Doctor Strange 2 Is Happening
Good news for fans hoping for a Doctor Strange 2 as it will happen, but the question is when. While promo…
Good news for fans hoping for a Doctor Strange 2 as it will happen, but the question is when. While promo…
No Doctor Strange 2? Marvel Studios debuted the Doctor Strange movie back in 2016 and introduced Benedict Cumb…
This June will see a new Doctor Strange #1! Marvel Comics announced the new series which will be written by Ma…
It’s being reported that Marvel Studios’ Black Panther movie may open with an estimated $85 millio…
Marvel Studios may have another hit on their hands with Thor: Ragnarok as the Taika Waititi-directed…
Doctor Strange returns in the new “Destiny” spot for Thor: Ragnarok! Watch in the player below. Th…
Maybe Doctor Strange is the tie that binds all the Avengers: Infinity War characters together? New set pics ha…
While I don’t think it has officially been announced, it’s heavily speculated that Benedict Cumber…
Check out video interviews from the D23 Expo for The Avengers: Infinity War featuring Tom Holland, Benedict Cu…
Stan Lee has returned to the set of The Avengers: Infinity War! Robert Downey Jr. took to Instagram to post a …
The most recent set pics for The Avengers: Infinity War feature a team up between none other than Doctor Stran…
Following the earlier set images revealing an injured Doctor Strange, now the latest set pics for The Avengers…
The 2017 Saturn Awards have been announced, which celebrates science-fiction, fantasy, and horror films and te…
Yesterday saw Benedict Cumberbatch teased for The Avengers: Infinity War alongside Robert Downey Jr., Mark Ruf…
Robert Downey Jr. has taken to Twitter to tease the Science Bros. for The Avengers: Infinity War. The photo fe…
Recently Tom Holland spilled the beans that two sequels to Spider-Man: Homecoming will made, and now a new det…
Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn was actually the one to direct the Stan Lee cameo for the Doctor S…
It’s being reported that Scott Derrickson will return to direct Doctor Strange 2 for Marvel. In their re…
It’s learned that the Joe Hill Locke & Key TV series is getting underway at Hulu, which will see Doc…
Sorry Marvel fanboys! While the DCEU has netted its first win at the Oscars with Suicide Squad, the Marv…