
Keith Giffen Dies At 70: Legendary Creator Behind Rocket Raccoon, Annihilation
DCU Comic Book News Marvel

Keith Giffen Dies At 70: Creator Behind Rocket Raccoon

Legendary comic book creator Keith Giffen has died at the age of 70 years old, who is known for being the creator of Rocket Raccoon, Lobo, Blue Beetle, and loads more. The news hits home for yours truly as Keith Giffen was behind the awesome Annihilation event series from Marvel Comics back in 2005-6 which

Marvel Movie News

John Boyega Could Be Marvel’s Nova

A Nova movie is once again rumored to be in development, where it’s possible that Star Wars actor John Boyega might be playing the role. I suppose you can consider this a rumor but I can recall rumblings about John Boyega playing Nova around the time he was involved with the Disney Star Wars movies.

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