James Gunn Reveals Stan Lee Doctor Strange Alternate Scenes


Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn was actually the one to direct the Stan Lee cameo for the Doctor Strange movie.

Gunn took to Facebook to offer up that he actually filmed different scenes for Stan Lee that they didn’t use including a “Garfield” scene.

Doing my pal Scott Derrickson a solid and shooting Stan Lee’s cameo for Doctor Strange at the same time I was shooting some stunt work with Zoe Saldana – I run between sets on one soundstage. Stan laughing at The Doors of Perception was what ended up in the film, but we shot other options, such as –
– Stan reading a book and leaning into the guy next to him, saying, “Do you know what excelsior means?”
– Stan throwing his head back and laughing as hard as he can, yelling, “I’m laughing for no reason! I’m totally crazy!”
– And, my favorite, Stan laughing hysterically at a Garfield book, hooting, “He HATES Mondays but he LOVES lasagna!” Supposedly that one was in the film for a while, but it ended up being too long for the scene.
Happy Tuesday!

You can watch Stan Lee’s Doctor Strange cameo below as well.

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