety will rule the day as you tread deeper and deeper into the diabolical world controlled by the Joker. Gone are the hokey gag weapons and the imbecilic henchmen, this is a Joker that likes to get “hands on” with his work — to truly feel is art being perfected! He is more sinister, more lethal and even more cunning, making the Batman’s world a living nightmare that he is always one step behind in. And at the end of the day, the “detective” will fail and brutality will prevail!

Even though the meat of the book lies within the opening story, the back-up tale by Snyder and James Tynion IV, is a quintessential part as well. Revolving around the “Clown Prince” and his love, Harley, we find that their relationship has become as unhinged as the Joker’s face! The writing is volatile, making the conversation disturbing to say the least. You will gape in horror as discussion trends towards the removal of skin and you finally realize that this “Clown Prince” is no longer a joke. It is a menacing look at what the future will hold for Gothamites! 

THIS style of book is what has kept me reading comics more than half of my life! A tale that resonates with you, that leaves you bewildered and breathless. One that melds scenes from classic tales with current ones, building a richness of history and solidifying it’s future. A tale that can truly show how emotional and artistic the medium can be when it is not held down. A book that is pure gold  — tarnished with blood and soot!

Thank you Scott Snyder for creeping the hell out of me! It is amazing!

Movie News

Just What the “DOC” Ordered: The October Storm!


(Editor’s Note: Our latest column to hit Cosmic Book News comes from Chris “DOC” Bushley who will be taking a look at the less “cosmic” characters in comic books with his “Just What The Doc Ordered”  OPED column!)

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


“Dueling Banjos”


With the NYCC 2012 just around the corner, the “Big Two” are not pulling any punches to get you excited about their October releases. Even though the competition for your hard earned dollar is more fierce than it has ever been, the companies have two completely different visions on how to get the edge over the other! Let’s take a look at what Marvel and DC have in store for us and why it’s being dubbed — the “October Storm!”

Marvel Comics has wrapped up their most successful- and controversial- crossover yet, scoring the biggest sales and profit share in the first week of October with Avengers Vs. X-Men #12. But the masters at Marvel are not letting the intensity subside for a moment! October week two, showcases the end of Brian Bendis’ ten year run on Avengers with issue #31! Dubbed, “End Times”, it is a story that will cross between both Bendis written books, Avengers and New Avengers, and will not only change the status quo of the teams heroes, but also feature Dr. Strange in a larger role! Supposedly, his actions will lead directly into the future of Marvel NOW! Just enough push to lead into the movie hype!

As exciting as that sounds, next week also offers up the highest selling pre-ordered book of all time — Uncanny Avengers #1! This book not only begins the future of Marvel, but it also will have the mutant race becoming a more prominent fixture in all aspects of the universe! No longer will there be the distinct division between all things X and the rest of the heroes. Marvel Comics E.I.C., Axel Alonso, had this to say about the future involvement of the X-Men during an interview with CBR:

 X-Men stories will continue to provide a unique reading experience that mines certain themes, but they won’t be so off to the side. In 2013, Mutants will continue to defend themselves from threats to their existence, but they’ll also be out there solving problems in the Marvel U, and “A+X” and “Uncanny Avengers” are your first glimpses of that.” 

Not to be outdone by their competitors, DC Entertainment, has some pretty large news of their own! Though they will not be ending their highest selling franchises and beginning with new number ones (again!), they will however, be focusing on the return of one of the greatest villains of all time! Finally, the Joker will be introduced to the New 52! Batman #13, Batman and Robin #13 and Batgirl #13, all are released on October 10th; kicking off the “Death of the Family” storyline that is said to “rock” the Bat-books! A “new” take on Batman’s biggest thorn, Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo have spent tireless moments perfecting the most menacing Joker they could think of. Though he is known for his devilish and demented antics, Scott Snyder is promising an even more horrific version of the “clown prince of crime.” Snyder goes on to share these thoughts about his Joker tale in an interview with IGN:

[[wysiwyg_imageupload:3415:]]“He’s intimidating because there are so many seminal stories from years before that really are some of the greatest Batman stories ever in Death in the Family, he uses Jason [Todd] to get at Batman in as many ways as he’s hurting Jason too. In that way, Joker would make the argument that, “I’ve never faced off with you guys, but now I’m looking you in the eye and I’m coming for you. I will tear down and kill and burn anything in your life to break you.” They’ve never faced a nightmare like the Joker is the idea, and he’s coming for each one of those characters individually.”

