Woke Media Takes A Beating: Netflix, Disney, Twitter, CNN; Elon Musk Responds


This month has seen the woke media take a huge beating which includes the likes of Netflix, Disney, CNN, and Twitter, with Elon Musk getting into the mix.

The news isn’t all that surprising, as relevant to this site, the woke content put out by Hollywood has been a huge failure for the past few years which includes Star Wars, Ghostbusters, Doctor Who, and recently has seen a huge decline for Marvel with its woke approach


Netflix stock collapses

Regarding Netflix, for the first time, the streaming service has announced it has lost subscribers, which has seen the company’s stock collapse as it is down over 35% on the day equating to a drop of over $50 billion in market value.

The market reacted as a result of Netflix revealing on Tuesday that it had lost 200,000 subscribers worldwide despite the prediction it would add 2.5 million and that Netflix expects to lose another 2 million subscribers when it reports again in June.

While the excuses have been flying, including blaming current subscribers for sharing passwords (something Netflix previously promoted), and inflation, that isn’t at all the case as I wrote last year, Netflix also lost nearly half a million subscribers last Summer which saw the stock dump.

Agreeing with me (I created this very site in 2008 to combat political correctness when my favorite Marvel character was replaced by a lesbian space alien), Elon Musk and Tim Young blasted out tweets and talked about how people are fed up with all the woke nonsense, with a Media Research Center contributor offering more of the same, all of which I have been writing about for years.

“The woke mind virus is making Netflix unwatchable,” tweeted Musk on Tuesday night.

Author and political satirist Tim Young filled in Fox News Digital, “Netflix and its original programming have forced diversity in their programming so much so that it’s become a caricature of diversity itself. It’s as if the executives and creative teams believe the myth that America is ‘so racist’ that no one of color can even walk on the streets without facing racism and have reacted with the same level of obnoxious wokeism on the other side of the pendulum to balance it out,” Young said. “Who cares if the program or content is good, as long as it includes a checklist of LGBT, a certain percentage of races and a few lectures on how everything is bad for all those groups in America? Americans don’t want woke nonsense, which is what this is, they want to be entertained.”

Media Research Center contributor Elise Ehrhard agrees and wrote that “unwatchable left-wing content” is part of the reason why Netflix has struggled.

“But the problems with Netflix are about far more than inflation and password issues. Its programming is too often woke, left-wing, LGTBQUIA-obsessed, and even pedophilic,” Ehrhard wrote referencing the Cuties movie, which sexualizes little girls.


Disney under attack by woke mob

Disney, which bases its business on catering to families, has been under fire by the woke left for its reaction – or really non-reaction – to Florida’s new law that stops teachers from teaching young kids about sex where, for some reason, the LGTBQ think the law attacks them, while all it does is keep the right to talk to young kids about sex education with the parents – which includes LGTBQ parents – and not the teachers or schools (what’s wrong with that?).

I’m actually of the opinion it’s not really the LGTBQ community who are attacking Disney, but a small vocal minority of socialists that are trying to destroy our country and the family unit (and the middle class along with it), much the same way these socialists try to divide the country using race or whatever they can use at their disposal; so under the guise of being LGTBQ or of a certain race, they create intentional chaos. Sir Charles says it best:

Getting back to Disney, which also saw its stock decline on Wednesday, the Florida Senate has passed a bill to strip Disney of its special district status as of result of Disney’s opposition to the Parental Rights in Education Bill.

Recently, also saw leaks from Disney execs offering the company is not so secretly implementing a gay agenda which includes the company eliminating all mentions of “ladies,” “gentlemen,” “boys,” and “girls” in its theme parks in order to create “that magical moment” for children who do not identify with traditional gender roles.

Disney also owns Marvel where the new Thor trailer reveals a disparaged Thor while the Natalie Portman Female Thor is shown as the better along with the movie promoting Tessa Thompson as King Valkyrie.

CNN Plus

CNN+ is a huge failure

CNN recently became the laughing stock of the industry with the revelation that nobody subscribed to CNN+, where it’s speculated the newly formed Warner Bros. Discovery merger will nix the streaming service which is said to only have 150,000 subscribers, which once again proves the woke left are just a vocal minority who are made up of radicals that don’t want to pay for anything and want everything for free.

It’s claimed that CNN execs are frustrated that Warner Bros. Discovery wants to dismantle CNN and that Warner Bros. Discovery wants to eventually build one giant service around HBO Max.

So with CNN+ failing to get subscribers, it seems as if the recently launched streaming service will be folded into a greater HBO streaming service from Warner Media Discovery which is made up of Discovery execs as Discovery fired all the WarnerMedia execs.

Again, if CNN+ would have been successful (reportedly, they wanted to be profitable in four years by investing a billion dollars into the service), it wouldn’t be getting canceled (via Axios).

Update: CNN+ will shut down at the end of the month.

Chris Licht, the new chairman and CEO of CNN Worldwide, said that they have decided to “focus our investment on CNN’s core news-gathering operations and in further building CNN Digital. This is not a decision about quality; we appreciate all of the work, ambition and creativity that went into building CNN+, an organization with terrific talent and compelling programming. But our customers and CNN will be best served with a simpler streaming choice.”


Twitter vs Elon Musk

Speaking of a small vocal minority, Woke Twitter has been in the headlines as of late also involving Elon Musk and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, as Musk recently purchased a large stake in the company and was thought to be getting appointed to its board, but declined, only to offer to buy Twitter outright, which saw the board pull a “poison pill” in order to keep Musk out.

Exactly as I tweeted, now Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is looking into holding the Twitter board accountable for its response to Musk’s buyout, as if the board isn’t looking into the best interests of its shareholders, the board could be liable.

“The state of Florida, in our pension system, we have shares of Twitter,” DeSantis said during a recent press conference. “I didn’t buy it. We have people that run the fund, but nevertheless, it hasn’t been great in return on investment. It’s been pretty stagnant for many, many years. To me, I think that’s probably an injury to the fund, so we’re gonna be looking at ways that the state of Florida, potentially, can be holding this Twitter board of directors accountable for breaching their fiduciary duty. So stay tuned on that.”

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