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Movie News

First Look At Dwayne Johnson In Fast 8; Teases Spinoff Movie

Dwayne Johnson has taken to his socials network to reveal a first look at his character, Hobbs, in Fast 8.

Johnson included the following, which mentions it’s possible we may see Hobbs in a spinoff movie.

When you strip a man of all he has. All that’s important to him. You force him to return to his roots.. and sometimes that’s a very dangerous and twisted place.

If I was going to return for another FAST & FURIOUS I wanted to come in and disrupt the franchise in a cool way that got fans fired up and their blood pumping to see a new version of Hobbs and his “Daddy’s gotta go to work” mentality and set the table in a cool way for where the character goes in the future.

Maybe it’s a spinoff movie. Maybe it’s more #FF movies. Or hell maybe Hobbs just gets on his motorcycle and rides off into the sunset never to be seen again.  Either way, I’ve had a solid first week of shooting, good to be back with the ohana, good to work again w/ my bud and director F. Gary Gray and our home studio of UNIVERSAL, as always have been the best partners to me and my #SevenBucksProds team. Most importantly… you guys around the world will really dig this new version of the role, ’cause as we always say, disrupters dent the universe. 
#Hobbs #TwistedRoots #1Disrupter #1Savage #F8

Fast 8 has an April 14, 2017 release directed by F. Gary Gray also starring Vin Diesel, Jason Statham, Michelle Rodriguez, Tyrese Gibson, Lucas Black, Charlize Theron, Scott Eastwood, Nathalie Emmanuel, Kristofer Hivju, Eva Mendes, Ludacris and Kurt Russell.


EXCLUSIVE FIRST LOOK: #HOBBS #F8 When you strip a man of all he has. All that’s important to him. You force him to return to his roots.. and sometimes that’s a very dangerous and twisted place. If I was going to return for another FAST & FURIOUS I wanted to come in and disrupt the franchise in a cool way that got fans fired up and their blood pumping to see a new version of Hobbs and his “Daddy’s gotta go to work” mentality and set the table in a cool way for where the character goes in the future. Maybe it’s a spinoff movie. Maybe it’s more #FF movies. Or hell maybe Hobbs just gets on his motorcycle and rides off into the sunset never to be seen again. Either way, I’ve had a solid first week of shooting, good to be back with the ohana, good to work again w/ my bud and director F. Gary Gray and our home studio of UNIVERSAL, as always have been the best partners to me and my #SevenBucksProds team. Most importantly… you guys around the world will really dig this new version of the role, ’cause as we always say, disrupters dent the universe. #Hobbs #TwistedRoots #1Disrupter #1Savage #F8

A photo posted by therock (@therock) on

Movie News

Jeff Bridges Joins Kingsman 2

Jeff Bridges has joined the cast of Kingsman 2.

The actor took to Twitter to reveal the following teaser poster.

Kingsman: The Golden Circle is said to pick up from where first movie left off, with Eggsy heading to the United States to join forces with the “Statesman,” the Kingsman’s American counterpart.

“Kingsman: The Golden Circle” has a June 16, 2017 release directed by Matthew Vaughn also starring Taron Egerton, Colin Firth, Sophie Cookson, Halle Berry, Mark Strong and Channing Tatum.

Movie News

James Gunn Blasts Rabid Captain America Fans!

This week saw Marvel Comics change up the origins of Captain America making him having always been an agent of Hydra.

While Marvel Comics did it because DC Comics released their huge Rebirth issue, and we know it will eventually change back, fans are pretty upset.

Now Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn has taken to his Facebook page to blast some of those fans!

“If you’re a forty-year-old dude claiming a comics company ruined your childhood because of a plot twist, you might consider that your childhood really wasn’t that great to begin with,” Gunn posted, which has caused fans to erupt in the comments.

While at first Gunn honestly comes off as sounding like a dick, in those comments he follows up with more explaining that his opinions are aimed at those Captain America fans that take things a bit too far (such as death threats etc).

“I didn’t stick up for the plot twist. I just said if you’re giving a plot twist so much power over your life, there are deeper issues at play,” Gunn added.

Gunn continued with a reply to a comment that notes most of the complaints are probably coming from fans that don’t even read the Marvel Comics (compared to the movies not many actually read comics).

“And the MCU is not the same as the 616 so they can do what hey want,” Gunn said.

Gunn also responded to a fan’s comment that changing Captain America essentially into a Nazi is a slap in the face to the character’s creators, two legendary comic book figures who are Jewish, Joe Simon and Jack Kirby.

“I think saying something so trite is a slap in the face to the creators is a slap in the face to the creators. Simon and Kirby’s lives and works are a lot bigger than this one issue of a comic book. This argument seems like it’s reaching for a reason to be outraged as well as being a rather offensive exploitation of Joe Simon and Jack Kirby’s very real struggles,” Gunn said.

