
Marvel and MCU news including Deadpool & Wolverine, Avengers: Secret Wars, Spider-Man, Wolverine, X-Men, comic books, video games, TV, Disney plus, and more.

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: X-Men: Regenesis #1 (One-Shot)

Two friends and teammates, men who have been through everything together over countless years, have decided to go their separate ways. And in doing so, they have not only dissolved their friendship, but they have also torn the entire mutant race asunder. Who will stay a fighter and who will become a student? This book […]

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: X-Men: Schism #5

Jason Aaron's opus to divide the X-Men has come to an end. The line in the sand has been drawn, and when all the dust has settled, we will have ourselves yet another X book to purchase on the racks of the local comic shop. But has all the hype regarding this seemingly grand tale

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Mystery Men #5 (of 5)

As I stare at the final page of the last issue of Mystery Men, David Liss poses a question, "The End?" And my answer to him is, "I most sincerely hope not!" David Liss has dared to create original pulp heroes in a market that is fickle at best and down right vicious at it's

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Fear Itself #6 (of 7)

With thirteen new number ones debuting again this week from DC, it might be easy to forget about some of Marvel's books today. But the book that you should have at the top of your pile as you leave the local comic shop is — Fear Itself #6! This is the penultimate issue of Marvel's blockbuster

Comic Book News Marvel

Advanced Review: Ultimate Comics Hawkeye #1

Once again, our good friends at Marvel have slid an advanced copy of a book across my desk. This time it's the debut issue of Ultimate Comics Hawkeye, written by fan favorite — Jonathan Hickman!  With all the hype DC is getting with their relaunch, people seem to forget that the Ultimate Universe is breathing

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Uncanny X-Men #542

Kuurth, Breaker of Stone, walks towards Utopia, slowly, steadily and unstoppable. Nothing can slow his march, plan after plan crafted to hinder the Serpent's Worthy has failed. Man's fear of mutants has escalated to heights never seen before, and everything Scott Summers has worked so hard for — may be destroyed before his very eyes.

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Daredevil #2 (2011)

Waid and Rivera hold no punches in their opening salvo of issue two, making this "Big Shots" book number one on my pull list! Yes, I have a biased opinion in regards to Daredevil – it is the first book I truly collected after all – but even that doesn't overshadow how good this book

Comic Book News Marvel

Advanced Review: The Punisher #1 (2011)

Our good friends at Marvel found it in their hearts to send us an advance copy of Greg Rucka's Punisher! So, of course, I just can't sit idly by and not share my thoughts on Marvel's latest "Big Shots" book! As some comic fans have asked me," What's the big deal? It's just another Punisher

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Daredevil #1 (2011)

This is the book that I have been waiting for and cringing over since Matt Murdock left the mean streets of Hell's Kitchen. After the cataclysmic events of Shadowland, Matt traveled to find himself and prove he was more than just the hero known as Daredevil. Andy Diggle led him down the path of reflection,

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Mystery Men #3 (Marvel Comics)

David Liss’ third installment, of the superb Mystery Men, continues to astound readers with a cacophony of action and intrigue! Our troupe of normal players, the Operative, the Revenant and the newly dubbed Aviatrix, have been dropped into the backdrop in order to make way for two new Mystery Men to take center stage. But

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Ghost Rider #1 (2011)

Johnny Blaze has finally shed his burden as the Spirit of Vengeance, but that doesn’t mean the Marvel U. is free from it, as well. The mantle has been picked up by another, someone we have never seen and she, yes she, is ready to set her own trail ablaze! When it was first announced

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: X-Men: Schism #1

The X event of 2011 has arrived and nothing will prepare you for the division that will rock the mutant world! Jason Aaron and team forge a slow burn intro into this summers next blockbuster event, one that will eventually divide foe, friend and family into two separate factions. But this is not a thunderous

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Fear Itself #4 (of 7)

*Warning: Spoilers*   The first hero has fallen; Bucky Barnes gave his all to strike a blow at the heart of fear, only to be struck down himself. Now they must rise together, Marvel’s holy trinity – Iron Man, Thor and Steve Rogers. They have not stood united like this before, never with so many

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Marvel Comics: Mystery Men #2 (of 5)

David Liss’ enthralling tale of masked vigilantes in the economically depressed 1930’s continues, giving readers slight revelations amidst even deeper depths of intrigue. Thoroughly engrossing, one finds themselves speculating as to what is truly going on, while Liss changes the game before your very eyes. New players emerge from the shadows, some to lend a

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: The Mighty Thor #3

The die has been cast, the Mighty Volstagg has waged war on the residents of Broxton, and nothing will ever be the same! They should have just let him show them how to make deer omelets and blood sausage! But as he tries to recruit his fellow Asgardians into his childish folly, the true battle

