Henry Cavill Fighting For Superman Role: ‘Not Giving Up’


Henry Cavill speaks out about what is going on with Superman and says in typical Man of Steel fashion that he is going to fight for the role.

“The cape is in the closet,” Cavill tells Men’s Health. “It’s still mine. I’m not going to sit quietly in the dark as all the stuff is going on. I’ve not given up on the role. There’s a lot I have to give for Superman yet. A lot of storytelling to do. A lot of real, true depths to the honest of the character I wasn’t to get into. I want to reflect the comic books. That’s important to me. There’s a lot of justice to be done for Superman. The status is: You’ll see.”

Henry also offered his thoughts on his three DC flicks.

“[Man of Steel?] A great starting point. If I were to go back, I don’t think I’d change anything. [Batman v Superman?] Very much a Batman movie. And I think that realm of darkness is great for a Batman movie. [Justice League?] It didn’t work,” he said.

Regarding “all the stuff that is going on,” back this Summer while at Comic-Con, DC insiders filled me in that J.J. Abrams is going to be taking on both Superman and Green Lantern. I’ve also been told that Abrams is recasting with a younger Superman and that some sort of soft DCEU reboot is underway involving Matt Reeves’ The Batman and Robert Pattinson as well as James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad. Worth a mention is that Abrams and Reeves are best friends, and also that Abrams and his producer wife are responsible for getting Ann Sarnoff the gig of new WB CEO.

There is also a Superman TV series in development starring Tyler Hoechlin from Supergirl, with rumors offering the possibility that something might be in store for Brandon Routh on HBO Max following Routh appearing as the Kingdom Come Superman in Crisis On Infinite Earths.

Henry Cavill Superman

Henry Cavill could return as Superman

Regarding Henry Cavill returning as Superman, fans attending Comic-Con this past Summer said Cavill told them he dropped out of the role to do The Witcher series for Netflix, as nothing was going on with Superman in the movies.

It’s also known that, for some reason, WB decided to pass on a pitch from Henry Cavill and his Mission Impossible director Chris McQuarrie for a Man of Steel 2 movie as well as Green Lantern. I’m guessing WB passed on their pitches because of Abrams.

I just touched upon this in the article about the new Superman pics that Zack Snyder released, but it could be possible that Henry Cavill could remain on as Superman if the Abrams and Reeves DC films are a part of a separate universe, which is currently rumored. It would be its own thing much like the Joaquin Phoenix Joker movie that was a huge success. Crisis On Infinite Earths could be responsible for setting up the different movie universes. The benefit, of course, would be that WB could have multiple iterations of the character on screen, on TV, and in their various streaming services, while being able to use different actors and tell different stories (i.e. Tyler Hoechlin on The CW starring in Superman and Lois, Brandon Routh as the Kingdom Come Superman on HBO Max, Abrams’ Superman attached to Reeves’ Batman, and Henry Cavill being able to continue his Man of Steel role).

Interestingly enough, just yesterday also saw Antje Traue tease a return to the role of Faora

It’s great to hear that Henry Cavill is fighting for the Superman role. He’s got a huge fan base and is loved by lots of people. WB just needs to give us the Superman we all need and deserve.

Bring back Henry Cavill as Superman!

Henry Cavill Superman Justice League Zack Snyder

Henry Cavill Clark Kent Superman

Henry Cavill Superman

Henry Cavill Superman

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