Marvel: Ghost Rider Cast – Could Be Norman Reedus


It’s claimed that Kevin Feige has cast Ghost Rider in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with fans hoping it’s Norman Reedus, known for playing Daryl Dixon on The Walking Dead.

The information comes from Charles Murphy of Murphy’s Multiverse in which he adds Keanu Reeves is not playing Ghost Rider.

In what looks to be a deleted tweet, Murphy offers Marvel has chosen an actor for Ghost Rider, that it’s not Keanu Reeves, and that if the deal is finalized, he’s happy with their choice (via Reddit).

Regarding Keanu Reeves, while promoting the release of The Matrix 4, Reeves confirmed he spoke with Kevin Feige and Marvel but they still can’t decide upon a character which Reeves could play in the MCU, so again, it’s apparently not Ghost Rider.

What is also interesting is that Norman Reedus has been “liking” Ghost Rider tweets on Twitter for weeks now and liked the mention of the rumor about the casting and that he should play Ghost Rider.

Back in July, Norman Reedus stated he still wants to play Ghost Rider.

“That would be great. So, I don’t know, call somebody, make that happen. I want to do it,” Reedus told, adding, “I want a fire skull. I want my face to turn into a fire skull and whip a chain around. That would be great.”

Back in 2016, Reedus also responded with an enthusiastic “f’ yeah!”

“Hell yeah. It would be a blast,” Reedus said about potentially playing Marvel’s Spirit of Vengeance aka Ghost Rider in the MCU. “Do I get a skull face that’s on fire and all that stuff? F–k yeah. I’m down.”

There is even a petition to get the actor cast.

However, there have been other rumors that Kevin Feige is going to go with a woke Ghost Rider, with rumors offering Bella Thorne is being eyed for the role, which would fit with Feige’s woke MCU Phase 4.

Another rumor also offers Ghost Rider is planned for Doctor Strange 2, the Dan Ketch version.

Hopefully, Kevin Feige learns from the massive success of Spider-Man: No Way Home and casts Norman Reedus as Ghost Rider, as pleasing the fans is the way to go. Just ask the Daredevil fans. 

Marvel: Ghost Rider Norman Reedus fan art:

Norman Reedus Ghost Rider fan art

Norman Reedus Ghost Rider fan art

Norman Reedus Ghost Rider fan art

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