Although this storyline will sweep through all the “Bat-books”, Snyder goes on to say that you do not need to read every book in order to follow the story:

What’s going to happen in Batman is a thousand percent self-contained; it’s going to be my big Joker story with Greg Capullo in Batman. You will not have to read another book to follow it whatsoever to follow it, I promise you that. It’s from #13-17, with a big, huge finale in 17 with an annual-sized issue – and we’ll be in the back-ups too, so it’ll just be a giant story that’s the equivalent of almost seven issues packed into five. Even though that will be completely self-contained in Batman, you will see Joker in the other series in self-contained ways similar to Night of the Owls, where he goes after those Bat-family members in ways that will give him a chance to completely unleash the most terrifying things you’ve seen in those series up to this point.”

[[wysiwyg_imageupload:3417:]]Also, this month, DC Entertainment will be releasing their “Third Wave” for the New 52! Beginning with Phantom Stranger #1 by Dan Didio, Brent Anderson and Scott Hanna! This book will focus on the “Trinity of Evil” and why they were cursed to walk the earth for all eternity. Hopefully we will get some answers as to the events of Phantom Stranger #0, where we saw the creation of The Spectre, a glimpse of Pandora and the possible return of the Question! After the initial start week, we will see more “Third Wave” books that will focus on the history of the New 52 universe with: Sword of Sorcery #1 by Christy Marx and Aaron Lopresti and Team 7 #1 by CBN favorite – Justin Jordan and Jesus Merino! And let’s not forget another Scott Snyder book, stemming from the page of the “Court of Owls” storyline – Talon #1

All in all, October is going to be an explosive month for comics in general! With so many books coming out in the first two weeks alone and so few dollars to be spent, where does your money lie? Hit us up in the comments below and let us know what will get you through this comic book “storm” of greatness! I, personally cannot wait to see the Joker! But, no matter what your choices are, it’s a great time to be a fan!

Comic Book News

Review: Batman #0

I would like to thank Scott Snyder for NOT churning out yet another rehashed origin story. The tale of Bruce Wayne becoming Batman has been done so many times that even my nephew knows it — and he’s only two! 

Rather than giving fans more of the same, Snyder tells a tale of a young Bruce Wayne trying to find his niche in the war against crime. Both eager and naive, Bruce dives in head first, but he doesn’t know the depths he will need to go in order to save the city he loves.

Building upon the mythos he has crafted so well, Snyder gives the reader a barrage of ideas in this tale. From the first Batarang, a chance meeting with James Gordon and a glance at Bruce Wayne’s original “home base”, fans will be clamoring for more just as it comes to a close. Curiosities about the past and how it will resurface in the future will abound you in this well crafted and refreshing tale. But, for me, it is the follow up story that truly makes this book pitch perfect.

On a single night, five years in the past; the “Bat family” ponder just what heroism — or lack there of — means to them. From an alleyway, a principal’s office, a circus tent and a rooftop, these people’s lives have been inexplicably changed by a man they have never met, although his shadow descends over them all. 

Rife with characterization and overwhelmingly intelligent, James Tynion IV has set the bar for emotional tales in eight pages or less! From loyalty to bravado, from fear to childlike awe, this tale gets to the center of all the characters in a simple yet, stunning manner. It is a rare story that will make you appreciate how precious good stories are — even without the “Bat.”

Comic Book News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for September 12th, 2012


The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


( A weekly quick pick of the five titles that should reside at the top of your pull list. IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER! )


I do the research, you reap the reward! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, be sure to add these five titles to your list of goodies! Forget that “apple a day” nonsense, this “DOC’s” prescription to good health starts with these top five books of the week!

[[wysiwyg_imageupload:3024:]]1.  Batgirl #0:  Gail Simone has been hinting about Batgirl’s origin since issue one, especially that fateful night when it was all taken away from her. Well, you won’t see how she learned to walk again here, but you will see her heroism in full swing and her first meeting with a certain Knight! Well paced and very rich in characterization, this is a fantastic series!

2.  Avengers Vs. X-Men #11:  This is the single most impressive book of the series. Continuity issues aside — Cap asks the Hulk to join the Avengers? Wait, isn’t he already one in Avengers Assemble? Oh, that one’s only about Marvel movie characters? Okay! — this one gets the heart racing again! Plus, someone gets kill… oh, right –NO SPOILERS! I always forget!

3.  X-O Manowar #5:  One of Valiant’s coolest creations comes back in it’s flagship title! Enter–Ninjak! Finally, Aric has his hands full when Ninjak is paid to retrieve the X-O armor. But, will the world’s deadliest assassin turn it over or keep it for himself?

4.  Batman #0:  A cool tale about Bruce Wayne’s first attempts at bringing justice to Gotham, but it’s the back-up tale by James Tynion IV and Andy Clarke that makes this book worth while! Revolving around the “Bat family” of characters, we get to see their different perspectives regarding heroism in a single night. Really well done!

