No Batman For Jake Gyllenhaal

No Batman For Jake Gyllenhaal

Jake Gyllenhaal will not be playing the next Batman.

The actor was said to have met with director Matt Reeves about the part in the upcoming solo movie, as it’s possible Ben Affleck may no longer be playing the DCEU Dark Knight.

Jake Gyllenhaal was asked if he was going to be the next Batman, which saw him reply, “Wow. That’s a very difficult question. The answer to that question is no.”

It’s also been said that Matt Reeves met with other actors to play the role, but no names are presently known.

Ben Affleck has been rumored to want out of playing the DCEU Dark Knight for a while. Following the poorly received Batman vs. Superman, Suicide Squad and Justice League, Ben Affleck bailed from directing The Batman, and he most recently said the only way he’ll return to the role is if it’s any good.

Affleck said they didn’t have a good enough script for his Batman movie, which is why he chose not to do it.

The solo movie doesn’t yet have an official release date, but it’s thought to be filming this year, as Matt Reeves said things are going along well, so we might find out of Ben Affleck is sticking around or if they are casting a new Caped Crusader some time soon.

If Ben Affleck isn’t Batman, and now it’s learned Jake Gyllenhaal doesn’t want the role, who should play the character?




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