Zachary Levi ‘Snyder Cut’ Comments Prior To Zack Snyder Confirmation


Twitter is currently ablaze as Zachary Levi said that the Snyder Cut of Justice League doesn’t exist and that fans should get over it — but it’s a quote that is basically taken out of context from October, which is prior to Jason Momoa confirming the existence in November and Zack Snyder having confirmed things in December.

Why the quote surfaced now is anybody’s guess, but the click-bait-owned site by CBS network reported Saturday: “Shazam! Star Zachary Levi Says Finished Justice League Snyder Cut Release Is ‘Just Not Happening.'”

Here is what Levi said, again from October at the Celebrity Fan Fest Preview Con, prior to both Momoa and Snyder confirming the existence of the “Snyder Cut”:

“Well, I know what a whole bunch of people on Twitter keep crying out for, but it doesn’t exist. As far as I know, it doesn’t exist. Of course there’s always like initial, early drafts, or early cuts that they’ll show studios and stuff like that, but I’m sure that’s as far as that got.”

“[Zack Snyder] had to leave, and Joss [Whedon] was brought on, and they did the rest of the movie, and that was the cut. There is not some finished version of Justice League with all the everything that was all Zack Snyder, that I know of. You can’t believe everything online. Shocker, right?

I would encourage anyone who’s still waiting for some Snyder Cut to be released to focus your passion into another cut of something else. Because it’s just not happening. It doesn’t exist.

It’s noted Levi then joked he’s “still waiting for the Snyder Cut to be released” before adding, “No, I’m kidding. It doesn’t exist.”

Zachary Levi Shazam

Zachary Levi responds to Snyder Cut comments

So, since the article was published Saturday – January 2020 – fans went into panic mode and attacked Zachary Levi on Twitter, who, credit to the Shazam! actor, took everything in stride.

“This whole thing came about because of a slow news day for a particular ‘online news’ outlet who published my words 3 months after I actually said them, and a lot of folks reading a clickbait headline, and searching no further for truth,” Levi tweeted. “It’s all good! The silver lining in all this is that they’ve now shown themselves to be less than trustworthy in how they represent ‘news,’ while I now get to decide which outlets I’ll speak to or not when doing press. Let people show you who they are. It’s very freeing.”

Regarding the Snyder Cut existing, Jason Momoa recently confirmed he saw the Snyder Cut, and following Superman Henry Cavill doubting the release of the Snyder Cut, Zack Snyder shut Cavill down by confirming “of course” it’s real, with Snyder providing images from the release as well as images of the actual film reel revealing the Snyder Cut runtime.

(I’ll also add that January sees a big drop in ad revenue following the Holidays, which is probably why reports like this are being published as well as the Ewan McGregor Kenobi cancellation rumors. Expect more.) 

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