Image Comics

Comic Book News

“The Governor” Returns In This Week’s CBLDF Liberty Annual 2012!


This Halloween, amidst the ghosts and ghouls, we see one of the most vile comic book villains return in an attempt to fight censorship!

Image Comics has developed their fifth anthology benefiting the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund (CBLDF) this week, and it is full to the brim with some of the best talents in comics today! From Howard Chaykin and Sina Grace to Andy Diggle and Ben Templesmith, fifteen creative teams and solo acts have emerged from every corner of the industry in order to fight censorship!

Consisting of short stories, splash pages and some of the most eclectic images in the comics world, this $4.99 anthology will donate all proceeds to to the First Amendment legal work of the CBLDF, a non-profit group dedicated to protecting the free speech of the comics community. 

Who better to stand up for free speech? Why, The Governor of course! Robert Kirkman’s most horrific creation to date, The Governor stars in his own short story in the anthology — and is sure to be a fan favorite! If you liked the ending from Season Three: Episode Three, you will be pleasantly surprised by Kirkman and Charlie Adlard’s look into the mind of The Governor in this tale. At least we get a better insight into just how and why he created his “special” room! Creepy!

So, be sure to pick up the CBLDF Liberty Annual 2012 this week and become a super hero yourself by helping fight censorship!


Comic Book Legal Defense Fund is a non-profit organization dedicated to the protection of the First Amendment rights of the comics art form and its community of retailers, creators, publishers, librarians, and readers. The CBLDF provides legal referrals, representation, advice, assistance, and education in furtherance of these goals. For more information, visit

Movie News

TV Review: The Walking Dead Season 3: Episode One – ‘Seed’


The Robert Kirkman machine continues to carve its’ way through the entertainment world, creating the high water mark for television dramas as well as the comic book industry. Never before have we seen such high numbers (14.2 million!) for a television drama, and certainly not for a “comic book show!” Why has The Walking Dead garnered such a high level of fan appreciation and followers — because it’s that damn good! 

Breaking the shackles of just another “cult classic”, TWD has worked it’s way into the hearts of more than just the fans of the original source material. Though the comic fans are ravenous about the show (especially me!), it is the drama/horror fans that have really added to the extremely high viewership. And for those fans, I give you a comparison between the comic and the premiere episode of Season 3.

(Editorial Warning: Spoilers “Dead” Ahead!)

Episode One deemed, ‘Seed’, begins after the harsh months of winter have come and gone. Our group seems to have fallen in line with Rick’s, “This is not a democracy” speech from the season two finale and they look hardened, weary and Lori is more than a little pregnant! Foraging from house to house has become the status quo, but Rick will not allow this group to degrade themselves any lower and knocks a can of dog food from Carl’s hands before he can taste it. As walkers begin to become more present around the house, the group leaves silently – more reminiscent of a military outfit than a family.

This is where we see the first separation from the comic and show. Even though the worlds and situations are the same, there isn’t that emotional detachment between the group as there is here. There is still the “family” feel to the group, even as they become used to the killing and actually excel at it, it has never become so militaristic. It is fantastic that the writers have incorporated this edgier feel to the show, and for finally making Carl the complete badass he is in the comic!

Next, Rick and his right hand man, Daryl (a character that I so wish was in the book!), stumble upon the prison while hunting for food. This originally takes place in issue 13 of the book. But, as The Walking Dead: The Official Magazine (to be released Oct.23) states,” Season three will be, at least in part, covering issues 13 through 48,” so, we are bound to see amalgams of storylines throughout the season. 

As the group hacks and slashes their way through the labyrinth of fences surrounding the prison, we can see that their prowess with weaponry has improved exponentially. Wielding pipes, hammers, hatchets as well as guns, they are conserving their bullets for the most of dire times and relying on “wetwork” instead to dispel the undead. They seem ready and relatively healthy to take on whatever may come their way. Something that is not present when first we see Andrea! 

The fan favorite, Michonne, has helped Andrea stay alive through the winter, but it seems all her work is for not. Michonne rumages through a drug store to find anything. She silently decapitates two walkers with her katanna before grabbing some packages of asprin off the floor and heads back to a small building near by. As she walks through a discheveled hallway we get a first glance at a weakened Andrea.  Andrea is extremely sick and tells Michonne to leave her here to die, she doesn’t want to be a burden any longer. The stoic Michonne tells Andrea that they will have to move on in a few days, and last we see of them, they have loaded Michonne’s zombie companions with their gear and are headed out into the world. This is a great dynamic for these two characters to be in. This meeting never happens in the book. Michonne was always a loner, besides her boyfriend and his best friend — her pet walkers! She was introduced to the group in issue 19, where she saves Otis from some walkers and follows him back to the prison. Since Otis is already dead in the show, this “Thelma and Louise” style story is a great way to build up both of these characters that are two of comicdom’s favorites.

Back to the prison! Rick’s “hit squad” enters the perimeter of the prison and slaughter walkers by the dozen. Just as they are feeling confident about clearing the section, riot gear wearing walkers emerge from around the corner! This is some of the most gruesome make-up effects I have ever seen on network television! The peeling off of the gas mask on the riot walker was so visceral, so disgusting that it only made me crave more! After feeble attempts to stab through the riot gear, Maggie plunges her machete up through the bottom of a walkers jaw to stop him. Her jubilant reaction to her handiwork was outstanding! After they clear the riot walkers, the group enters the prison.