Gunn then joked his own childhood was ruined by Cap Wolf.

“Marvel ruined my childhood by making Captain America a wolfman,” Gunn said.

If you’re a forty-year-old dude claiming a comics company ruined your childhood because of a plot twist, you might consider that your childhood really wasn’t that great to begin with.

Posted by James Gunn on Saturday, May 28, 2016

Movie News

First Look At Katherine Waterston in Alien: Covenant


Check out a first look image of Katherine Waterston in Ridley Scott’s Alien: Covenant.

Waterston plays the film’s protagonist, Daniels.

Alien: Covenant has an August 4, 2017 also starring Michael Fassbender.

Plot Synopsis:

Ridley Scott returns to the universe he created in ALIEN with ALIEN: COVENANT, the second chapter in a prequel trilogy that began with PROMETHEUS — and connects directly to Scott’s 1979 seminal work of science fiction. Bound for a remote planet on the far side of the galaxy, the crew of the colony ship Covenant discovers what they think is an uncharted paradise, but is actually a dark, dangerous world — whose sole inhabitant is the “synthetic” David (Michael Fassbender), survivor of the doomed Prometheus expedition.

Image lightened:

Captain America Hydra
Marvel Movie News

Captain America Chris Evans Hydra Fan Art

This week saw Marvel Comics make a desperation move by changing Captain America’s origins to be that of a Hydra Agent.

Yeah, rather lame, and one that eventually will be reversed.

Chris Evans doesn’t seem to be a big fan, but check out “what if” images below if it happened in the MCU.

Boss Logic put together the following showing off a possible Chris Evans Captain America Hydra costume.

We agree with Chris Evans: Say it ain’t so!

Movie News

Andy Park Concept Art: Nick Fury, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Ant-Man, Ultron

Fan-favorite Marvel concept artist Andy Park has posted more images on his official Instagram account.

This time we are treated to pics of Nick Fury, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Ant-Man and Ultron Mark 1.


Movie News

X-Men: Apocalypse: The Good and the Bad

X-Men: Apocalypse officially kicks off tonight, but yesterday saw advanced screenings take place, which I was privy to.

Currently at Rotten Tomatoes, X-Men: Apocalypse is considered “rotten” with only 47% of the ratings positive. 

Audiences listed are giving it a 74% positive rating, so there is a pretty wide gap.

Speaking of the gap, I’ve been traversing the internet checking out fan reaction (reddit is blowing up here), and I think reactions are based on expectations: For example, I went in with low expectations (wasn’t a fan of Days of Future Past or The Wolverine), so I pretty much enjoyed X-Men: Apocalypse; however, if you happen to be a die-hard X-Men fan, this movie probably comes off as disappointing.

So let’s take a look at the good and the bad of X-Men: Apocalypse (Spoilers follow):

The Good:

Opening scene: First Four Horseman: I loved the opening scene set in the past with Apocalypse and his original Four Horseman — those guys were bad ass! The scene got pretty graphic, too, which took me by surprise. The music was pretty epic adding to Apocalypse’s “godlike” presence. Hey, Fox! Can you release the names of the characters and actors! Off to a good start!

Quicksilver: We all recall that first look image of Evan Peters as Quicksilver in X-Men: Days Of Future Past — we all hated it! However, once we saw Quicksilver on screen, the character quickly (no pun intended!) became a fan-favorite and stole the show. Quicksilver steals the show once again in X-Men: Apocalypse. He has by far the best scenes and best written dialogue. How about a spinoff movie? 

Psylocke: Olivia Munn was bad ass as well! The look and feel of the character was pretty much straight out of the comics, something which Munn wanted to remain true to. Definitely worked! Another character deserving of a spinoff movie.

Yes. Fox spoiled the ending to the movie the day before its release.

Jean Grey: I’m a fan of Sophie Turner. I dig her in Game of Thrones and felt she played a good enough Jean Grey. What was pretty awesome was when they revealed the Phoenix at the end! Now that was cool to see and might lead into the next X-Men, movie, which may be set in space.

Stan Lee: Always good to see Stan Lee on screen, and this cameo happened to be very special to him because it also featured his wife. Very nice! 

Wolverine: I loved the Wolverine scene, it was straight out of the Weapon X comics. We know Hugh Jackman’s time is counting down, so including him with the Berseker Rage was pretty awesome. Thank you!


The Bad:

Visual effects were pretty much crap (guessing this movie is a disaster in 3D).

