Cartoon Network

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‘My Adventures with Superman’ Coming To HBO Max and Cartoon Network

A new My Adventures with Superman animated series is coming to HBO Max and Cartoon Network with a two season order. The official press release found below describes the series as an all-new kids and family animated series following the action-packed, comedic and romantic adventures of Superman and Lois Lane. Produced by Warner Bros. Animation

TV News

Review: Young Justice: Invasion “Happy New Year”


Now that the Justice League has been restored to their proper mindset by the combined effort of the Young Justice team and Red Tornado, there are some questions that are in need of answering: “Where is the real Speedy?” and “Just what did the six Leaguers do for the sixteen hours they are unaccounted for?”

Jump five years into the future from last episode! The team is bigger, Robin is now Nightwing but Artemis and Red Arrow are missing! “Where are they, what happened?” 

All that will have to wait, it seems a certain “Main Man” has taken a contract to cause a ruckus on earth. That’s right ya Bastich, Lobo is here to take names! But Wonder Girl and Batgirl have a little something to say — with their fists! 

Reminiscent of Men In Black, things aren’t always what they seem! Adam Strange is brought in to help explain how to gather up all the aliens, and it is revealed that the six missing Leaguers are considered criminals off world! The teams split up and it’s Blue Beetle, Lagon and Tim Drake Robin that take center stage as they come across kidnapped humans and a hive of aliens! The youngsters prove themselves in the eyes of the League and Young Justice, and it all wraps up with the Zeta Team arriving on Rann. To be continued!

This was a great episode, especially since we get to see so many new characters introduced to the show. Yeah, we had to jump five years into the future to do so but at least the storyline runs smoothly from the last episode. Plus, John Stewart takes the reigns for most of the episode and he even mentions the Green Lantern Corps! Awesome! While some questions are answered, there are so many that arise in this episode! So many that I cannot wait until the next episode to see what’s in store! This is the best comic related cartoon series on TV today, and you owe it to yourself to check it out!

Movie News

TV Review: Young Justice: “Usual Suspects”

[[wysiwyg_imageupload:1403:]]Revelations, secrets and lies abound in this fast paced episode that sets the stage for next weeks blockbuster battle — Young Justice vs. The Justice League!

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves! “Usual Suspects” lays all the secrets that the team has been holding — on the table! From Superboy’s split DNA, Artemis’ diabolical family tree and even Martian Girl’s reasons behind working for Queen Bee, everything comes to light and the team is finally whole again!

It was well paced, especially because of all the flashbacks and flash forwards used to explain the tale, and thoroughly enjoyable. Spectacular battles wrap around all the revelations, so the reveals are as exciting as the fights themselves and don’t become a “talking head” scenario that we have seen in other mediums. Plus, it is a veritable whose who of villains that challenge our young heroes! Lex Luthor, Queen Bee, Sportsmaster, Blockbuster, the Riddler, Cheshire and everyone’s favorite “Bat” villain — Bane, push our heroes to the edge of their abilities! But it is the final reveal that will shock you the most as the Justice League “mole” is exposed and the the Watchtower will never be the same again!  

As good as this episodes writing and execution was, the moment that I appreciated most was the induction of the Justice League’s newest members. Finally, Malibu Comics get their just desserts as Icon is inducted along with the Atom, Dr. Fate, Plastic Man and Red Arrow. Ever since DC had acquired the rights to all the Milestone characters, the have been used sparingly at best. A small stint in The Justice League of America book that pitted them against the League, wasn’t really deserving of these characters. And now that the Static Shock book has been canceled, it is good to see Icon and Rocket being used in important roles again.  

So check this episode out and prepare yourselves for the biggest battle yet — next week!

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