Doctor Strange 2 Said To Be A Go

Doctor Strange 2 Said To Be A Go

According to the UK gossip sites, Doctor Strange 2 looks to be a go with star Benedict Cumberbatch back and getting a hefty pay raise.

It’s actually said Doctor Strange 2 will start filming next Spring and could shoot for as long as six months.

The info comes from the UK’s The Mirror, which also adds that Benedict Cumberbatch with be getting paid a whopping $9.57 million dollars for returning for Doctor Strange 2.

Fans of Sherlock might also have to worry as, according to the site, filming on Doctor Strange 2 may mean Benedict Cumberbatch won’t be able to film another season of the show.

According to the report, Benedict Cumberbatch received $5.36 million in total for working on the first Doctor Strange, appearing in Thor Ragnarok and his roles in The Avengers: Infinity War and The Avengers 4.

A source for the site even added that, “Benedict has become a huge player in the Marvel universe.”

Doctor Strange 2

Doctor Strange 2

Regarding whether or not Doctor Strange 2 is actually happening, this past June did see Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige confirm a sequel with mention they will do a Part 2 a number of years following the first movie. Well, the first movie was released in 2016, and Doctor Strange 2 (assuming the info is legit) would film in 2019, which fits with what Feige had to say.

Original director Scott Derrickson has also been said to be returning for Doctor Strange 2 and previously talked about ideas for the sequel.

Yeah, I have definite ideas about it, but that really is a collaborative process. I had definite ideas going into Doctor Strange, what I wanted it to do. Some of those very specifically ended up in the movie. I storyboarded the [hospital astral plane fight] before I ever got the job. You know, that was an idea and a concept and taken place with rituals, characters, and that outfit. So I guess as we discussed the story, we ended up getting rid of. So I have definite ideas, I think in the big picture of what would make the best possible Doctor Strange sequel. I hope it happens.

Benedict Cumberbatch event talked about using the MCU Illuminati for Doctor Strange 2.

“I’m excited to see where the Illuminati and whatever else might happen, how that works, and where it ends up,” Benedict Cumberbatch said in an interview back in 2016.

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