Rick’s squad clears a cell block, finds keys to the inner areas of the prison and bring the rest of the group into their new home. Exhausted, they find cells to bunk in and settle in. Their is a great “Padme/Anakin” moment between Beth and Carl that reveals how far the Carl character has come since the last season. He is confident and deadly, making him project himself more as a protector than a child. In the book he is as lethal as any of the adults, but he also has Sofia to keep him grounded. Without Sofia on the show, maybe Beth will become his center, although the age difference is a little creepy!

Also, this is where we see the great divide between Rick and Lori. Rick is deeply removed from anything Lori has to say about the baby. He is the leader of this group, but no longer the loving husband. Does he blame Lori for the duel between himself and Shane? It is more than likely that he is afraid of losing her in childbirth and needs to distance himself from her to focus on the survival of the group. We also see a great conversation between Lori and Hershel. She confides in him that she hasn’t felt the baby move in a while and is concerned it is dead. She wallows to him about her fears of labor and the likelihood of she or the baby becoming walkers. She finally pleads with Hershel that if she or the baby turn, that he would kill them. This was an truly troubling scene and was a fantastic addition of emotion to the show.

Finally, the next morning, Rick, Maggie, Hershel, T-Dog, Glenn and Daryl all enter the bowels of the prison. During their search, walkers emerge from everywhere and the group gets separated! Maggie and Glenn hide in a room until the walkers have passed but they are lost from the rest of the group. Franticly, Herschel calls out for his daughter and is bitten in the leg by a walker that has been sitting on the floor! Panicked, the groups reconnect over the screaming Hershel and drag him down the hall as walkers emerge from everywhere. They bust a lock off a door, stumble inside and barricade the door. Rick looks at Hershel’s leg and decides that it must be removed in order to save him! Grisly effects abound as Rick hacks off the bitten area, and Hershel passes out. But, all is not over! Besides the walkers outside, there is a new issue to contend with. Daryl tells Rick to get down as he draws his crossbow upward. It seems they have entered the prison’s cafeteria and there are still prisoners here. Alive!

Outstanding first episode, that ampted the action up to eleven and the emotional duress through the roof! I was very surprised about Hershel being bit, especially since it was Dale that had his leg amputated in the book! More amalgam storylines abound and I couldn’t be happier! This show has become the pinnacle of drama television, forget the courtrooms and special crime units, life in a zombie filled world is where all the best stories can come from! 

As the season progresses and the Governor makes his presence known, the emotional aspect of the show will become heightened. There are things that happen in the book that I do not know how they will be allowed on network television. The Governor is an extremely twisted man and fans of the book are worried about how he will be used in the show. Well, from what Robert Kirkman has said, the fans need not worry. He has this to say about one of the most vicious characters in comics today,” … the threat of violence posed by the Governor, has not been diluted for TV!” With that said, hang on folks, it’s going to be one intense season!

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: The Walking Dead #103

With all the hype AMC is getting with the fantastic television version of The Walking Dead, let’s not forget that this phenomenon began as “the little comic that could!” The heart and soul that exudes from the characters, started in twenty-two pages of black and white perfection! Issue #103 continues to prove that this “zombie” book is one of the best comics ever created!

Rick has a plan, a plan that he cannot let anyone know. A plan that will alienate him from the people he calls friends, and more importantly, from Carl. But he must not let that hinder his decision. If he wants his people to survive, they must truly fear what is to come!

Outstanding is a word that is all too often used to describe Robert Kirkman’s finest book. But, it is the exact word that falls from your lips as you read this issue. The pacing drives you forward into one of the most distressing issues to date. It is completely unnerving as Negan walks the hallowed halls of Rick’s community, with swagger and a venomous grin he changes the entire outlook of the series. Kirkman creates an atmosphere thick with agitation, so much so, that you dare not turn the page in lieu of tempting the fates! 

This series does one thing better than any book out there — makes you fearful for the characters! Not enough praise can be bestowed upon Kirkman for his creation of an emotional tether between reader and character. It truly is astounding!

So, does Negan and his trusty bat,”Lucille,” get to taste blood again? I won’t spoil it for you, but I will say this — Negan’s not the only one who gets to hold good ol’ “Lucille!”

Comic Book News

Review: The Walking Dead: Michonne Special #1

We are just days away from the third season of one of the most anticipated television shows in the past decade, and what better way to introduce all those fans to the resident katana wielding bad-ass, than too give her her own special!

Reprinting The Walking Dead #19 — the first appearance of Michonne — in conjunction with the Playboy “origin” story, we finally get a more solid look at what created such a fan favorite character. From using her boyfriend and his best friend as moving camouflage, to the first time Rick and Michonne meet, this was a nice overview of the character that has endured so much at the hands of Robert Kirkman.

Though regular collectors of the series, and the Playboy story, will see nothing new in this book; it is still nice to have both stories together in one place. A singularly hand held origin piece that can be accessed anytime for your perusing pleasure! No digging through back issues needed!

My only qualm with the book is the definitive difference in the quality of the grey tones and line art. The Playboy story is much darker in hue than the original series and Adlard’s pencils used to be much thinner, a crisper style with much more detail. I know Charlie Adlard had to quicken his art style a few years back to keep the pace of a monthly book on track, but there is a clear division between the two tales now. Silly, I know, but the rest is still perfect!

