Woke Marvel Has Killed Nova, Strange Academy & Terror Inc.

Woke Marvel Has Killed Nova, Strange Academy & Terror Inc.

It’s learned that Marvel Studios has decided to pause development on three MCU series including Nova, Strange Academy, and Terror Inc.

Recall I just questioned how they were going to do a Nova series on a budget, which seems to be the gist of why the three shows have basically been canceled.

It’s also probably no coincidence that recently saw the report how Marvel is thinking of bringing back all the Netflix characters — because they’re cheap to do (streel-level).

Regarding Nova, maybe it’s also a blessing in disguise, especially if they were going to use the woke version that – similar to Captain Marvel and Ms. Marvel – has been a big bust in the comics. Honestly, James Gunn and the MCU adapting Guardians of the Galaxy is the worst thing that ever happened to those characters in the comics (likewise, Disney and the entire MCU have destroyed the comics).

Richard Rider Nova Marvel
Richard Rider Nova

What happened?

Deadline reported on Thursday how Marvel Television has “has simply shifted its priorities at the moment” and “paused development” on three projects, NovaStrange Academy and Terror, Inc.

The site also says that none of the shows have ever been officially greenlit but says the projects “may still come to fruition at some point.”

The article mentions how Marvel has decided to revamp its TV division (which happened after the big bust of Secret Invasion). The article also confirms exactly what I first told everyone, that the changes came amid Marvel retooling Daredevil: Born Again.

bendict wong doctor strange

What are the changes?

While Deadline doesn’t go into it, the changes came about as a result of Disney losing billions of dollars on streaming including on shows that no one watched like She-Hulk and Secret Invasion which cost $200 million or more each.

Marvel TV is now putting out less content and putting out cheaper content. Their first cheap content was Agatha, which also bombed.

Disney can’t justify spending billions on content no one is watching. However, the real problem is simply the content sucked. There is no superhero fatigue, there is fatigue of garbage put out by these studios.

marvel comics terror inc

Too expensive

So back to Nova, Strange Academy, and Terror Inc., I’m guessing they would have been pretty expensive. Nova was supposed to be set in space, in which the head of Marvel TV compared to Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica (sounded cool).

Strange Academy was going to star Benedict Wong and center on a school founded by Doctor Strange to educate young individuals with magical abilities. Obviously that would have required a lot of special effect for all the magic and such.

Terror, Inc. also would have required a lot of special effects. Not familiar? The character can take the body parts of other people into his own form and retain their abilities and memories. A rumor says that the showrunners were going to be Norwegian filmmakers Jon Iver Helgaker and Jonas Torgersen who are known for Vikingane aka Norseman on Netflix.

Killed by DEI

So if you were looking forward to Nova, or even Strange Academy, and Terror Inc. – just like in the comics – you have Feige’s woke MCU to thank for killing the projects. Sound familiar Star Wars fans?

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