In my opinion, there is absolutely no excuse for Oscar Isaac to look as bad as he did as Apocalypse. NONE. Especially when they already had a costume designer working on the movie who came up with the exact look out of the comics! But they didn’t use it! This just screams that Fox is too cheap to do the character justice, and it came out as so. The special effects for the rest of the movie were sub bar, IMO, as well. 

We could have had this:

But got:

Apocalypse: In addition to the crappy visual effects, his power base was pretty disappointing. The guy acquired thousands of mutant powers, but uses less than a half dozen? Laughable.

New Four Horseman: Storm and Apocalypse show up to Caliban and ask him to find the most powerful mutants. Psylocke steps in and says she knows them, etc. Off to Angel we go. Angel? Huh? He’s one of the most powerful? Again, missed opportunity to create “Archangel.” Angel was probably the most disappointing character in the movie. I felt they needed to transform Angel, like in the comics, to Archangel, which I felt they didn’t come close to. I also felt Magneto becoming a Four Horseman was a waste: We knew he was going to become a good guy. Again. I felt Kinberg and Singer played it too safe with these characters (probably because they’re all basically “good” guys). They didn’t even compare to the original Four Horsemen listed above. Meh.

Lamest character in the movie? 

Jubilee: The mall scene was cut from the movie for whatever reason, but hey, instead we probably got a bunch more of the Michael Bay-esque explosions, right? The mall scene featured the Dazzler Easter Egg and Jubilee using her powers. Bryan Singer said in an interview he wanted more of Jubilee — well, dude, you’re the director, give her some more screen time, then! Hello! The good news is that the scene will be in the Blu-Ray.

Psylocke: She goes on both lists because the bad is that she didn’t get enough screen time!

Danger Room scene: Another big time missed opportunity!! Mystique is the new team leader (or whatever) and we see the Danger Room unfold. Then we see — Sentinels?! The crappy Sentinels from Days of Future Past! Ughhh!! LOL! How epic would it have been if they showed the Sentinels from the comics! Instead, Singer uses his crappy version that is cousins with the Dyson vacuum cleaner. More piss-poor special effects from these guys! Inexcusable!

We hate this:

Love this:

Post-Credit scene: Haven’t these guys learned anything from Marvel Studios? You go out with a BANG! not a whimper. The post-credit scene revealed the involvement of Essex Corp, which we are to presume is Mr. Sinister; however, I felt like the reason they revealed so little is because they aren’t sure what’s next. I thought it was rather lackluster and lame.


On the Fence:

Havok’s death: Is he really dead? With Mr. Sinister teased, it’s possible Havok may have somehow survived. 

Mystique: Hey, it’s Jennifer Lawrence, so she has to be the leader of the movie, right?


Anything I missed? Let me know in the comments below.

Movie News

Dan Abnett Now Exclusive With DC Comics

Fan-favorite writer Dan Abnett has signed exclusively with DC Comics. 

Abnett, known for penning Marvel Cosmic, Guardians of the Galaxy and Nova, will be writing Aquaman and Titans for DC.

Brad Walker, Abnett’s artist on Guardians, also returns for Aquaman.

See the full announcement below.

Good move, DC.



Fan-Favorite Writer to Pen AQUAMAN and TITANS as Part of DC Universe: Rebirth


BURBANK, Calif. (May 26, 2016) – DC Entertainment continues to add top-flight talent to its creative roster, announcing today that it has reached an agreement with writer Dan Abnett to create comic book content solely for the company’s DC and Vertigo imprints. In addition to writing Aquaman: Rebirth #1 and Aquaman #1 in June, Abnett will also pen Titans: Rebirth #1, continuing threads from his storyline in his current Titans Hunt miniseries. Shipping twice monthly, the Aquaman art team includes talented artists Phil Briones, Scot Eaton, Oscar Jimenez, Jesus Merino and Brad Walker, while the monthly Titans will see artist Brett Booth accompany Abnett on the book.

“Dan Abnett is the perfect fit for Aquaman and Titans,” said DC Entertainment Co-Publisher Jim Lee. “He skillfully balances great dialogue and high-octane action, making for great reads every time. DC is excited that he’ll be giving fans more great stories in both books as we enter into our line wide REBIRTH re-launch in June and beyond.”

Aquaman continues the story of Arthur Curry, the King of Atlantis, as he seeks to reconcile his dual heritage of land and sea. A citizen of both worlds, Arthur seeks to unite Atlantis with the rest of the global community. But his plans will be thrown into chaos with the return of his arch-nemesis Black Manta, who seeks to destroy the careful balance of peace, and bring Aquaman’s world crashing down.

Titans continues story beats from Abnett’s run on Titans Hunt, with teammates Wally West, Donna Troy, Arsenal, Garth, Lilith and Nightwing all reunited after the disastrous consequences of having their memories lost. Now, with their memories intact they will attempt to reunite as a team, and stop the demon that broke them apart and is a threat to reality itself.

