The Boys

Movie News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for April 4th, 2012

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


(A weekly quick pick of the five titles that should reside at the top of your pull list. In no particular order!)


I do the research, you reap the reward! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, be sure to add these books to your list of goodies. Forget that apple a day nonsense, this “DOC’s” prescription for good health starts with these top five titles of the week!


[[wysiwyg_imageupload:1205:]]1. Daredevil #10.1:  The” Point One” initiative, is Marvel’s way of making introductory issues for new readers to enjoy and learn about characters they may have not read yet. If you were ever curious as to why Daredevil keeps getting the push from Marvel, this issue more than proves why one blind guy is a total badass! Plus, it is a perfect lead-in to the “Omega Effect” crossover that will encompass Avenging Spider-Man, The Punisher and Daredevil!

2. Swamp Thing #8:  Scott Snyder finally reveals his vision of the Swamp Thing to the New 52! Wings, root blades — I have never seen a vegetable look so awesome! Get reading this book now before everything goes to Rot!

3. Animal Man #8:  Jeff Lemire’s “Red” to Snyder’s “Green,” will give you chills every time you turn the page! This one is a complete game changer to the “Animal vs. Man” storyline, and two characters will never be the same again! I love death in comics! Check out my full review.

4. Age of Apocalypse #2:  David Lapham brings the nineties back again — and it’s one hell of a ride! Original A.O.A. fans will be more than pleased by the shocking ending and all the cool tidbits that are thrown in! Plus, the return of — Cyclops! Wait! Isn’t he dead? I repeat — I love death in comics!

5. The Boys #65: Garth Ennis has always been known to have an uncanny ability to shock readers. As he enters the last round of this over the top book, the shocks become bigger and bigger! Here’s a little clue: What would the military really do if a team like the Avengers existed and they weren’t as nice as they are in the movies? A couple thousand rounds of armor piercing bullets can probably answer the question for ya! For the final time — I really love death in comics!

Movie News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for February 1st, 2012

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley

(A weekly quick pick of the five books that should reside on the top of your pull list. In no particular order!)


I do the research, you reap the rewards! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, be sure to add these titles to your list of goodies. Forget that apple a day nonsense, this “DOC’s” prescription to good health begins with these top five books of the week!



1.  Swamp Thing #6:  Scott Snyder continues to prove he is the new face of horror, and this book will embed itself in your nightmares for weeks to come! Just a tip, leave the lights on for this one! Check out my review for all the gory details here!

2.  The Strange Talent of Luther Strode #5: Luther is finally forced to make a decision on whether he will become the man the Librarian wants him to be or not. But things aren’t so black and white when they’re covered in red! Check out Kenneth’s review here! 

3.  Dark Horse Presents #8:  Mike Mignola headlines this one with a compelling story of Kate Corrigan and her revelation about Hellboy! Plus a creepy Beasts of Burden story by Jill Thompson and the continuation of Neal Adams’ Blood! 80 pages of great stuff!

4.  The Boys #63:  Garth Ennis’ over the top series may be gradually coming to it’s conclusion, but the story continues to heat up! Both teams take some big losses when the Seven and the Boys begin their cataclysmic collision course! The end begins here!

5.  Fatale #2: Ed Brubaker weaves a crime noir tale like no other! Now factor in devil worshippers and demons, and you have another amazing book from an amazing trio! Don’t believe me? Read my full review here!

Comic Book News

Review: Butcher Baker, Candlestickmaker #5

Directly from the pages of The Boys, comes a tale of the history of their fearless leader — Billy Butcher! Garth Ennis has finally given his fans an inside look at the horrific events that made Billy Butcher a stone cold, calculated killer of supers. From his abusive father, to the utterly heart breaking death