So before you head out to your TWD parties this weekend, I’ve been invited to attend a few, be sure to hone up your knowledge about that mysterious girl from Season Two! Michonne will be the word on everyone’s lips at the water cooler — don’t be left out!

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: The Walking Dead #102

After the deaths of Glenn and Abraham, there has been a lull in action, but a real focus on how the characters develop from here. Kirkman has dialed the brutality back to a minimum, giving ample time to see exactly how Rick and crew choose to deal with their new world dynamic. A world that is now more dangerous than ever before, a world that must deal with — Neegan!

Though we all love the insane twists and turns that Kirkman does so well, it is the “quieter” times when his writing skills really shine. The introspective stories of these hardened individuals, are truly what makes this book stand out more than anything else on the stands today. And with issue #102, we get more of the same.

Touching upon every major character, Kirkman reveals Rick’s new strategy for survival and the reactions to it. This is the book where everything truly changes! The group’s function, their outlook and eventually, a shift in their core dynamic; sets the stage for something we have never seen before. Loyalties change, relationships become strained, secrets are sworn and Rick puts himself in the cross hairs for the good of the group. But does the group need him to be there to begin with?

Well executed and thoughtfully expressed, Kirkman is the best at deepening the emotional bond between characters and the readers! He makes it so easy to get lost in their world and even easier to care about them. Fans of The Walking Dead television show, will undoubtedly recognize some of the same plot threads from Season Two in this book. And even though you may feel a slight sense of deja vu, it is comforting to see some aspects of the different genres meld into great stories for both avenues. Plus, it will make it easier to become a fan of the comic if you haven’t already! But, who am I kidding? Who isn’t a fan already!

Movie News

Advanced Review: The Walking Dead #100

100 issues! 100 issues of one of the most unnerving and highly acclaimed books that grace the shelves of your LCS each month! When I started reading Robert Kirkman’s opus to survival horror back in issue six, Charlie Adlard’s first issue, issue one hundred seemed so far away. But here it is, and believe me, you DO NOT want to miss this one! This is the issue where everything changes, and with ten different covers — you literally CAN’T miss it!

We all know by now, that Mr. Kirkman loves to build up a story before ending it with a crashing crescendo of mayhem! Well, he does not disappoint with this historic issue! 

I actually found this issue very hard to read. Not because of any pacing or plot issues, but rather, do to the horrific events that transpire within. We have all grown to see these characters as much more than two dimensional drawings over the years. The characterization has always been the factor that has kept this book expanding, and it is that same extreme detail to characterization — that makes us become unnerved when terrible things happen to them. This issue, in particular, will make you cringe!

Robert Kirkman has always been able to manipulate a bevy of emotions from a reader. From joy to utter revulsion, he can twist a plot so that it is not an unforeseen conclusion to a story, but an unrelenting one! You are forced, head first, into horrific situations that will bewilder you with the sheer depths of human cruelty. And just when you think you can take no more, he astonishes you with something even worse!

I will not give any spoilers to this issue! You need to read this unrelenting force of brutality for yourselves! It will shock you at how depraved humans can be when all the shackles of civilization have been shook off. You not only owe it to yourselves to get this book, but we ALL owe it to Kirkman for giving us such an introspective look at the human condition all these years. Who would have thought a “little zombie” book could become all this spectacle?!

Congratulations for 100 issues of amazing stories TWD crew! Can’t wait to see issue 1,000! And to all you fans that thought no one could be more evil than the Governor — there’s a new kid in town! Now get reading!

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: Sunset (Sneak Peek One-Shot)

Christos Gage and Jorge Lucas are giving readers a “sneak peek” into their seedy, crime noir tale, Sunset, this week — and all it will cost you is a dollar!

Although the 160 page, black and white, graphic novel does not hit store shelves until July 18th, the 22 page “sneak peek” will be available for purchase on July 4th! And it is something all comic readers do not want to miss!

With the depth of the original comic, A History of Violence, and the vibe of the movie Gran TorinoSunset is a powerful tale of what happens when your past finally catches up with you. It is a gripping look at a man who has been left behind by the fast paced, ever evolving present and has safely evaded his sordid past — at least until now! When a man has everything taken from him, everything that has kept him going all these years, all he has left to fuel him through the rest of his life — is vengeance!

Gage and Lucas have crafted a classic noir tale of revenge and redemption. Both visually stunning and prophetically powerful, Sunset is both true to the tradition of crime noir and fluidly evolves beyond it as well. It is viciousness at it’s best and you have a “shotgun” seat next to Nick Bellamy as he cuts a swath of revenge from past to present!

At only a dollar, you cannot give up the chance to see a preview before the graphic novel is released! This is a fantastic book, and I am truly looking forward to the full story in a few short weeks!

Comic Book News

Review: The Walking Dead #98

(Editor’s Note: Extreme Spoilers Dead Ahead!)


The signs were on the wall. The ominous 100th issue looming in the distance, the happiness that has befallen numerous characters lately, but it is the covers that have given it all away! I told you all last time — when Robert Kirkman and crew decide to churn out the infamous “RED” covers, bad things happen to our favorite band of survivors! And I’ve never lied to you, have I? Well, only that one time, but we made it out of that Mexican prison pretty much unscathed — so it was worth it! 