“I was delighted by Dan DiDio’s invitation to sign exclusively with DC,” said Abnett. “My recent work for DC, on projects like He-Man, Earth 2 and Titans Hunt have been both rewarding and enjoyable, and now with Aquaman’s Rebirth in the mix, and the Titans as a new series, it seems like the ideal time to really focus on DC work and do my best to knock each and every issue out of the park. Not that we have baseball parks in the UK. We have cricket pitches. But the point stands, anyway…”

Abnett makes his REBIRTH debut on Aquaman: Rebirth #1 (on sale June 8) and Aquaman #1 (on sale June 22) beginning an all-new story arc, blasting out of the events of the DC Universe: Rebirth #1 special, written by Geoff Johns (Justice League, Green Lantern: Rebirth, Flash: Rebirth), that went on sale May 25. As part of the REBIRTH line wide re-launch, Aquaman will ship twice monthly, and at a lower price of $2.99.

Movie News

Watch: X-Men: Apocalypse Post-Credit Scene

X-Men: Apocalypse is now out in theaters as advanced screenings took place today, and of course with that comes the leaked post-credit scene. Spoiler info below. “X-Men: Apocalypse” has a May 27, 2016 release directed by Bryan Singer starring James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Oscar Isaac, Nicholas Hoult, Rose Byrne, Tye Sheridan, Sophie Turner,

Movie News

LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens Finn Trailer

LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens Character Spotlight Series Continues with Finn Vignette


Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment today released the next video in a series of LEGO® Star Wars™: The Force Awakens character vignettes spotlighting Finn, one of the newest heroes to join the Resistance in the fight against the First Order. The video showcases Finn’s LEGO ® character in full form through key gameplay moments, cinematic cutscenes and authentic audio lines, all with signature LEGO ® humour. The vignette also features original dialogue recorded by actor John Boyega, who plays the role of Finn in the Star Wars ™: The Force Awakens film.

LEGO® Star Wars™: The Force Awakens will be released on June 28, 2016 and marks the triumphant return of the No. 1 LEGO ® videogame franchise, immersing fans in the new Star Wars ™ adventure like never before. Players can relive the epic action from the blockbuster film in a way that only LEGO ® can offer, featuring all of the storylines from Star Wars ™: The Force Awakens, retold through the clever and witty LEGO ® lens. The game will also include exclusive playable content exploring New Adventures set in the time leading up to Star Wars ™: The Force Awakens, providing further insight about the new movie and its characters.

Additionally, LEGO® Star Wars™: The Force Awakens will showcase original dialogue from key members of the theatrical cast, providing the most authentic Star Wars ™ for experience for players, including: John Boyega (Finn), Adam Driver (Kylo Ren), Harrison Ford (Han Solo), Daisy Ridley (Rey), Oscar Isaac (Poe Dameron) and other top stars from the film. The game will be available for PlayStation ® 4, PlayStation ® 3, PlayStation ® Vita, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Wii U ™, Nintendo 3DS ™ and Steam (Windows PC).

Movie Trailers Star Wars

Revenge Of The Jedi Trailer Finally Released

Check out the “trailer” below for “Revenge of the Jedi,” which was the title of Star Wars: Episode VI prior to Return of the Jedi.

According to reports, writer Lawrence Kasdan thought “Revenge of the Jedi” was too weak of a title, so eventually George Lucas changed it to Return of the Jedi.

In addition, it’s said the Jedi aren’t supposed to seek revenge, which is another reason for the change.

The marketing for “Revenge of the Jedi” even got so far as having thousands of posters released. Check out one below.

Marvel Movie News

Chris Evans Wants To Appear In Spider-Man: Homecoming (Video)

Check out video below featuring Chris Evans talking about potentially appearing in other Marvel movies.

Evans says Guardians of the Galaxy will be interesting, but doesn’t really fit Cap who is an earthbound hero.

Spider-Man: Homecoming would work or any more of the Spider-Man movies, says Evans.

Chris Evans also offers he would be up to cameo or appear in other movies as Marvel sees fit.

Spider-Man: Homecoming has a July 7, 2017 release starring Tom Holland, Robert Downey Jr., Marisa Tomeia and Michael Keaton.

Movie Trailers

Watch: TMNT 2 Featurettes, Clips & Spots

Check out a batch of new featurettes, clips and spots for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows” has a June 3, 2016 release directed by David Green and produced by Michael Bay, Andrew Form and Brad Fuller, starring Megan Fox as April O’Neil, Will Arnett as Vernon, Stephen Amell as Casey Jones, Tyler Perry as Baxter Stockman, Brian Tee as Shredder, with Noel Fisher, Jeremy Howard, Pete Ploszek, Alan Ritchson, “Sheamus” Farrelly and Gary Anthony Williams.