5.  He-Man and the Masters of the Universe #2:  Purely for nostalgic reasons, this one continues James Robinson’s tale of young Adam and his quest to remember his past. It seems a certain sorcerer has made him forget the man he truly is, but that won’t stop him from trying! Not even — Trapjaw! Let the eighties reign supreme!

Comic Book News

Stephen King’s new short story, “Batman and Robin have an altercation,” will debut from Harper’s Magazine on 8/28/12!


The September issue of Harper’s Magazine, hitting shelves on 8/28/12, will feature a brand new short story from the “master of horror” — Stephen King! Although the tale is titled, “Batman and Robin have an altercation,” it has nothing to do with the “Dynamic Duo” in any way. Rather, it is about a middle-aged man dealing with his Alzheimer’s afflicted father. 

For three years, Sanderson has taken his father to lunch every week, to the same place and has had the same exact conversation. Until one day, while being brutally assaulted, Sanderson is saved by his father. A single moment of clarity after years of confusion, one that might change reality as they both know it!

Though the issue doesn’t hit shelves for five more days, you can subscribe to Harper’s Magazine and read it now! But, if you want a little more information before you buy, here is an excerpt for your viewing pleasure. Courtesy of Harper’s Magazine.

Batman and Robin have an altercation

By Stephen King

Sanderson sees his father twice a week. On Wednesday evenings, after he closes the jewelry store his parents opened long ago, he drives the three miles to Crackerjack Manor and sees Pop there, usually in the common room. In his “suite,” if Pop is having a bad day. On most Sundays, Sanderson takes him out to lunch. The facility where Pop is living out his final foggy years is actually called the Harvest Hills Special Care Unit, but to Sanderson, Crackerjack Manor seems more accurate.


Movie News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for July 11th, 2012


The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


( A weekly quick pick of the five titles that should reside at the top of your pull list. IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER! )


I do the research, you reap the reward! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, be sure to add these five titles to your list of goodies! Forget that “apple a day” nonsense, this “DOC’s” prescription to good health starts with these top five books of the week!

[[wysiwyg_imageupload:2199:]]1.  The Walking Dead #100: This book will leave you breathless with the horrific conclusion! If you thought the Governor was bad — think again! Everything changes and Rick’s world is turned upside down! Check out my full review here!

2.  Batman # 11: Snyder’s conclusion to the amazing Night of the Owls storyline is here! It is brother vs. “brother” as Bruce Wayne fights for the soul of Gotham!

3.  The Crow #1: IDW is putting out a whole new twist on The Crow mythos — with James O’Barr doing an alternate cover! Taking place in Japan, this body swapping tale is an amalgam of mysticism and advanced technology. Great book!

4.  Bloodshot #1: The nineties and Valiant are back in full swing as Bloodshot emerges from the depths of nostalgia this week! If you like espionage, bullets and “undead” soldiers getting mind wiped — you will love this book!

5.  American Vampire: Lord of Nightmares #2: Dracula has escaped and the status quo has completely changed! Plus, Snyder’s shocking final page leaves Agent Hobbes in a dire situation! Awesome!

Movie News

Hail To The King!: A Father’s Day List Of Comicdom’s Most Famous And Infamous Fathers!

“You Need A License To Catch A Fish …”

By Chris “DOC” Bushley


With Father’s Day just a few days away, and my daughter snuggly sleeping in her bed, I began to ponder all the fathers and father figures brought to us each month in the pages of comics. The parallels between our favorite art form and real life are staggering, a true mirror of the vast facets of fatherdom we see everyday! From the fathers that would give everything for their children, to the delinquent dad that never taught his child right from wrong, the media darlings that have no time to gaze upon the angelic faces they have sired, to the ones that have chosen to be a “father” to those who need it the most.

Comics are at their best when they make us feel a connection, whether good or bad! The following list of fathers is not a group of the worst or best, but rather, a myriad of both. They are fathers that have made us reflect on how we raise our children, ones we can strive to be more like or those we never wish to become. Whether you agree or disagree, all of these characters have definitively made a connection to the readers — if not their children!


Batman/Damien:  The father that never knew he was one! DC finally recognized the great Son of The Demon story as cannon, and we got to see Bruce Wayne deal with his true heir! Though a father figure to all the previous Robins, it was the son that hated him that finally made him question what kind of person he was. A great dynamic of a frustrated father and the son who loves to do the frustrating!




Wally West/Iris and Jai West:  The dad who broke time to save his children! When his wife, Linda Park, was attacked by Professor Zoom, her pregnancy was terminated. Distraught by the loss of his twins, the Flash asked the Spectre to erase Wally West and Linda Park from the minds of the world. Too bad he and Linda forgot, too! Eventually, they both remembered and Wally fought Zoom again. This time the battle created a fissure in time and saved Linda’s pregnancy! He is the man that would turn back time for his children!



