
Marvel and MCU news including Deadpool & Wolverine, Avengers: Secret Wars, Spider-Man, Wolverine, X-Men, comic books, video games, TV, Disney plus, and more.

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: NINO #29

When will this waste of paper be over? 

The annual sold about 18K.  That would be cancellation time for most any Marvel book – but Marvel keeps this trash on life support?  To chase a demographic of 7-12-year-old buyers that doesn’t really exist?

Hey Brevoort – you’ve got 18K of buyers with the mentality of 7-12-year-olds, but that’s about it.  Few to no actual 7-12 year olds buying comic books.  Psssst – here’s a secret:  They’re too busy playing video games. 

Despite a near unprecedented marketing campaign, a cartoon series, and shoehorning the “little idiot” (Loeb’s own description of this character) into every event – the best you’ve got is 18K for a NINO annual?  To quote NINO himself, “Epic fail!”

And Duggan, you can keep underlining Rider’s death and insulting Rider fans as much as you like in your book and on forums, but most of us will NEVER accept or embrace your NINO or your upcoming “Politically Correct NINO-ette.”  And we’ll never forgive you or Loeb for mangling the Nova mythos with this puerile garbage or for your continued disrespect for fans of the true Nova, Rich Rider.

Fact is, Duggan, like Bendis and Loeb, has no idea how to write a true cosmic story.  He writes farce.  That’s it.  The space setting is incidental, and the aliens are around purely for comic relief.   Substitute any city – New York, Mayberry, Los Angeles – literally anywhere for the space setting and change the aliens to doofus humans, and the story would read exactly the same.  Duggan even alludes to this himself when he has NINO dress up like Deadpool in this painfully bad issue.  He’s basically writing a less hypomanic Deadpool, throwing in some stars and aliens, and calling it “Nova.”  That’s pretty much what passes for “cosmic” at Marvel these days – forgettable, farcical, hackneyed stories aimed at the lowest common denominator.

The cover art looks like graphics from a bad manga-inspired video game, and the interior art is even worse with NINO looking even more ridiculously scrawny than usual wearing his dad’s uniform.  That’s not a superhero or a soldier/police officer.  NINO literally looks like what he is – a child playing dress-up. 

Tell me, NINO fans, how do you conveniently overlook the fact that NINO’s mother allows her minor child, NINO, to go off into space alone for the foreseeable future?  How is that decision even remotely plausible for anyone other than an unfit parent?

Tell me, Avengers fans, is it even remotely plausible that the real Captain America, a responsible adult in every other comic but this one, would be supportive of a minor child wielding powers of mass destruction and going into space alone risking his life and perhaps endangering the Earth with his actions (as actually happened in this issue)?

I guess NINO fans and Avenger-zombies have a low bar for plausibility.

So NINO goes looking for his dad, screws things up along the way, Beta Ray Bill and a few others have a few head-slapping “Doh!” moments as they observe his teen antic screw-ups, and the 18K of zombies who buy this clichéd nonsense will take to comic book forums and insist that it’s brilliant and original.  It’s like P.T. Barnum said, “There is a sucker born every minute.”  If you’re buying NINO, you’re one of those suckers.

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Guardians 3000 #7

Sadly this is the next to last issue of G3K, and with Marvel’s hostility toward this, their only true cosmic comic book, it will likely not return from hiatus after the silliness of the “Secret Wars” event has reached it’s no doubt too long in coming and astoundingly annoying conclusion.

Interestingly, the apparent cause of the Secret Wars event debuts in this book – but since the zombies aren’t buying this book, I guess they’ll have to wait and read it in whatever generic Avengers title they’re buying en masse these days.

One of the highlights of this book is how it indirectly points out how small and petty Quill’s GotGINO team has become under Bendis and Gunn.  Star-Lord is pointed out as lacking in leadership skills and proves that point repeatedly over the course of the storyline.  This is not the leader of men that Peter Quill was in times past – a guy who could take out a Herald of Galactus single-handedly.  It is Bendis’ and Gunn’s twenty-something goofball who is repeatedly outclassed by the original GotG team.

And, of course, when the situation takes a turn for the worse, what does this weak, pitiful, farcical, buffoon-ish, Bendis-fied version of Quill do?  Hits the speed-dial button to call in the Avengers, as always.  Vance rightfully points out that the GotG are better qualified to handle the situation.  And Quill disagrees!  Jeez!  This buffoon version of Star-Lord has drunk the kool-aid and bought into Bendis’ propaganda.

I’ll go on record as not being that big a fan of the Korvac Saga, but Abnett is able to weave an interesting tale from that source material.  

Leon’s art and Delgado’s colors are vast improvements from the first five issues.  The teams look more like themselves and less like some abstract art version of the team.

Rush out and buy this book, and its TPB.  Quality needs to be rewarded, and very little of what Marvel is now calling “cosmic” has any quality to be rewarded.  Guardians 3000 is the shining antithesis of Bendis.  Rush out and buy this book!

Marvel Movie News

Guardians of the Galaxy’s Nicole Perlman Eyed To Write Captain Marvel With Meg LeFauve


It’s learned that Kevin Feige and Marvel are eyeing the writing duo of Nicole Perlman and Meg LeFauve to write the Carol Danvers Captain Marvel (Ms. Marvel to Cosmic fans) movie.

THR reports that Marvel Studios president and producer Kevin Feige was impressed with their separate takes on Captain Marvel and has thought it best to combine the two for “sensational results.”

It’s said that Perlman and LeFauve are currently in talks, and that no director is presently involved.

Nicole Perlman wrote the first draft of the Guardians of the Galaxy movie and recognized the potential for the Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning comic from early on. Perlman was part of the Marvel Writers Program back in 2009 where she chose Guardians of the Galaxy to adapt. It’s been said that Perlman’s Guardians of the Galaxy was closer to the comic book version and a more serious take on the story and characters than the James Gunn version. Perlman is also set to write a Gamora series for Marvel, which is more serious take on the character than the current Marvel Comics parody versions of Guardians of the Galaxy.

Meg LeFauve co-wrote Pixar’s upcoming Inside Out and also has producer credits with The Dangerous Lives of Alter Boys.

Captain Marvel has a November 2, 2018 release and will not be a part of The Avengers: Age Of Ultron.

Marvel Movie News

Kevin Feige Confirms Peter Parker Is Spider-Man (Video)

While promoting The Avengers 2, Marvel Studios president and producer Kevin Feige discusses Spider-Man.

Feige is in part responsible for bringing Spider-Man to the MCU as well as is a producer on the upcoming standalone Spider-Man movie from Sony in 2017.

Feige not only confirms Spider-Man will be Peter Parker, but also confirms the new Spider-Man will be in high school.

“We want to play with Spider-Man in the high school years,” Feige says in the above video. “Because, frankly, there have been five Spider-Man films and the amazing thing about it, is even though there have been five Spider-Man films, there is so many things from the comics that haven’t been done, yet. Not just characters or villains or supporting characters, but sides to his character. The most obvious being sort of the young-doesn’t-quite-fit-in-kid before his powers, and then the fellow that puts on a mask and swings around and fights bad guys, and doesn’t shut up [laughs]. Which is something we want to play with, and we are excited about, but also I think it was midway through the first film, he graduated high school. The beginning of the second Marc Webb film, he graduated high school. Some of my favorite Spider-Man arcs and Spider-Man stories –  he’s in highschool for a lot of it, and we want to explore that. That also makes him very, very different from any of our other characters in the MCU -which is something else we want to explore – is how unique he is in now put against all these other characters. In terms of the age of an actor we’ll eventually cast, I don’t know. In terms of the age who we believe Peter Parker is, I would say close to 15-16 is right.”

Spider-Man is also heavily speculated to be appearing in Captain America: Civil War, which debuts May 2016.

Update: Feige also confirms a re-designed Spider-Man costume and no origin.


Marvel TV News

Agents Of SHIELD Spinoff In Development


It’s learned that apparently Marvel’s Agents Of SHIELD is doing well enough warrant a spinoff, which more than likely also means a third season is a given. reports Marvel is quietly developing the spinoff for ABC which is being developed by Agents Of SHIELD executive producer Jeffrey Bell and SHIELD writer Paul Zbyszewski (LostHawaii Five-0).

