Zack Snyder Rumored For Wonder Woman 3: Patty Jenkins Out


With WW84 turning out to be such an epic disaster, it’s now claimed that Zack Snyder might be brought in to save the franchise and direct Wonder Woman 3.

It’s further claimed that with all the excitement and hype surrounding Zack Snyder’s Justice League on HBO Max, that Zack might actually get to do his Justice League 2 and Justice League 3 sequels.

The info comes from YouTuber Grace Randolph.

“I had a WONDERFUL evening watching a certain movie. ALSO I’m hearing exciting things from multiple sources: – JL2 & 3 might now be possible – some suits want Zack Snyder to direct Wonder Woman 3, which I think is an excellent idea The hype the real… Don’t let up now,” tweeted Randolph.

Zack Snyder Wonder Woman 3

Zack Snyder Gal Gadot Wonder Woman Ben Affleck Batman

Zack Snyder can save Wonder Woman

I agree with Grace in that it probably is a good idea for Zack Snyder to director Wonder Woman 3, as not only did Zack Snyder first cast Gal Gadot for his Batman vs. Superman, but Zack also came up with the story for the first Wonder Woman movie and had Allan Heinberg write the script who wrote Wonder Woman comic books and who is also developing The Sandman TV series, based on the DC Comics Vertigo Neil Gaiman comic book, for Netflix (Snyder is also at Netflix with Army of the Dead).

The first Wonder Woman movie, which was so good, made over $822 million, but “for some reason,” they didn’t bring back Zack or use any of his ideas for the sequel, which turned out so disappointing.

Randolph has actually claimed that director Patty Jenkins removed Zack Snyder and his VFX team from Wonder Woman 1984 because she butted heads with Snyder and his team over elements in the first movie and particularly the ending, as Jenkins didn’t want a violent ending with lots of action, and ironically, Jenkins got her wish for WW84, which was a complete disaster.

I’ve said it before, WW84 was such an awful movie, especially considering how good the first movie is, with a bad ending and worse special effects. Lesson learned: Be careful what you wish for.

Wonder Woman 1984 Patty Jenkins Gal Gadot

Wonder Woman 1984 a huge failure

While it’s impossible to know how well WW84 would have performed at the box office, a big indication that WW84 is a huge failure comes from the fact that the Chinese rejected the film and that it bombed at the Chinese box office.

Warner Bros. also never announced anything in regards to HBO Max subscriptions, as obviously if WW84 brought in a lot of subscribers, certainly, WB would use that to promote WW84 and HBO Max as well, but they didn’t.

It’s also claimed that the lackluster Coming to America 2 obliterated the Wonder Woman 1984 opening–another sign WW84 is a big failure and never would have made a billion dollars at the box office, which is how Jenkins and Gadot, a producer on the sequel, were paid, especially after word of mouth got around about how the flick is just so bad.

What also is particularly alarming is that the shill media gave WW84 a high batch of initial advanced reviews, which saw the flick’s Rotten Tomatoes score skyrocket, but once the movie was able to be reviewed normally, the WW84 Rotten Tomatoes score plummeted to 59% Rotten; so taking away those first batch of fake reviews, the Rotten Tomatoes score should even be lower. Not good. By comparison, the first movie sits at 93% Fresh, again which was from a story by Snyder.

Wonder Woman 1984 Gal Gadot

Patty Jenkins jumped ship; sold out Zack Snyder

Randolph has also claimed that Jenkins “doubled down” on Geoff Johns who is claimed to have stabbed Snyder in the back, including claimed as the reason for the departure of the Ben Affleck Batman, which now we know is an obvious mistake as WW84, again, is just so bad.

We can also add that Jenkins has since jumped ship to Disney to direct a woke Star Wars movie and has taken Gal Gadot away where she will direct Gadot in Cleopatra.

What’s also interesting is that Jenkins made all her new deals (Star Wars, Cleopatra) prior to the release of WW84, which means she may have wanted to sign those deals before the flick’s release because obviously if WW84 was received so poorly like how it was, those opportunities might have no longer been available following the film’s release. It’s also noteworthy that Jenkins opted to do movies outside of Warner Bros. first before a third Wonder Woman flick, if Jenkins does that at all (especially considering that her Star Wars movie will flop).

So the good news is that if Zack Snyder does return to direct Wonder Woman 3 and Justice League sequels, Snyder can bring back the Gal Gadot Wonder Woman everybody knows and loves and not the weirdo version that takes advantage of men and doesn’t like action.

Zack Snyder’s Justice League gets released Thursday, March 18 on HBO Max.

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