Valiant and Image Present: Dollar Days!


That’s right, folks! Just as the dog days of summer begin to creep upon us, Valiant and Image Comics present one cool deal to help beat the heat and not your wallet! 

To help kick off Free Comic Book Day, May 4th, Valiant and Image Comics have decided to re-release some of the most sought after first issues of the past twelve months — for only a dollar each! Eleven total issues will be re-released on May 1st, five Valiant issues and six Image ones, and you can have them all for a measly ELEVEN DOLLARS! In a market that usually sells comics for $3.99, this is the perfect opportunity for anyone to inquire about books that may have slipped past them the first time around and are now fetching a hefty price for first editions! Below is a list of all the books you SHOULD be reading!

To help celebrate their one year anniversary, Valiant is actually re-releasing every first issue of all their books. Written and drawn by some of the best comic creators in the business, Joshua Dysart, Justin Jordan and Fred Van Lente to name a few, you just can’t go wrong with any of these books. I highly recommend them all, but be quick to grab as many Harbinger and Bloodshot copies as you can due to the extremely popular Harbinger Wars crossover! 

Valiant One Dollar Editions: Archer & Armstrong #1, Harbinger #1, Bloodshot #1, Shadowman #1 and X-O Manowar #1

Although Image does this promotion every year, this group of books in particular, are some of the best series they have put out to date, including the all-ages adventure series Super Dinosaur written by The Walking Dead creator – Robert Kirkman! Be sure to grab extra copies of Mind the Gap and the insane version of Peter Pan everyone loves — Peter Panzerfaust, too!

Image Firsts: Bedlam #1, Great Pacific #1, Mind the Gap #1, Morning Glories #1, Peter Panzerfaust #1 and Super Dinosaur #1


With Free Comic Book Day just around the corner and a bevy of comic book movies hitting this summer, there is no better time to become a comic fan! So, get out there, grab eleven books and tell your local comic shop owner, “I’d buy that for a dollar!”

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