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: X-Men: Prelude To Schism #3

Already, he has listened to the seasoned words of both Professor Charles Xavier and Magneto. Already, he has felt the prying eyes on his back and the hushed murmurs of doubt from those he leads. Now, it is his turn to reflect inward, to find the resolve to either forge ahead against the unknown, or

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Avengers #14

(Note: I know I’m not your regularly scheduled “Avengers” reviewer but Managing Editor Byron Brewer, is getting his own version of The Odin Sleep right now. When the Fates see fit, he will emerge once more to reclaim his rightful domain. Until then, hang in there big guy, we’re all rooting for you!)   Let

Comic Book News Marvel

Marvel Comics Review: Mystery Men #1 (of 5)

When Marvel announced the formation of their “Architects” to steer the company into the future, I was impressed with the virtual cornucopia of talent from all aspects of the Marvel U. These were the best of the best, creators at the pinnacle of their careers, but I always thought there was room for more, maybe

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Moon Knight #2 (Bendis & Maleev)

Wow! That pretty much sums up the second installment of Bendis’ and Maleev’s re-launch of Moon Knight. Just plain-WOW! Marc Spector is back in action on the mean streets of Los Angeles. Someone has been smuggling in Ultron parts and he needs to get to the bottom the situation before it gets any worse. It’s

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Uncanny X-Force #11

Thirteen years after he was brought to the Marvel 616, Dark Beast finally returns to The Age Of Apocalypse — and he is not alone! Wolverine, Psylocke, Deadpool and Fantomex, reluctantly follow the vile Beast into the heart of darkness. There, they search for the one thing that will stop Angel from ascending as the heir

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Fear Itself #3

In war, there is always the first to fall. Whether king or peasant, righteous or rogue — there must always be a first. And on this day the Worthy have claimed first blood as their own.  Issue three of the Marvel Universe changing Fear Itself, hits the stands with a devastating blow. Though not as

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Uncanny X-Men #537

In the dead of night, dreams dance through slumbering heads while vengeance teems at the fingertips of a silent stalker. Room by room, a shadow descends across the visages of our weary heroes, turning dreams to nightmares with a twist of the wrist. Kruun, the former leader of Breakworld, has set his trap perfectly; those

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: The Mighty Thor #2 (Fraction and Coipel)

The skies over Broxton, Oklahoma are filled with a rumbling in the distance, one that will result in a deafening crescendo. As windows shatter and residents hug the floors in fear, an ominous voice echoes through their ears. Three words bring dread to all who hear –“Galactus is coming”– is a death knell to all!

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: X-Men: Prelude To Schism #2

Issue one gave us a tale of Xavier reminiscing about how much Scott Summers has grown over the years. From naive Boy Scout to stoic leader of the entire mutant race, Cyclops stands as the quintessential savior of the X-Men. So what looms in the distance that has him so indecisive? What has his “family”

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Uncanny X-Force #10

*Warning: Spoilers*   I’m not going to pull any punches — this was a set-up issue, plain and simple! And it was damn good! Remender brings us along for the ascension of Archangel, not as just the raging side of Warren Worthington III’s persona — but as the heir of Apocalypse! That’s right, with Apocalypse’s blood

Comic Book News Marvel

Guardians of the Galaxy #25 Review


Written by: Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning

Artist: Brad Walker

Colorist: Wil Quintana

Cover Artist: Alex Garner

Warning: Contains Spoilers

Some recent comics have limped out of existence with a whimper – Ms. Marvel and She-Hulk come to mind – but, if issue #25 of Guardians of the Galaxy is indeed the last issue of this fine series, it can be said that it went out in style, proudly and with head held high as the class act that it is, always has been, and always will be in comicdom’s halls of history.

Master writers Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning deliver a tour-de-force of cosmic comics entertainment as they tie up all the dangling plot threads from Issue #1 to present. We learn that our beloved 616 Universe Guardians literally stand at the epicenter of all time and all quantum realities – with everything – and I do mean everything depending on their actions or lack thereof. An overwhelming responsibility – and one they are perhaps thankfully unaware they possess.

The story proceeds at breakneck speed with our intrepid heroes ultimately triumphing over a resurrected Thanos – or, like their seeming victory over The Magus a few issues back – is everything exactly as it seems? I suppose that – and the ultimate fate of Phyla – remains to be seen in the upcoming Thanos Imperative.