Alan Scott/Jade and Obsidian: The father figure to all, the dad to none! Alan Scott may have been one of the most patriarchal figures to young heroes, but his own children were always second best. Though Jade and Obsidian finally worked on a strained relationship with their father, the early years of abandonment took its toll on Obsidian. He became a villain on more than one occasion, fighting against the very team his father beloved so much — the JSA! You can be loved by the public all you want, but it’s the love you receive at home that will sustain you forever!




Rick Grimes/Carl: The dad who will never give up! Not a coma, dismemberment, torture, loss of a wife and baby, nor hordes of zombies can ever keep Rick from doing all he can to save his only son! He is the primal rage inside all fathers that will make us protect our children no matter what the circumstance! He is driven, almost to a fault, and when the dust settles — you will be damn sure he and his son emerge together!



Scott Summers/Cable: The dad that wasn’t there! Literally! The only way to save his newborn from certain death, was to send him into the future! Eventually, Scott and Jean Grey got the chance to travel to the future and help a young Cable under the guise of “Slim and Red.” But, no matter how that time spent with his son may have helped Scott feel better about abandoning him, Cable never truly forgave his dad. To this day, their relationship is more as teammates than family!


Magneto/Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver and Polaris: Thrice the sire, never the father! Wow, talk about daddy issues! When all of your children start out abandoned, turn to a life of crime and eventually all turn against you — you know you did something wrong! Even now, as an X-Man, his children fight on the side of his enemies. Manipulating your children to get what you want, will only give you manipulative children!


James Gordon/Batgirl, James Gordon Jr.: The everyman! Different continuity will give you different scenarios about who his children are or are not. But, whether he sired Barbara Gordon or not, he always tried to do right by his family! A single dad and the Commissioner to the most crime filled city in all of DC, “Jimmy” does all he can to be there for his children and teach them the difference between right and wrong. But even the best intentions can not stop pure evil as James Jr. has become a maniacal murderer! You try your best, but sometimes you fail!




Wolverine/Dakken: Like father, like son! Wolverine never knew that his son was born after his wife Itsu was slain. If he had, would it have changed the horrible events of his son’s life? Or are we only made to pay for the sins of our father? Either way, Dakken swore to destroy his father’s life at every turn! He would do anything to antagonize his father, including becoming “Wolverine” on Norman Osborn’s Dark Avengers. In the end, Dakken left his father with nothing but scars as a memory of his son. A father fueled by rage will only burn his own future!




Professor Bruttenholm/Hellboy: The father that didn’t have to be! When Nazi’s called a demon to earth, they never expected it to be an infant! Abandoned, Hellboy was “adopted” by Professor Bruttenholm and treated like a son. He was taught compassion, an appreciation for the arts and acquired a love of pancakes! Not even of the same species, the Professor should more compassion for Hellboy than most biological fathers on this list! It just goes to show that good men can help mold great “sons,” even if they are not their own!


Reed Richards/Franklin and Valeria Richards: Father fantastic! The scientist, the adventurer, the hero — the father! Say what you will about Mr. Fantastic, there is no question that he can balance it all! A hero to the universe, doting husband and loving father — he is the epitome of what a father can be. Through it all, at the end of the day, his children can look upon their father and be proud to know how much they are loved. And to all of us fathers out there — that’s all that really matters!

Happy Father’s Day!

Comic Book News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for June 13th, 2012

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


( A weekly quick pick of the five titles that should reside at the top of your pull list. IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER! )


I do the research, you reap the reward! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, be sure to add these five titles to your list of goodies! Forget that “apple a day” nonsense, this “DOC’s” prescription to good health starts with these top five books of the week!



1.  American Vampire: Lord of Nightmares #1 :  Scott Snyder starts to destroy Agent Hobbes’ whole world, in this follow up to the “Survival Of The Fittest” storyline! If you pick up only one book this week —  this is it! The future of American Vampire begins here!

2.  Batman #10 :  This is the book that will divide Bat fans! Shocking revelations abound, as Scott Snyder changes the status quo of the Bat mythos yet again! Plus, the back-up story about Alfred’s father, Jarvis, brings the Wayne family’s dark secrets to the surface! Check out M.E., Byron Brewer’s full review here!

3.  The Ravagers #2 : Howard Mackie has changed my mind about this book in a single issue! But, it’s not the “heroes” that are the selling point of this book — it’s the villains! Sadistic and cunning, these characters are well worth the price of admission! Read my full review here!