It’s said there won’t be a straight-up episode that will create the spinoff (similar to what WB did with Arrow and The Flash), but that this season will have story elements, that are still to come, that will be used to lay the groundwork for the potential new series.

It’s assumed, by the end of the season, the details on the spinoff will be made more clear.

It’s further stated the SHIELD spinoff isn’t guaranteed, as ABC hasn’t even announced a third season for SHIELD, but it’s suggested the spinoff could debut next Fall or mid-season.

Regarding Agent Carter‘s return, the report mentions there is a “60 percent” chance of the series returning.

Marvel Movie News

Animated Marvel Cinematic Universe Project In Development


At one time it was reported the Guardians of the Galaxy movie was actually going to be animated.

While that obviously didn’t turn out to be true, it has now become known an animated project to be set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is in development (note: the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy animated series is not connected to the movie).

Newsarama reports during the final day of the Emerald City Comic Con at the “Marvel Animation Presents” panel, Marvel’s VP of Animation Development and Production Cort Lane confirmed an animated project is in the works.

Next, a fan asks about whether the animation team will produce something that takes place in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

“I can’t announce anything, but things are in the works,” said Lane, calling out the upcoming Netflix series as a proof of concept for things that tie-in to the larger world.

Nothing else was said about the project, but it will be interesting to see what they do with an animated version of the MCU. Will the animated series/movies use existing characters? Or introduce new characters similar to the above mentioned Netflix series? Perhaps a mix of both?

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Guardians of the Galaxy: Best Story Ever

Normally, I’m a Tim Seely admirer.  I’m a huge Hack-Slash fan and think his work on said comic was absolutely brilliant in that it breathed fresh air into a pretty stale concept.

That’s why it so pains me to have to say that “Best Story Ever” is a terrible misnomer for this comic.  It’s certainly not the worst story ever.  Bendis writes those.  But “best story ever” is quite a stretch.  The best stories for this team were written by DnA.  It’s all been downhill since they were fired.

The problem with this story is that it tries too hard to mimic the movie.  And it fails.

I’ll cut the movie some slack because in order to recoup the rather large monetary investment to produce it, it had to be written to appeal to the lowest common denominator of movie goer.  Fine.  I don’t like it that the concepts were watered-down, and it was played too much as a farce for cheap laughs, but I’ll tolerate it for the above given reason.

Comics don’t have the same up-front investment as movies.  They can afford to concentrate on quality and even be written for a niche audience.  So Marvel doesn’t have to try to mimic the movie.  Trying to mimic the movie will always just result in what this comic ultimately is – a juvenile farce played for way too many cheap laughs – most of which are duds.

I mean, come on.  The entire mission is about stealing a toilet because Rocket broke the only toilet on the ship?  Really?  Doesn’t this take bathroom humor to an all new low?  Murdering dozens of sentients at a warehouse just to steal a toilet?  Is the team that amoral?

The art is certainly an improvement over the regular fare on Bendys’ book, but it just can’t make up for the weak story. 

Sorry, Seely, but I hope you direct your talents to something else in the future, because this effort is a fail.  Only a zombie could love this – another episode of Marvel Cosmic gone horribly wrong – again thanks to Brevoort and Alonso.

Marvel Movie News

Mike Colter Excited For Luke Cage


Mike Colter is the latest Marvel Comics superhero come to life as the actor will be playing the popular character Luke Cage for the Netflix series.

Colter and Cage will first appear in the upcoming Jessica Jones Netflix series later this year before the new Luke Cage series debuts in 2016.

Colter recently spoke with Total Film magazine where he offered up his excitement for the role.

“I never thought I’d do much action stuff,” Colter said. “It’s as close to being a black Superman as you can be!”

Colter will also appear in the Avengers-style team up, The Defenders, which follows Daredevil, Jessica JonesLuke Cage and Iron Fist.

“This whole Journey now with what’s going on with Luke Cage, it’s very unique,” Colter said. “It’s completely different to the Halo project or other things I’ve done, and it’s very character-driven and very dark and edgy, so I’m excited about it to see where that’s going.”

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: NINO #28

What is wrong with Marvel?

They actually think this “story” about playing “hot potato” with “The Black Vortex” is entertaining?

Silly, yes.  Entertaining, no.  Unless, of course, you’re an easily satisfied zombie who will buy anything and take to the internet to defend it to the end.

It’s just typical Duggan in a typical NINO story.  Screw-up after screw-up that somehow works itself out in the end mostly due to NINO’s dumb luck or another NINO screw-up that fortuitously ends well.  Of course, the requisite cardboard villains written as if they belong in an episode of Scooby-Doo are prominently on display as always.

Of course, Duggan, not satisfied with his appearances on forums to insult Rider fans, has to throw in an insult to Rider fans in the body of the story.  Seriously, if there are any Rider fans still buying this trash, this has to be the final straw for you.  Join the rest of us in the boycott.

This is just another episode of Marvel Cosmic gone horribly wrong.  It isn’t even cosmic, really, as the space setting is just incidental.  It’s just puerile, juvenile trash aimed at 8-year-olds and played as a farce for cheap laughs for chronologically older persons with the mentality of 8-year-olds (aka Marvel Zombies).

The art continues to decline.  Thane’s “googly eyes” turn what is supposed to be the only serious dramatic scene in this ultimately stupid story into yet another Scooby-Doo moment of farce.

Cancellation of this garbage can’t come too soon.  Marvel needs to man up and admit that this experiment has been a total failure.  Unfortunately, Brevoort and Alonso are in charge, so that will never happen.  Like NINO, you can only count on them to do the most stupid thing possible and double-down on the failed formula.  Ladies and gentlemen, prepare for Bonso’s Double-Down:  “Politically Correct NINO-ette (PC-NINO-ette).”   Join us in boycotting her, too.

Comic Book News Marvel

Marvel Rage of Ultron OGN Trailer

Marvel released a trailer for the new original graphic novel, Rage Of Ultron, from Rick Remender and Jerome Opena.

You can order the HC through Amazon at a discount.


It was another glorious victory for the Mighty Avengers. Good triumphed over evil and Ultron was shot into space, never to be seen again. Or so they thought. Now, years later, the homicidal artificial intelligence – so long devoted to ending life on Earth – has a new world to conquer…one with its own horrific legacy. When Titan, birthplace of Thanos, falls, Planet Ultron rises in its place! Thanos’ brother Starfox must seek the aid of his former allies – but the Avengers he finds are radically different from the ones he once knew. Among them is Ultron’s creator Giant-Man – and when Hank Pym confronts his now planet-sized “son,” the responsibilities of fatherhood have never loomed so large. Rick Remender (Uncanny Avengers) and Jerome Opeña (Avengers) unleash the full robotic rage of Ultron on Earth’s Mightiest Heroes!


Marvel Movie News

Batman Vs. Superman Trailer Speculated For WonderCon


It’s possible the long awaited Batman Vs. Superman trailer will be debuting at WonderCon.

Details for WonderCon 2015 taking place in Anaheim reveal a “Warner Bros. Presentation” panel on Saturday afternoon, which contains no description other than “TBS.”

Warner Bros. and DC also  both heavily present at WonderCon with other panels, which includes the premiere of the Batman Vs. Robin animated movie and exclusive screenings of the DC TV shows.

Marvel just seems to be their with two panels related to their comics.

Marvel Studios is also apparently skipping out on Comic-Con this Summer, according to James Gunn.

Below you can check out the scheduling highlights; the full schedule can be found at Comic-Con’s website.

WonderCon runs Friday April 3rd to Sunday April 5th.


