Comic Book Editor Exposes Pros Who Want To Destroy Local Comic Shops
They want the Direct Market to collapse and can’t stand owners.
They want the Direct Market to collapse and can’t stand owners.
The comic book community is buzzing following comic shop owner Glenn O’Leary blasting comic book writers in that viral video.
Along with the ‘Echo’ series doesn’t focus on the larger MCU continuity.
All five episodes of Echo will stream on Disney+ and Hulu on January 10, 2024.
James Gunn confirms Russell is not playing Jor-El.
What is the message really being send by the movie?
Issue #30 leaks online a week ahead of time revealing the fate of Marc Spector.
Follows last week’s big success of Godzilla: Minus One.
Director Takashi Yamazaki reveals the budget of $15 million is vastly over reported.
An Omnibus removes two issues reducing the content by more than 50 pages at the same cost.
Just like Ms. Marvel, Sam Alexander is a colossal failure that fans can’t stand.
The actress reverses course in an interview with The Little Mermaid’s Halle Bailey.
Toho officially announces the King of the Monsters isn’t going anywhere.
Jamal Igle, Gail Simone, Jimmy Palmiotti, and Mark Millar tweet their reactions.
The 83-year-old action star is back following ‘The Expendables’ 2 in 2012.
The flick is done really well on a modest budget. Comic fans should dig it.
The box office numbers won’t be released effectively meaning the flick has ended it’s theatrical run.
Russell T Davies doubles down on sending a message.
Alan Scott: Green Lantern #2 continues to change the history.
The Doctor thinks Isaac Newton who has apparently been race swapped is so hot.