Jared Leto Back In Joker Shape?

Jared Leto Back In Joker Shape?

Is Jared Leto preparing a return to the Joker role?

The actor posted an image on social media that is leading to speculation he is getting ready to return to the Joker, possibly for Suicide Squad 2, which looks to film soon.

The image features Jared Leto with shorter blond hair that is combed back and it also shows off his physique. It’s known Jared Leto worked out pretty hard for the role of Joker in the first Suicide Squad film.



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Interestingly enough, Joel Kinnaman, Jay Hernandez and Jai Courtney revealed back in January that they had begun training for Suicide Squad 2, so if the reports that Jared Leto is also returning for the sequel are correct, than it’s not a stretch to think Leto has also been working out the past few months.     

It’s also possible the role could be for the rumored movie said to feature both Joker and Harley Quinn, though nothing official has been announced.

Details for Suicide Squad 2 include it has new director Gavin O’Connor on board, with the release date to-be announced, though it’s likely to hit in 2019.

Joel Kinnaman who will be returning as Rick Flag, recently offered, “I think when we do the second one I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw a more grounded version of the film. The characters are so extreme it could be more effective if we saw less sorcery. I think the characters become more extreme if you see them in conjunction with real people.”

Suicide Squad released in 2016 netted $747 million worldwide.

Jared Leto

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