I am consistently impressed with DnA’s ability to so skillfully handle the characterization of such a large ensemble – making each character unique and interesting both as an individual and as part of an interacting cast. Whether it’s Rocket comforting a stricken Groot, Drax and Gamora figuring out how to attack Thanos, or Rocket and Peter sitting next to each other at Starlin’s Bar and quietly summing things up over a “DnA Cosmic Ale” bottle of beer – the strength and consistent high quality of Guardians of the Galaxy has always been centered on the interplay among the characters.

Brad Walker’s art is amazing. I’m really glad he drew this extraordinarily important issue. He’s taken this book and given it a signature look and feel. If Guardians of the Galaxy does come back from Hiatus Hel; please Marvel – make Brad Walker the regular artist for this book. Quintana’s colors perfectly capture the dark mood of this issue. Garner once again produces a truly impressive piece of cover art – perfectly capturing the awe and menacing majesty of The Mad Titan. I look forward to seeing more of Garner’s work.

As I have been writing this review, I found myself struck with a feeling somewhat akin to the feeling one experiences at the end of a romance when considering all the sweet ‘might have beens’ that now, regretfully, will never be. I can’t help but think that there are still a lot of fine stories to tell of this motley crew’s adventures – and I can’t help but be sad at the thought that we may never hear those stories. I know from various personal communications that others feel exactly the same way. Let us hope that our sadness is unfounded.

In closing, I would like to thank Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning for re-vitalizing Marvel’s Cosmic line and bringing us cosmic fans 25 wonderful issues of Guardians of the Galaxy. Guys – you gave us an unforgettable set of stories and a magnificent series that will be held in the utmost esteem by generations of cosmic fans. You took a bunch of dimly remembered cosmic characters from the past, breathed new life into them, and made us care about them. Cosmic comics literally don’t get any better than your Guardians of the Galaxy.

I’d like to thank Brad Walker for bringing his extraordinary artistic talent to the pages of Guardians of the Galaxy. Brad – your work is amazing and I look forward to seeing what you’ll be doing for Marvel next. Thanks to Wil Quintana for your consistent masterful coloring. Thanks to all the other artists and colorists who have contributed to this wonderful series.

I’d like to thank Bill Rosemann for his editorial work on this series and for his support of and kindness to the cosmic fans. Likewise, thanks to Joe Quesada for taking a chance on the Cosmic line in general and this series in particular. If he hadn’t, we wouldn’t have had 25 wonderful issues to enjoy.

It has been my extraordinary privilege to share my thoughts on Marvel’s cosmic brand line with CBN’s readership each month and an extraordinary honor to have Marvel quote some of my GotG reviews in a few solicits. I would like to thank CBN Editor-in-Chief, Matt McGloin, for giving me the opportunity to write for CBN.

Finally, I’d like to thank the legion of loyal GotG fans who have stuck with the series from beginning to hiatus. You guys and gals are the greatest and I’ve appreciated all the comments and enjoyed the good natured debates in which we’ve engaged over the run of this series.

So, let’s keep Star-Lord’s dream alive by buying The Thanos Imperative as the most important lobbying effort we can make is voting with our dollars. If TI does well financially, we may well see Star-Lord and company back for more cosmic adventures.

Rating: Five Stars

Article by: Bill Meneese

Comic Book News Marvel

Guardians of the Galaxy #23 Review


COVER BY: Alex Garner
WRITERS: Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning
INKER: Serge LaPointe
COLORIST: Nathan Fairbairn
LETTERRE: VC’s Joe Caramagna

Warning: Contains Spoilers


Phenomenal. Absolutely, astoundingly phenomenal. With issue #23 of Guardians of the Galaxy, Abnett and Lanning prove once again why they are the Megalords of Cosmic Comics.

In a recent interview, I said that one of the reasons that Guardians of the Galaxy is consistently among the best comics on the shelves is that it avoids delving too deeply into standard superhero fare – instead focusing on epic science-fiction/fantasy concepts and storylines. Rather than re-treading the superhero concepts and storylines we’ve seen countless times before; Guardians of the Galaxy brings new twists and turns to the table. Never is that more evident than in issue #23.

DnA’s superb writing captivated me from the first page to the last page. Magus was written as insanely menacing – approaching “over the top” – but never actually going over the top and becoming a caricaturish villain. I liked it that he seemed to be genuinely impressed by the Guardians as foes who could actually stop him. That says something impressive about our heroes.

I’m not exactly sure how Phyla’s portion of the team was re-animated. Was it the power of belief resurrecting them or were new bodies created from belief for their souls to inhabit? Were they ever really dead in the first place? It wasn’t clear to me. This might be the weakest part of the storyline; but I was so happy to see them back I didn’t even care how it happened.