Friday, April 3

Going Back to the Future
Filmmakers Jason Aron, Louis Krubich, and Lee Leshen discuss their film Back in Time, a feature-length documentary that shows the cultural impact of the Back to the Future franchise-just in time to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the initial film
Friday April 3, 2015 12:00pm – 1:00pm 
Room 207

Last year marked the 75th anniversary of the Batman. Now let’s take a look into what the future may have to offer for the iconic Caped Crusader and the “Bat Family.” Moderated by Tiffany Smith (DC All Access), we’ll hear from WonderCon Anaheim special guests Becky Cloonan (co-writer, Gotham Academy), Brenden Fletcher (Batgirl, Black Canary), Tom King (co-writer, Grayson), Greg Pak (writer, Batman/Superman), and Babs Tarr (artist, Batgirl) as they talk about how the Dark Knight has gotten to where he is today and what’s in store for the Batman, and all of his supporting characters, for the coming years.
Friday April 3, 2015 12:30pm – 1:30pm 
Room 300DE

Creating a New Dawn for Planet of the Apes
HALON Entertainment’s A. J. Briones (previsualization supervisor) and Ryan Stafford (visual effect producer) take you behind the scenes of creating a new Dawn for FOX’s blockbuster Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. Briones and Stafford will discuss the exciting creative process behind the most climactic scenes in the film’s final battle. From concept to final feature, the audience will be led through the collaboration with director Matt Reeves and the production and stunt teams, using previs on a motion-capture shoot, and the final road to final visual effects. This is a great opportunity for artists and filmmakers to gain an insider perspective on one of the most visually exciting films there is!
Friday April 3, 2015 2:30pm – 3:30pm 
Room 300DE

Special Preview Screenings
WonderCon Anaheim and Warner Bros. Television proudly continue their annual Preview Screenings tradition, with episodes of The Flash and Gotham, plus advance sneak peek screenings of new episodes of iZOMBIE and Teen Titans Go!

The Flash- The Flash is a fast-paced superhero drama that follows the high-speed adventures of the Fastest Man Alive. After the unexpected and devastating explosion of the S.T.A.R. Labs Particle Accelerator, Central City Police Department CSI Barry Allen finds himself suddenly charged with the incredible power to move at super speeds. While Barry has always been a hero in his soul, his newfound powers have finally given him the ability to act like one. However, Barry was not the only one affected that fateful night, and now a rash of super-powered villains are popping up all over Central City. With the help of his friends at S.T.A.R. Labs and his foster-father, Detective Joe West, Barry works to keep his city safe from these “metahumans,” while working to uncover the secrets of and defeat his arch-nemesis, The Man in Yellow, who is responsible for the death of his mother and the wrongful imprisonment of his father. The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8/7c on The CW.

Gotham- Before there was Batman, there was Gotham. The origin story of the great DC supervillains and vigilantes has only just begun. Gotham follows Jim Gordon’s rise through the Gotham City police department and the spawning ground of the world’s most iconic villains. Gotham airs Mondays at 8/7c on FOX.

iZOMBIEiZOMBIE makes its WonderCon Anaheim debut with an advance screening of a brand-new upcoming episode. Olivia “Liv” Moore was a rosy-cheeked, disciplined, overachieving medical resident who had her life path completely mapped out . . . until the night she attended a party that unexpectedly turned into a zombie feeding frenzy. Now stuck somewhere between half-alive and undead, Liv transfers her residency to the coroner’s office for access to the brains she must reluctantly eat, but with each brain she consumes, she inherits the corpse’s memories. With her medical examiner boss and a police detective, she now solves homicides to quiet the voices in her head. Based on characters created by Chris Roberson and Michael Allred, published by DC Entertainment’s Vertigo imprint, iZOMBIE airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on The CW.

Teen Titans Go!- The Teen Titans are back at it again, in Teen Titans Go!, with all-new comedic adventures both in and out of Titans Tower, and your Titans craving will be satiated by screening of a brand-new episode. Based on DC Comics characters and produced by Warner Bros. Animation, Teen Titans Go! airs Thursdays at 6/5c on Cartoon Network.
Friday April 3, 2015 2:30pm – 5:30pm 

Wayward Pines: Screening of Premiere Episode and Q&A
Based on Blake Crouch’s international bestselling series of books and brought to life by suspenseful storyteller M. Night Shyamalan, Wayward Pines is a 10-episode, intense psychological thriller, starring Academy Award nominee Matt Dillon as a secret service agent on a mission to find two missing federal agents in the bucolic town of Wayward Pines, ID. Every step closer to the truth makes him question if he will ever get out of Wayward Pines alive. The show was developed for television by Chad Hodge and executive-produced by Donald De Line, Ashwin Rajan, Hodge, and Shyamalan. Chad Hodge wrote and M. Night Shyamalan directed the premiere episode. An insightful Q&A will follow the screening.
Friday April 3, 2015 2:45pm – 4:00pm 
Room 300AB

The Last Man On Earth
What would you do if you were the last person on earth? Join this panel to screen a never-before-seen upcoming episode from the series critics are calling “the most original comedy in years.” Plus, a Q&A, moderated by Jarett Wieselman (BuzzFeed), with star and creator Will Forte (Nebraska, Saturday Night Live), and directors/producers Chris Miller and Phil Lord (The Lego Movie, 21 Jump Street) as they discuss the twists and turns of this hilarious new comedy.
Friday April 3, 2015 4:00pm – 5:00pm 
Room 300AB

Salem: It’s a Witch War!
Executive producers Brannon Braga (Star Trek, Cosmos: A SpaceTime Odyssey) and Adam Simon, as well as star Shane West (Nikita, ER, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen) join moderator Eric Goldman (IGN TV executive editor) to reveal a sneak peek at the highly anticipated season two premiere episode of this epically witchy series from WGN America and Fox 21 Television Studios. In a bold re-imagination of the infamous 17th-century witch trials in colonial Massachusetts, Salem returns for a second season at the dawn of a witch war. As the disease and devastation unleashed by the Grand Rite in last season’s finale continue to spread through the war-torn village, Salem’s deadliest witch, Mary Sibley, must face off against new and old adversaries vying for her throne. Salem returns Sunday, April 5 on WGN America. The screening will be followed by an audience Q&A session.
Friday April 3, 2015 6:00pm – 7:00pm 
Room 300AB

World Premiere: Batman vs. Robin
Warner Bros. Home Entertainment, DC Entertainment and Warner Bros. Animation welcome WonderCon Anaheim attendees to the World Premiere of Batman vs. Robin; the latest entry in the ongoing series of DC Universe Original Movies. In the film, Damian Wayne, now bearing the mantle of Robin, blazes a headstrong and sometimes reckless trail alongside his father, Batman. While investigating a crime scene, Robin encounters a mysterious figure, Talon, who leads him on a life-altering course through the depths of Gotham’s secret society, known as The Court of Owls. It’s a dangerous journey that will force Batman and Robin to face their most dangerous adversary: each other! Be among the first to see this new film, then stay for a star-studded panel led by the voices of Batman, Jason O’Mara (Terra Nova, Complications), Robin, Stuart Allan (Son of Batman), and Sean Maher (Firefly/Serenity, Much Ado About Nothing), respectively, alongside producer James Tucker (Justice League: Throne of Atlantis), director Jay Oliva (Batman: Assault on Arkham), Eisner Award-winning writer J.M. DeMatteis (Justice League, Teen Titans Go!), character designer Phil Bourassa (Justice League: Throne of Atlantis), dialogue director Andrea Romano (Batman: The Dark Knight Returns), and some special guests. DC All-Access host Tiffany Smith will moderate the fun, including the awarding of a few exclusive prizes. Inspired by the storyline from the bestselling graphic novel, Batman: Court of Owls, Batman vs. Robin arrives April 14 from Warner Bros. Home Entertainment on Blu-ray Combo Pack, DVD and Digital HD.
Friday April 3, 2015 6:00pm – 8:00pm 


Saturday, April 4

The World of Capcom
Moderator Francis Mao (Capcom) and a panel of Capcom product managers share the latest updates on all your favorite Capcom franchises, including Resident Evil, Monster Hunter, Devil May Cry, Street Fighter, and more. Plus, a sneak peek at all the cool Capcom merchandise coming up, and maybe a surprise or two.
Saturday April 4, 2015 10:30am – 11:30am 
Room 300DE

Teen Titans Go! Screening and Q&A
Super-sized laughs and superhero adventures await you as the Titans once again take over WonderCon Anaheim. Greg Cipes (voice of Beast Boy) and Scott Menville (voice of Robin), along with producers Michael Jelenic (Batman: The Brave and The Bold) and Aaron Horvath (MAD), will be on hand to answer your questions as well as screen an all-new episode. Teen Titans Go! airs Thursdays at 6/5c on Cartoon Network.
Saturday April 4, 2015 11:00am – 12:00pm 
Room 300AB

