DC Leaker Teases Henry Cavill Superman, Batman, No Zack Snyder

DC Leaker Teases Henry Cavill Superman, Batman, No Zack Snyder

The DC rumors are once again flying and this time they are stating Henry Cavill is indeed back as Superman, that Zack Snyder is all done with the DCEU, info about Batman, that it seems the Sasha Calle Supergirl isn’t going to be much of anything, and more.

The leaks come from the DCFILMSINSIDER Twitter account where yesterday the account said they won’t be posting much anymore.

The account also revealed they work at Warner Bros. as part of the marketing department and set up the Twitter account to tease the fans about the DC movies and almost got caught doing it.

Batgirl Leslie Grace
Batgirl Leslie Grace

DCFILMSINSIDER works on Batgirl and in marketing for Warner Bros.

“Hey to all the DC fans, this will be one of my last posts/threads…” the account Tweeted on Tuesday. “Started this account with 2 friends in the office a few years back. Thought it would be fun to put out some info or little bits of clues to get fans exited about DC movies. We all worked in a promo dept. inside the Water Tower.”

The account continued with mention there have been big changes as a result of the merger which sees Warner Bros. Discovery and David Zaslav taking over and says similar sentiments to the recent report on how Zack Snyder’s Justice League should have never happened in regards to the fans.

“I love DC/WB. I will be honest, it’s been a rough season internally,’ tweeted DCFILMSINSIDER. “Leadership have been pu–ies but the fans have been a terrible storm. Their reactions have f-cked so many things up from projects to actual talent not wanting to come on board. You have no idea. F-ckers.”

The account also revealed involvement with the canceled Batgirl.

“Now it’s time to go away. I’m bored and there is too much up and down at WB/DC. I have had so many projects in tailspin. Literally work I did on a batgirl is popping up in places. Marketing can’t always be stopped,” the account tweeted.

Replying to a fan who said Batgirl deserves to be seen, much like has been said in the trades, Batgirl doesn’t seem to be all that good.

“Not if you actually seen it. Don’t act like you know,” replied the account.

The account also claims to have given scoopers information.

“Scoopers started to hit me up all the time for details. I gave them what I knew,” said DCFILMSINSIDER. “Things that were going to happen and for whatever reason, didn’t. 2 things I shared with a scooper blew up badly for them. That is the scoop game though.”

The account continued, “It is really wild how things change in studios day to day. Things that are true today may not be true tomorrow. That’s happened a lot.”

“There were some close calls with us being found out and one of us changed jobs, so o decided to just run this account,” tweeted DCFILMSINSIDER.

Henry Cavill as Superman in Man of Steel
Henry Cavill as Superman in Man of Steel

Henry Cavill back as Superman

Regarding Henry Cavill back as Superman, which is said to be a done deal, the account reveals that Henry Cavill was going to do the Shazam! scene and it even was going to feature a new suit (which is now rumored for Black Adam).

“There was other sh-t. Cavill was going to do Shazam. All you Snyder D-ck heads don’t know anything. Schedule and contracts got in the way. Even had a new suit for the slot. Go watch that scene,” said the account.

On July 20th, the account tweeted a GIF of Henry Cavill as Superman waving and teased a fan to “wait for it.”

YouTuber Grace Randolph recently said that Marvel is open to casting Henry Cavill as Superman, where DCFILMSINSIDER replied, “Superman,” and said the Marvel rumor is false.

Ben Affleck and Jason Momoa
Ben Affleck and Jason Momoa

Ben Affleck back as Batman

Another fan made a comment in regards to DCFILMSINSIDER stating Ben Affleck is done as Batman, but recently saw the news Affleck will appear in The Flash and Aquaman 2.

“Things have changed. A lot,” replied the account. “He is doing a solid. Listen, it’s not like an Affleck movie is coming. Your wishful thinking is funnier than your lack of real life friends.”

