Review: The Walking Dead #116


After a lackluster 10th Anniversary issue last month, Robert Kirkman redeems himself with an explosion of action and an ending that leaves the reader with both unease and excitement!

This issue, part 2 of the 12 part storyline “All Out War,” gives the reader exactly what they should expect as a swathe of chaos rocks the TWD universe when Rick and Neegan square off against each other. Fans of the hit AMC TV series of the same name, will see some familiar things in this issue but, this time, it is Rick that drops the “zombie bomb!”

Laced with minimal characterization, this issue is all about the action we have all been so patiently waiting for. The first punch in this battle has been thrown, but fans may not want what they have been wishing for by tales end. There is a seething, eerie feeling that will perch in the front of your mind regarding a character that has not been seen in awhile. A fate awaits them that may be worse than death, one that will make any reader cringe as Neegan’s smile stretches across his face. 

But, that is why we love TWD! It is the moments that touch us in some profound way that keep us coming back for more and if the last page doesn’t whet your appetite for what comes next — you must be dead inside!

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