Michelangelo, Donatello, Leonardo, and Raphael return to theaters this summer to battle bigger, badder villains, alongside April O’Neil (Megan Fox), Vern Fenwick (Will Arnett), and a newcomer: the hockey-masked vigilante Casey Jones (Stephen Amell). After supervillain Shredder escapes custody, he joins forces with mad scientist Baxter Stockman (Tyler Perry) and two dimwitted henchmen, Bebop (Gary Anthony Williams) and Rocksteady (WWE Superstar Stephen “Sheamus” Farrelly), to unleash a diabolical plan to take over the world. As the Turtles prepare to take on Shredder and his new crew, they find themselves facing an even greater evil with similar intentions: the notorious Krang.

Movie News

Iron Man Captain America: Civil War Concept Art Mentions Bleeding Edge

Check out a batch of Iron Man Mark 46 concept art for Captain America: Civil War.

Some people have been wondering if this is the MCU version of the Bleeding Edge armor. Check out what the concept artist has to say, which sounds like more or less the Bleeding Edge armor from the comics is an inspiration for the Civil War suit.

Spider-Man concept art and Black Panther concept art is also available.

The pics come from the Captain America: Civil War Art of the Movie book which is now available and can be picked up through Amazon.

“With  lot of Iron Man suits, we’ve always tried to be inspired by suits that have appeared in the comics before, whether aesthetically or conceptually,” concept artist Phil Saunders says. “One of the ones people had been eager for us to tackle was the comics’s Bleeding Edge armor — even if this suit doesn’t have the functionality of the Bleeding Edge armor. In Iron Man 3, we designed the Mark 42 with a level of detail complexity because of the panel-attachment function — various plates flying into him — which required a very fine line breakup. We were assuming that was the way he was going to continue to suit up. For both aesthetic and functional reasons, we felt it was necessary to continue that level of complexity in the Mark 45 armor, the last suit seen in Avengers: Age Of Ultron. That suit was very organic with anatomical musculature. For this suit, the Mark 46, I wanted to take it back a little more toward a mechanical design while still keeping that level of musculature to it. You’ll see in this design a lot of the lines flow more directly, and it has a much simpler color breakup.”

Click to enlarge:


Movie News

Producer Charles Roven Gets The Boot Because of Batman Vs. Superman

Long time DC producer Charles Roven is reported to be getting diminished responsibilities as a result of the disappointing performance of Batman Vs. Superman.

Roven, who has been on the every DC film since Christopher Nolan’s 2005 Batman Begins, is said to no longer be producing certain DC movies, according to THR, with The Flash and Aquaman named (movies not yet filming).

It’s said talks are underway within WB to have Charles Roven as more of an executive producer role and one who is not involved in day-to-day production.

It is said that Roven could still be a producer on various sequels of movies he is already producing.

Charles Roven was producer on Man of Steel and Batman Vs. Superman and is currently the producer on Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman and Justice League.

It’s noted that one reason for the shift is due to WB wanting to increase the number of DC productions, with it said it’s physically impossible for one man to handle all the load.

It recently became known that Geoff Johns and WB exec Jon Berg are now co-running the DC films, with this report adding Berg is handling day-to-day operations on Justice League.

Regarding Zack Snyder receiving any blame, no report has specifically mentioned any ramifications for the director, which could be due to WB simply not wanting bad publicity with Justice League coming out. It is said WB is moving away from Zack Snyder’s “brain trust” of which Charles Roven was a part of (and wife Deborah, Richard Suckle and Wesley Collar).

Movie News

LEGO Marvel Avengers Spider-Man Trailer

Spider-Man Character Pack Coming to LEGO® Marvel’s Avengers TODAY, Featuring Characters from Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War


Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment announced today that a new Super Hero will be available in LEGO® Marvel’s Avengers – Spider-Man! The Spider-Man Character Pack will be available starting today as a complimentary download for all consumers who purchase the game. This exciting new content will feature six (6) fan-favourite web-slingers in full LEGO ® form, including the character’s first appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as seen in the recently released blockbuster, Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War, and classic versions from select Marvel comics. This downloadable content (DLC) will be available on PlayStation®4, PlayStation®3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Wii U™, and Steam® (Windows PC).

