Now Zack Snyder Says Doomsday Wasn’t Doomsday


Batman Vs. Superman saw the introduction of what was thought to be Doomsday into the DCEU, but now, oddly enough, it’s learned that was not THE Doomsday.

Director Zack Snyder replied to a fan on the Vero social networking app, “Yes, the real Doomsday is still out there.”

Batman vs. Superman saw “Doomsday” created through use of Zod’s body, Lex’s blood and Kryptonian technology.

“Blood of my blood… Born to destroy you… Your Doomsday,” Lex tells Superman.

The Batman Vs. Superman art of the movie book even lists “Doomsday” and shows off concept art, and an artist that worked on movie even called some of his art “Doomsday.” 

But that wasn’t THE Doomsday?

And the “real” Doomsday is still out there?

Superman vs Doomsday:


A major problem I had with Batman vs. Superman was how Zack Snyder handled Superman, as basically anything related to the Man of Steel in the movie was a complete mess.

Doomsday was simply awful: looked awful and was written awful.

Superman debuted just a movie prior and now “Doomsday” kills him?

So what are they going to do? Have the “real” Doomsday appear down the road and do the “Death of Superman” story again?  Kill and have Superman come back twice (lol)?

Sorry. No way can they do the “Death of Superman” story again unless they reboot it.

While Doomsday came off as awful in Batman vs. Superman (Seriously? How can someone who worked on the movie not raise their hand and say “This is awful” — ?), David Goyer did Doomsday and the fans justice in the SYFY Krypton series. Guess we found Doomsday. 


#doomsday done right! #krypton #syfy #superman

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