TNT’s The Last Ship: A First Look at Season 2
The Last Ship returns to WonderCon Anaheim for a first look at the upcoming season and a revealing panel discussion with producers and cast, including Adam Baldwin, Rhona Mitra, John Pyper Ferguson, Charles Parnell, Travis Van Winkle, and Jocko Sims. The highly anticipated second season picks up after a global catastrophe has decimated the world’s population, and Captain Tom Chandler (Dane) and his crew are confronting the reality of what’s been left behind. Panel attendees will be treated to never-before-seen footage and a revealing discussion led by TV Guide’s Rob Moynihan. All-new episodes of The Last Ship air on TNT this summer.
Saturday April 4, 2015 12:30pm – 1:30pm 
Room 300DE

Warner Bros. Presentation
Saturday April 4, 2015 12:30pm – 1:30pm 

American Dad
Join us for an exclusive look at a new episode of American Dad, as well as a Q&A with fans featuring Wendy Schaal (Six Feet Under, The ‘Burbs), Rachael MacFarlane (Family Guy, Robot Chicken), Scott Grimes (Justified, ER), executive producer Matt Weitzman, and producer Jordan Blum. Moderated by Marissa Roffman from the website Give Me My Remote.
Saturday April 4, 2015 1:00pm – 2:00pm 
Room 300AB

Kotobukiya Spring Preview 2015
Kotobukiya presents an insider’s look at their newest products arriving to retailers and in development. Have a question or comment? The Q&A session is the perfect opportunity to be heard! As always there will be a ton of goodies to give away!
Saturday April 4, 2015 1:30pm – 2:30pm 
Room 213

The Messengers: Exclusive Screening and Q&A
In the New Mexico desert, scientist Vera Buckley watches in fascination as a mysterious object plummets to Earth and explodes, sending out a shock wave that briefly stops her heart. But Vera isn’t the only one affected: she’s instantly connected to four other strangers, who also collapse, only to miraculously come back to life hours later. These strangers will soon discover they have one thing in common: destiny has been thrust upon their shoulders. And as the Angels of the Apocalypse, with an impressive array of supernatural gifts, they must now work together to rewrite prophecy and prevent the Beginning of the End. The exclusive screening will be followed by a panel discussion with series stars Shantel VanSanten (One Tree Hill), Jon Fletcher (City of Dreams), J. D. Pardo (Revolution), Joel Courtney (Super 8), Diogo Morgado (Son of God), Anna Diop (Everybody Hates Chris), and Craig Frank (Mixology), along with executive producer Trey Callaway (Revolution) and co-executive producer/creator Eoghan O’Donnell (Teen Wolf).
Saturday April 4, 2015 1:30pm – 2:30pm 
Room 300DE

DC Convergence
The comics community is on the edge of their seats as they wait to find out what Convergence will mean for the DC Universe. Jeff King (Convergence) offers fans a taste with a special lineup featuring Dan Jurgens (Booster Gold), Marc Andreyko (Batman and the Outsiders), Len Wein (Swamp Thing), and Scott Lobdell (Convergence). This is one panel you won’t want to miss!
Saturday April 4, 2015 2:00pm – 3:00pm 
Room 300AB

iZOMBIE Special Video Presentation and Q&A
Olivia “Liv” Moore was a rosy-cheeked, disciplined, overachieving medical resident who had her life path completely mapped out-until the night she attended a party that unexpectedly turned into a zombie feeding frenzy. Now stuck somewhere between half-alive and undead, Liv loses all traces of her former drive and ambition. She transfers her medical residency to the city morgue in order to reluctantly access the only real form of sustenance left available to her, and the only thing that allows her to maintain her humanity: human brains. But there are side effects to Liv’s new diet: With each brain she consumes, Liv experiences “visions,” flashes of the corpse’s memories, including, in some cases, clues as to how they were killed. iZOMBIE makes its WonderCon Anaheim debut with a special video presentation, followed by a Q&A with series stars Rose McIver (Masters of Sex), Malcolm Goodwin (Breakout Kings), Rahul Kohli (newcomer from the UK), Robert Buckley (One Tree Hill), and David Anders (Once Upon a Time), as well as executive producers Rob Thomas (Veronica Mars) and Diane Ruggiero-Wright (Veronica Mars). From Bonanza Productions Inc. in association with Spondoolie Productions and Warner Bros. Television and based on characters created by Chris Roberson and Michael Allred, published by DC Entertainment’s Vertigo imprint, iZOMBIE airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on The CW.
Saturday April 4, 2015 2:30pm – 3:30pm 

American Odyssey Pilot Screening and Q&A
See the first episode of NBC’s new drama American Odyssey, a complex and exciting journey through global politics, corporate espionage, and military secrets involving three strangers who have only one thing in common; the truth. Following the screening, executive producers/writers Peter Horton (Grey’s Anatomy) and Adam Armus and Kay Foster (The Following) will be on hand for a Q&A session.
Saturday April 4, 2015 2:30pm – 3:45pm 
Room 300DE

Gotham Special Video Presentation and Q&A
Before there was Batman, there was Gotham. The origin story of the great DC Super-Villains and vigilantes has only just begun. Series stars and producers offer a Q&A discussion and special video presentation. Be among the first to find out what’s in store for the exciting conclusion to the first season. Gotham follows Jim Gordon’s rise through the Gotham City police department and the spawning ground of the world’s most iconic villains. From Warner Bros. Television, Gotham airs Mondays at 8/7c on FOX, with all-new episodes returning Monday, April 13.
Saturday April 4, 2015 3:45pm – 4:45pm 

TV Guide Magazine’s Fan Favorites Showrunners
TV Guide magazine returns to WonderCon Anaheim with an all-star panel of TV’s hottest showrunners. Moderated by TV Guide magazine executive editor Michael Schneider, the session brings together top producers for a look behind the scenes of your favorite shows.
Saturday April 4, 2015 3:45pm – 4:45pm 
Room 300DE

Marvel: Next Big Thing
From Star Wars to the Avengers, this panel has you covered! Editor Will Moss, Sam Humphries (Guardians of the Galaxy, X-Men: The Black Vortex), Greg Weisman (Star Wars: Kanan-The Last Padawan), Rick Remender (Avengers: Rage of Ultron), and other Mighty Marvel guests take on questions about Marvel’s biggest series and events!
Saturday April 4, 2015 4:00pm – 5:00pm 
Room 300AB

Blumhouse Productions: Unfriended and Insidious: Chapter 3
Blockbuster producer Jason Blum hosts an inside look at two of his upcoming horror thrillers from Blumhouse Productions. The stars and filmmakers of Universal Pictures’s Unfriended will be present to reveal footage and discuss their film that ushers in a new era of horror. Cast members from the smash Insidious franchise will also be on hand to show never-before-seen footage and reveal details of this June’s Focus Features release Insidious: Chapter 3.
Saturday April 4, 2015 5:00pm – 6:00pm 

TNT’s Falling Skies: The Final Battle
Members of the cast of Falling Skies present an exclusive look at the highly anticipated final season. The alien power source may have been destroyed, but with a hybrid breed of beast and mutant running rampant on Earth, human survival is still at stake. In these last episodes,Tom Mason and the 2nd Mass will face the final battle and the skies will fall. Stars Moon Bloodgood, Drew Roy, Doug Jones, and Sarah Carter and director Tunde Osunsanmi dissect the epic series finale in a panel discussion moderated byTV Guide’s Rich Sands. Don’t miss the final season of Falling Skies premiering this summer on TNT.
Saturday April 4, 2015 5:00pm – 6:00pm 
Room 300AB

Orphan Black: BBC America
The cast and co-creator reveal exclusive season three footage of BBC America’s award-winning original series Orphan Black. Ahead of the April 18 season premiere on BBC AMERICA, co-creator and writer Graeme Manson joins stars Jordan Gavaris (Felix), Dylan Bruce (Paul), Maria Doyle Kennedy (Mr. S), Evelyne Brochu (Delphine), and Kristian Bruun (Donnie) for a sneak peek and Q&A session. You can catch up on the first two seasons of Orphan Black via On Demand, all digital platforms, and streaming on Amazon Prime.
Saturday April 4, 2015 6:00pm – 7:00pm 
Room 300AB