Spider-Man Character Pack:

· Spider-Man (Marvel’sCaptain America: Civil War)
· Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
· Spider-Man (Mile Morales)
· Spider-Girl
· Iron Spider
· Scarlet Spider

Players can also purchase the LEGO® Marvel’s Avengers Season Pass for access to all currently available DLC content, including:

· Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Character & Level Pack – – Inspired by Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., characters and vehicle include Agent Bobbi Morse, Agent Daisy Johnson, Agent Jemma Simmons, Agent Koenig, Agent Leo Fitz, Agent Melinda May, Cal Johnson (Mr. Hyde), Deathlok, Gordon, Grant Ward, Jiaying, Lincoln, Raina, and The Bus
· Classic Black Panther Character & Level Pack – Characters and vehicle include Black Panther, Aragorn, Black Knight (Augustine du Lac), Black Panther Skybike, Dora Milaje Warrior, Killmonger, Man-Ape (M’Baku), Shuri, Ulysses Klaw (Classic), and White Wolf
· All-New, All-Different Doctor Strange Character & Level Pack – Characters include Doctor Strange, Baron Mordo, Clea, Doctor Voodoo, Dormammu, Jennifer Kale, Mindless One Warrior, and Night Nurse
· Classic Captain Marvel Character & Level Pack – Featuring Captain Marvel, Captain Marvel’s Skycycle, Helen Cobb’s Plane, Kang The Conqueror, Magnitron, Moonstone, Poundcakes, Tic, Warbird, and Wonder Man
· Classic The Masters of Evil Character & Level Pack – Featuring Baron Zemo, Black Knight (Dane Whitman), Black Knight (Nathan Garrett), Enchantress, Executioner, Iron Man (Classic), Melter, Radioactive Man, Thor (Classic), Valinor, and Whirlwind
· The Avengers Explorer Character Pack – Featuring Iron Skull, Scuba Iron Man, and Space Iron Man
· The Avengers Adventurer Character Pack – Featuring Hyperion, Scuba Captain America, and Space Captain America
· Thunderbolts Character Pack – Featuring Atlas, Citizen V, Jolt, Mach V, Meteorite, Songbird, and Techno

Movie News

Deadpool Teases Hugh Jackman For Japan Opening

Deadpool has yet to open in Japan.

Watch a new promo below featuring Ryan Reynolds where he teases Hugh Jackman.

“Deadpool” is directed by Tim Miller starring Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool, TJ Miller as Weasel, Gina Carano as Angel Dust, Brianna Hildebrand as Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Morena Baccarin as Copycat and Ed Skrein as Ajax.


Based upon Marvel Comics’ most unconventional anti-hero, DEADPOOL tells the origin story of former Special Forces operative turned mercenary Wade Wilson, who after being subjected to a rogue experiment that leaves him with accelerated healing powers, adopts the alter ego Deadpool. Armed with his new abilities and a dark, twisted sense of humor, Deadpool hunts down the man who nearly destroyed his life.  

Movie News

Geoff Johns Hints At Brighter & More Fun Justice League Movie Universe

While Geoff Johns has yet to admit he’s co-running DC films, the DC Entertainment chief creative officer and comic book writer may have provided a big clue that the DCEU will be a bit brighter and more fun in tone.

Johns, who has the big DC Comics Rebirth issue coming out tomorrow, updated his Facebook profile with an image of Superman Henry Cavill smiling, laughing and having a grand ol’ time, which may hint that since Johns is taking over the DC movie universe, that it may be a bit more upbeat than Batman Vs. Superman and Man of Steel.

The most recent report has stated that following the disappointment of Batman Vs. Superman, that Geoff Johns and WB exec Jon Berg will be co-running the DC film universe and have been named as producers on board Justice League.

Essentially, Johns has become the “Kevin Feige” of DC, but it could be argued Johns has a larger role as Johns works with the movies, TV, video games and comic books, while Feige is just in charge of Marvel Studios.

It would be cool if Johns was also teasing another Superman movie as well…

Movie News

New Chadwick Boseman Black Panther Concept Art

Check out a batch of new Black Panther concept art from the Captain America: Civil War Art of the Movie book.

Chadwick Boseman plays Black Panther, with the solo movie due out February 16, 2018 also starring Michael B. Jordan and Lupita Nyong’o, with Andy Serkis possibly back as Ulysses Klaue.

You can buy the Captain America: Civil War Art of the Movie book on Amazon. It’s loaded with images and info!

A cool tidbit revealed in the book is that the Russo brothers didn’t want Black Panther to have to rely on his claws all the time to fight, so that’s why they made the claws retractable — and also added Vibranium to the knuckles.

“The Russo brothers were very interested in having Panther be able to fight with claws, but not be tied to fighting with them all the time — the idea that he could retract them and still have a regular fistfight with someone,” Marvel concept artist Ryan Meinerding says. “So there are Vibranium claws that can extend and retract, and he also has pieces of Vibranium worked into his knuckles so when he fights he’s just as formidable with simple punches.”