Here’s a gentlemanly tip: If you do not want to know any spoilers — stop now! If you are itching to see what Kirkman has done to all the characters we hold so dear, read on. But I warn you, once you know you can never go back!

Issue #98 begins with Abraham and Eugene walking to find supplies in order to manufacture bullets. But all is not what it seems, danger awaits them in the darkness, and it will change the status quo of The Walking Dead forever! Meanwhile back home, Rick and Andrea are working on their new relationship as machine gun fire rings out in the distance! It’s all hands on deck as our band of survivors rush to the gates to see what is happening. Negan has sent a retaliation squad to their very doorstep and everything changes in the blink of an eye! One character does all he can in order to survive, but survival is not in the cards for everyone — as a major character dies! 

Now, I will not tell you exactly who dies — where’s the fun in that? But, if you read carefully, I have given you all the clues you need to piece it together! I for one, was completely shocked at how Robert Kirkman completely makes a reader feel numb as they watch these characters die. You cannot even catch your breath as you are thrown through a whirlwind of chaos, let alone have time to fully process what has just happened! And the most gut wrenching part, is that you know things are just going to get worse from here. There is no stopping it, the juggernaut of fear will roll over everyone until there is nothing left! In the end, as our survivors try to deal with what just happened, there is an overwhelming sense of bewilderment. Their confidence is gone, their bravado is gone, their ammo is almost gone and the worst part is — their attackers are gone! Nothing will ever be the same, and I thank Robert Kirkman for giving us these characters to get so emotionally attached to. Comics are suppose to make you feel something, this one certainly will. Issue 100 is coming — I just hope there is anyone left for issue 101!

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: Hardcore #1

Our good friends at Image Comics have yet again graced us with an advanced copy of another sure fire hit! But this isn’t just any ol‘ book, this one is — Hardcore! Created by fan favorite – and CBN’s “Creator Of The Year 2011” – Robert Kirkman!

An amalgam of Quantum Leap and The Bourne Identity, Hardcore is an espionage/sci-fi thriller that exudes excitement on every page! You thought Kirkman just did zombies and aliens? Well, think again kids — this one will blow you away!

Following Agent Drake, a stylized government assassin, we enter the world of shadow agencies and their ability to eliminate threats. But this isn’t just the same old covert ops that we have all seen before, this is technology at its finest and most brutal! Using a sniper and a “hardcore” bullet, a brain command bypass system that is shot into the neck of its intended target, Agent Drake can mentally “take over” the physical abilities of the victim. While the victim is placed in a dream-like state, Agent Drake can manipulate their body in order to use them to get close to the true target! An old friend, a business partner, a lover or family member, Agent Drake can become any of them — and put a bullet in your brain! A 72 hour window is all he has to eliminate the threat and pull himself out of his victim; if he doesn’t, he could suffer massive brain damage as the “hardcore” dissolves away! Easy, right? But what happens when you can’t pull back out and the minutes start ticking away?!

Action/Thriller, Sci-Fi/Drama, call it what you want! This book is intriguing, exciting and full of enough action to make Joss Whedon smile! Seriously, I was not expecting this type of story from the creator of Invincible, Thief of Thieves, and The Walking Dead! But that’s exactly what Robert Kirkman does — breaks the shackles of conformity to bring you amazing stories! This tale of high stakes espionage will astound you and make you yearn for more! Highly recommended, this will be a true “sleeper” hit that no one should miss!

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: The Walking Dead #97

As issue 100 slowly crawls towards us, Robert Kirkman sets his pieces in motion again for a terrible fate to befall them! 

In this issue, Rick and group, return from the Hilltop to let everyone know about the deal Rick struck with its citizens. But there might be a few bumps in the road, as some of Negan’s men follow them! Meanwhile, back home, Eugene begins to test his boundaries with Abraham regarding Rosita and their “relationship.” And finally, when our heroes arrive back home, four of their lives will be changed forever as the impending darkness begins to envelop around them! Kirkman doesn’t call this arc “Something To Fear” for no reason, folks!

After a long run building up to this arc, Kirkman has begun turning the screws, ever so slowly again, to make us uncomfortable. He is a master of suspense, giving subtle hints as to what might happen to our favorite characters and leaving us no option but to watch in unbridled horror! We try to scream to them, “Look out!” but it falls upon deaf ears! Even the most hardened of the group can only take so much before they crack, and with so much joy entering into their lives again — the emotional turmoil beset upon the reader will be escalated to the Nth degree!

This series is untouchable when it comes to characterization and the emotional connection the reader has with Kirkman’s characters. I have never had so many “Oh, no!” moments in my twenty plus years of reading comics as I have reading this series! Kirkman has a way of making you believe in these characters and their plight to survive so much, that you feel emotionally drained when something horrible befalls them.

So, steel yourself for this new arc, it looks as though the winds of change have begun blowing again! Plus the cover tells it all! Fans of the comic series know all to well what happens when Adlard and Rathburn churn out the “Red” covers! Nothing good my friends, nothing good.

Movie News

Advanced Review: Danger Club #1

What happens when all the adults in your life are suddenly taken away? What if you are only a teenager when this chaos is brought into your life? What if this happens worldwide — all at the same time? Who is there to protect you, who makes the decisions about what to do, who will run the world?