Crackle’s Dead Rising: Watchtower
Game on! The widely popular Capcom videogame franchise Dead Rising rises to life. Actors Jesse Metcalfe (Desperate Housewives, Dallas), Meghan Ory (Once Upon a Time), Dennis Haysbert (Men Woman & Children), Rob Riggle (Let’s Be Cops, 21 Jump Street) and filmmakers Zach Lipovsky (On the Lot) and Tomas Harlan (Mortal Kombat) discuss the recent release of Dead Rising: Watchtower. Dead Rising: Watchtower is always streaming on Crackle.
Saturday April 4, 2015 7:00pm – 8:00pm 
Room 300AB


Sunday, April 5

DreamWorks: Dragons, Dinos, and More!
Get a first look at DreamWorks Animation’s amazing original series for Netflix, including a WonderCon Anaheim exclusive peek at the soon-to-premiere Dragons: Race to the Edge, along with the new adventure series Dinotrux. Plus, there will be glimpses into what’s in store for fan-favorite characters like King Julien and Puss In Boots. Even more surprises await as you go behind the scenes of these Netflix original series!
Sunday April 5, 2015 10:30am – 11:30am 
Room 300AB

World Premiere of Batman Unlimited: Animal Instincts
Another storm is brewing in Gotham, and it’s not only raining cats and dogs but evil Cyber Animals! Be among the first to see how Batman and his team of superheroes meet the challenge in the World Premiere of Batman Unlimited: Animal Instincts. When the city is plagued by a slew of bizarre crimes committed by an animal-inspired villain squad known as the Animilitia-made up of Silverback, Cheetah, Killer Croc, and Man-Bat-Batman must swing into action to investigate. These animalistic villains bring new and exciting challenges for the hero of Gotham, and Batman must find a way to bring these criminal creatures to a halt! But could the Animilitia be working for powerful businessman Oswald Cobblepot, aka The Penguin? How does The Penguin’s new invention of robotic Cyber Animals fit into the mix? In the end, it’ll be up to the combined forces of Batman, Flash, Green Arrow, Nightwing, and Red Robin to combat these Animal Instincts. Catch this new flick, then stay for an entertaining panel featuring the voice of Batman himself, Roger Craig Smith (Batman: Arkham Origins), Yuri Lowenthal (Ben 10 franchise, Naruto), screenwriter Heath Corson, and other guests. Batman Unlimited: Animal Instincts arrives May 12, 2015 from Warner Bros. Home Entertainment on Blu-ray Combo Pack, DVD, and Digital HD.
Sunday April 5, 2015 11:30am – 1:00pm 
Room 300AB

Powers: A Sneak Peek at the Final Episodes of Season One
The executive producers/co-creators of the Powers comics, Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Avon Oeming, are joined by showrunner Charlie Huston, and cast members Olesya Rulin (Calista) and Logan Browning (Zora) for a preview of what’s to come in the remaining episodes of PlayStation’s hit new original series.
Sunday April 5, 2015 12:15pm – 1:15pm 

Warner Archive Collection’s More Than Sidekicks!
Superheroes may get the glory, but it’s their “sidekicks” that do all the real heavy lifting-and steal your heart. Join the definitive voice of Robin, Loren Lester (Batman: The Animated Series), Warner Archive Collection podcasters D. W. Ferranti and Matthew Patterson, and a group of special guests offer an engaging look at some of the most endearing sidekicks to grace popular DC-based TV series; including every one from Burt Ward in the 1966 Batman series and Legends of the Superheroes TV special and the early TV cartoon incarnations of Teen Titans and Batman & Robin, to modern high-def presentations of Young Justice, Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Beware the Batman, and the upcoming Blu-ray release of Teen Titans Go!.
Sunday April 5, 2015 1:00pm – 2:00pm 
Room 300AB

Monster Hunter
The critically acclaimed 3DS hit Monster Hunter comes to WonderCon Anaheim! Find out why Monster Hunter is the number one gaming franchise in Japan and is about to take over the West! A panel of Capcom staff members including Ryozo Tsujimoto (executive producer) and Kaname Fujioka (executive director) share the new features and exclusive insights from Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (available now). The game features all new weapons, monsters, and native online support. This program will include new footage and announcements, as well as some special surprises, followed by a Q&A session.
Sunday April 5, 2015 1:30pm – 2:30pm 
Room 300DE

The Flash Special Video Presentation and Q&A
The Flash is a fast-paced superhero drama that follows the high-speed adventures of the Fastest Man Alive. After the unexpected and devastating explosion of the S.T.A.R. Labs Particle Accelerator, Central City Police Department CSI Barry Allen finds himself suddenly charged with the incredible power to move at super speeds. While Barry has always been a hero in his soul, his newfound powers have finally given him the ability to act like one. However, Barry was not the only one affected that fateful night. A rash of super-powered villains are now popping up all over Central City. With the help of his friends at S.T.A.R. Labs and his foster-father, Detective Joe West, Barry works to keep his city safe from these “metahumans,” while at the same time working to uncover the secrets of and defeat his arch-nemesis, The Man in Yellow, who is responsible for the death of his mother and the wrongful imprisonment of his father. Join Danielle Panabaker, Candice Patton, Carlos Valdes, along with executive producers Greg Berianti and Andrew Kreisberg for a special video presentation and Q&A. From Bonanza Productions Inc. in association with Berlanti Productions and Warner Bros. Television, The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8/7c on The CW.
Sunday April 5, 2015 1:30pm – 2:30pm 

Encore Screening: Batman vs. Robin
Warner Bros. Home Entertainment, DC Entertainment, and Warner Bros. Animation offer an encore screening of Batman vs. Robin, the latest entry in the ongoing series of DC Universe Original Movies, along with a video replay of Friday night’s panel. In the film, Damian Wayne, now bearing the mantle of Robin, blazes a headstrong and sometimes reckless trail alongside his father, Batman. While investigating a crime scene, Robin encounters a mysterious figure, Talon, who leads him on a life-altering course through the depths of Gotham’s secret society, known as The Court of Owls. It’s a dangerous journey that will force Batman and Robin to face their most dangerous adversary: each other! Enjoy the film, then stick around for the inside scoop during a video replay of the panel featuring the voices of Batman, Jason O’Mara (Terra Nova, Complications), Robin, Stuart Allan (Son of Batman), and Sean Maher (Firefly/Serenity, Much Ado About Nothing), alongside producer James Tucker (Justice League: Throne of Atlantis), director Jay Oliva (Batman: Assault on Arkham), character designer Phil Bourassa ( Justice League: Throne of Atlantis), and dialogue director Andrea Romano (Batman: The Dark Knight Returns). Inspired by the storyline from the bestselling graphic novel Batman: Court of Owls, Batman vs. Robin arrives April 14, 2015 from Warner Bros. Home Entertainment on Blu-ray Combo Pack, DVD, and Digital HD.
Sunday April 5, 2015 2:45pm – 4:45pm 

Comic Book News Marvel

Marvel Announces Secret Wars Civil War

You did know there was no sam heck in chance that Marvel was going to leave Civil War out of their upcoming Secret Wars event, right?

Me? I’m waiting for the Secret Wars Cosmos In Collision announcement.

With Captain America 3 coming out next year, Marvel announced Secret Wars Civil War though CNN.

Sadly it won’t be written by Mark Millar, but it will be written by Charles Soule with art by Leinil Francis Yu.

If you look at the ideas that that story had, Iron Man thought superheroes should have to register with the government, and become something of a police force. Captain America thought that that was restricting the central freedoms of this country. It was a debate of security versus freedom. We’re taking that basic idea and expanding it to a larger canvas. The Registration Act is all in the past at this point. It’s more of a world drastically changed based on a superhero war, and it’s a huge story and it’s fun to be able to involve every Marvel character there is. 





Comic Book News Marvel

Review: NINO Annual #1

Silly, juvenile, disrespectful of Nova mythos and fans, and un-heroic – this book is everything you’ve come to expect of NINO.

At least NINO admits at various times in the book that he’s stupid and doesn’t know what he’s doing.  That places him in the company of the 19K of zombies still buying this trash.

Of course, Duggan either doesn’t know or doesn’t care that Xandar hasn’t existed as a planet for a long time now.  He blithely sends NINO and the Hulk on a selfish quest to repair NINO’s helmet.  Upon arriving at the somehow re-constituted planet of Xandar, they find a powerful alien who has enslaved the “remaining Xandarians” and is forcing them to perform heavy labor.  Again, Duggan either doesn’t know or doesn’t care that Xandarians are nearly identical to humans as he portrays the Xandarians as very alien.