4.  Uncanny X-Force #26 : Rick Remender has finally reminded us as to why this is THE X book to read every month! After a few sub par issues, this one is completely outstanding! Believe the hype, and check out my review here!

5.  Before The Watchmen: Silk Spectre #1 : Do I really need to tell you why this one is on the list? Watchmen prequel, folks! ‘Nuff said! Plus, the amazing, Amanda Conner is on art chores! That’s enough to get anyone running to the local shop! Right, Mr. Napoli?

Comic Book News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for May 30th, 2012

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile


By: Chris “DOC” Bushley

(A weekly quick pick of the five titles that should reside at the top of your pull list. In no particular order!)


I do the research, you reap the reward! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, be sure to add these books to your list of goodies! Forget that “apple a day nonsense”, this “DOC’s” prescription to good health starts with these top five titles of the week!



1. The Walking Dead #98  : If I told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times, when Kirkman uses red covers â€” bad things happen! This is a biggie, folks! Do not miss this issue or YOU will have “Something To Fear”! Check out my review here!

2.  Supercrooks #3  : Mark Millar’s homage to Ocean’s Eleven — with a twist, continues here! Just as the team gets back together, they find out who their “mark” is. This ones going to be waaaay tougher than they thought! Great book!

3.  Batman Annual #1  : You think Scott Snyder has created an amazing version of Batman, wait till you get a load of his Mr. Freeze! Completely twisted with a shocking ending, Snyder throws out all you thought you knew and carves a new niche for himself in the Batman mythos! Amazing! Check out my full review here!

4.  Animal Man Annual #1  :  This is a great “down time” issue, that lets us see the first battle that teamed a Swamp Thing and an Avatar of the Red together! Creepy and engrossing, this one paves the way for the war with the Rot!

5.  X-Men Legacy #267  :   An Avengers Vs. X-Men tale that actually has a complete battle set up in a single issue â€” without roping you into buying more books! This is a great Rogue-centric tale that is all about control and when to lose it! One phrase can sum up this book â€” Rogue Smash Puny Avengers! Fantastic stuff! Don’t believe me, check out my review here!

Comic Book News

Review: Batman Annual #1

This may not be the first time you have seen Mr. Freeze in the New 52, but this is the issue that you will remember him from!

Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV have given this “cool” villain a definitive origin and this is the only place that you will be seeing it! And oh, what a twist they have in store for all the loyal Bat readers! This is not the Mr. Freeze that you all remember from days gone by, this is a man that is far removed from just a second rate villain that pines for his lost love. This character has a depth to him that has never been touched upon before, bringing the emotional and mental states of Dr. Victor Fries both to the forefront and into question. There is a ruthlessness about him that makes him on par with the sadistic Joker, making this “fill-in” villain a major force to be reckoned with! 

Through flashback sequences, we are privy to not only the first encounter between Bruce Wayne and Victor Fries, but his childhood memories and the eventual evolution of the Mr. Freeze persona. It is a thorough tale that makes you feel the true torment of a character and his reasoning behind what he does. A perfect character piece that will have you forever change your outlook on just how great this villain can be in the right hands. The symbolism of Mr. Freeze’s goggles and the revelation at the end sequence, is enough to solidify Scott Snyder as my favorite writer of the year! And let’s not forget Jason Fabok’s amazing job on art chores! He gives Mr. Freeze an aura of subtle viciousness that is beyond compare. And his eerie, icy images have a beauty to them that is oddly alarming! 

If you call yourself a Bat fan than you must get this book! Even if you are not but want to read an amazing story that can be thoroughly enjoyed in a single book — you must pick this one up! The new Mr. Freeze is here and you won’t believe how fantastic he can be!

Comic Book News

Review: Batman #9

Exciting, engaging and enthralling, Scott Snyder’s Batman opus continues here with the “Night of the Owls” storyline!

Trapped beneath Wayne Manor, with all his secrets revealed to the Court of Owls, Bruce Wayne and Alfred make a last stand for the very soul of Gotham! Encased in his “Bat Armor,” Bruce holds the ferocious Talons at bay, while Alfred directs the rest of the “Bat Family” from a secure room. But even if Alfred and Bruce survive this brutal attack, Gotham’s leaders may not!

Each issue brings a depth of history to the Bat mythos that makes you yearn for more! Compelling back story, crazy fisticuffs and a dinosaur that stomps Talons into a pulp — makes this issue the most action oriented yet! Everything is fresh and exciting, creating an epicenter for the entire Bat family to live up to. Snyder and Capullo continually make Batman the MUST read book each and every month!

