Star Wars: ‘Lando’ Said To Be Still In Development With Donald Glover

Star Wars: 'Lando' Said To Be Still In Development With Donald Glover

This is another “believe it when I see it” when it comes from Lucasfilm but it’s claimed the Lando series is still in development with Donald Glover and his brother Stephen developing the series.

Lando has been in development since the release of Solo five years ago but has yet to see the light of day, which isn’t a surprise coming from Kathleen Kennedy’s Lucasfilm which has seen a number of projects announced but eventually canceled or simply forgotten.

Lando is supposed to star Donald Glover as fan-favorite Lando Calrissian who Glover played as a pansexual in the Disney Star Wars Solo movie.

Justin Simien was writing the series but recently said he has no idea what is going on with it, hence why Deadline announced Donald and Stephen Glover are developing Lando which is pretty funny and odd as the announcement comes during a time when it makes no sense as the actor and writer strikes are ongoing.

So what happened with Lando and basically all of Star Wars is that Solo tanked big time (first Star Wars movie to lose money) and along with Star Wars: The Last Jedi led to Bob Iger and Disney pulling back on Star Wars movies, and there is yet to be a Star Wars movie in development after six years (Rise of Skywalker was already announced).

To boot, Iger recently also said Disney is pulling back further on Star Wars (and Marvel), which is because of the Disney+ streaming service not being all that much of a success.

Disney recently yanked the Patty Jenkins Star Wars: Rogue Squadron movie, Damon Lindelof left his Star Wars movie, and it’s said things are a big mess at Lucasfilm, which includes Indiana Jones 5 tanking at the box office and likely losing money for Disney.

It’s even said The Acolyte series might not be released, that its director Leslye Headland has been booted from Lucasfilm, and the latest rumors about Kathleen Kennedy offer her contract won’t be renewed once it’s up in 2024.

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