You do!

That is the premise of Image’s new book Danger Club! A universe that is built solely of super heroes, suddenly is in deadly peril from outer space. Every adult on the planet leaves to save the world, but none of them ever return! It is up to their children to stand strong together, keeping the way of life as normal as possible. But tensions arise, and Apollo, the strongest of them all, sets himself up as self proclaimed “leader” of the world. A narcissistic egomaniac, Apollo professes love to all, but crushes any who oppose his reign. Today that reign of terror will end, at least if his former friends — Ivan, Jack, Yoshimi and Kid Vigilante have anything to say about it!

This book is a great look at all the classic stories that you grew up with in one stylistic amalgam for new readers. Comic fans will undoubtedly recognize the bevy of storylines reminiscent of all our favorite reads. Walker makes nods to Watchmen, Dark Knight Returns and The Dark Phoenix Saga, while building his own original tale off of them. It is a story that is reverent to the history of comics, and yet, paves its way for the future of it as well.

All are favorite archetypes are present, and even though they are embodied by teenagers, their heart and drive are those of seasoned veterans. That is the aspect that truly drives this story. Even though the world is free of adult decisions, if we raise our children to be good people and do what they can for their fellow man, they will be able to take care of themselves and each other. Walker tells a story of heroism at its roots, and what true heroes must do to take care of the world. 

Grab this book and enjoy the future of comics while reliving its past! It is fun and stylistic, with great art by Eric Jones that will blow you away! You owe it to yourself to try something new — this is it!

Movie News

Review: The Strange Talent of Luther Strode #6 (of 6)

This is the end of one of the coolest new books to be released from the Image stable in a long time! Jordan and Moore created something that was an all out gore filled slugfest! But the brutality of the book would have meant nothing if Jordan had not made us care so much about these characters right from the start! It was a true character piece that made you ponder just how a semi-introverted teenager would deal with the sudden onset of certain “talents.” But the best aspect, is how Jordan built a great cast of secondary characters that are as critical to the story as Luther Strode himself, sometimes even more so! The flesh rending and complete carnage that assaults you throughout, is just icing on the cake!

The series finale has Luther finally go toe to toe with the Librarian, not only for the life of his mother, but for the very humanity of Luther himself! What ensues, is one of the most insanely grotesque battles that I have ever seen in a comic series! At least Felipe Sobreiro only had to spend money on red paint this month! The tragic end of this tale will leave you thinking about how far things have spiraled out of control. A young man only wanted to be able to protect his mother from an abusive husband, what happens to him is horrific and shocking. Does the loss of our loved ones define who we will become or is it the sheer loss of our own humanity that will make us strive to be more than we ever were before? Either way, Luther will transcend all that he was at the beginning of this tale six issues ago! 

I will miss this book immensely, not just for the pure adrenaline rush of the over the top violence, but for the finely crafted characters as well. It will be tough knowing that I won’t be able to sit down each month with Pete and Petra and especially Luther, but I am thankful just to have met them in the first place!  I had the pleasure of meeting both Justin Jordan and Tradd Moore at last year’s NYCC, and these two complete opposite geniuses, will undoubtedly have more coming to us in the future about a certain Mr. Strode. But until October comes, and we can get our hands on The Legend of Luther Strode, just pull up a cozy chair and dive into a great medley of chaotic fun brought to you in the iconic Image way!

Movie News

Advanced Review: The Walking Dead #94

Our good friends at Image have once again graced us with an advanced look at one of the best books on the shelves each and every month — The Walking Dead

Issue 94 brings us part two of the” A Larger World” storyline, in which a man named Jesus has offered to extend a hand of peace and trade to Rick and his community. But can Rick really trust someone who trounced two of his best fighters all in the name of peace? Maybe, maybe not, but this one man will surely change the outcome of the lives they have been leading thus far.

Kirkman has been on a slow burn lately, setting the pieces of his creation in exact placement for something big to happen. And the character of Jesus will be the catalyst for either misery or happiness! Andrea has quite the ominous speech in this issue about who has survived, so ominous in fact that you cringe as she is speaking — wishing she had never opened her mouth. Moments such as this is exactly why this book has been so good for so long. Kirkman can dredge up emotions in readers so effortlessly that you forget you are reading a comic book. Carl’s complete emotional numbness for human life is so jarring that it almost seems he is no longer human himself. One can only ponder the amount of emotional damage this young boy is riddled with, and fear what he could do to “protect” the ones around him. Fear, contempt — and especially with this issue — trust all come into play making you ponder, as Rick does, the ability to have faith in another persons motives. In a world that has done away with rules and most courtesies, can you openly trust someone you don’t know, or for that matter, someone you thought you knew? 

With Rick, Andrea, Michonne, Glen (and a surprise guest) escorting Jesus to the “Hilltop,” there is no one left at the community to stop Abraham from executing his own plans – plans that will remove Rick from a seat of power and leave Abraham as the new “leader.” With issue 100 looming off in the distance, one can only ponder the possibilities Kirkman has up his sleeve. Will Abraham take this opportunity to overthrow his “friend” or will Jesus do it for him? Will the community actually befriend another town and create a barter system that will benefit everyone? Whatever it is, Kirkman will surely leave us agape with shock as he always does! And with only four original characters left from issue one, I fear the worst!