Even though the main story will get fans in the seats, it is the back-up tale by Snyder and Albuquerque that is the most compelling. Following Jarvis Pennyworth as he writes to his son Alfred about the dealings in Wayne Manor, we may just be privy to the first attack by the Talons on the Wayne family! Could it be that Thomas and Martha weren’t just gunned down by some random act of violence? Could the Court of Owls be responsible for the birth of Batman? Okay, maybe I’m putting the cart before the horse — but it’s fun to speculate!

Get this book and get in on the most intriguing crossover running through the DCnU! You don’t need to pick up all the other series to understand what’s happening , but it’s amazing to see how this story affects every aspect of Gotham! So, collect ’em all!

Comic Book News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for May 9th, 2012

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


(A weekly quick pick of the five titles that should reside at the top of your pull list. In no particular order!)


I do the research, you reap the reward! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, be sure to add these books to your list of goodies! Forget that apple a day nonsense, this “DOC’s” prescription to good health starts with these top five titles of the week!



1.  Alabaster Wolves #2 (of 5):  Caitlin R. Kiernan’s tale of a young albino girl’s quest to rid the world of evil — continues here! Anyone that loved Neil Gaiman’s Sandman, will find this book just as engaging!

2.  X-Men Legacy #266:  The Avengers bring the fight to the doorstep of the Jean Grey School! As “Wolverine’s Team” stands divided, one teacher decides to push an Avenger over the edge! This is the best written A vs. X book to date — you shouldn’t miss it!

3.  Batman #9:  “Iron Batman” versus the Court of Owls — in the depths of the Batcave! Awesome story! But it’s the back-up story of Jarvis Pennyworth and the horrors of Wayne Manor that is well worth the extra buck!

4.  Green Lantern #9:  The secret to the Indigo Tribe is revealed! You won’t believe who the big evil is! You want some good cosmic? We got it right here! Revelations abound!

5.  Grifter #9:  I know, I couldn’t believe it either! Rob Liefeld has taken over and this book finally has a clear direction! But to me, it is the amazing art of Scott Clark that makes it land on my list — simply awesome! Plus, it’s the return of Deathblow! Nineties fans rejoice!

Movie News

Review: Batman #8

For the past seven issues, Scott Snyder has taken the Batman mythos and broken it! Sometimes things have lasted so long that they become complacent, or at best, jaded. Sometimes we need to take those things and break them down to their core in order to see what made them so special to begin with. It takes a gentle hand, someone who will take their time, making cracks in all the right places so as to not damage the spirit of the piece. And when it is finally broken down to its very essence, it can be rebuilt stronger than it ever was. That is exactly what Scott Snyder has done, broken the Bat to rebuild it better than before!

This issue is the beginning if the “Night of Owls” crossover that will span the “family” of Bat books for the next two months. It is the first crossover for the New 52 that is vast in scope and reach, touching all the Bat characters, and even being glimpsed in other titles such as Justice League #8. But it is not the amount of titles that this crossover will touch that is important, it is the amount of readers that it will touch that is!

Snyder has brought something to the Batman legend that has rarely been seen — doubt. Bruce Wayne has been tortured  by the Court of Owls and their assassin, the Talon, but he has not been broken. They have done something far worse, they have cracked his confidence in himself and all of Gotham! They have caused fissures to erupt in his bravado, letting him finally see his own pomposity and worse yet — his weakness! His focus has been shaken, allowing the Court of Owls to assemble all of their Talons and strike at the heart of Bruce Wayne — Wayne Manor! Nothing will ever be the same again as Bruce’s secrets are revealed and no one is safe!  

Snyder has outdone himself with this series and especially, this issue in particular! Never have I been on the edge of my seat for so long during a series! After every page I am ravenous for more, never being satiated because it is all so good! The richness that has been brought, not only to the Bruce Wayne/Batman character, but too the entire world of Batman is unfathomable! 

Even though Batman is now shackled to the $3.99 price tag, the back-up story by Snyder, James Tynion IV and American Vampire artist extraordinaire, Rafael Albuquerque, is well worth it! It sets the stage for the “Night of the Owls” crossover and shows the cunning viciousness of the Court of Owls. It is shocking and brutal, making the fear palpable! Worth an extra dollar? In my eyes — definitely!

Movie News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Comic Book Pile for April 18th, 2012

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley

(A weekly quick pick of the five titles that should reside at the top of your pull list. In no particular order!)


I do the research, you reap the reward! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, be sure to add these books to your list of goodies. Forget that apple a day nonsense, this “DOC’s” prescription to good health starts with these top five titles of the week!


[[wysiwyg_imageupload:1476:]]1. Batman #8:  “Night of the Owls” begins here and the lives of the “Bat” family will never be the same again! Scott Snyder is writing the best Batman stories I have ever read, now you need to too — before Gotham is taken over! Read the full review.