Do you think NINO and Hulk do the heroic thing and free the Xandarians from slavery or make some attempt to resurrect Xandar?  No.  Hulk temporarily disables the alien slave lord, finds some parts to fix NINO’s helmet, then he and NINO selfishly and un-heroically leave the remaining Xandarians to be re-enslaved.  What a nice thank you to the culture who provided the loser duo of NINO and his dad their powers.  Pathetic.  Immoral.  But that’s why this trash is and ever will be “Nova In Name Only” – because no other being worthy of the uniform would ever behave so selfishly, un-heroically, and utterly disgracefully.

The art and coloring are mediocre with NINO continuing to look ridiculous in his manga-ized version of a Nova uniform.  The art used to at least distract readers from the atrocious writing, but even the art is slipping as this book comes ever closer to its recently announced cancellation date.  Given that NINO is a Loeb vanity project, it’s probably too much to hope that we’ve seen the last of NINO.  I’m not too worried about the upcoming politically correct NINO-ette – as she’ll be DOA.

So good riddance to NINO (and a hoped for quick riddance to PC NINO-ette).  Your final issue can’t come too soon and you won’t be missed.

Comic Book News Marvel

Marvel Cancelling 33 Titles Including NINO


Finally some good news for Richard Rider fans, but don’t hold your breath – more on that below.

With Marvel’s new Secret Wars event comes word the publisher is ending 33 titles.

Among those titles is NINO, Captain Ms. Marvel, Legendary Star-Lord and Rocket Raccoon.

Sales for NINO and Captain Ms. Marvel have well been under cancellation levels for some time, and Star-Lord and Rocket Raccoon have been dropping steadily.

The new Marvel “Cosmic” has been unable to sustain the readership that Abnett and Lanning enjoyed with their stellar run, of which Marvel Comics editor Bill Rosemann stated consisted of “rock solid sales.”

The bad news is that Marvel Comics continues to be going in the wrong direction with Nova, as NINO writer Gerry Duggan is on the new Secret Wars Infinity Gauntlet book, which like NINO, appears to be a mockery of the original. This time Marvel seems to be going with a parody version of Jim Starlin’s Infinity Gauntlet series that is inspiring the current Marvel Studios wave of movies (and for the record, Starlin had no idea and was never told about the Secret Wars IG series).

The new IG now features a multi-colored version of the Nova Corps (interestingly enough, DnA pitched a multi-colored Nova Corps prior to their 2007 Nova series) that focuses on a young black female NINO.

I’ll also comment on Abnett’s Guardians 3000 being on the list: The first issue saw high sales (much to the surprise of Marvel); however, sales quickly dropped on subsequent issues. It’s my opinion that going with Alex Ross covers paired with an anime/manga-inspired artist on the inside wasn’t the best way to go. I’ll also say that Marvel hasn‘t given Abnett an A-list artist since Brad Walker or Andrea Di Vito.

Check out the list of series ending prior to Secret Wars (via Newsarama) with, of course, some being relaunched:

All-New Captain America
All-New Ghost Rider
All-New X-Men
Amazing Spider-Man
Amazing X-Men
Angela: Asgard’s Assassin
Avengers, Avengers World
Captain Marvel
Fantastic Four
Guardians 3000
Guardians of the Galaxy
Iron Fist: The Living Weapon
Legendary Star-Lord
Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man
New Avengers
Rocket Raccoon
Secret Avengers
Spider-Man & the X-Men
Spider-Man 2099
Superior Iron Man
Uncanny X-Men

Comic Book News Marvel Star Wars

Marvel’s Star Wars Drops Over 800K; Stuart Immonen Onboard With #8


January saw Star Wars return to Marvel with around 1 million copies sold, which was due to 60 variant covers and geek box subscriptions.

However, now Marvel’s Star Wars has come back down to earth as sales for issue two dropped by over 800,000 copies.

Star Wars #2 sold around 162,000 giving it the #4 book overall for February.

It’s also learned that current series artist John Cassaday will be leaving as the artist announced the news on Facebook.

Marvel has announced that Stuart Immonen will be replacing Cassaday with July’s Star Wars #8 and released the following cover art.

It’s unknown who is on art chores for Star Wars #7.


Marvel Movie News

Jason Momoa Responds To “F” Marvel Backlash


Earlier today saw Jason Momoa respond to DC haters by writing “F— Marvel” on the new Aquman movie poster.

Of course, some fanboys exploded with outrage, and now Momoa takes to his Instagram to tell everybody to relax.

“Had fun in Indiana,” Momoa posted. “Remember everyone don’t take shit so seriously. Love eat drink laugh Be merry. Aloha.”

Momoa has been cast as the new Aquaman, which is a different take than the original blond-hair blue-eyed original.


Had fun in Indiana. Remember everyone don’t take shit so seriously. Love eat drink laugh Be merry. Aloha j.

A photo posted by Jason Momoa (@prideofgypsies) on


Hey me too buddy. Aloha j

A photo posted by Jason Momoa (@prideofgypsies) on


Where’s the hound? Someone can’t hang with the khal. Bahahahahahaha.

A photo posted by Jason Momoa (@prideofgypsies) on

“Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” has a March 25, 2016 release starring Ben Affleck as Batman, Henry Cavill as Superman, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Amy Adams as Lois Lane, Laurence Fishburne as Perry White, Diane Lane as Martha Kent, Jeremy Irons as Alfred, Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor, Ray Fisher as Cyborg with Callan Mulvey, Holly Hunter and Tao Okamoto in new character roles for the film. Justice League is to follow directed by Zack Snyder as well.

Marvel Movie News

New Aquaman Jason Momoa Says “F” Marvel


It’s definitely on!

Following shots fired by Patton Oswalt and Robert Kirkman in addition to online criticism, a fan asks new Aquaman Jason Momoa about the DC hate. 

Momoa recently attended the Indiana Comic-Con where a fan asked Momoa to write a response to how the DC haters can join the DC universe.

Momoa’s response?

“F— Marvel!”

Check out the pic below.

Jason Momoa will be featured in Batman Vs. Superman, Justice League and his own standalone Aquaman movie.

Update: Momoa has responded to the backlash surrounding the image.


“Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” has a March 25, 2016 release starring Ben Affleck as Batman, Henry Cavill as Superman, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Amy Adams as Lois Lane, Laurence Fishburne as Perry White, Diane Lane as Martha Kent, Jeremy Irons as Alfred, Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor, Ray Fisher as Cyborg with Callan Mulvey, Holly Hunter and Tao Okamoto in new character roles for the film. Justice League is to follow directed by Zack Snyder as well.

Marvel Movie News Star Wars

Watch: Patton Oswalt Rips The DC Movies A New One (Video)

It should probably be noted before you watch the above that Patton Oswalt plays a Marvel character(s) in Marvel’s Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. 

Of course that doesn’t man he’s biased, as Patton Oswalt answers fan questions ranging from his thoughts on Spider-Man entering the Marvel Cinematic Universe, to the new Star Wars, to a Matrix/Terminator/Robocop movie, to ripping apart the gritty and serious tone of the new DC movies, to favorite comic book movie, and the superhero he would like to play.

The DC rant hits at about the 4 minute mark.

“God damn it guys,” Oswalt offered. “Stop with the brooding! The only one who gets to brood is Batman! It only works if he’s the one brooding guy! They can’t all be brooding! God damn it.”

Related: Robert Kirkman, creator of The Walking Dead, also isn’t a fan of DC’s approach.

Comic Book News Marvel

Watch: Marvel Promo For James Patterson’s Max Ride: First Flight

This April sees the release of Marvel Comics’ adaptation of the popular James Patterson Max Ride novels.

Above you can check out a promo, which includes Patterson talking about the comic as well.

As it’s said Patterson gave Marvel a lot of leeway, it looks like they are going in a different direction for the characters’ wings.


Bringing the hit-sensation young adult series Maximum Ride to the world of comics as only Marvel could, this new series follows the high-flying adventures of Max and the “flock” – Fang, Iggy, Nudge, Gasman and Angel. 

They’re a group of ordinary teenage kids – only they are part human and part avian! The product of genetic tampering that has given them extraordinary abilities, these six teens lives quickly morph into a living nightmare as they try to escape their creators and defend themselves from the deadly ”Erasers”. As Max uncovers the truth about her origins, she’ll discover her true calling – saving the world!