Magus’ psychological torture of Phyla was quite revealing of her inner struggles and conflicts – the selfsame struggles and conflicts fans have speculated about for quite some time. This torture sequence actually makes Phyla a more interesting and sympathetic character – bringing her some much needed character development and giving her a chance to shine as a heroine. I’ve always had mixed feelings about Phyla; but after this issue’s developments I’m beginning to become a fan of the character.

I was especially pleased to see the #1 fan favorite canine back in action. Cosmo fans are rejoicing! I hope we get to see some Cosmo-centric stories in the future because he is the next character just aching for some character development time.

Starlord’s team did security duty for the re-constituted Galactic Council. DnA made even this seemingly mundane task for our heroes into something interesting – with cameo appearances by some fan favorite characters as well as inclusion of some topical content regarding terrorism.

All-in-all this throw down with the Magus is shaping up to something that will likely make the Infinity Gauntlet saga look like a cake walk.

Just about everyone – myself included – acknowledges that Wes Craig is a skilled artist and I have to say that in this issue Craig delivers his best work yet on the series. The real debate is about artistic style. In other words, is Craig’s style a good fit for this particular book? Some fans think it is – and others think it isn’t. I think this issue’s art will create a much needed middle ground about the issue.

I’ve seen Craig’s style called impressionistic, abstract-tending, manga-influenced, and cartoonish – all with fans passionately debating what particular label is most accurate. Whatever you call his style – it certainly isn’t photo-realistic – the style that the majority of the fans seem to prefer if the feedback on the forums is any indicator. I personally prefer the photo-realistic style for a book that is telling serious, dramatic, epic, galaxy shaking stories. I think the more abstract style detracts from the gravitas of the storyline.

Fairbairn’s colors are well done as usual. Garner’s cover art is nothing short of astounding. I think it might be the best portrait of The Magus ever rendered. Thank you Mr. Garner. I’d like to see what you could do with some interior art for the book.

It almost – no, I won’t soft peddle this – it does make me angry that more people aren’t reading this top of the line book. It is a travesty that this book sells only 22K or so per month. Comics fans need to broaden their horizons, break out of the routine, and pick up something new and fresh. Guardians of the Galaxy is a veritable feast of new and fresh. Won’t you pull a chair up to the table?

Article by: Bill Meneese

Comic Book News Marvel

Guardians of the Galaxy #22 Review


Writers: Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning

Artist: Brad Walker

Colorist: Wil Quintana

Cover Artist: Alex Garner

Warning: Contains Spoilers


From the front cover to the last panel – everything – and I do mean everything – works for this comic.

Garner’s cover art is eye-catching and beautiful to behold. I absolutely loved his renditions of Moondragon, Drax, Rocket, and Bug. Hey Marvel, if we can’t have Walker as artist for every issue, how about hiring Garner as fill-in artist for Guardians of the Galaxy?

Speaking of Walker, he really outdid himself with the art for this issue. I’m not exaggerating when I use the word ‘magnificent’ to describe his work. From the small details of a character’s face in a close up panel – to a ginormous double-page spread of Knowhere crashing through the UCT Fleet of ships – Walker proves he is adept at handling every aspect of art that such a sprawling cosmic epic as Guardians of the Galaxy demands. I especially appreciated his attention to detail in every panel. Nuances in characters’ facial expressions, wrinkles in the characters’ uniforms, starships in the background, and the sheer number and variety of Luminals depicted are just the first few examples from a long list of other details that show the care put into construction of each panel. Thank you Mr. Walker – the fans notice these details and admire your work. Speaking of admirable work – Quintana’s coloring of this issue is jaw-droppingly good. I think he deserves an award for his coloring of the combat sequences and especially for the double-page spread featuring Knowhere.

The dynamic writing duo of DnA continue their hot streak for this book’s storyline, weaving a tale featuring action, adventure, humor, character development, and non-stop excitement. In terms of character development, I was most impressed with the attention given to Moondragon and Drax. The healing in their relationship was nice to see – and Drax’s development into a more complex character was a welcome story thread. Drax is a favorite of mine from way back and he’s been past due for some serious character development. Thanks DnA for taking Drax beyond the 2-dimensional bad-ass characterization. I also loved it that Rocket got a chance to lead and to shine – showing once again that he’s a lot more than mere comic relief. Starlord also shines in this issue. The success of this mission is a major step toward redemption for Starlord. His overall demeanor changes for the better in the last part of the story. The twist at the end of the issue is not a great surprise; but it is a welcome development. I was very pleased to see what was depicted in the background of the last panel.

With edge of your seat excitement, snarkily funny humor, gripping drama, engaging characters, and stunning visuals – Guardians of the Galaxy is a breathtaking romp through the cosmos that is light years ahead of the competition. Call your local comics shop and have them reserve you a copy today!

Article by: Bill Meneese

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