The account also said in a previous tweet: “Hot take for a Monday b-tches, I think the Affleck Batman film would have been the best way to go right now. I like the Reeves film, but people love the shared universes. It’s doing well, but it’s another reboot. But Affleck walked and that is a mother f-cking shame.”

More on the Matt Reeves and Robert Pattinson Batman below.

Zack Snyder directing Justice League
Henry Cavill as Superman in Man of Steel

Zack Snyder done with DC

Regarding Zack Snyder being done with the DCEU, the account states numerous times that Snyder is done with DC and that the Snyder Verse will not be coming back.

“Look, things are shuffling. And it’s f-cked up. WB/DC is shuffling. More surprises to come. Good or bad, depending on your feelings. Announced and developed things may go…away. PS Snyderverse is still not coming back FYI to the b-tches,” tweeted the account on August 2. “Have to remind the people who have no clue.”

The account also tweeted on July 20: “Zack ain’t coming back. That’s a crack pipe dream.”

DCFILMSINSIDER also shot back at a fan on Tuesday, “If you are an Associate Producer, how come you are never invited to any important meetings? Hope you got the memo on no more Snyder DC movies Associate Producer.”

DCFILMSINSIDER added, “Oh, I may stick around all these DMs from Snyder fans have been funny. Skin as thin as free condoms at college festivals.”

Another tweet on the Snyder fans: “Oh, I like Snyder. His clueless people are the issues. Not you hon.”

A fan also remarked that the Hamada and Johns “schlockverse” is getting cancelled, but DCFILMSINSIDER said that isn’t happening.

“Not at all. Snyder is done. Be intelligent. Go watch Netflix movies,” replied the account.

Another tweet: “Zack is gone kid. How about you walk into any place you want and say, ‘yo! I am working here now!’ That’s not how it works, especially for Snyder. You will be saying this shot for years. This guy is making films at Netflix, when is he going to make JL2? When Gal is 60?”

“Zack will never do DC again,” states another tweet.

Supergirl Sasha Calle fan art
Supergirl Sasha Calle fan art

No Supergirl

It has previously been reported that the Sasha Calle Supergirl in The Flash was going to be a way to reboot Superman (or replace him), but it recently has been said the planned Supergirl movie has been scrapped.

It seems DCFILMSINSIDER agrees.

Robert Pattinson as Batman
Robert Pattinson as Batman

Robert Pattinson Batman

There have been rumors that David Zaslav is going to bring in the Matt Reeves and Robert Pattinson Batman into the shared DCEU universe, but DCINSIDER states that isn’t happening, with the info lining up with an earlier report on how the Reeves and Robert Pattinson Batman will eventually be phased out.

“No Robert Pattinson as DCEU Batman,” tweeted DCINSIDER.

Responding to the Pattinson rumor about joining the DCEU: “Where did you get that? The Batman is as much of a cul de sac as the snyderverse. It’s not moving on to expand. It’s got maybe 5-7 years of a life. DCEU plan is long term.”

A fan also said there is a chance that the new DC leadership will bring in Robert Pattinson as the DCEU Batman.

DCFILMSINSIDER disagreed, “Not a chance.”

The account also made mentioned Armie Hammer as Batman (who was going to play Batman in the 2007 George Miller Justice League) and Robert Pattinson.

“Imagine if Hammer was the Batman? Plus he would have been a DCU Batman, not a Reeves-Verse,” states the tweet.

DCINSIDER continued, “One was about Aquaman and one was about Armie Hammer as Batman. Both real things that were almost things. Don’t believe the detractors. As much as Pattinson was Reeves guy, he wasn’t everyone’s guy. Studios wanted stature. History sides with Reeves.”

Ray Fisher as Cyborg and Ezra Miller as The Flash
Ray Fisher as Cyborg and Ezra Miller as The Flash

On Ray Fisher and Ezra Miller

In tweets from a while back, the account also doesn’t seem to be big fans of both Ray Fisher and Ezra Miller.

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