Comic Book News Marvel

Marvel Announces Armor Wars Secret Wars

First teased back in October of last year, Marvel has now officially announced Armor Wars for the Secret Wars event.

“Armor Wars” was a seven issue arc from Iron Man issues #225-231.

If you haven’t read the story, be sure to pick up the trade. Great stuff.

I’m curious to see how these rehashed Secret Wars stories will be. Will they live up to the originals? Or will they just be goofball parodies?

Here’s the cover and info:


This June, venture to a wondrous techno-utopia, with a dark and sinister secret in ARMOR WARS #1 – a new Secret Wars series! Eisner-award winning writer James Robinson and artist Marcio Takara show you the beauty technology can bring…and the horrors it can unleash!

Welcome to Technopolis, a shining beacon for all Battleworld to see. Full of science and wonder created at the hands of rival genius brothers – Tony Stark and Arno Stark. Yet shadows fall over this armored Utopia. A unique disease forces EVERYONE to wear armor just to live and breathe!

“We’ve got this absolutely cool as heck city filled with absolutely cool as heck armored citizens,” says Senior Editor Mark Paniccia. “The design work that Marcio has done with both the environment of Technoplis and the armors of all the various characters deserves its own coffee table art book.

“Plus, James is delving into the kind of emotional and hard hitting story he excels at,” continues Paniccia. “He’s doing some amazing world-building and bringing us a mystery that—as it’s peeled back—will shock readers and make their hearts sink into their stomachs.”

But when murder strikes his domain, Baron Tony Stark must race against the clock to identify the mysterious killer. But is he too late to stop more bodies from showing up? And just who is the mysterious Iron Hand? Find out as the mechanical murder mystery kicks off in ARMOR WARS #1 this June!

Armor Wars #1




On Sale in June!


Comic Book News Marvel

90s X-Men Animated Series Returns For Marvel’s Secret Wars

X-Men opening

Probably the most popular Marvel animated series of all time will be returning in comic book form for Marvel’s upcoming Secret Wars event with X-Men: 92.

Secret Wars sees characters from Marvel’s different universes collide on Battleworld.

Check out the cover below, which is straight out of the cartoon.

X-Men: ’92 will be written by Chad Bowers and Chris Sims with art by Scott Koblish (via polygon).

The series will premiere digitally first in May followed by the print version in June.

The X-Men animated series aired on Saturday mornings on FOX back in 1992.


Comic Book News Marvel

Top Ten Comics For February 2015


Diamond Comics released their sales charts for February 2015 comic book sales.

We are now starting to see the effect that the geek box subscriptions have on sales as IDW Publishing’s Orphan Black takes the #1 spot overall. More than likely, it would have had a difficult time cracking the top 100.

Marvel then takes the top three spots with two Star Wars titles and Spider-Gwen. DC nabs only two spots.

We see that Star Wars #2 comes in probably still over 100k as it beats out Batman, which is a six figure regular.

I’m still betting Star Wars #2 will have the biggest sales drop ever as it’s first issue sold over 1 million copies, which was in part due to 60 variant covers and geek box subscriptions.

The question, at least for me is, does the geek box subscriptions have any lasting impace on sales? Does it bring in readers? Guess we’ll find out with Oprhan Black #2. I will say that it is nice to see an indie take the #1 spot for the month.

Other thoughts:

Marvel again dominates DC Comics in both dollar share and number of comics sold.

We also see that comic sales are up around 15% from a year prior, which is good news.

It will be interesting to see how DC’s Convergence effects the sales as their events usually do well; plus each comic is priced at $5 bucks a pop.

Marvel is also launching Secret Wars, which the zombies will be sure to chew up.





Marvel Movie News Star Wars

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Publishing Program Announced


Disney has announced a new publishing program with “Journey To Star Wars: The Force Awakens” which is coming this Fall.

The program will consist of a series of books and comics leading into the December premiere of Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Marvel Comics will publish two new Star Wars comics with Star Wars: Journey to the Force Awakens and Star Wars: Journey to the Force Awakens-C-3PO.

In addition, included will be more than 20 titles available in print and digital, and will feature new narrative stories for middle grade and young adults as well as comics, illustrated reference, Look and Find, and sticker book formats. Stories are set to star characters old and new, and retell classic Star Wars tales from new perspectives.

“We are thrilled to be developing content for fans of this epic saga across the globe,” said Andrew Sugerman, executive vice president, Disney Publishing Worldwide. “The robust publishing program will appeal to a range of fans — old and new — across all formats from comics to novels to apps, making this one of the most exciting and collaborative collection of stories that we’ve seen to date.“

All titles published under Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens will be canonical within the Star Wars universe, and in-continuity with the Star Wars films, animated series, new books, and Marvel comics. The global program comes as a result of a massive collaboration between Disney-Lucasfilm and its publishing partners, including Del Rey, DK, Egmont UK, Marvel, Phoenix International Publications, Inc., Studio Fun International, and Topps.

“The filmmakers have a lot of surprises in store, and the hints and puzzle pieces in the publishing program will keep fans guessing until the film opens. Until then, let the anticipation — and the speculation — begin,” said Michael Siglain, director, Creative Franchise, Lucasfilm, Disney Publishing Worldwide.

Novels for young adults, focusing on Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Princess Leia, will be published by Disney-Lucasfilm Press in North America and distributed internationally. The young adult novels have notable talent attached, including Cecil Castellucci (Boy Proof, Tin Star), Greg Rucka, New York Times bestselling author (Detective Comics and 52), Jason Fry (The Clone Wars: Darth Maul: Shadow ConspiracyStar Wars Insider contributor) and New York Times bestselling author Claudia Gray (The Firebird trilogy and Evernight series).

Some book and comic titles have been revealed, and they offer fans a fun glimpse into the possible stories within: Star Wars: Aftermath (Del Rey), Lost Stars (Disney-Lucasfilm Press), Smuggler’s Run: A Han Solo Adventure (Disney-Lucasfilm Press), The Weapon of a Jedi: A Luke Skywalker Adventure (Disney-Lucasfilm Press), Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure (Disney-Lucasfilm Press), Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know (DK), Star Wars: Journey to the Force Awakens (Marvel Comics), Star Wars: Journey to the Force Awakens-C-3PO (Marvel Comics), and Star Wars: Ships of the Galaxy (Studio Fun International).

“Star Wars: The Force Awakens” has a December 18, 2015 release directed by J.J. Abrams from a screenplay by Lawrence Kasdan and Abrams. Kathleen Kennedy, J.J. Abrams, and Bryan Burk are producing, and John Williams returns as the composer.

Actors John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, Andy Serkis, Domhnall Gleeson, Max von Sydow, Lupita Nyong’o and Gwendoline Christie will join the original stars of the saga, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew, and Kenny Baker in the new film.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer:

Comic Book News Marvel

Marvel Comics Will Be At Comic-Con


James Gunn recently stated Marvel isn’t going to be at Comic-Con, and that he might not be there either.

Of course, this caused quite the commotion online as comic book movies happen to be he biggest draw for the convention.

No Marvel Studios means no Ant-Man, Captain America: Civil War, no Doctor Strange. No Avengers.

With Gunn stating no Marvel does that mean Marvel Comics as well?

Thankfully it doesn’t, True Believers, as Marvel Comics’ Senior Vice President of Publishing and executive editor Tom Brevoort confirms the presence of Marvel Comics at Comic-Con this Summer.

“I have no idea what Marvel Studios does or does not have planned for San Diego,” Brevoort replied on Tumblr when a fan asked if Marvel Comics will be attending the SDCC. “Marvel Comics will be there.”

Marvel Comics normally puts on one of the best exhibits and panels at the various conventions, so at least fans can look forward to that.

Regarding Gunn’s comments, Marvel Studios has yet to officially announce they are bowing out of Comic-Con, but if it’s true, it’s thought Marvel Studios will be holding their own presentation later in the year (maybe to announce the new Spider-Man and such).

Marvel Movie News

James Gunn Says No San Diego Comic-Con For Marvel

[[wysiwyg_imageupload:19559:]]Kevin Feige & James Gunn At SDCC 2013

No big Hall H presentation by Marvel Studios this Summer at the San Diego Comic-Con?

If Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn‘s words are to be believed, Marvel Studios will not be attending Comic-Con in July.

A fan asked Gunn about attending the SDCC on Facebook, with Gunn replying, “I’m not sure. Marvel isn’t going so I’m not sure I will either.”

It’s unknown if Gunn’s reply was tongue-in-cheek, but the director is known to be a straight-shooter when it comes to the fans, so Marvel Studios may very well be skipping out on the SDCC.

If it is true, more than likely Marvel will be holding their own press event – possibly at Disney’s D23 Expo a month after Comic-Con on August 14-16 in Anaheim.

Marvel did announce their Avengers Infinity War line-up post-Comic-Con at a solo event; however, that was thought more due to Marvel not signing contracts in time with various actors for their upcoming Phase 3 movies.

It is possible Marvel may want to hold their own press event as it generates more publicity and doesn’t get buried by everything else announced at Comic-Con.

DC and Warner Bros. are thought to be in full force at this year’s SDCC with Batman Vs. Superman and Justice League.   Maybe WB would be better off holding their own press event as well (BvS cast appeared for only a couple minutes at SDCC 2014)?

Marvel may choose to do their own thing – especially seeing they now have Spider-Man – which obviously would be huge.

Bear in mind, Gunn has been wrong or told a little fib in the past: When an early piece of promo art surfaced for Guardians of the Galaxy revealing an Infinity Stone, Gunn claimed it was fan art, but it wasn’t. However, Gunn really has no reason to stretch the truth here.

With Marvel possibly not being at Comic-Con July 9-12, that would mean no promotion for Ant-Man (opens following weekend on July 17th), nothing for Captain America: Civil War (Spider-Man announcement is/was expected), and nothing for Benedict Cumberbatch’s Doctor Strange (November  4, 2016).

Marvel Movie News

No Ms. Marvel In Guardians of the Galaxy 2

[[wysiwyg_imageupload:19550:]]See how awful the above really is (Bendys GOTG)?


With Marvel launching a Carol Danvers Ms. Captain Marvel (there’s only one Mar-vell, guys) in 2018, some fans may have thought Ms. Marvel would first be appearing in Guardians of the Galaxy 2.

The good news (or bad news, depending how you look at it), is that there will be no Captain Ms. Marvel in Guadians of the Galaxy 2.

Gunn tweeted out: “Getting this a lot this morning. As I said months ago, no, sorry.”

The fan speculation may be attributed to the current Marvel Comics Guardians of the Galaxy comic book, written by Brian Michael Bendys, which featured the character. Bendiss also included Iron Man in his less than stellar run, and no Iron Man was featured in the Guardians of the Galaxy movie as well (contrary to fan rumors).

We get futher good news in that Bendy’s symbiote world (i.e. Venom) won’t be in Guardians of the Galaxy 2 from Gunn.

“There are no rumors. Just guesses, which are fun,” Gunn also tweeted. “Only 6 of us know who’s in GotG2.”

Regarding why no Ms. Marvel, Gunn previously said he wants to keep Star-Lord as the only human in space, which we actually don’t agree with either as: 1) Star-Lord isn’t human (he’s half alien) and 2) Star-Lord was taken away to space at such a young age, he isn’t a relatabe human character anymore.

Of course our choice to pair with Star-Lord is – as seen in the comics – Richard Rider Nova.

“Guardians of the Galaxy 2” has a May 5, 2017 release.

[[wysiwyg_imageupload:19551:]]Much better, thank you.

Comic Book News Marvel

Updated Marvel Secret Wars Battle Map

With Marvel continuing to roll out their “new 44,” they have now released an updated version of the Secret Wars Battlemap.

Secret Wars launches in May that sees universe’s collide and battles fought on Battleworld.

It looks like there are about nine titles still left to announce.

I’m looking forward to Abnett’s Korvac Saga and Peter David’s Future Imperfect.

You can check out an interactive version on


Marvel TV News

Krysten Ritter Reveals Her Big Guns For Jessica Jones


Krysten Ritter will be playing the Marvel Comics superhero Jessica Jones in the Netflix series, and now she reveals she is living up to expectations.

In the Marvel Comics, Jessica Jones has superhuman strength and at times other abilities.

Check out the pic Ritter released on Instagram revealing her big guns as we see she is obviously getting in shape for the role.

Jessica Jones also stars Mike Colter as Luke Cage, David Tennant as Kilgrave, Rachael Taylor as Trish and Carrie-Anne Moss in an unknown role.


After a tragic ending to her short-lived super hero stint, Jessica Jones is rebuilding her personal life and career as a detective who gets pulled into cases involving people with extraordinary abilities in New York City. 


Comic Book News Marvel

Secret Wars Korvac Saga Announced By Dan Abnett


Marvel has announced this Summer will see Dan Abnett pen a new version of the Korvac Saga for Secret Wars with art by Otto Schmidt.

According to Newsarama, the all-new Korvac Saga will see Abnett’s Guardians 3000 in service of Korvac, who is lord of the Battleworld domain known as Forest Hills (a version of New York, and where Korvac originally fought the Guardians and Avengers).

The team is set to go up against a neighboring domain (Holy Wood) led by Wonder Man who also has his own team of heroes – Avengers – consisting of Captain Marvel, Jocasta, Black Panther, Hercules, the Vision, Moondragon, Yellowjacket and Black Widow.

Abnett describes his Korvac as the one who brought back both the Avengers and Guardians after killing them and then regretting it: “noble, determined, high-minded and essentially trying to rule fairly and justly, and look after this people. He’s not a bad guy. The Guardians are his police, his bodyguards, his retainers. They are loyal to him because they believe in him. But there’s a dark, dark menace arising in his kingdom that threatens his rule, his people, a lot more besides…”

Abnett also describes the book as: “a shocking story, very unusual. A villain who isn’t a full-on villain, and foe that even Earth’s Mightiest Heroes can’t stop. It’s, I think, the original Guardians’ most epic, classic story, and it makes Korvac their number one foe, their classic adversary, their arch-nemesis.”


Comic Book News Marvel

Faith No More Bassist Bill Gould Fan Of Richard Rider Nova

It’s learned that Faith No More bassist Bill Gould is a big fan of Nova.

The band has a new single coming out with “Superhero,” with Gould talking to about the song and Marvel characters.

“‘Superhero’ actually just started from the sound of the song, where it has these pounding drums and it has like this throbbing kind of pulse, and we just called it the ‘Superhero’ song. Because, a lot of the ways we write we visualize things,” Gould offered.

Gould continues with mention he was a fan of comics growing up.

“To put things into perspective, I ceased being a comic collector in 1976 but up till then, I was really into it for about three years. Like obsessively into it,” Gould said. “I had Silver Surfer #1, Conan #1 and #2, I had some really cool stuff.

“Nova was a big one,” Gould added. “That was my big hope for the future. I was hoping it would go another thousand [issues] into the series. Yeah, I was really into it. [When] I turned 15 years old, [I found out that] my next door neighbor really admired my comic collection. There was this scooter [he owned that] I really wanted to get, because I didn’t need a license to drive it, and I traded my entire collection for this scooter and I really regret it now.”

Gould also says he has renewed interest in Nova.

“I’m actually really interested now,” Gould said. “It’s funny because I hadn’t really thought of the Nova character until I heard I had this interview, and I was thinking back in my mind like, ‘what was I into?’ and I started remembering. Actually Nova now kind of has a cult following doesn’t it?”

Faith No More’s “Super Hero Will be available as a limited edition 7-inch single on March 17th, with the album “Sol Invictus” released on May 19th

Regarding Mr. Gould’s statements, Nova does indeed have a cult following as the fans of the character support Richard Rider even though Marvel Comics replaced the character with a lower selling and less popular version. Richard Rider Nova happened to be the best selling action figure of the Guardians of the Galaxy film (even though he wasn’t in the movie) and was also voted in ahead of his replacement for a video game. In addition, a new Richard Rider Nova action figure was recently announced at Toy Fair.

Cosmic Book News would like to recommend that Mr. Gould pick up the Annihilation Marvel Comics event that spearheaded Richard Rider Nova into the spotlight as well as the 2007 Nova comic book, which was written by the writers that inspired the Guardians of the Galaxy movie, Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning.

[[wysiwyg_imageupload:19439:]]Faith No More





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