As Sean Connery once said, “Jesus was a carpenter!” but he never knew this Jesus — and he is badass!

Movie News

Review: Severed #7

Secrets are strange things. Sometimes they are shared amongst friends, becoming a special bond between them. Sometimes they reside within a single soul, fascinating or terrible, the choice is solely theirs. But sometimes, a secret is something that is hidden so deep, it becomes forgotten. A wall built up just so we can try and live a normal life after we have lived through a nightmare. These are the secrets that are the most dangerous, because sometimes they come back to bite us again!

That is exactly the story that Snyder and crew lay before us. A secret told to protect the innocent lives that have formed around Jack Garron over the years. His wife and family have never been told the truth about what happened to his arm, it was easier that way. But now, decades later, a scorched photograph was given to his grandson, and the secret of his youth came screaming up from his memory! 

Snyder and Tuft have given us a tale that is as ancient as time and yet, still as scary today as it ever was. It is about the purity of evil and how, even when we think we have bested it, it never goes away. It seethes through the years, waiting and mending itself for when we are at our weakest. Then, and only then, will the game begin anew.

This tale is nothing short of fascinating! It is emotionally jarring and will leave you with a sense of awe at how well the writers have silently crept into your consciousness, sifting through your fears. It is a tale that is far too short, not that it isn’t thoroughly fulfilling, but rather, you yearn for it to continue on forever. There just isn’t enough options on the shelves these days to compete with the quality that is found in Severed! It is a visceral look at what life can bring when you are chasing a dream blindly. Our peripherals will hide shadows that creep beside us, until the horrors eventually over take you. And then what, do you fight for the very life you were trying to change, or do you simply crumble from the fear inside you? 

A thank you has to go out to the entire creative team that has given us a wonderfully, horrifying book over the past seven months. Severed is a tale that is not confined to the medium it was conceived in. It is something that can bring a larger scope to the medium, creating new readers that can appreciate the fact that, sometimes, great pieces of literature can be found in comic shops. 

If you haven’t traveled down the vicious road that is Severed yet, you are not too late! Not only will the hardcover edition be coming out in April, I already have a spot picked out on my shelves, but you can also leave your comments and praise at They love to hear your own thoughts and stories — so check it out!

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The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for February 1st, 2012

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley

(A weekly quick pick of the five books that should reside on the top of your pull list. In no particular order!)


I do the research, you reap the rewards! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, be sure to add these titles to your list of goodies. Forget that apple a day nonsense, this “DOC’s” prescription to good health begins with these top five books of the week!



1.  Swamp Thing #6:  Scott Snyder continues to prove he is the new face of horror, and this book will embed itself in your nightmares for weeks to come! Just a tip, leave the lights on for this one! Check out my review for all the gory details here!

2.  The Strange Talent of Luther Strode #5: Luther is finally forced to make a decision on whether he will become the man the Librarian wants him to be or not. But things aren’t so black and white when they’re covered in red! Check out Kenneth’s review here! 

3.  Dark Horse Presents #8:  Mike Mignola headlines this one with a compelling story of Kate Corrigan and her revelation about Hellboy! Plus a creepy Beasts of Burden story by Jill Thompson and the continuation of Neal Adams’ Blood! 80 pages of great stuff!

4.  The Boys #63:  Garth Ennis’ over the top series may be gradually coming to it’s conclusion, but the story continues to heat up! Both teams take some big losses when the Seven and the Boys begin their cataclysmic collision course! The end begins here!

5.  Fatale #2: Ed Brubaker weaves a crime noir tale like no other! Now factor in devil worshippers and demons, and you have another amazing book from an amazing trio! Don’t believe me? Read my full review here!

Movie News

Review: Fatale #2

Josephine is running out of time. That’s something she never thought would happen, but this is the endgame. The players are finally all in motion and the stakes are high. Especially for someone who has lived as long as she has!

The crime noir Holy Trinity of Brubaker, Phillips and Stewart have created something that is familiar to their past work, and yet, is something purely original. A slow burn read, it is teeming with twists and secrets that shock at every turn! Multiple characters and dual timelines keep you on your toes, trying to stay one step ahead of the multi-faceted story.  The converging lives of the three main characters could have become overwhelming to readers, the story lost, if not in the capable hands of this tried and true trio. 

Fatale is a classic book, one that merges Lovecraftian fundamentals and crime noir fiction into the perfect amalgam of genres! Just when you think you have a handle on what to expect, Brubaker opens up a completely different doorway for the tale to travel down. It is thoroughly engrossing, drawing upon character flaws to expose the readers to the rich and dark corners of the tale laid before us. 

Morally corrupt, seductive and shocking, Fatale is a book that will not disappoint readers looking for something fresh. It is a book that draws you in like a slow pull on a French cigarette, soothing, relaxing — then it bites you in the face!

Brubaker and crew have created perfection yet again!

