David Fincher Wrong About Joaquin Phoenix ‘Joker’
David Fincher, known for directing Se7ven, Fight Club, The Social Network, Gone Girl, and the Mindhunter TV se…
David Fincher, known for directing Se7ven, Fight Club, The Social Network, Gone Girl, and the Mindhunter TV se…
It’s rumored that sequels to the Joker movie are in development with Joaquin Phoenix offered $50 million…
The Joker movie continues its massive success as it gets nominated for four Golden Globes including Best Pictu…
With the billion-dollar success of the Joker movie, not only is it learned that a sequel is in development, bu…
Last month I called the Joaquin Phoenix Joker movie the “MCU Killer“- which is no laughing matter …
Blowing away all expectations, the Joker movie is closing in on a billion-dollar box office with talks of a se…
As Joker closes in on $900 million worldwide at the box office, Warner Bros. has released their “For You…
Joker, aka the “MCU Killer,” now passes Deadpool and becomes the highest R-rated flick at the box …
The Joker movie, which I am dubbing as the “MCU Killer,” has surpassed all expectations and has no…
Following the Joker director blaming the far left for the perceived controversy and outrage surrounding his ne…
There has been a lot of headlines as of late surrounding the new Joker movie offering that the film may incite…
Watch out Marvel, the new DCEU is coming after you, and it starts with the Joaquin Phoenix Joker movie. ItR…
Zazie Beetz offers an update on the upcoming Todd Phillips Joker movie, which stars Joaquin Phoenix as the Clo…
Director Todd Phillips has taken to Instagram to announce that the Joaquin Phoenix movie has officially wrappe…
Last month saw word that WB is developing a Joker origins movie, which will be set outside the Justice League …
Those worried that the Joker origins movie is being directed by the director of The Hangover–worry no mo…
Earlier saw news hit about the DC Joker origins movie in the works from producer Martin Scorsese and directed …
Syfy announced today it is teaming with Oscar-nominated producer Bradley Cooper (American Sniper), O…