2. Avengers vs. X-Men #2: The gloves are off and the bell has been rung! Friend vs. friend, hero vs. hero — it all starts to fall apart here! No matter what side you’re on, I only have this to say — “Burn, baby, burn!” Read the full review.

3. B.P.R.D. Hell On Earth: The Long Death #3:  It’s the Wendigo vs. Capt. Daimo in a battle to the death! Johann’s quest for revenge against the Capt. comes to fruition, and only one “creature” will emerge alive! Hell continues to fall on the B.P.R.D. and no one is safe!

4. Fables #116: Therese has been manipulated to become the queen of Discardia, the relm of forgotten toys. But what she doesn’t know may kill her — and her entire family! There is something truly eerie about mangled stuffed animals that won’t let you leave! Creepy!

5. Justice League #8: What can I say that will entice you to buy this book more than you all ready know? How about this, there was already an eighth member of the Justice League we never knew about! Forget Green Arrow, this one is a shocker! 

Movie News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for March 21st, 2012

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley

(A weekly quick pick of the five titles that should reside at the top of your pull list. In no particular order!)


I do the research, you reap the reward! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, make sure to add these five titles to your list of goodies. Forget that apple a day nonsense, this “DOC’s” prescription to good health begins with these top five titles of the week!


[[wysiwyg_imageupload:988:]]1. Supercrooks #1: Mark Millar is back once again with the amazing Lenil Yu on artistic chores! What do you do if you’re a super criminal that keeps getting beaten by heroes? Move to Spain, of course! I mean, has anyone ever heard of a Captain Spain? Hell no! This book is awesome! Check out the review.

2. Ragemoor #1:  Jan Strnad and Richard Corben have converged to create an instant horror classic! Black and white, completely creepy, this is the book that will keep you up late tonight! Check out my full review here!

3. Batman #7: Scott Snyder has broken the Bat! Revelations galore in this issue and you won’t believe who Dick Grayson’s great-grandfather is! Get in now before the “Night Of The Owls” storyline hits all the Bat books starting next month!  

4. Kick-Ass 2 #7: The $#!& hits the fan in this series finale and no one emerges unscathed! Plus, there is a eight page preview of Mark Millar and Dave Gibbons The Secret Service where Mark Hamil dies!! You should have used the Force, Luke!

5. B.P.R.D. Hell On Earth: The Long Death #2 (of 3): Besides having the longest title on the list, this is one hell of a book! Raging monsters, mayhem, the Wendigo and a final battle that is completely awesome — this book has it all! Check out an advanced review here!

Movie News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for February 15, 2012

The DOC’s Top of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley

(A weekly “quick pick” of the five titles that should reside at the top of your pull list. In no particular order!)


I do the research, you reap the reward! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, be sure to add these five books to your list of goodies. Forget that apple a day nonsense, this “DOC’s” prescription for good health starts with these top five titles of the week!


fables #1141. Batman #6:  Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo are creating DC’s best book today! The Court of Owls has broken Bruce Wayne like they did to his ancestors before. Can he emerge from the horror unscathed or will he be changed forever? Check out my review for more details!

2. Green Lantern Corps #6:  It’s the Keepers against Guy Gardner’s band of warriors. All hell breaks loose, but did Guy bring enough bullets to save his fellow Lanterns? Find out more in my full review!

3. The New Avengers #21:  Norman Osborn has been two steps ahead of the Avengers the whole time. But when his new Dark Avengers unleash Ragnarok on them, will there be anyone left to outwit? Bendis gives us one awesome battle book way before A vs. X!

4. B.P.R.D.: Hell On Earth – The Long Death #1:  The end is coming and wheels that have been set in motion years ago, begin to spin out of control! Mignola promises that, “we are breaking things that cannot be fixed!” Jump aboard now before it all goes to hell!

5. Fables #114:  As the cubs find out their foretold roles for the future, on of them maybe inviting in something demonic. Check out one of the most underrated books out there! You will never look at your childhood fairytales the same again!

Movie News

Review: Batman #6

Snyder’s viscous breakdown of the Batman continues here, and the Court of Owls is on the cusp of victory! The Talon has emerged from the shadows with his sights solely locked on the utter destruction of the Dark Knight. Will he be able to remove Batman from the heart of Gotham permanently, or can Bruce dredge up enough strength to live another day?

Continually spellbinding, Snyder’s vision for the premiere Bat-book is one like you have never seen before. Never have I read a Batman series that mentally and physically breaks him with every page. It is gut-wrenching to witness the amount of brutality that is bestowed upon such an iconic character, and yet — you will relish every moment of it! The pomposity that is the facade of Bruce Wayne is nowhere to be seen, this is The Batman; the hero that was created the night his parents were killed, the cunning nightmare that stalks the minds of criminals everywhere! When you are broken beyond repair, all you have is your mental strength to carry you onward. Will it be enough for Bruce Wayne, or has the Court of Owls already sunk their talons in too deep?