Click to enlarge:


Movie News

First Look At Spider-Man Concept Art From Captain America: Civil War

Check out a batch of concept art for Spider-Man from the Captain America: Civil War Art of the Movie book, which is now available.

Update: Black Panther concept art images can also be viewed.

You can pick up the book on Amazon.

“When you see him on screen – especially next to characters like Tony Stark and Steve Rogers – he brings something special and different to that role because there is an innocence to him that’s partially realized by the fact that Tom Holland is himself just a teenager,” producer Nate Moore says. “At the same time, we wanted Spider-Man to move unlike any Spider-Man in other previous films. And Tom — having learned sort of theater acting and acrobatics by doing Billy Elliot in London — brings a natural physicality to the role that we were kind of surprised by, I mean, here’s a kid who can do a standing backflip. That really helps when you’re building action around the character, because you’re not as dependent on stunt guys to breathe life into this character when he has the mask on. And I think actors inhabit part of the roles physically. So Tom was able to bring that physicality to the character of Spider-Man even when he had the mask on.”

“There’s a natural youthful clumsiness to Tom that’s endearing and becomes so much part of his performance that it integrated uniquely into the typical Spidey acrobatics,” Dan Deleeuw, Captain America: Civil War visual effects supervisor, says. “During the visual effects process, it was all about mechanics. He just can’t swing through the air and not have the mechanics of what the body needs to do to propel him through the air. I think what you’ll find — even though we do hit the iconic ‘Spidey posts’ — is that the in-betweens are not as fluid or as graceful. His body struggles to put him into those positions, and it’s a function of it being his first time out. He’s still figuring it all out and coming into himself.”

“The Russo brothers wanted him to stay grounded, but still convey that true comic book feel,” Visual Effects producer Jen Underdahl says. “When you see him on screen, it’s him. It’s Spider-Man like we’ve never seen him before. He elevates the scenes in a really fun way.”

“It was already iconic having most of the Avengers characters squaring off, with the additions of the Winter Soldier, Ant-Man, and Black Panther,” concept artist Andy Park says. “But once Spider-Man joined the fray, it was a line-up of characters that many fans never thought they’d see together. It is truly a special moment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe to have arguably the most recognizable character in all of comic books join the party.”

Tom Holland will star in Spider-Man: Homecoming, which has a July 7, 2017 release also starring Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark/Iron Man, Marisa Tomeia as Aunt May, with Michael Keaton rumored as the villain.

Click to enlarge:

Movie News

Iron Man Silver Centurion Concept Art

If you haven’t seen it, check out cool concept art from Iron Man 3 of the Mark 33 armor, the Silver Centurion.

Marvel concept artist Andy Park posted the images on Instagram.

The Silver Centurion armor is one of my favorites from the comic books as well.

Movie News

How About Jake Gyllenhaal As The Riddler?

With a new Batman movie in the works, how about a Riddler on screen that is as worthy as Heath Ledger’s Joker?

We did see Riddler Easter Eggs in Batman vs. Superman (above), so it’s at least confirmed the character is in the DCEU and also probable that Batman has had a run in or two with Edward Nygma.

So who should play the Riddler?

Well, how about Jake Gyllenhaal, who was actually David Goyer’s pick to play Batman for the Christopher Nolan films.

Cool fan art serviced of Gyllenhaal on Reddit which makes a pretty convincing case it could work:

Movie News

Cool Idris Elba Green Lantern Fan Art

Check out a cool new piece of fan art of Idris Elba as Green Lantern John Stewart.

With WB rebooting Green Lantern in their Justice League universe, it’s speculated John Stewart will be a part of the 2020 Green Lantern Corps movie.

Idris Elba has been a fan-favorite choice to play Green Lantern or a while; however, it’s probably unlikely as Elba plays Heimdall in the Thor franchise for Marvel and is also starring in Stephen King’s The Dark Tower as The Gunslinger, which more than likley will spawn multiple movies. Idris Elba is also a fan-favorite pick to play the new James Bond.

Previous fan-art of Elba as Green Lantern is below as well.

(via Boss Logic)

Movie News

New Suicide Squad Promo Images

A new batch of Suicide Squad promo images has surfaced online from a calendar. 

Check out the pics below.

“Suicide Squad” has an August 5, 2016 release date directed by David Ayer starring Will Smith as Deadshot, Jared Leto as the Joker, Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, Cara Delevingne as Enchantress, Jai Courtney as Boomerang, Joel Kinnaman as Rick Flag, Viola Davis as Amanda Waller, Adam Beach as Slipknot, Karen Fukuhara as Katana, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje as Killer Croc, Jay Hernandez as El Diablo, and Scott Eastwood in an unknown role.


