Zack Snyder Teases Justice League Snyder Cut


Zack Snyder teased his release of the Justice League movie while watching the Batman vs. Superman live-stream watch party.

Long story short, Snyder wasn’t able to finish his version of the Justice League movie, which saw Warner Bros. bring in Joss Whedon to reshoot and rewrite the majority of the movie.

However, Snyder has just about finished his version (though rumored to film a few more scenes), which has become the hallowed Holy Grail known as the “Snyder Cut.”

At the end of the Batman vs. Superman watch party, Zack offered a bit of a tease for the fans.

“It was really fun, and I hope it was fun for you guys. Like I said, it was really fun for me. I really appreciate everything that you guys say about the movie, that you continue to love the movie as I do. Really fun. Really great,” Snyder said about Batman vs. Superman.

Snyder then was cut short as the live-feed ended as he said: “You know what, I think they should someday make a sequel to this movie some day. That would be amazing. That would really be something else. Yeah. Want to know what happens to these guys. I mean… don’t they eventually… I don’t know…  Form some…”

The Flash Superman coffin Justice League Snyder Cut

Snyder Cut fans hoping for HBO Max release

Obviously, Snyder is teasing that a sequel – his sequel – exists and he is insinuating the Justice League theatrical release isn’t a sequel to anything, and it has even been said Snyder never saw it.

Snyder did recently reveal he has to finish some more of the CGI for his Justice League Snyder Cut, and regarding the rumors, it’s said that Snyder wants to film a few more scenes.

It’s also been said the Snyder Cut might get a release on the upcoming WarnerMedia HBO Max streaming service which launches in May, but again, the rumors have it that due to Snyder wanting to film more scenes to completely finish it, the Snyder Cut might not be ready by May, so it could see a later HBO Max release.

Zack also talked about the death of Jimmy Olsen, his five-movie arc story, and Martian Manhunter and Superman.

Follow Zack Snyder on the Vero app to keep updated on the Snyder Cut.

Snyder Cut images:

Ben Affleck Batman Snyder Cut

Justice League Snyder Cut Steppenwolf 214

Snyder Cut Batman

Snyder Cut Cyborg

Snyder Cut Cyborg graveyard

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Ben Affleck Bruce Wayne

Ray Fisher Cyborg

Gal Gadot Wonder Woman

Jason Momoa Aquaman

Jason Momoa Zack Snyder Justice League

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Ezra Miller The Flash

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