This series is outstanding! Snyder’s writing continually gets better with every page and Capullo’s art is off the charts. The cover alone is mesmerizing! It is a horrific amalgam of Bat and Owl, showcasing the utter hell that Bruce Wayne has been going through. I dare you to stare at it and not feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up! Utterly amazing!

This series is the best that DC is putting out right now! Every month it is the book I look forward to most — from any company! It is a complete re-imagining of the icon we grew up with and breaks down the walls of expectations. Bruce Wayne is a man that has over estimated his observations, and must now deal with a world that has been turned upside down. Gotham will change, Batman will change, and the scope of the book will forever change the way we see our hero. Snyder has changed the status quo of “super hero” books and I can’t wait for the future!

Movie News

Review: Justice League #5

Destruction rains down wherever the eye can see. Creatures from another world soar through the air, causing chaos to the very fabric of the earth. All this, the pain, the suffering, is being done on the breath of a single name — Darkseid!

Johns and Lee pit our newly formed heroes against one of the greatest foes the world has ever seen! And the victor in this malevolent battle — the reader!

I must say, that between Lee and his bevy of inkers and colorists, this is the best work he has put out to date. Not only beautiful, it is explosive and fluid — creating page after page of pure excitement! If this book doesn’t get your pulse pounding — you’re dead inside!

Not to be outdone by his artistic counterpart, Geoff Johns creates a tale that is brimming with action and yet, focuses in on select characters of the team to further enhance who they are. Yes, we all know these characters, but Johns brings new niches to their iconic status. He makes them fresh and energetic for not only new fans, but for all fans of these beloved characters. I personally appreciate that Johns does not set these heroes up as the near omnipotent Justice League that they will become. Remember, this story takes place five years in the past, this team is actually forming before your eyes and Johns makes their partnership faulty at best. But, it is the lack of leadership, even teamwork, that makes this book so well done. Plus, Johns has made Green Lantern one of the cockiest S.O.B.’s around, and yet, he gets pummeled EVERY issue! Brilliant stuff! 

The alien, the amazon, the cyborg, the king, the lightning bolt, the hotshot and the human; all heroes in their own right, must finally learn to depend on others to topple this unstoppable force set before them — before it’s too late! An amazing book, full of velocity, ferocious action and whip smart tenacity; this one should sit proudly atop your pull list. Pull up a chair and watch Hal Jordan break! Too bad it wasn’t Ryan Reynolds instead!

Movie News

Review: Batman #4

Explosions rock Batman as he continues on his quest stop the Talon, the Court of Owls menacing assassin. But it’s not the explosions that will cause the most damage, it is Batman’s disbelief that the Court of Owls even exists that will hurt him the most! Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo continue on their quest

Comic Book News

Review: Batman #3

The Court of Owls has taken roost within Gotham, and neither Bruce Wayne nor the Batman will ever be the same! Scott Snyder conjures up an eerie tale of hidden secrets and a haunted past. A tale that will send shivers of excitement down your spine as glimpses of Gotham's past emerge before you, as

Comic Book News

Review: Batman: Detective Comics #3

The Dollmaker has torn the streets of Gotham asunder — literally! Jim Gordon has been taken captive, Batman has been poisoned, and the little girl that everyone has been looking for –just might be linked to numerous deaths. This will take all of Bruce Wayne's detective skills just to live through the night!  Tony Daniel

Comic Book News

Review: Batman: The Dark Knight #1 (Jenkins & Finch)

Well, the third and final Bat book has hit the stands, but the punch has been pulled back a little. The art is outstanding, the story good, but there is really nothing that grabs you and makes you say "wow" when you close the book.  Last week we saw a breakout at Arkham in the

Comic Book News

Review: Batman #1 (Snyder & Capullo)

Snyder and Capullo step up to the plate and swing for the fences in the Dark Knight's second solo book of the New 52. A totally different vibe than Tony Daniels' take on Detective, where Bruce Wayne is bathed in the shadow of the Bat, Snyder lets Bruce take center stage throughout most of the

Comic Book News

Review: Batman: Detective Comics #1 (Daniel)

The Joker kills without prejudice. No man, woman or child is safe while the deranged murderer prowls the streets of Gotham. That's why one man takes to the streets, nightly stalking this devil, so that one day — Gotham's pain can be washed away. Besides the Flashpoint tie-in, which was AMAZING, I haven't read a

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