Movie News

2011: A Year In Review

2011: A Year In Review
By: Chris “DOC” Bushley
comic books


I have finally worked through my Holiday coma that was induced by a combination of turkey, sugar cookies and egg nog, and found that it was time to look back on the year 2011. And since this will be the last “Year in Review” I will ever get to do — damn you Mayan calendar — I better get crackin’!
(NOTE: This list is compiled of media that I personally read or saw throughout the year 2011. Sales charts and reviews have no sway over this list! It is my pure, unadulterated opinion! So have some fun and read along, and if your favorites don’t appear here — go to the forums and make your own list. We always want to know how other fans feel. This is a site for you after all!)
BEST WRITER:  Scott Snyder — This man really came into his own in 2011! With three amazing ongoing series, American VampireBatman and Swamp Thing, as well as two spectacular mini-series, American Vampire: Survival of the Fittest and Severed; Scott Snyder churned out some of the darkest, most engrossing books on the shelves today. All that, plus he’s the nicest guy you’ll ever meet!
BEST ARTIST:  Jim Cheung– The artist on Avengers: The Children’s Crusade, makes every panel dance with excitement. From splash pages to close-ups, everything he does is poster worthy!
BEST ONGOING SERIES:  Uncanny X-Force! — Shocker? Not to those that read this book! Rick Remender really knows the voice of these characters, making them better than they ever were before! Every issue is a complete tour de force of action and characterization. Plus he had Fantomex shoot a child Apocalypse in the face! Brilliant!
WORST SERIES:  Heroes For Hire — This series started out as one of my favorites, but by issue four, I was running for the door! Multiply artists that were not on par with Brad Walker and storylines that kept getting worse — made me feel as if DnA were D.O.A.!
BEST COVER ARTIST:  Joao Ruas — The covers to Fables are some of the most poetic images I have ever seen! Gallery worthy, Raus mixes nostalgia with modern sensibilities to create truly breathtaking images.
BEST LIMITED SERIES:  Baltimore: The Curse Bells — Mike Mignola trumps his first Baltimore series, Baltimore: The Plague Ships, by weaving in plot devices to further enrich the Lord Baltimore character. Demon births, tortured children, black magic and a coven of vampire nuns — how can you get any better? 
BEST CHILDREN’S SERIES:  Tiny Titans — My four year old and I truly love this book and are saddened that it will end with issue 50. Art Baltazar and Franco do a great job of making the book fun for the kiddies, while factoring in current storylines for the adults. They even had the mysterious Pandora make an appearance, only to be revealed that it was really Ambush Bug in disguise!
BEST TV SERIES:  The Walking Dead — Did I really need to include this category on my list? Hell yeah! Everyone needs to watch this show! If it can get my wife hooked, than anyone can become a fan of this amazing series. Sunday nights will never be the same again!
BEST COMPANY:  DC — This should come as no surprise! 2011 was the year that saw DC finally take the reigns back from Marvel on the sales charts, though just barely! But it was the decision to throw caution to the wind and relaunch 52 new number ones that made them outshine the competition. What could have been an epic fail, turned out to be the biggest success of any company this year! Their multiple genre product line has something for everyone, from horror to cosmic, anyone can find a book that will appease them. I personally read more DC books now than I ever have in my life! 
BEST RELAUNCHED SERIES:  Animal Man — This Jeff Lemire book is one of the best things I have ever read! It is disturbing and horrific, but it also has a depth to it that is astounding! He has taken the Buddy Baker character and stripped him of all the hokey aspects DC has pumped him with over the last few years, and made him superb again!
BEST STORY ARC:  “No Way Out” The Walking Dead — Robert Kirkman finally settled his characters into a nice, safe environment. And just when everyone was starting to conform back to electricity and warm baths, BOOM, all hell breaks loose! Mamma always said, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket, they might break.” And that’s exactly what happens in this arc — things break!
BEST GUILTY PLEASURE:  Hasbro’s Marvel Universe 3.75” figures — No they are not dolls, they’re action figures! I just wish they had these when I was a kid. These are the coolest toys on the shelves and some of the toughest collectibles to get your grubby little hands on. Everyone has Iron Man, but how many of you got the super rare Archangel with the full wings? Oh, I’m the only one who knows what I’m talking about? Okay.
MOST SHOCKING MOMENT:  Carl shot in the face! The Walking Dead #83 — Just when you think Rick and Carl will make it through the zombie hoard that is ripping through the streets, Kirkman kicks you in the gut and flips you off! I have to say that Robert Kirkman has put more holy $#*% moments in this series than any other I have ever read, but the splash page of Carl with a hunk of his head blown off — shocked the hell out of me!
BEST VILLAIN:  Norman Osborn — Brian Bendis has taken a classic character that had become mired in mediocrity, and created one of the most maniacal villains ever! The best part of the character is that even though he is on the fringe of insanity, his plans actually make sense and they make you second guess every move the Avengers have made in the last five years! 
MOST IMPROVED CHARACTER:  Cyclops — No longer the whiny Boy Scout, Scott Summers has emerged to become the patriarch of the whole mutant race! It took a group effort of great writers, Matt Fraction, Kieron Gillen, Mike Carey and Paul Jenkins, to get him to that status though. But now he is one of the best X characters around! I mean, how many people has Magneto bowed down to before? ‘Nuff said!
BEST NEW CHARACTERS:  The Black Legion, Uncanny X-Force — Okay, so they aren’t really “new” characters but whose nit picking? These amalgams of Marvel elite characters are completely bad ass! Hailing from the Age of Apocalypse storyline, we can only hope to see more of them in the new Age of Apocalypse book in March! An Orange Hulk that is energized by the sun and Ghost Rider wearing Iron Man armor–too cool! 
BEST BOOK YOU ARE NOT READING:  The Strange Talent of Luthor Strode — This crazy book by Justin Jordan and Tradd Moore is visceral, grotesque and yet, spends enough time on characterization that you actually care about these characters! The brutality of Kick-Ass and the heart of Invincible, this is an awesome book for the not too faint of heart!
BIGGEST FLOP:  X-Men: Schism — This book had so much promise and gave off too little bang for the buck. Wolverine and Cyclops almost kill each other over who had better management skills? C’mon Jason Aaron!  The reasoning behind the “schism” was laughable at best, but it did lead to my next category!
BEST NEW ONGOING SERIES:  Wolverine and the X-Men — What Jason Aaron lacked in thought for Schism, he more than made up for here! Funny, charming and action packed; this book has it all! Great character development and a quick wit makes this book stand out above the rest. Plus, it has tiny Nightcrawlers called BAMFs, that steal Wolverine’s whiskey — AWESOME!
WORST RUNNING THEME:  Marvel’s “not dead” revival — Over the past year Marvel said they would kill a character every quarter. Now, that may have technically happened, but how many of these characters are still gone? And what about those characters that “died” years ago? Here is a list of those that “died” and have now come back in 2011. Hence the phrase “not dead!”  Johnny Storm, Thor, Cable, Aerial, Bucky Barnes, Sabretooth, Joseph (Magneto’s clone) and Scott Lang! I probably missed a few, but I stopped counting! Make death in comics mean a little more and fans will appreciate it more!
CREATOR OF THE YEAR:  Robert Kirkman — The man writes four comic series, has a hit T.V. show, a hit novel, is the COO of Image comics, created his own imprint under the Image banner called Skybound, has a TWD board game, TWD action figures and countless merchandising! Plus, he’s a family man! I don’t know when this guy has the time to breathe let alone sleep! And the crazy part? All his stuff is great! He is a fan favorite and one of the nicest guys you will ever meet, just don’t ask him why Atom Eve has put on so much weight!
HIGHLIGHT OF 2011:  The New York Comic Con — This was fanboy nirvana all wrapped in a four day package! From the free swag, the acquired art work, Marvel’s exciting panels, the interviews, the Mark Hamill panel, hanging out with the guys from DC, the MTV Geek party and the general camaraderie of the fans and the CBN staff– THIS WAS AWESOME! Thanks to everyone who came out and we hope to see you in 2012!
Well, that’s the list! Now we want to see what you thought of 2011. Go to the forums or hit us up in the comments below, and tell us all your favorites or what really ticked you off about the past year in the world of comics!   
And tell us what you are most looking forward to in 2012, besides the end of the world!
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Review: Invincible #86