Movie News

Geoff Johns Confirms Working On Solo Ben Affleck Batman Movie

Geoff Johns, who was recently said to have been appointed to co-run DC films, confirms involvement in the new Ben Affleck Batman movie.

Johns also talks a bit about being the DC Entertainment chief creative officer, but it’s noted he wouldn’t confirm being the new head of DC movies.

My job is to help other Warner Brothers divisions work with DC. I work with Warner TV and producers to get these shows up and running, in particular with ‘The Flash,’ where I co-created the show, wrote a few episodes, wrote the pilot episode.”

“I work with other people, Ames Kirshen in games, the studios like Rocksteady and Netherrealm, go in there on character choices, story they’re going to do and brainstorm on that, try to keep it true to comics.

“I do get to say I’m working on ‘Batman’ with Ben Affleck. That gets the Thanksgiving table excited, especially my brother.”

No release date has yet been announced for the new Batman movie, which is said to possibly feature a Red Hood storyline or even all the Batman villains. According to previous reports, Johns co-wrote the script with Affleck, who is also supposed to direct. A few years ago we were even first told the title might be “The Batman.”

(via CBR)

Movie News

New Batman Vs. Superman Doomsday Concept Art Surfaces

A new piece of Doomsday concept art from Batman Vs. Superman has surfaced online from artist Vance Kovacs.

We see it looks a bit different than the Doomsday from the movie as well as the comic books.

Redditors point out the Doomsday art almost resembles OMAC, who was at one time speculated for the movie. 

The notes on the side read: 

Body is result of ‘Genesis Chamber’ absorbing into Zod’s body as it grows from 6ft to 15ft.

Fluid courses through translucent membrane.

Kryptonian aesthetic..

Below you can find more Doomsday concept art from the Batman Vs. Superman Art of the Film book.

Doomsday art from book:

Movie Trailers

Watch: Beauty and the Beast Trailer

Watch the trailer below for Disney’s new live-action version of Beauty and the Beast.


Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast” is a live-action re-telling of the studio’s animated classic which refashions the classic characters from the tale as old as time for a contemporary audience, staying true to the original music while updating the score with several new songs. “Beauty and the Beast” is the fantastic journey of Belle, a bright, beautiful and independent young woman who is taken prisoner by a beast in his castle. Despite her fears, she befriends the castle’s enchanted staff and learns to look beyond the Beast’s hideous exterior and realize the kind heart and soul of the true Prince within. The film stars: Emma Watson as Belle; Dan Stevens as the Beast; Luke Evans as Gaston, the handsome, but shallow villager who woos Belle; Oscar® winner Kevin Kline as Maurice, Belle’s eccentric, but lovable father; Josh Gad as Lefou, Gaston’s long-suffering aide-de-camp; Golden Globe® nominee Ewan McGregor as Lumiere, the candelabra; Oscar nominee Stanley Tucci as Maestro Cadenza, the harpsichord; Gugu Mbatha-Raw as Plumette, the feather duster; six-time Tony Award® winner Audra McDonald as Madame Garderobe, the wardrobe; Oscar nominee Ian McKellen as Cogsworth, the mantel clock; and two-time Academy Award® winner Emma Thompson as the teapot, Mrs. Potts.

Directed by Oscar® winner Bill Condon from a screenplay by TBD based on the 1991 animated film, the film is produced by Mandeville Films’ David Hoberman and Todd Lieberman with eight-time Oscar-winning composer Alan Menken, who won two Academy Awards® (Best Original Score and Best Song) for the 1991 animated film, providing the score, which will include new recordings of the original songs written by Menken and Howard Ashman, as well as several new songs written by Menken and three-time Oscar winner Tim Rice. “Beauty and the Beast” will be released in U.S. theaters on March 17, 2017.

Movie Trailers

Watch: Finding Dory Trailer #3

Watch the latest trailer below for Finding Dory, the sequel to the hit movie Finding Nemo.

“Finding Dory” has a June 17, 2016 release directed by Andew Stanton starring the voice talents of Ellen Degeneres, Marlin Brooks, Diane Keaton, Eugene Levy, Ed O’Neill, Idris Elba, Dominic West, Kaitlin Olsen, Willem Dafoe, and Ty Burrell.


Disney•Pixar’s “Finding Dory” reunites everyone’s favorite forgetful blue tang, Dory, with her friends Nemo and Marlin on a search for answers about her past. What can she remember? Who are her parents? And where did she learn to speak Whale? Directed by Andrew Stanton and produced by Lindsey Collins, the film features the voices of Ellen DeGeneres, Albert Brooks, Ed O’Neill, Kaitlin Olson, Ty Burrell, Eugene Levy and Diane Keaton. “Finding Dory” swims into theaters June 17, 2016.

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