Zack Snyder Oscars Win Big Fraud For ‘Justice League’ and ‘Army of the Dead’


It’s claimed that Zack Snyder’s wins at the Oscars for fan-favorite moments for Justice League and Army of the Dead are a big fraud.

The Oscars held a poll on Twitter and on their website where Zack Snyder’s Justice League beat out the likes of Avengers: Endgame and Spider-Man: No Way Home for “Oscar Cheer Moment” and Army of the Dead won for “Oscars Fan Favorite,” also beating out Spider-Man: No Way Home.

As I previously noted, it was hard to believe, and now that looks to be the case as The Wrap reports the voting was apparently rigged by online bots to back the work of Zack Snyder.

It’s noted that two reports from Tweetbinder, a company that tracks Twitter analytics, reveal the most active contributors to the poll come from bot accounts that cast thousands of fake votes for Zack Snyder’s Justice League and Army of the Dead.

It’s noted that a professor at the University of Maryland who studies fanbots agrees that the pro-Snyder accounts “certainly do not look like they were generated by a human user,” and while it is mentioned the data did land on the border of the cutoff point to definitively declare them bots, that there were “weird” anomalies in the voting patterns that saw massive spikes in the tens of thousands.

The report also mentions the Academy is standing behind the results as the polls are said to have been limited to twenty votes per Twitter handle, barred accounts less than 24 hours old, and included votes cast on the Oscars website.

Zack Snyder Cut Justice League

Zack Snyder Twitter bot controversies

This isn’t the first time Zack Snyder has been involved in a Twitter bot controversy as two years ago saw it was reported that some 25,000 Twitter profiles advocating for the release of the Snyder Cut were fake accounts, which helped lead to HBO Max greenlighting the Snyder Cut to the tune of an additional $70 million.

On the flip side, back when Batman vs. Superman was getting released, a negative smear campaign involving Twitter bots was discovered as well.

It has also been previously reported that Hollywood is embarrassed by the Oscars fan-favorite categories, and the news that bots rigged the wins for Zack Snyder isn’t surprising, as again it’s hard to believe the flicks would beat Spider-Man: No Way Home, and at the same time, it’s previously been said Zack Snyder’s Justice League did nothing for HBO Max; Army of the Dead also didn’t do all that well judging from critic and fan reactions on Rotten Tomatoes (67% and 75%, respectively.)

It also now looks like that advice to the Snyder Cut fans to tone things down is right in that they are doing more to hurt things than help.

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