Cosmic Book News

Comic Book News

Review: X-Men Legacy #247

The facade has begun to crumble on the world of Age of X, but Carey’s epic tale still stands stronger than ever!

The penultimate issue of Carey and Mann’s thunderous take on an alternate reality for Marvel’s “Merry Mutants,” answers questions, while exposing the secrets that have been driving this tale from the very beginning. A certain Professor has awaken from his induced slumber and the true threat to the mutants of this world emerges from the shadows to lay waste to them all. Will our heroes be able to realize who they truly are before they cease to exist? Only Carey knows for sure, while the rest of us are forced to sit on the edge of our seats.

This has been one of the smartest X stories I have read in years. Although not too difficult to unravel the knots Carey strategically wove into his tale, it has been unique and intriguing with every turn of the page. He has made each character fresh and completely engrossing, as well as craft a complete world for them to interact in. Other writers have not accomplished that feat on books they have worked on for years, let alone in less than six issues. Mann’s art helps solidify Carey’s tale as one of the best collaborations in recent years. Not only a master of drawing beautiful physical forms, he crafts his own tale within Carey’s, that only helps to heighten the written word. This team has been a perfect match for such an engrossing story, and we the reader get to sit back and reap the rewards.

Revelations abound in this issue, ones that will have serious ramifications when our characters return to their proper place in their proper reality. Will the X heroes be able to stand together as a legion or be torn apart by one?  I can’t wait to see where Carey takes us from here!  

Comic Book News

Review: The Flash #10

The cover begs the question," Who is Hot Pursuit?" but we already know the answer to that — Barry Allen! The real question should be," Is he friend or foe?" At least that will be the question on the lips of every fanboy at the conclusion of Geoff Johns second chapter of — The Road To

Comic Book News

Review: Avengers: The Children’s Crusade #5 (of 9)

It has been a long wait for the latest installment of what, I think, is the best Avengers title out there. But as the old cliche' goes — it was well worth it! The quest to find the Scarlet Witch is over — but is it really? Wanda Maximoff, whom is betrothed to a certain

Comic Book News

Review: Fear Itself #1 (of 7)

Marvel's first company-wide spanning story since Civil War has hit the shelves — and it has buried it's predecessors! Not since the September 11th tribute issues, has Marvel had its hand on the pulse of the nation the way they have for Fear Itself. There is an underlying fear in our nation, a fear of

Comic Book News

Review: Heroes For Hire #4

WRITERS:  Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning

PENCILS:  Robert Atkins

INKERS:  Rebecca Buchman & Sandu Florea

COLORISTS:  Jay David Ramos & GURU eFX

LETTERS:  VC’s Joe Caramagna

COVER:  Doug Braithwaite & Rob Schwager


RELEASE DATE:  March 2nd, 2011


Comic Book News

Review: Warlord of Mars #4


Writer:  Arvid Nelson

Artist:  Liu Antonio

Colorist:  Adriano Lucas


Have I already gushed about how great this series is?  Yes I have – and I’ll continue to gush this time.

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