Marvel Cosmic has been eating DC’s spacedust for months.  Now add Image to the list of publishers leaving Marvel behind in the spacedust.

Invincible #86 will be a delight to any cosmic fan.  The showdown between Nolan and Allen comes to a head with the fate of all life on Earth in the balance.  Oliver plays a pivotal role in this issue – and while his decisions may surprise some new readers –  long term fans of the series will appreciate that Oliver is acting perfectly in character.

Kirkman is back on point with this issue, a welcome trend that I hope continues as the focus for next issue looks to be Earth since The Coalition of Planets is coming to pay a visit. Walker’s art will delight the most hard core of fans and Plascencia’s colors are eye popping as usual.

Cosmic fans will want to read this issue.  It doesn’t require familiarity with the back story to be enjoyed – and it might just make an Invinci-fan out of you if you aren’t one already.  Don’t take my word for it though.  Pick up an issue and see for yourself why Invincible is in the top tier of cosmic comics and is likely to stay there.

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: Fatale #1 (Brubaker, Phillips & Stewart)

  From the critically acclaimed creative team that brought fans both Criminal and Sleeper, comes their new work of pure genius — Fatale!   Taking place between the years 2011 and 1956, fans are enthralled within the pulp noir world that this trio always creates so poetically. Following Nicolas Lash, in the present, we find

Comic Book News

Review: Invincible #85

  Since the end of The Viltrumite War arc, Mark has been biding his time on Earth doing quite a bit of soul searching.  The pace of the storyline had slowed a bit – and some fans were beginning to wonder where Kirkman was heading.  With #85 hitting the stands, now we know right where

Comic Book News

Review: Severed #4

Snyder, Tuft and Futaki converge to create a book that surpasses anything in the horror genre, actually — it surpasses everything in any genre! There is a richness to this story, one that transcends the confines of a comic book and elevates the tale into the realm of classic American horror. It is an eerie

Comic Book News

Review: Invincible #84

As Invincible closes in on the final stretch to issue #100 it looks like many interesting changes for the character are in store.  Issue #84 finds Mark soul searching in earnest about all the decisions he has made and how these decisions have ultimately affected humankind for better or worse.  He makes a touch decision

Comic Book News

Review: Invincible #81

Everybody does a little soul searching in this issue except for Mark – who does a lot of soul searching this issue.  In fact, he almost does too much soul searching as it looks like the dark places he's going in his soul searching are going to lead him down the wrong path. It's rumored

Comic Book News

Review: Invincible #80

Invincible has reached the 80 issue mark and it’s still going strong as it closes in on #100.  Kirkman has promised some major changes and surprises in the new arcs leading up to #100, and I have a feeling that some of the seeds are being planted in the current issue. This issue marks the

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